Original lyrics describe the wonder of seeing the world through the eyes of a child. Original humorous lyric chides the USDA for failing to consider chocolate a fundamental dietary necessity. Original humorous lyric describes the fickleness of popcorn. I Hear a River 3: For SATB and piano. Hebrew and English text setting of Pirkei Avot 4: Song of Song 2: A mini-drama portraying a humorous albeit revisionist take on the biblical David and Goliath story. Original lyrics have been adapted so that the production is apropos for Jewish and non-Jewish groups.
Probably appropriate for pre-teens. While he sharply disagreed with Breslav Chasidim, to the extent that he prohibited eating meat which they slaughtered, he was still written by Breslav chasidim among "names of the tzadikim". Good condition, light wear at corners, pages cut close to text. Likutei Moharan — Lemberg.
The title page states it was printed in which cannot be correct for Rebbe Nachman lived until and in the title page it refers to Rabbi Nachman as "may his memory be for all eternity". Regarding this edition, there is a difference of opinion as to whether it was printed in Lemberg or in Koretz as well as what year it was printed. Rosenthal, Yode'ah Sefer and Tzedner all write Koretz Part I [1] 91 leaves; Part II: Thick quality paper, Good condition.
Cloth binding not original. The book contains approbation from Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berdichov and others. Fair to good condition. Not original binding Regarding the editions of Teshu'ot Chen see: Ya'ari, The Hebrew print in Berditchov. Kiryat Sefer, , page Saraf Pri Etz Chaim — Chernowitz The book Saraf Pri Etz Chaim — kabalistic commentaries and glosses to the book "Etz Chaim" as well as additional writings of the Arizal. Author was among the Ba'al Shem Tov's younger disciples. Was also disciple of his in-law, Rabbi Yechiel Michel of Zlochov. Owners' signatures, ink-stamp of the "kloiz" of Hosiatin Chasidim in city of Przemysl.
Many tears on title-page. First pages are creased. Yochanan Mendel Asherowitz, and more; ink-stamps of owners. Minchat Eliezer Responsa, Munkacz, Novellae and responsa on Yoreh Deah, second part of Machaneh Chaim responsa [? Various conditions; some are missing title pages. Contains several glosses written by Rabbi Friedman, and some earlier ones.
Handwritten name of owner. By Rabbi Israel of Chartkov, Vienna, Altogether 11 books in 7 volumes. Various sizes and conditions, good and fair through very good. Ten Books of Chasidut. Fourth part only — on the book of Bamidbar. Collection of Books on Mussar and Chasidut. Binding and first and last pages are in poor condition. Moth holes, tears, and very damaged cover. All printed in Warsaw. Facsimile of Pietrekov edition from Biography of Sochachover Rebbe.
Altogether nine books in four volumes. Four Books of Chasidut. Part One, on Bereshit. No binding, heavy moth stains. Owners' ink-stamps and much handwriting. Much moth damage on binding. Collection of Chabad Books.
Picture of King David on title-page. Altogether 4 books of vayious sizes and conditions. Collection of Books of Tanya, printed in Sinai and Lebanon. Likuti Amarim — Tanya. Nine copies from s and s, published by the Chabad Mobile Print Van in various places: A monthly on matters of Torat Yisrael in the spirit of Chabad with blessing of the Rebbe of Lubavitch.
Before title page there is a handwritten dedication: Part of issue II is detached and torn at margins, with damage to text. Raziel HaMalach — Mezibuzh, Kabalistic work dealing with astronomy, creation of the world, names of the angels, prayers, amulets and spirits. This book is well-known for its value as a "segula". Even just keeping it in the home has been tried and proven as a means of protection from harm; particularly from fire. Professionally repaired damage on title-page and on several other pages. Some of the last page is a photocopy.
Tur Bareket — Amsterdam Sefer Tur Bareket, Amsterdam First edition laws of Passover — second edition. Rabbi Chaim HaCohen "drew from the fountain" of his illustrious teacher, Rabbi Chaim Kalibriz, who in turn was a disciple of the Arizal. Good condition, slight moth damage, restorations on last page. Most leaves are printed on high-quality, light paper, and some are on very dark paper.
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On leaf of 1st copy, there is an interesting kabalistic gloss concerning Purim, beginning with words "and my master the Ari…" - Shaar Ratzon with Passover Haggada pages missing. Copy 2 leaf 4 — signature of Rabbi Chizkiya Refael Chaim Elfandari among Jerusalem's sages; his signature appeared together with that of the Chida in — see enclosed material.
Both copies are in fair-poor condition, and many pages are missing. Damaged by moths and time; no covers. Ya'ari , Otzar HaHaggadot MB CD listing Benayahu's article, Michael No. Avodat HaTammid Siddur — Glosses. Avodat HaTammid Siddur, containing three daily prayers; and commentary, concise laws and kabalistic commentaries, by Rabbi Elisha Chavilio, Livorno []. Leaf 69 B bears inscription and owner's signature: Many glosses in same handwriting, commentaries based on codes, etc. Beginning and end are missing , begins on leaf 65 and ends on leaf Midrash Tehilim — Constantinople Last page contains colophon with year of print.
Several comments and inscriptions in handwriting. Title-page has a big tear, professionally restored. Pages have stains and professionally restored damages. Chidushei HaRashba — Gittin — Venice Venice, , Daniel Bomberg print. Some pages are stained; some are damaged and professionally restored. Pirkei Eliyahu BiKlalim — Basel, Pirkei Eliyahu — Hebrew grammar book, in format of concise rules, with nikkud. Introduction and Latin translation facing Hebrew page for page.
Printer's symbol on title-page. Glosses and comments in Latin handwriting from Stains on first pages. This Machzor is with the customs practiced by the Jewish community of Rome. Many signs of words being deleted by the Christian censorship. Condition is not consistent; most pages are in excellent condition with slight stains from usage. Page 67 was inserted from a different copy and is in poor to fair condition.
There is damage and staining to last pages but no damage to the text. Illustrations on title page are slightly cropped. New binding with a parchment spine. On other copies of this Machzor, some of which have the name of the author, see Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item number Approximately 20 books were printed in Bologna and this Machzor is one of the later ones printed there.
Responsa of the HaRan — Rome Most of the pages are on very clear paper. Restoration done on title page and several other pages. Leshon Limudim — Constantinople — Glosses and Signatures. Leshon Limudim's subject matter is on grammar and writing poetry authored by Rabbi David Yichya in Constantinople A faded signature and stamp of Rabbi Avraham Ezriel. There are many glosses [some are cropped or damaged]. Above some glosses there appears 2 "Alefs" which seem to refer to Aba, father of Huna Y. In one of the glosses it states "as I wrote in the Sefer HaMichlol".
Moth holes and stains. Restoration to title page. Tshuvot HaRav the Rivash — Constantinople, Constantinople, , Eliezer Soncino Print. The Rivash was born in Spain in and died in Algeria in His master was Rabbi Nissim bar Reuven — the Ran. This book is one of the foremost books of responsa written by Rishonim. It was printed in pamphlets and distributed on Shabbat in synagogue, as was tradition in Constantinople in that time. Some of Constantinople's rabbis were opposed to this custom, and it was a topic for halachic debate among the rabbis.
Ya'ari, the Hebrew Print in Constantinople, Jerusalem , page , no. Several old glosses and corrections appear inside the book. The index is not in place. Some leaves are missing, altogether there are leaves out of The first leaf of the indexes is a facsimile and the leaf preceding it is taken from a different copy. Thick, high-quality paper, wide margins, most of the leaves are white and clean. The title-page has been professionally restored.
There are dark stains on the last leaves, and some are reinforced by paper. Four leaves have moth holes. Several years ago, the title-page of this work was discovered in a private collection: Based on this page its photograph is included , the book was listed in MB CD as no. Now an additional page of the book is revealed to us, dealing with roots of words from the Tanach. Every root is analyzed at length, together with sharp refutations of the Radak's understandings of the roots, contained in Sefer HaShorashim.
Rare discovery of unknown work from 16th cebtury. One page, 34 cm. Only one side is printed [probably a proof page, or last page printed of unfinished book]. Fair-poor condition; professionally restored moth and time damages, damages also to text. Talmud Yerushalmi — Cracow Cracow , 2nd Edition. At the beginning of Zra'im there is the main title page for the Talmud. Each of the other parts Mo'ed, Nashim and Nezikin has its own title page.
Printed as 2 columns per leaf with and additional column with commentary edited by Rabbi David ben Menashe of Cracow aka Rabbi David Darshan. On the title page there is a signature of previous owner: On the page before Sede Mo'ed are lengthy handwritten inscriptions. In some pages the margins are cropped, no damage to the text. Restored damage caused by stains. Professional restoration on title page and a number of other pages. Cardboard binding with cloth. Introductions and philosophic principals, explanation of terms from Maimonides' Guide to the Perplexed, and commentary.
Title-page is in illuminated frame. Half of the title-page is professionally restored with omission on other side. Top margins of some pages are cut off. Cremona, [], Vicenzo Conty Print. Commentary on the Torah, simple explanations and novellae on portions by Ashkenazi and Sephardic sages. Title-page in illuminated frame. Few moth-holes and restored damages. Faded ink-stamp on bottom of title-page. Small hole and professionally-restored tear on title-page.
Commentary on Rashi — Venice A previous owner's signature by Shalom Anavi, probably Rabbi Shalom Anavi of the sages and wealthy members of the community of Kushta. Damage to the margins and restored moth holes. Printed by Daniel ben Cornelio Adel Kind. Page 2 has a signature of [E]Lisha Galiko. Numerous glosses with rich content some cropped on pages 4 and 13 written in Italian.
It appears that this book was written by a family member f Rabbi Elisha Galiko. Rabbi Elisha Galiko circa — circa was of the greatest sages and leaders of the Safed community. He was born in Italy and moved to Safed in the year Margins on select pages have been restored. Sha'arei Dura, known as Issur VeHetter, laws of ritual salting, kashrut of animals, laws of nidda, and more. By Rabbi Yitzchak of Dura. Venice, [], Vittorio Eliano printing. This second edition adds commentary, questions and answers, and comparisons to other books, as well as introduction by Rabbi Menachem ben R' Ya'akov HaCohen Raf"a.
Top of title-page has a very antique owner's signature, in Italian handwriting. Book contains short Hebrew and Latin glosses; last page contains inscription in Latin. Moth damage, stained by rust and water, slightly worn cover. The second half is Choshen Mishpat includes its own title page the end is missing 6 pages. Stains and damage from humidity. Folding marks on all the trimming. Yemenite leather binding torn and partially detached.
One the title-page there is a 'flag' of the printer, and inside there are illuminated titles. Cut-off edges with damage to heading "Shir HaShirim". Professionally restored moth damages throughout book, with slight damage to text. The introduction is written by Rabbi Gershon, son of Rabbi Simcha of the house of Kitzgin, a student of the author. Rabbi Gershon is the one who actually printed the book. Damage to the upper portion of the first few pages and pages have minimal damage to the text. Title page is in good condition, few stains. Cardboard binding slight tear to spine.
Commentary on Rashi — Venice, — Signature of the Charif. Abridged edition of the book Imrei Shefer, printed in Lublin, The Maharnash, a descendant of Rashi, wrote this book, which deals exclusively with the teachings of his grandfather. Body of book contains engravings of Menorah and Hebrew map of Eretz Israel. He traveled to Europe, Constantinople, and Vienna, on behalf of community in Jerusalem. In Vienna, he was given an audience with King Franz Joseph the first. In he was appointed as Rabbi of Hebron, where he served until his death in Good condition, several stains, ink-stamps.
Moth damages and restored tear on title-page. Tractates Nezikin, Kodshim and Taharot, with Kaf Nachat commentary, which briefly explains the words and ideas. By Rabbi Yitzchak Gabbai, Venice Second edition of commentary first printed in Venice, Includes owner's signatures and several pages of writing, in Oriental Yemenite? Includes handwritten daily learning program of Bible and Mishnayot, for yearly completion. Inscription of birth, year Includes several handwritten glosses. Fair condition, moth damages and water stains. Very old dark leather cover, decorated. Worn and slightly damaged.
Cover filled with old handwritten papers - not examined. Kessef Mezukak, homiletic literature on the Torah. Another signature is that of Avraham Azriel of the sages if Jerusalem. Fair to poor condition. Serious damage to the margins of the 1st few pages. Title page is in fair condition. Einei Avraham — Amsterdam Special title pages for different sections of the book. Moth holes in the middle of the book. Rinat Dodim — Basel, Talmud. Rabbi Elyahu Ba'al Shem of Luantz learned in the yeshiva of the Maharal of Prague, and was involved in the study of kabala and writing amulets.
He arrived in Basel after leaving his community in Frankfurt am Main, and published this book because "when something is written in a book, it is as if it has been spoken to thousands and myriads". Several signatures and ink-stamps of owners on the title-page and at the end of the book, and several notes in the body of the book. All leaves are stained by moisture. Restored tears on edges of most leaves.
Unoriginal binding, slightly detached.
Yismechu hashamayim [F#m]
Ketuba — USA, Ketuba printed on either side of the page in black and golden ink, Hebrew and English. Stains, torn corners and creases. Byington's Chart of Jewish National History. Chart of Jewish history, with names of leaders and kings, from Avraham's entry into the Promised Land through the time of the Romans. Includes names of books of Tanach from Bereshit through Nechemia.
Single leaf, 31x32 cm, folded inside hard binding. Binding is stained and worn. A note with the donor's name is attached. Siddur according to the Polish rite, with English translation facing Hebrew. Page contains prayer for welfare of the country and its government. The English version states in brackets the prayer is "for the Rulers of the U. Imitation-ivory cover with buckle. At the beginning of the booklet, there is a plate with a photograph of the synagogue.
Following that are prayer selections, lighting of the Ner Tamid, and hakafot. Hebrew and English facing each other. The cover is only in English. Large moisture stain on the top half of the pages. Bound with a thread — torn at edges and on folding mark on spine. Zmirot U-Tfilot Yisrael — Boston, Divided according to topic: Mincha, Hallel, Ma'ariv, Shacharit etc.
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English book's title is written in Hebrew on title-page. Hebrew words in English letters. XII, [], pages, 22 cm. Original loose cover, torn on spine. Birkat Yosef — New York, Includes family tree of Rabbi Zack, and his wonderful stories of our holy patriarchs…". The first title-page and the leaf before it are detached. Binding is loose and slightly detached. Ohel Yosef response — New York — Variant.
In the introduction there is a letter of approbation from HaAderet "Rabbi of the Kollel" in Jerusalem. Before the 1st title page there appears a dedication to a Bar Mitzvah and a signature of previous owner. Slight damage to the margins of the binding. Some are torn or missing binding.
Collection of calling cards of rabbis and clergy ritual slaughterers, circumcisers, cantors and more in the US. Also includes inscriptions, printed items and documents from the US. He traveled to the USA in , in order to establish his business in printing and in selling books of the Vilna Ga'on. Over 90 calling cards, most of which are written on in his handwriting. See more about Rabbi Eliyahu and his many activities in item and item Zoology of Holy Scriptures — London, Hierozoicon Sive bipertitum opus de Animalibus sacrae scripturae, Samuele Bocharto.
Two volumes of in-depth encyclopedic study on animals in the Middle East, based on the bible and scriptures. Latin, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and other Semite languages. Few illustrations and relief with portrait of author. Two columns on each page. Volume A — 4 leaves, 1 plate, 44 leaves, columns, 64 leaves; Volume B — 4 leaves, columns, 56 leaves, Several stains; fine, original leather bindings, damaged on corners, margins and spine.
Commentaries and sermons; with references to the community and its life. This is the first book printed by Jews in London. Owner's name is written on title-page. Main text is Hebrew facing Latin translation. Last page is missing. Hebrew and English handwritten dedication from on the inner side of the cover. Perach Newspaper — Calcutta, — Consecutive Issues. Every volume contains 50 consecutive issues. First year, , first issue is photocopied; second year, ; Third year — issue 12 is missing; fourth year, ; fifth year, ; sixth year, ; seventh year, ; eighth year, ; ninth year, ; tenth year, ; eleventh year, - issues 16,19 are missing.
Only 42 issues were printed in Issue 41 is missing title-page and one leaf. Perach newspaper was published from summer of through winter of , which means all issues are present, with exception of several. The newspaper was published every Friday and featured news from all over the world, nevertheless, its main aim was serving the community. Therefore, the first page was usually dedicated to announcements of birth, bris milah, marriage, death etc. Perach introduced the idea of serials. From the 14th issue of the third year and onwards, usually bi-weekly, there was a supplement called Alei HaPerach — Special News about the Jews.
The newspaper's language is Arabic, in Hebrew letters and Rashi script, with some Hebrew. Many issues have moth-holes, sometimes with damage to text. Some issues have torn leaves or omissions, usually professionally restored. Generally in good-very good condition. Mevaser Yisrael — Shanghai, Four volumes, numbered according to year, of Mevaser Yisrael newspaper. Third volume, issues , April through April Fourth volume, issues , April through April Issue 24 of 6th volume, issues 1, of seventh volume, issues , 7 of 8th volume, Issues , of 9th volume, issues 10,12 of 10th volume, issues 1,3 of 11th volume, Mevaser Yisrael newspaper was the official newspaper of the Zionist Association in Shanghai, and was, according to its own definition, "faithful to the interests of Far East Jewry and Judaism".
First published in During the first years, several issues were published monthly. Later, publication went down to one monthly issue. Passover Haggadah — Yosef Budko — Shanghai, Passover Haggadah illustrated by Yosef Budko. Printed by the Talmud Torah, Shanghai, []. Facsimile of the Vienna-Berlin edition, Last leaf and back cover are missing. Chidushei HaRamban on Tractate Yevamot. Printed in Mir Yeshiva, [Shanghai ].
Spine is torn and stained. Hebrew and Arabic in Hebrew letters. Penned inscription on title-page. The book Chukat HaPesach. Ya'ari , Otzar Hahaggadot Worn pages with slight tears. Marathi translation by Yosef Yecheskel Raghpurcher. Marathi, with some Hebrew, and English title-page. Songs for holidays and Shabbat. Two volumes in unoriginal cardboard case. Volume A from smaller contains David Solomon's signature at end, Volume B from has 5 leaves of corrections at end according toYa'ari.
Unoriginal bindings and case. Passover Haggadah with Arabic Sherach, according to custom of Baghdad and environs. Moth holes, unoriginal binding. Translated to Marathi by Yosef Yecheskel Raghpurcher. Title-page as well as first and last pages are damaged. Chakhayat of Moshe Rabeinu — Lithograph from Bombay. Chakhayat of Moshe Rabeinu. Lithographic printing of handwritten copy of Arabic-Jewish composition on the life of Moshe Rabeinu.
Very good condition, stained by time. Fine leather cover, illuminated with gold. Refrains to be said after reading the Megillah on Purim. Besimana Tava — for Havdalah after Shabbat Kodesh. Refrains to be said before Ata Her'eta. Published by Yefe Nof, Parur, Hebrew, English, and Malayalam. All items in lithographic print. From on of the Arab countries, []. Titles and few words in Hebrew, remainder is in Arabic. Dry paper with slight cracks. Bottom-left corner is damaged throughout.

Targama Gama — Slichot prayers. Slichot for the month of Elul, Sephardic. Persian in Hebrew letters, and some Hebrew. Torn and loose binding, partially detached pages. Chaim Tovim Machzor for Yom Kippur. According to Baghdadi tradition, with additions; also includes laws pertinent for every Jew. Pirkei Avoth with Arabic sherach according to Baghdadi tradition. Hebrew followed by Arabic translation in Hebrew letters after each Mishna.
Second leaf contains handwritten inscription from Slight moth holes, worn and restored binding. Arranged by Rabbi Yosef Chaim. This book was published in the life-time of the Ben ish Chai. Blue cover paper cover, with faded writing. Moth holes and creased cover. Preserved in cardboard box. Shana Chadasha, also by Rabbi Yosef Chaim. Both books contain laws in both Arabic and Hebrew.
Does not appear in Ya'ari. Fine copy with gilded edges. Binding has purple cloth with buckles. Inner part of binding is restored. Tefillat Yisrael prayer book, Prague, Bound in fine red leather with golden illuminations, bearing inscription: Und VII bezirk in Wien. Before title-page there is a leaf printed in Gold ink, with room to write a bar mitzvah dedication. This copy is dedicated to Siegfried Neuman. VII, pages, 11 cm. Preserved in original cardboard case. Blessing to be said on the new moon, Schlesinger Print, Vienna, year of print not noted.
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Torn pages, pasted together unprofessionally. Kuntress Drashot HaRim — Vienna, Sermon given by writer in synagogue of Raznitov, Galicia, on Shabbat Shuva In plain paper cover with few tears and creases. A list of old books which are in Rabbi Yosef Schlesinger's bookshop. A list of names of books, authors, places of print and date of publishing. Folding marks to pages' edges. Tears in the spine. Vienna, around mid 19th century. Single leaf printed on both sides with list of books printed by Anton Schmid in Vienna, from beginning through middle of 19th century.
Folding marks, creases, tears with slight omissions and creased edges. Second volume in a series published by National Library of Vienna. The bibliography listing is in German, with Hebrew quotations. At the end of the book there are enclosed sevenplates out of the original nine with photocopies of manuscripts. XX, leaves, [7] charts out of original [9], 41 cm.
Some of the leaves are loose. Charts are missing, but their copy is present. Keren HaTorah Pamphlet — Vienna, The pamphlet contains an overview of Lithuanian yeshivot, several letters from the Chafetz Chaim, Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzansky and more, as well as overview of income, expenses etc. Large tears on the spine and inner margins of all leaves. The picture-plate is torn. Ode to Caesar Franz Joseph the First.
Printed in Prague, in the second half of the 19th century. Single leaf printed on one side, Ownership inscription on cover page: Buchbaum's article, Moria magazine, , pages Stamp in Latin letters: Fair condition, moth damages on last pages. About various editions of Chut HaShani, see Prof. Shpeigel's essay, HaMaayan, 47, 2, Tevet , pages , and 3, Nissan , pages Sefer Goralot — Giessen, Sefer Goralot, ascribed to Rabbi Sa'adia Gaon.
One of the eight Hebrew books published in Giessen. Tears on first and last leaf. Paper is glued to title-page for reinforcement. Poems written in Hebrew and translated into German. Very good condition, Original leather cover with damages. About Jewish Customs — Amsterdam, Book about Jewish customs, with four folded plates depicting Jewish customs chalitza, brit milah, wedding , including costume, objects etc.
Two parts in one volume. Emek Binyamin — Amsterdam, Also published as part of Sefer Orot HaMitzvot. Rabbi Binyamin Brandon of Amsterdam asks the opinion of Rabbi Aharon Lidishma of Surinam South America regarding inheritance, this is the first instance where we find a question addressed from a European rabbi to a Rabbi in America. Sefer HaZohar — Amsterdam, Page for page copying of the Mantova edition, with missing parts made up from Constantinople print.
Original leather cover, clean white paper. Kabalistic meanings of the Hebrew alphabet. Owner's signature on title-page. Tractate Ta'anit with Rashi and Tosafot commentary. Includes 5 photographs and blueprint of thee building. The synagogue was destroyed and burnt on Nov.
Tears on edges and where the leaves connect; the last leaf and the back cover are almost entirely detached. Synagogues in Germany — Four Books. Book marking th anniversary of synagogue in Hamburg. With photo of synagogue's interior and exterior, as well as founders' photos. Tribute marking jubilee of Munich's synagogue. Fsetschrift zur einweihung der Synagoge in Stuttgart.
Booklet in honor of inauguration of Stuttgart synagogue. Frankfurt am Main, Published by German Museum of Architecture. Book of wide content, featuring many blueprints and photographs. Kol Mussar — Mantova, Fifty poems on holy and mundane topics: Divine justice, for fasting day, parable for the diligent and lazy, reproach for the drunk, and more. The title of each poem is in an illuminated frame, and also illustrations of sun and "wheel". High-quality paper with wide margins. Parchment cover from period of print, with stains. Two Rare books of songs printed in Mantova, with impressive illustrations: Sonnet by Menchem Katzigin.
Letter to Rabbi Yosef Chaim Katzigin from the author. Shmuel Chaim Yitzchaki List of contrived names, no. Last page bears signature of Menashe Yisrael Good condition, quality paper with restored damage to edges, new cardboard cover. Margaliot Tovot — Venice, Includes prayers to be said by preachers, doctors, fathers for their sons, mohels, prayers for livelihood, for the acceptance of all prayers, and also, at the end of each chapter, a prayer suited to that chapter.
The words Mashiach Naggid which allude to the Hebrew date appear in several books, and are connected to the "revelation" of the false messiah Shabtai Tzvi — See about this in Areshet 3 — pages , and in enclosed material. Good condition, stains, restored tears on cover page. The book Tefteh Aruch and the book Eden Aruch. With signatures and ownership inscriptions. Very good condition, stains, slightly loose half-leather cover, tears on spine.
Published in many editions. These are the second and third editions. Yemei Temimim — Venice, Biographies, eulogies, odes in honor of, and wording on tombstones of "the two great luminaries, [Rabbi] Refael Natan Finkreli [disciple of Rabbi Moshe Zechut] and his son [Rabbi] Chizkiyahu Aharon Finkreli" 11 [should be 17] leaves, Nine Books and Pamphlets in Italian. Lecture about Moses Mendelsohn, Padova, Orazioni du per ordinazioni Rabbiniche del professore Lelio Della Torre.
Speech Delivered in Rabbinical College, Padova, Orazione funebre per le solenni esequie, Rabbino maggiore David Samuel Pardo. Regolamento organico della Comunione Israelitica di Verona.
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Laws of Jewish community of Verona, Un miscuglio opuscolo per Aron Luzzatto. Collection of Sayings from bible, Trieste, La luce sermon, auspicando le nozze di mio figlio Moise colla siganorina Eugenia Todros. HaOr — Booklet in honor of Todros wedding. Il salterio Ebraico Italianizato, Libro secondo.
Yosef Vintori, Verona, I vasellamenti sacri e gli arredi del tabernacolo d'Israele, di Henry William Soltan. Items are all in good condition. Some have stains, tears and creases. About Jewish Customs — Paris, Ceremonies et Coustumes… parmy les Juifs, Richard Simon. Italian translation by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modina. About Jewish customs and ceremonies. Etching with picture before title-page.
Two partially detached leaves. Antique and worn leather binding. Special copy with extra-wide margins between 5 and 8 cm. Stained; first pages damaged at margins' edges, professionally restored.
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Very few copies were printed in Lineville, France, and only between Halacha Berura — Metz Sefer Refuat HaNefesh, prayers and supplications for the ill and to be said at deathbed, Elyakim ben Ya'akov of Komarna. On the last two pages there is handwritten "Tziduk HaDin" prayer said at funerals. Many stains, cut-off edges, missing binding. Nichnas Yayin — Constantinople, Study-selections from the Bible, Mishna, Talmud, Midrashim, and Zohar, for one to learn on his seventieth birthday, together with prayers to be said before and after learning.
Good condition, slight stains, moth holes, original loose cover. Chessed Ne'urim, Adolf Gestetner. Sermon by Gestetner, notary and trusty in Raab community, delivered in honor of his son's bar mitzvah. German, Hungarian and some Hebrew. Ohalei Shem — Pinsk The book Ohalei Shem — names and addresses of rabbis around the world. Shmuel Noach Gottlieb of Pinsk. Front cover and first 47 pages are detached. Books printed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Name of city is spelled differently, in Hebrew, in each copy — and even referred to as "Bonne Zeret". With photographs of author and of his handwriting.
Beit Yisrael Responsa on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch. First edition book was given to print before the War, but was actually only printed in Ownership inscription and self- dedication. Bencher from celebration marking the 60th anniversary of Agudat Israel — Printed by Jewish Institutes of Education in Argentina. Tales of Tzaddikim in Yiddish — Collection of Books.
Collection of Yiddish books and booklets, mostly stories of tzaddikim and chassidim. Ma'asiyot Nifla'ot by Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz.