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I am one spirit with God and I abide in Him always.

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I have the mind of Jesus Christ and the wisdom of God flows in me and through me. I tread upon serpents and scorpions and I exercise righteous authority over all the power of the enemy. Nothing shall by any means hurt me. I am skilled in the word of righteousness and I call things that be not as though they were.

I will not fear what man or spirit can do unto me because no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Any tongue that rises against me in judgment shall be condemned. The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ covers my spirit, soul and body, and has sanctified me and separated me from the world, the flesh and the devil.

I not only have my senses exercised to discern both good and evil, but I aggressively come against the kingdom of darkness and spoil every plot and scheme satan has waged against me and those around me. I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.

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  • Spiritual warfare.
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I will not be distracted from doing the will of God, and I will not stray to the left hand or to the right. I have sound judgment and discretion and I refuse to be deceived by satan in any way. My mind is sharp and my spirit is keenly sensitive to disturbances in the spirit realm. I watch and pray and prevent evil from taking place because the Holy Spirit shows me things to come. I am equipped with spiritual armor and weaponry and I am never caught off guard by the wicked one.

In this work Gurnall stressed the place of reading Scripture, prayer and the name of Christ. In the American revival tradition among evangelicals , prominent preachers such as D. Moody , Billy Sunday , R.

Christian Living Series Volume 3: Spiritual Warfare Pt2

Torrey and Billy Graham have all affirmed their belief in the existence of the demonic and had occasions to recount some of their own spiritual warfare encounters. During the late twentieth century, evangelical writers such as Mark Bubeck and Merrill Unger presented their theological and pastoral response to demonic phenomena. The problem of demon possession and spiritual warfare became the subject of a Christian Medical Association symposium that was held in This symposium brought together a range of evangelical scholars in biblical studies, theology, psychology, anthropology, and missiology see Montgomery, Demon Possession.

One of the very significant German writers is the Lutheran Kurt E. Koch whose work has influenced much of both evangelical and charismatic thought in the late twentieth century.

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The impact of his ideas has been recently examined by the folklore specialist Bill Ellis. Spiritual warfare has become a prominent feature in Pentecostal traditions. The concept is well embedded in Pentecostal history, particularly through Jessie Penn-Lewis 's book War on the Saints arising from the Welsh Revival in the early twentieth century. However, Jessie Penn-Lewis preaches a very different kind of spiritual warfare than that preached by the third-wave Charismatic movement of today—notably C.

Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs. Marcus Haggard, and Missionary Norman Parish, who have emphasized using the power of the blood of Christ in the deliverance ministry. Spiritual warfare has been applied to spiritual growth in holiness , or what is technically called sanctification. A preacher may discern that parishioners are experiencing obstacles in their faith, prayer life and general spiritual well-being.

That process of discernment may yield an awareness of spiritual oppression caused by a combination of personal sin and demonic influence. The obstacles are then removed through prayer, delivering a parishioner from demonic possession, and breaking down false beliefs about God.

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Ed Murphy is the author of a modern page tome on the subject from the point of view of deliverance ministry entitled The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare. Learn to Fight from Victory, Not for Victory where the author, Pedro Okoro espouses the notion of fighting from victory, not for victory. He teaches believers to stop struggling with the devil, and instead to start enforcing their authority as believers in Christ.

According to the Christian Science Monitor , "C.

DVD-Spiritual Warfare, Vol. 3

Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are engaged in a "spiritual, theocratic warfare" against false teachings and wicked spirit forces they say try to impede them in their preaching work. If the wolfish foes draw wrong conclusions from our maneuvers to outwit them, no harm has been done to them by the harmless sheep, innocent in their motives as doves.

In evangelism and worldwide Christian missions , former missionaries such as Charles Kraft and C. Peter Wagner have emphasized problems with demonic influences on the world mission fields and the need to drive demons out. Robert Guelich of Fuller Theological Seminary has questioned the extent to which spiritual warfare has shifted from its basic moorings from being a metaphor for the Christian life. He underlines how spiritual warfare has evolved into "spiritual combat" techniques for Christians to seek power over demons. Guelich argues that Paul's writings in the Epistle to the Ephesians are focused on proclaiming the peace of God and nowhere specify any techniques for battling demons.

He also finds that the novels of Frank Peretti are seriously at odds with both the gospel narratives on demons and Pauline teaching. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio streamed directly from their servers. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and have been given dominion to win every battle!

Once you see yourself the way God sees you, His power can flow through you unhindered. In Spiritual Warfare Vol. Bill Winston shifts your thinking to help you: Bill Winston encourages you to bring your faith to another dimension by whole-heartedly trusting in God. Bring faith to its fullness by exercising the Word, and tap into God wants you to continually increase and have more influence so that those around you will want to follow you and Lighting the Fire of Faith is hosted by Drs.

Bill and Veronica Winston. This set includes both evening and daytime sessions, of powerful prophetic teaching on increasing your faith in every area of your life—family, business, ministry, finances, health, and more! The Word of God constantly reminds us of the importance of living by faith.

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Have you ever wondered how to really live day-by-day and moment-by-moment by faith? Bill Winston shows you how to live a life full of faith and victory in Christ. Learn why faith worketh by lov But, unless you understand both faith and time, you will not understand the supernatural—and in doing so you will fail to see miracles.

In this series, Dr. Bill Winston teaches that God expects faith not to be an event, but a lifestyle. Faith is necessary to move into the supernatural! Do you have faith in the Anointing of God on your life? In this four-part teaching series The Greater Works, Dr. Bill Winston equips you with the knowledge and understanding of your unlimited potential through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Bill Winston Ministries | Prayer Call Center

Learn how to place a demand on the Anointing for wisdom, opportunity, protection and more. As a believer, the power of God resides in you and will bring you into a high-performance level that only God can enable. In this dynamic two-part teaching, Dr. Bill Winston reminds you that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is present in these last days to fully equip you to fulfill your destiny. You are a sign and a wonder!