Brit large: UK picks ‘author’ as its dream job

Education, has made an important stride in this colony British Guiana by encouraging Gardening in schools, but much of its success will depend on the attitude of parents and teachers to this subject. Teachers will have to soil their hands along with their pupils in order to stress the dignity of labour and awaken interest in the potential providers of the future. Agriculture should also be made compulsory in the curriculum of Secondary Schools. If right sense of values is cultivated, and pupils could become so interested that they will begin their own little kitchen garden at home, we can be sure that British Guiana will produce a stronger, more self reliant and better citizen for the future.

April 30, at June 10, at 5: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You think writing’s a dream job? It’s more like a horror film

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. Search for articles Search for: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Suddenly an extraordinary physical sensation came over me: My hand followed a kinesthetic route taking notes that would eventually be typeset onto newspaper and distributed to thousands of readers.

I was nothing more and nothing less than a channel through which information was transmitted. I was performing a necessary task, contributing to the community in which I lived. Go ahead, laugh—but I felt close to heroic. One day I answered the office phone to an anonymous caller reporting on a cross-burning in front of a house purchased by a mixed-race couple about 15 miles away in Phoenecia.

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I immediately started calling around for more information. In my young naivete—I was barely 30—I questioned cops, realtors, and shopkeepers as casually as I might ask what they thought of the new ambulance.

  1. Piano Solos Book 5: Hal Leonard Student Piano Library.
  2. End Game (The Phenomenon Trilogy Book 3).
  3. Guérir lAlzheimer!: Manifeste hors poncifs (French Edition).
  4. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Planbook.

Late that night I got a call at home. Consider this a friendly warning. I hung up and sat by the phone, dazed. I supposed these things happened, but nothing like it had ever happened to me , so it did seem like a television show. For the next few days I went about my life, the call never far from my thoughts. It is one of the things I regret having done, or not done, in my life.

ILLUSTRATIVE VID: Teaching--The Noble Profession

She too promptly forgot about it. To this day I frequently think about that cross and my inaction. The incident looms large in the narrative of my life.

Not only do I regret dropping the ball for the moral lapse it represents, but I sometimes wonder, had I followed the story and exposed the Klan, would my career have benefitted? Or been hailed far and wide for my bravery! Offered a job with the New York Times! I do not lightly set this down here for the world to read.

A simple conclusion: Medicine is a truly noble profession | columns | Hindustan Times

Why, I asked myself, should I publicly announce that when the shit hit the fan I turned tail and ran? I failed to live up to my principles. Maybe I just wanted to say that I still believe in the nobility of journalism. Despite some of the terrible things done in its name, newspaper and online reporting is one of the few real sources of People Power, a rare avenue of Truth.