Reward Yourself

What kind of schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? Supplements - What are you dusting your feeders with and what kind of schedule do you use? Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use?

Keep up with Mother Nature

Do you see your chameleon drinking? Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about. Pictures can really help as well.

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Brad Ramsey Retired Moderator. May I suggest some reading? Check out the supplements article and also the one on water first. Oh, I'm glad this question was posted, as I noticed last night that the inside of Joyce's nostrils was white, and I was worried it might mean she was getting sick. So my question on this is how I change my supplementation. I use TINY amounts when I supplement, and so far have only used the mutivitamin once in the three weeks I have had her, and the calcium with D3 has been used twice.

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I haven't used any calcium without D3 so far because the gutload I get from cricketfood. So am I overdoing the calcium within the gutloading?

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Or does it contain too many other vitamins and I need to start rotating it with other types of gutloading? Right now Joyce eats about every two days getting her big girl pants on and eating like an adult! I've ordered silkworms but they aren't here yet, and have had the local petstore also order some other feeders for me hornworms, butterworms.

I'm considering ordering flies as well, and am trying gulp to work my way up to the concept of roaches. She doesn't get much time outside right now, but has a Reptisun 5. While it looks cool, it will end up hurting your chameleon in the long run.

You could potentially keep the pump in but you would have to take it out every day and probably more often would be better and disinfecting the entire system I end up taking out the pump and using it as a catch dish for my drip system. I still need to disinfect it every day though I only have one cage. Any thoughts on using the remaining portion of the water fall as a catch basin? Dave Weldon Avid Member. Just bumping this up, as I wanted to make sure that Joyce is showing just the normal white on her nose, and not crystals I need to worry about? Wendy, I think that's just the normal white in her nose.

The inside of her nostrils.. Good thanks, just wanted to make sure I'm not messing up on her diet.

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Check out this supplement schedule as well: I've been mainly following the one on Brad's website, this one looks a little different. It seems everybody does things a little differently, it starts to get a bit confusing, so I'm just trying to keep a close eye on her and check in with the experienced keepers to make sure I'm doing things right. This forum is such a great place to get help! Im glad this came up as well because ive noticed my baby cham had that on her nose the other day. I just thought it was left over shedding because she got rid of it the same day!

I'll make sure i dont overdose my cham either!

Wait, Seriously? That Was Him? Film's Greatest Chameleon.

Thanks for the info. Thank you for this great web site. Those look like the white of her nostrils. YOu can definately tell if it is powder. As Jennifer Garner's fussy but ultimately genial boss in 13 Going On 30 , Serkis sports a posh accent, natty clothing and a ridiculously meticulous goatee.

The "Thriller" dance number may be my favorite Serkis accomplishment. That is, until he opens up the inevitable "Serkis, Serkis" casino chain. That has to happen, right? Then every night he could do impressions like Rich Little? Serkis played the violent and villainous Rigaud in the award-winning miniseries "Little Dorrit. Dickens doesn't do one-note characters and neither does Serkis.

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Serkis played the tiny role of Kasim in the TV movie "Arabian Nights," but I wanted to include this photo because I wonder how dark-skinned a character needs to be before the acceptable "bronzing" make-up becomes the wholly unacceptable "blackface. Somewhere around Raw Umber? Also, fezes are cool. Speaking of, hey it's David Tennant! Serkis played a youngish Albert Einstein pre-fright wig hair. The make-up is very subtle and I'm always impressed when biographical representations manage to imitate without replicating. Serkis employed a very light German accent and his depiction vacillates between the madness and the goofiness of the famous mathematician.

While Serkis famously depicted the titular beast of Peter Jackson's King Kong , he also made an impression as the cockney cook, Lumpy.

Drawling and cracking wise, Serkis stole every scene. I was really sorry when his character died and I'm really sorry he died in such a horrific manner. But mostly I'm really sorry I paid to see that film. Though he only appears in the flesh very briefly, Serkis made an indelible impact on the franchise, lending his voice to not only Gollum, but also various other characters including the Witch King who may or may not haunt my dreams sometimes.