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His jaw was still healing and wired, so we had to be careful about how it was touched. He would fight, scream, cry, bite and draw blood. Finally, after a couple days of this, we asked different people for suggestions and we went to our vet for some syringes, crushed the pill, mixed it in with yogurt, PRAYED he liked it and success! I think we all cried with relief! Gremmy even came to check on me in the mornings while I was getting ready for work, he would peek around the corner or pace outside the bathroom.

I finally moved a bed right outside the door and that is where he laid in the mornings while I was getting ready … and to this day, he still does. He even started to rub up against my legs like a cat when he wanted to be close to me — in thanks, or just to be near me. In those first few weeks we saw a precious boy who just wanted to be loved emerge … yet the nagging question of who would hurt him was always in the back of our minds. He had stopped eating his kibble, as well as his favorite special treats which he loves, he started rubbing his face in the grass and we were afraid he was in pain, so we scheduled a check-up just to be sure he was okay.

We were both nervous and anxious. His condition was so bad that his case was documented. Dirty, huge matted knots on his face and he looked like he had never been groomed before.

Gremmy’s Story

But we saw our boy peeking out from underneath it all. As I read, the words seemed to jump off of the page:. On cursory examination, this dog has significant evidence of an extreme lack of basic hygiene care for a long period of time, months and possibly years. This dog was extremely reactive to human contact and was difficult to be safely handled.

Comprehensive examination required general anesthesia. Once anesthetized, this dog was found to be suffering from a chronic ear infection, chronic pain secondary to the matting on the body, and a chronically fractured jaw of unknown cause. While sedated, we were able to shave this dog head to toe to relieve the pain from chronic mats, clean and apply a single treatment to his ears, and extract the few diseased teeth caused from his chronically fractured jaw.

At this time, we are uncertain if the fractured jaw will ever be repairable. We are contacting specialists about recommendations for possible surgical repair of this chronic fracture. This type of reaction is rarely seen in dogs raised in human environments. The antisocial behavior in this dog resembles that of puppy mills dogs that have lived in a cage devoid of all positive human contact.

Sadly, due to the living conditions this dog has endured, he is highly reactive to any human contact and at this time, it is uncertain if this dog is able to be rehabilitated to become a household pet. We will be recommending that this dog undergo long term rehabilitation with the highly experienced non-profit group National Mill Dog Rescue based out of Colorado. I wanted to throw up. WHO hurts defenseless animals? Is it any wonder he acts like he does?! Who hurt our boy?! His doctor decided we would make another appointment at the bigger office with their best x-ray machine to x-ray his jaw to see if it was healing correctly if at all , x-ray his back since he kind of walks like a gorilla indicating he might have some back pain.

All this they would do while he was under general sedation as to not stress him out — as he displays time and time again, he does NOT like being handled or touched above his shoulders. He did prescribe Gremmy some antibiotics for his chin where the wires from his broken jaw protruded, as that was a little red, and we also decided to try some pain medication for his possible back pain and we would see how he does.

I took the day off and we all headed down to Colorado Springs where the surgery would be performed. Gremmy spent all day there and the wires in his jaw were removed and his spine was x-rayed. It was determined that his jaw was as healed as it was going to get without having to have major surgery which would include bone grafts. He can eat just fine and he has good scar tissue bond so we decided to leave it be. His back has major calcified discs from his T — L area and most likely from trauma.

The vet said some discs could possibly slip in the future, making him unable to walk, but is not really concerned about them right now. We just have to be careful about him jumping off the bed, with stairs, etc. He was back to eating his kibble and amazing things started to happen — he walked up to the SIX year old for butt scratches we were shocked! First time we had seen him do that since that day months ago at the kennel. But after the wires were removed, his demeanor was different. The combination of adding pain medication and getting the wires out of his jaw helped tremendously!

He is a precious boy! It was an easy decision. Although he still has to be handled with care we often tote him around town in a pet stroller for the safety of others since they immediately want to stroke his head or pick him up without asking , still takes his daily medication with yogurt and pain medication on bad days, and has to be sedated and put under general anesthesia for his grooming, he has come SO far and he is very happy!!

Rescued Puppy Mill Dogs Get a Second Chance

We celebrate every little milestone … recently it was learning to go up the stairs, unassisted. His physical injuries and psychological scars are enough for us to know that it was way too much for any living creature to have to endure. We have been in touch with the veterinarian who did his neglect summary; we like to keep her up to date and let her know how he is doing. No jail time, no fines. When I read that email there was that familiar feeling creeping up from my toes.

When I went to bed that night I cried huge, weeping, ugly sobs for Gremmy. She is not worth my tears. Instead, I use it as motivation for the voiceless, the abused, the suffering. After all, that is the least I can do for Gremmy and those animals like him.

WE are their voice. If you see abuse or neglect — report it, say something. Gremmy went to the Rainbow Bridge on February 4, and his mom wrote the following post on his Facebook page: We told him that as much as we love him and love having him here, it was okay to leave us.

But oh, how hard it is to say goodbye to such a precious spirit as Gremmy.

We are shattered beyond description. This is the third time NMDR has run his story in a year and a half, and each time it ran we would be asked about a page. I was reluctant for different reasons, but decided that it was our job to speak for him and his brothers as well , tell his story, and bring awareness to the mistreatment of animals. When I started this page Gremmy had just been diagnosed and we were optimistic that he would respond to his medication regimen and this post would not be necessary anytime soon.

We took him back to the vet yesterday where we were given our options. This morning when we got up, it was obvious that he had had enough and he told us he was done. He had done enough fighting in his short 6 years, and his fighting is over. We wanted him to be able to help animals in the future that might be fighting the same thing.

our mission is kindness

By the time we got back home, our vet had called with preliminary results from CSU. Gremmy had the most severe case of hydrocephalus buildup of fluid on the brain he had ever seen. They do not know what caused this yet, these results are pending. Thank you to Michelle, who first made the call to NMDR and blessed our life with this 10 pounds of spunk. He would have not made it as far as he did without you!!

We are forever indebted to you and love you for what you did and what you continue to do for those precious lives you save. I will not let the almost 5 years of abuse and torture he suffered through win. We will continue to bring to light mistreatment of animals and help in whatever way we can and we hope you will fight with us. For now, please understand we need to mourn our loss.

Thank you for being there for us, and for Gremmy. I know he felt your love and prayers. That little baby was tortured, these people will have to account for that. Just sorry it did not occur on earth. I love him and will never forget him and his story. I thank all of you in his family for the loving care you have to him and your all are heroes in my book.

I can never get through it without crying. It just breaks my heart the abuse this poor sweet pup suffered. Thank you all for loving him, caring for him; letting him know love. God Bless you All! How could Anyone hurt a poor little guy like this? My heart bleeds for all abused animals, big and little. I am so saddened by this whole story, and am grateful at the same time that Gremmy was loved and new love at the end.

I had not heard your story prior to opening this FBook post, and it breaks my heart; what a sweet and innocent face. I am learning more and more about mills and the cruelty they represent. I will work tirelessly until they are no longer allowed to operate, and I will educate everyone I meet. Thank you for sharing Gremmy with all of us — Rest in Peace little one. We are glad that it has moved you!

Having two Rescues, I know the emotions you feel.

Today I'm a Monster

The challenges, the miracles and most of all, the love you feel once these precious fur babies trust you. God Bless Gremmy and now your pain has ended. You found love, trust and devotion in the last few years you had left. That was a blessing for sure. You deserved that so much. I am thankful you found your wonderful family, who were devoted to you so much. They loved you unconditionally.

Thank you for being his family and giving him the love and wonderful life he had towards the end. You people are wonderful people and God Bless you. I hope you are having a wonderful time now, Gremmy playing with all the dogs in doggy heaven. You are special for sure. My prayers are with Gremmy and his family.

Gremmys life story is one I will never forget anytime soon. Gremmy you at peace now and you will never hurt again. Love, Mary Ann Gardner. Reading what happened to Gremmy turns my stomach in knots. It actually makes me feel nauseated. WHY do people obtain dogs or cats and then treat them like crap??

Why would people chain a dog in the back yard??? Why obtain an animal, and then not feed it?? Such a darling little guy and such evil that put him in that condition. Thanks to the Angels on earth that help and adopt these furbabies. It touches a special place in my heart! Beautiful little boy endured so much. I am so sorry he had to go through all he did. Bless you for the love and care you gave him. May he rest in peace. I believe his suffering will not be in vain. I believe his story will be the guiding light that will spur us on to make sure we rid the world of puppy mills, and never stop speaking out and fighting for those who have no voice.

Gremmy, you were a gift from God. Your story will never be forgotten…you are now free from pain, Rest in Peace little Gremmy…. Carol, thank you for your kind words. That is what we are hoping his story does — inspires others to act! God bless your family for the love and respect you gave this little dog. The story of Gremmy has just broken my heart.

It is so hard to believe anyone could hurt precious animals like Gremmy. I will do anything to help get a law passed getting rid of all puppy mills. Just think of all the animals born into this situation just to suffer like Gremmy did. There must be something that can be done. RIP sweet little Gremmy!!!!!!

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And thanks to you and your family for showing Gremmy such love during his last days. Ann, thank you for your kind words.

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I could not read with out the tears flowing. I hate to see an animal suffer that can not speak up for them selves. They are just babies and so much of Gods creatures. Subscribe to SLJ Newsletters. You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled. Exclusive video library and multimedia content. Full, searchable archives of more than , reviews and thousands of articles. Research reports, data analysis, white papers, and expert opinion. Passwords must include at least 8 characters. Please try your entry again. Your password must include at least three of these elements: Join our global community of more than , librarians and educators.

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Lily's Story - National Mill Dog Rescue

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