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In the early s, it was estimated that up to jackals populated Bulgaria. The population increased in , and appears to have stabilised. In Greece , golden jackals are the rarest of the three wild extant canids there, having disappeared from Central Greece, Western Greece and Corfu and are now limited to discontinuous, isolated population clusters in Peloponnese , Phocis , Samos Island , Halkidiki and North-eastern Greece. Currently, the largest population cluster is located in Nestos , north-eastern Greece.

Although listed as "vulnerable" in the Red Data Book for Greek Vertebrates, the species has neither been officially declared as a game species nor as a protected one. Jackal populations have been increasing in Serbia since the late s, and occur mainly in north-eastern Serbia and lower Srem. Jackals are especially common near Negotin and Bela Palanka close to the border with Bulgaria , where during the s, about specimens were shot.

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It seems that the species continues to expand towards Central Europe. In Hungary , where they are sometimes called "reed wolves", [3] golden jackals had disappeared in the s through hunting and habitat destruction, only to return in the late s, with the first breeding pairs being detected near the southern border in Transdanubia , then between the River Danube and Tisza.

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Golden jackals have increased greatly in number year by year, with some estimates indicating that they now outnumber red foxes. The sighting of a jackal near the Austrian border in the summer of indicated that they have spread throughout the country. In the High Adriatic Hinterland, its distribution has been recently updated by Lapini et al. In these cases, the specimens were usually roaming male subadults, though a family-group was discovered in Agordino in Recently, an isolated population was confirmed in western Estonia , much further north than their common range.


Whether they were an introduced population or came through natural migration was unknown. Due to quick growth of jackal population their hunting season was extended by two months for next year, up to six months in a year. There are indications of expanding populations in Romania and the north-western Black Sea coast, and reports of decline in Turkey.

In Denmark the carcass of a roadkilled golden jackal was discovered in September near Karup in Central Jutland. The species' presence in Poland was confirmed in through a necropsy on a roadkilled male found in the northwest and camera trapping of two live specimens in the east.

lo sciacallo,scorto fra la boscaglia! - Picture of Tsavo East, Tsavo National Park East

In the Netherlands, presence of a single individual was confirmed through a camera trap at the Veluwe in A golden jackal was photographed in late in Haute-Savoie , southeastern France. Although present in Europe, jackals are rarely featured in European folklore or literature. The ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle , in 4th century BCE wrote that jackals avoid lions and dogs, but they are friendly to people, not being afraid of them.

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He also mentioned that they change appearance from summer to winter. Being a rare and elusive animal, the European jackal was historically often assumed to be an invasive species wherever it made its presence known: When in a male jackal appeared on Premuda , the islanders believed that it was brought to the island "out of a sheer malice. In , during an attempt to understand the genetic identity of the rapidly expanding jackal populations in Europe, an international team of researchers examined 15 microsatellite markers and a base-pair fragment of the mtDNA control region from the tissue samples of 97 specimens throughout Europe and Asia Minor.

Di Costanzo, Giuseppe

The results showed that European jackals have much lower haplotype diversity than those in Israel where they have admixed with dogs, grey wolves and African wolves , and that they mostly descend from populations originating from the Caucasus. The highest level of haplotype diversity was found in Peloponnesian jackals, which may represent a relict population of Europe's original golden jackals prior to their extirpation elsewhere.

Particular attention was paid to the genetics of Baltic jackals, as all Baltic states class the animal as an artificially introduced invasive species subject to extermination. It was found that jackals in Estonia originate from the south-eastern European population, whereas those in Lithuania are of Caucasian origin; this was concluded to render the hypothesis of an artificial introduction unlikely, and that their presence in both states was consistent with the natural northward expansion of both southeastern and eastern European populations.

Surveys taken in the High Adriatic Hinterland indicate that the totality of people with first hand experience of jackals hunters, game keepers and local people regularly mistook red foxes affected by sarcoptic mange or in a problematic state of moult for golden jackals.

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The sighting of a true golden jackal however, was always referred to as a wolf, or a little wolf. This was verified both with photo-trapping sessions and with track studies, confirming previous observations on this matter. This erroneous and controversial perception of the golden jackal may be due to the fact that its presence is still not traditional, neither in Italian and Slovenian human culture, nor in hunting and game keeping traditions.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. European jackal Scientific classification Kingdom: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire , [1]. Mammal Species of the World: