Nature of intelligence

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The JIC is responsible for: These support the strategic national security objectives of the UK:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 1 March Archived from the original on United Kingdom intelligence agencies. Provisional IRA mortar attack Plebgate Retrieved from " https: All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July Views Read Edit View history.

Intelligence, Defence and Diplomacy - British Policy in the Post-War World (Electronic book text)

This page was last edited on 8 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Charles Farr , Chair. This operation codenamed Blunderhead , which was initiated only following Soviet approval, ended in disaster as British agent Ronald Seth who parachuted into Estonia in defected to the Germans and agreed to work for the Abwehr and later the SD. The British decision not to pursue covert intelligence operations against the Soviet Union was part of a change in attitude by the British towards their new Soviet allies that was designed to warm relations between the two states in wartime.

It was thought that covert operations, if discovered, could lead to a possible collapse in the wartime alliance. The Foreign Office ban on all direct work against the Soviets meant that any request for covert intelligence gathering inside the Soviet sphere of influence was dismissed by SIS. In early the Foreign Office placed on record its doubt that any intelligence of sufficient value and importance could be secured in Moscow to warrant the risks being taken to secure it.

By war with Nazi Germany seemed inevitable to the civil servants in the Foreign Office who were acutely aware that there was a lack of intelligence gathering and propaganda capabilities. The Foreign Office staff was already fully extended in dealing with normal peace-time diplomatic activities and there was a real fear that the Foreign Office political intelligence services would become overwhelmed in wartime.

Leeper and Toynbee agreed that, in the event of war, a large team of international affairs experts from the RIIA aka Chatham House and the universities would operate as an independent information and intelligence section for the Foreign Office. Toynbee recruited eminent specialists in history and international affairs to his staff. The FRPS would soon employ staff, eleven of which were professors whose salaries were paid by Oxford University, twenty-three worked as paid research assistants, twenty-four as volunteer researchers and seventy-four as assistants and clerical staff.

Toynbee was driven by a strong belief that the study of history could prove useful in the formulation of rational policies for the British government to follow in wartime. Historians of the Second World War have erroneously assumed that due to censorship the Nazi and Nazi-occupied press contained nothing of value.

Joint Intelligence Committee (United Kingdom)

With the greater part of Europe under enemy occupation, and many of the few surviving neutrals isolated from us Britain by belts of occupied territory, the problem of obtaining information from Germany and the countries she has occupied becomes more and more difficult to resolve. Hence the almost unprecedented significance of the European press as the only source today which provides regular information daily of conditions and developments in Germany and occupied territory.

It is often objected that the German and occupied press contains nothing of interest, as it is subjected to the strictest possible censorship and would not be exported if it contained anything of use for the enemy. Experience has proved the opposite.

  1. Overview of the Collection.
  2. Current students.
  3. Paul McGarr - The University of Nottingham?
  4. On the Right of Exclusion: Law, Ethics and Immigration Policy.
  5. 1st Edition.

While revelations of great significance are seldom to be found, the sum total of material available, if scientifically read and treated, often provides a remarkably revealing and coherent picture of the conditions in occupied territories. Moreover the press of the few surviving neutral states, especially those whose frontiers are contiguous with Germany, often contains most useful indications of the trend of opinion in Germany itself.

Joint Intelligence Committee (United Kingdom) - Wikipedia

It was Eden who had requested the formation of the SPRB in September , another sign of his regard for this type of intelligence gathering. One may ask the question why has the importance of OSINT in wartime gone so little commented on by historians? It is my belief that the answer lies in the appeal of covert intelligence and espionage operations.

This remarkable oversight needs to be rectified or history runs the risk of giving a false narrative. Although some German Enigma traffic was read from the Eastern Front by Bletchley Park this intelligence was largely of a military nature and often misleading.

The Work Of A Nation. The Center of Intelligence.

OSINT on the other hand provided the only source of regular daily information of events behind the front in the civilian ruled areas. For those in Whitehall this was an invaluable source of intelligence which allowed them to formulate policy, particularly post-war planning, in the full knowledge of the current economic and social conditions prevalent in Eastern Europe.

OSINT also provided vital information which could be used in the formulation of post-war criminal trials, for example at various stages OSINT provided evidence of civilian slave labour, Jewish persecution and Nazi Germanization activities.