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The E-mail message field is required. She has done volunteer English teaching In North, Central and South America and acted as an informal English teachers aid at the mere age of 15 in Slovakia. Michaela speaks fluent English and Slovak. She can converse comfortably in Czech and has a c2 proficiency level in Spanish and French. Dilly was born in Italy, where she obtained a degree in Cultural and Linguistic Mediation in in order to become a translator of Academic English and Mandarin as well.

She has been doing that since in Europe, where she taught people of any age, including children with learning difficulties. Being a lover of ballet, She truly believes that movement and languages are a good mix: Jenine is Australian born though thinks of herself as a citizen of the world.

Jenine has a background in Media, producing film and video work before teaching video at The Scots College, Belleview Hill.

Jenine has also been a volunteer teacher at The Asylum Seekers Centre. He loves the excitement of Elementary and the grammar of Advanced, though is currently focusing on Cambridge courses. He has experience in private classes for examination purposes and is an AMEP volunteer for Mission Australia and The Smith Family and enjoys teaching students how to teach themselves out-of-classroom. After graduating he travelled to Japan and learnt about the need and importance for English and English language teachers within the global market.

He is currently teaching the English for General Purposes at intermediate level. Despite his short experience in the classroom, he demonstrates the qualities of being an excellent teacher through his firm but kind approach. General English — all levels. English first language , French.

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Bruce understands the academic world: Bruce also believes that learning should be fun. His fast-paced lessons on essay writing, researching a topic, note-taking, listening to lectures, making classroom presentations and debating are always lively and enjoyable. You will also learn confidence and the ability to make friends easily, important skills in a competitive university or college environment. I am knowledgeable and have experience teaching all levels of General English, Business English, Phonics and Pronunciation. Lisa Santos was born in Australia. During her years at univeristy, Lisa studied a year in Madrid, Spain and learned the language.

During this time Lisa worked for Canterbury English as an English Tutor where she worked mostly with children. During her years as a teacher, Lisa has been responsible for designing tests, syllabuses and organising excursions. To be intelligent isn't measured by what you know, but how much you strive to know.

Alex Cowell grew up in Wollongong, Australia a divine place of beaches, surfers, mountains and hang gliders. After travelling overseas post-high school, including two years studying and working in Massachusetts, USA, he graduated from the University of Wollongong with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Politics. He passed through many industries on his road to ESL teaching: She has received awards for her academic achievements. She also has substantial experience in providing private tuition to students of all ages and abilities.

She has helped to run courses in debating and public speaking in the different schools where she worked. Karolina is an experienced, positive and cheerful English teacher. She began her teaching career in in Poland where she taught English to adult students across the range of levels.

The Scots College, Sydney Australia

She was responsible for designing teaching materials and personalised language courses for General English and Business English courses. In she moved to China where she worked for two years as an English Teacher in two language schools in Chengdu. During that time, she worked with students of different ages and levels.

After moving to Australia in June , she joined Scots English College where she has an opportunity to do what she loves - working with international students.

The Scots College in Spain By Ma

She aims to provide them with the best possible English education within a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Skip to main content. Our Team Our Teachers. Mr Brett Elphick Born into convict ancestry, Brett can trace his family roots back many generations in Australia. Ms Daisy Daisy is a passionate English teacher with 10 years experience in teaching English to international students. Ms Sally Cullen Sally has spent most of her adult life travelling and living abroad.