The recommendations included in this consensus can be a useful tool for improving the quality of life of multiple sclerosis patients, as they enable improved diagnosis and treatment of spasticity. Community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: Severity criteria for community-acquired pneumonia CAP have always excluded patients with human immunodeficiency virus HIV infection. Overall, cases were included, with an attributable mortality of 9. The Grupo Andaluz para el estudio de las Enfermedades Infecciosas.
A prospective, multicenter study was carried out over a period of 10 months. All patients with clinically significant bacteremia caused by Enterococcus spp. The epidemiological, microbiological, clinical, and prognostic features and the relationship of these features to the presence of high-level resistance to gentamicin HLRG were studied.
The multivariate analysis selected chronic renal failure, intensive care unit stay, previous use of antimicrobial agents, and Enterococcus faecalis species as the independent risk factors that influenced the development of HLRG. The strains with HLRG showed lower levels of susceptibility to penicillin and ciprofloxacin. Clinical features except for chronic renal failure were similar in both groups of patients. Hemodynamic compromise, inappropriate antimicrobial therapy, and mechanical ventilation were revealed in the multivariate analysis to be the independent risk factors for mortality.
Prolonged hospitalization was associated with the nosocomial acquisition of bacteremia and polymicrobial infections. Dietary habits and cardiovascular risk in the Spanish population: The cross-sectional study was performed in two stages in and in 43 primary care clinics.
One thousand two hundred people 'with cardiovascular risk' and 'without risk' answered a food frequency questionnaire. Significant increases in vitamin C, retinol, lycopenes, beta-cryptoxanthin and vitamin E intakes were found. Vitamin A, alpha-carotenoid and lutein intakes decreased.
Vitamin B 12 , B 6 and folic acid intakes increased in people with cardiovascular risk, whereas only the last two increased in the control group. Calcium, iron, and zinc intake increased in both groups, but magnesium and selenium intake increased only in people at risk. Antioxidant vitamins and vitamin B 12 , B 6 and folic acid intakes seem to be adequate in the adult Spanish population, no significant differences appear regarding their cardiovascular risk status.
Vitamin A, B 1 and zinc intakes are not appropriate. Likewise, in this analysis we offer specific recommendations, based on evidence, for the best anti-TNF-alfa management. Prospective evaluation of fever of unknown origin in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Grupo Andaluz para el Estudio de las Enfermedades Infecciosas. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and aetiology of fever of unknown origin FUO in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus HIV , to assess the value of the tests used in its diagnosis, and to evaluate possible models of diagnosis for the causes found most frequently.
One hundred twenty-eight 3. The most useful diagnostic tests were liver biopsy It is not possible to predict clinically the cases of FUO due to tuberculosis, whilst thrombocytopaenia Postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans. Se buscaron los siguientes datos: Por el contrario, In this work, the GERG equation of state based on a multi-fluid approximation explicit in the reduced Helmholtz energy is compared with the predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong group contribution method. In the analysis, both equations of state are compared by simulating a non-isothermal transient flow of natural gas and mixed hydrogen-natural gas in pipelines.
Besides the flow conditions also linepack-energy and energy consumption of the compressor station are computed. The gas flow is described by a set of partial differential equations resulting from the conservation of mass, momentum and energy. A pipeline section of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline on Polish territory has been selected for the case study. Streptococcus agalactiae SGB es causa de infecciones severas en menores de tres meses. Sin embargo, actualmente se han detectado cepas con sensibilidad disminuida a penicilina por lo que resulta importante realizar la vigilancia de la sensibilidad al mismo para asegurar su utilidad durante la profilaxis.
See the World on the Internet: Ideas por padres de jovenes lectores y exploradores. Regardless of whether a parent has Internet access at home, it is essential that parents learn with their children and be aware of where their travels on the Internet are taking them. Many libraries have Internet workshops for parents or children or both. In the excitement of looking at sites, children may not even realize they are reading. Medicinal ethnobotany in Huacareta Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Se obtuvieron reportes de casos tratados en el Hospital de Huacareta para poder relacionar el tratamiento de enfermedades recurrentes en la zona entre la medicina tradicional y la medicina occidental.
Los remedios vegetales se emplean en forma de infusiones y cocciones principalmente. Observando los datos del libro de consultas del Hospital, se puede inferir que los des. Chronic kidney disease CKD and type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM are highly prevalent chronic diseases, which represent an important public health problem and require a multidisciplinary management. T2DM is the main cause of CKD and it also causes a significant comorbidity with regard to non-diabetic nephropathy. Patients with diabetes and kidney disease represent a special risk group as they have higher morbi-mortality as well as higher risk of hypoglycemia than diabetic individuals with a normal kidney function.
The current consensus report aims to ease the appropriate selection and dosage of antidiabetic treatments as well as the establishment of safety objectives of glycemic control in patients with CKD. Regular consumption of fish reduces cardiovascular risks. Here, we investigate if the consumption of products with mackerel Scomber scombrus with 8. Subjects maintained a week diet with products with mackerel. The population consisted of 58 senior subjects 12 withdrawals, 25 women , aged Twenty-three senior subjects 13 women on a regular diet were used as the control group Group B.
A continuous follow-up and a final evaluation were performed to determine the level of consumption. Plasma samples were stored at degrees C for a biochemical study. Endothelial function was analysed by reactive hyperemia with a mercury strain gauge plethysmography with measurement of blood flow in the forearm, both baseline and at the end of the week diet.
Endothelium-dependent vasodilatation significantly increased in Group A subjects P [Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with bacteriemia. Bacteremia is a complex clinical syndrome in constant transformation that is an important, growing cause of morbidity and mortality. Even though there is a great deal of specific information about bacteremia, few comprehensive reviews integrate this information with a practical AIM.
The main objective of these Guidelines, which target hospital physicians, is to improve the clinical care provided to patients with bacteremia by integrating blood culture results with clinical data, and optimizing the use of diagnostic procedures and antimicrobial testing.
The document is structured into sections that cover the epidemiology and etiology of bacteremia, stratified according to the various patient populations, and the diagnostic work-up, therapy, and follow-up of patients with bacteremia. Diagnostic and therapeutic decisions are presented as recommendations based on the grade of available scientific evidence. Doxycycline-rifampin versus doxycycline-streptomycin in treatment of human brucellosis due to Brucella melitensis. Brucellosis is a common zoonosis in many parts of the world; the best regimen for the treatment of brucellosis has not been clearly determined.
We have carried out a multicenter, open, controlled trial in five general hospitals in Spain to compare the efficacy and safety of doxycycline and rifampin DR versus doxycycline and streptomycin DS for the treatment of human brucellosis. The study included ambulatory or hospitalized patients with acute brucellosis, without endocarditis or neurobrucellosis. We conclude that a doxycycline-and-rifampin regimen is less effective than the doxycycline-and-streptomycin regimen in patients with acute brucellosis.
Bacteremia and endocarditis due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA are prevalent and clinically important. The rise in MRSA bacteremia and endocarditis is related with the increasing use of venous catheters and other vascular procedures. Glycopeptides have been the reference drugs for treating these infections.
The development of new antibiotics, such as linezolid and daptomycin, and the promise of future compounds dalvabancin, ceftobiprole and telavancin may change the expectatives in this field. The principal aim of this consensus document was to formulate several recommendations to improve the outcome of MRSA bacteremia and endocarditis, based on the latest reported scientific evidence.
This document specifically analyzes the approach for three clinical situations: This Spanish-language manual was developed to train Peace Corps volunteers and other community health workers in Spanish-speaking countries in oral rehydration therapy ORT and the control of diarrheal diseases. Using a competency-based format, the manual contains three training modules organized in seven sessions that focus on interrelated…. Jovenes con Discapacidades y Enfermedades Cronicas: Una Guia Introductoria para Joyenes y Padres.
An Introductory Guide for Youth and Parents. This bibliography covers a wide range of issues related to the needs of adolescents and young adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities and their families. For each item in the bibliography, information provided includes author, title, source, date, and abstract. Price information is given when available. Materials include books, audiotapes,…. The miniature and low-power devices with long service life in hard operating conditions like the Carbon beta-decay energy converters indeed as eternal resource for integrated MEMS and NEMS are considered.
This is based on the silicon carbide obtaining by self-organizing mono 3C-SiC endotaxy on the Si substrate. The new idea is the C atoms including in molecules in the silicon carbide porous structure by this technology, which will increase the efficiency of the converter due to the greater intensity of electron-hole pairs generation rate in the space charge region. The synthesis of C can be also performed by using the electronically controlled magneto-optic chamber.
Examples of such methods are sexual abstinence, which though recognized as an effective method of prevention is difficult for many women to achieve. Mutual fidelity is another option, but many women cannot control the sexual behavior of their partners. Finally, the male condom continues to be an available method of HIV prevention for sexually active people. However, in many places, gender inequality, social norms, and economic disparities severely limit women's capacity to negotiate the use of a condom with their partner. Although they have a high level of acceptance among the female population, the majority of microbicides are still in clinical studies, requiring further evaluation for their safe use in humans.
There are 3 microbicides in the final phases of clinical studies that will soon be available on the market.
- Ricki-ticki-tim (German Edition).
- Doing Justice to Justice: Competing Frameworks of Interpretation in Christian Social Ethics.
- BTOOOM!, Vol. 5!
- Crafty Mama: Makes 49 Fast, Fabulous, Foolproof (Baby & Toddler) Projects.
- .
Abuso sexual por parte de los empleados del colegio Sexual Misconduct by School Employees. This digest in Spanish defines sexual misconduct and offers guidelines that school boards and administrators can initiate to protect students from unwanted sexual behavior. The law recognizes two types of sexual misconduct: The educational theory and practice of the Escuela Modern Modern School movement of the Spanish educator Francisco Ferrer, born in , are discussed.
Two fundamental tendencies of the movement are child-centered education and education in didactic terms. The arrival of a newborn requires a great deal of adjustment. Intended for new and expectant parents, this booklet and companion video provide practical advice and hands-on demonstrations of the essentials of mother and baby care, from birth to the first visit to the pediatrician.
The first part of the booklet, which comes in both English- and…. Inversion gravimetrica 3D por tecnicas de evolucion: Aplicacion a la Isla de Fuerteventura. The rampant success of quantum theory is the result of applications of the 'new' quantum mechanics of Schrodinger and Heisenberg , the Feynman-Schwinger-Tomonaga Quantum Electro-dynamics , the electro-weak theory of Salaam, Weinberg, and Glashow , and Quantum Chromodynamics ; in fact, this success of 'the' quantum theory has depended on a continuous stream of brilliant and quite disparate mathematical formulations.
In this carefully concealed ferment there lie plenty of unresolved difficulties, simply because in churning out fabulously accurate calculational tools there has been no sensible explanation of all that is going on. It is even argued that such an understanding is nothing to do with physics. A long-standing and famous illustration of this is the paradoxical thought-experiment of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen Fundamental to all quantum theories, and also their paradoxes, is the location of sub-microscopic objects; or, rather, that the specification of such a location is fraught with mathematical inconsistency.
This project encompasses a detailed, critical survey of the tangled history of Position within quantum theories. The first step is to show that, contrary to appearances, canonical quantum mechanics has only a vague notion of locality. After analysing a number of previous attempts at a 'relativistic quantum mechanics', two lines of thought are considered in detail.
The first is the work of Wan and students, which is shown to be no real improvement on the iisu. The second is based on an idea of Dirac's - using backwards-in-time light-cones as the hypersurface in space-time. There remain considerable difficulties in the way of producing a consistent scheme here. To keep things nicely stirred up, the author then proposes his own approach - an adaptation of Feynman's QED propagators. This new approach is distinguished from Feynman's since the propagator or Green's function is not obtained by Feynman's rule.
The type of equation solved is also different: To make the consideration of locality more precise, some results of Fourier transform theory are presented in a form that is directly applicable.
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Somewhat away from the main thrust of the thesis, there is also an attempt to explain, the manner in which quantum effects disappear as the number of particles increases in such things as experimental realisations of the EPR and de Broglie thought experiments. Mortalidade em florestas de Pinus palustris causada por tempestade de raios. The importance of lightning as an ignition source for the fire driven Pinus palustris ecosystem is widely recognized.
Lightning also impacts this system on a smaller scale by causing individual tree mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the level of mortality due to lightning activity at the Department of Energy's Savannah L2 prepositions are traditionally taught in a non-explanatory manner by having students learn each use individually. This study examines the effectiveness of an alternative explanatory approach based on cognitive linguistics, which considers the multiple uses of a preposition as related.
Consequently, learners can be shown a general schema that…. Latina Mothers' Understandings of College Readiness. In this study, data from six focus groups with 30 Latina mothers in South Texas were analyzed utilizing a "funds of knowledge" approach to uncover their understandings of college readiness and their role in ensuring their children are college ready.
Findings indicate that Latina mothers perceived college readiness in a holistic fashion,…. Reproductive ovarian testing and the alphabet soup of diagnoses: There are large variations in the number of oocytes within each woman, and biologically, the total quantity is at its maximum before the woman is born.
Scientific knowledge is limited about factors controlling the oocyte pool and how to measure it. Within fertility clinics, there is no uniform agreement on the diagnostic criteria for each common measure of ovarian reserve in women, and thus, studies often conflict. Key clinical features of DOR are the presence of regular menstrual periods and abnormal-but-not-postmenopausal ovarian reserve test results.
A common clinical challenge is counseling patients with conflicting ovarian reserve test results.

The clinical diagnosis of DOR and the interpretation of ovarian reserve testing are complicated by changing lab testing options and processing for anti-mullerian hormone since Further, complicating the diagnostic and research scenario is the existence of other distinct yet related clinical terms, specifically premature ovarian failure, primary ovarian insufficiency, poor ovarian response, and functional ovarian reserve. The similarities and differences between the definitions of DOR with each of these four terms are reviewed. We recommend greater medical community involvement in terminology decisions, and the addition of DOR-specific medical subject-heading search terms.
Policy options for responding to the growing challenge from obesity Por Grow in Poland. To explore the perspectives of stakeholders towards a range of policy options to respond to obesity in Poland, a multi-criteria mapping method was used. During structured interviews, stakeholders were invited to appraise policy options by reference to criteria of their own choosing. They also provided relative weightings to their criteria, generating overall rankings of the policy options in relation to each other. Efficacy, feasibility and societal benefits were the groups of criteria deemed most important.
There was most consensus in favour of options related to health education, particularly in schools, compared with options that aimed at modifying the environment to prevent obesity, i. There was little support for technological solutions or institutional reforms.
There was broad consensus that to reverse the rising trend in the incidence of obesity, it will be necessary to implement a portfolio of measures, but options related to behaviour change through education are most highly regarded. It will also be necessary to invest in improved surveillance and monitoring of Polish dietary practices, levels of physical activity and obesity in terms of data on height, weight and body mass indexes.
Niedenzuella stannea a sodium monofluoroacetate-containing plant cause of sudden death in cattle in southern Mato Grosso State. This study describes the toxicity and clinical and pathological findings of experimental poisoning by N. Fruits, mature leaves and young leaves of the pla Los participantes reflejaron niveles moderados de prejuicio y distancia social DS hacia las personas gays y lesbianas.
The destruction of food by different organisms is described and methods of preventing this destruction are outlined and compared with the radiation method. A survey is made of the various sources available for food processing. Presented completely in Spanish and intended for elementary level students, this book offers 12 writing ideas and several suggestions on how students can make a book using their writing.
Each writing idea is presented with a brief description addressed to the student , several examples of student writing, and a blank page on which to write. Presents a theoretical proposal of a methodology for the teaching of probability theory. Discusses the importance of the epistemological approach of Lakatos and the perspective of the conceptual change. Concludes that significant differences on all…. The transport of proteins at the cell surface of Bacteroidetes depends on a secretory apparatus known as type IX secretion system T9SS.
This machine is responsible for the cell surface exposition of various proteins, such as adhesins, required for gliding motility in Flavobacterium, S-layer components in Tannerella forsythia, and tooth tissue-degrading enzymes in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. Although a number of subunits of the T9SS have been identified, we lack details on the architecture of this secretion apparatus.
Here we provide evidence that five of the genes encoding the core complex of the T9SS are co-transcribed and that the gene products are distributed in the cell envelope. Protein-protein interaction studies then revealed that these proteins oligomerize and interact through a dense network of contacts. Luchando por una educacion: Through the data obtained from the four qualitative open-ended survey questions, a content analysis revealed specific codes, themes, and subthemes addressing the factors and resources that motivate….
Sociodemographic factors and health conditions associated with the resilience of people with chronic diseases: Los participantes con enfermedad renal presentaron menor resiliencia que personas con diabetes. Bartonellosis o Enfermedad de Carrion, nuevos aspectos de una vieja enfermedad. Lima, Peru Malqui, V. Regarding Critical Care of the Burn Patient: The First 48 Hours. Spain; and Critical Care Department What is the biliary tract? La fuente de datos es la Encuesta de Gasto de Bolsillo en Medicamentos de Que hay de nuevo acerca de la inmersion?
This discussion briefly surveys the development of the immersion method of second language teaching, outlining the central program strategies and characteristics using Curtain's and Pesola's descriptions. An overview of recent research focuses on error correction and feedback studies as an example of pedagogical-methodological evolution in this…. The efficiency of the chemical separation and the purity of the two radioisotopes is controlled by gamma spectroscopy and bidetermination of the half lives. Evaluacion de que consister y por que se lleva acabo? What Does it Consist of, and for What Purpose?
A guide is presented for the evaluation of the bilingual programs in the Austin, Texas, Independent School District. The reasons for an evaluation and a definition of program objectives and evaluation instruments are given. The program components, objectives and evaluation instruments for each grade level K-4 are listed. Astronomy education at all levels has been an issue addressed by the International Astronomical Union as part of its plan.
The content on astronomical topics are in the curriculum at primary and secondary levels worldwide. Being a cross-discipline, astronomy is also a science that allows to introduce students to the study of the nature in a non-confrontational way: The International Astronomical Union, through its Commission on Education and Development of Astronomy, has implemented, sponsored and carried out over the past five years two special programs, one about didactics of astronomy for teachers of middle level and another one for the transmission of astronomical topics for the disabled.
In this presentation, achievements and impact of these programs are shared. PM significa material particulado. Pneumococcal infections are important for their morbidity and economic burden, but there is no economical data from adults patients in Chile.
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Estimate direct medical costs of bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia among adult patients hospitalized in a general hospital and to evaluate the sensitivity of ICD 10 discharge codes to capture infections from this pathogen. Data were collected from 59 patients admitted during , mean age Charges were higher in CCU p En otras palabras: Perfeccionamiento del espanol por medio de la traduccion In Other Words: Perfecting Spanish Language Skills through Translation. This publication, written primarily in Spanish, is an activity book designed to teach Spanish through translation based on the theory that, in order to produce an acceptable translation, students must focus their attention on lexical and grammatical detail.
The book combines incisive grammar explanations, relevant lexical information, and a wide…. Radiostrontium Contamination During the Year Contamination of plants and subsequently of milk indicates the route of fall-out. Padres Trabajando por la Paz: This paper reports the results of a randomized trial to test the effectiveness of a theoretically derived intervention designed to increase parental monitoring among Hispanic parents of middle school students. Role model story newsletters developed through the process of Intervention Mapping were mailed to half of a subsample of parents whose children participated in Students for Peace, a comprehensive violence prevention program.
These newsletters are a population-based strategy for intervention with parents that show some promise for comprehensive school-based interventions for youth. Como ayudar a los padres a prevenir el envenenamiento por plomo Helping Parents Prevent Lead Poisoning. Children are at greater risk than adults for lead poisoning because children absorb lead more readily than adults, and a small amount of lead in children's bodies can do a great deal of harm.
This Spanish-language Digest summarizes some of the causes and effects of childhood lead poisoning and suggests some lead poisoning prevention strategies…. Disponibilidade de nutrientes na fitomassa produzida por cultivares de milho Zea mays L. Macronutrient uptake, accumulation, and exportation can be affected by corn genetic selection.
Ten corn varieties divided into pa By means of Circular Restricted Three Body Problem Saturn--Iapetus, we analize potential impact distributions on the surface of Iapetus, originated from considering a low-energy population generated as remnants of a collisional event occurred in the past on the surface of this satellite. The results are analized in order to offer a new approach to explain the origin of the albedo dichotomy observed on Iapetus.
The mechanism of sedimentation is first briefly described, and then the factors involved in the calculation of the dimensions and the sedimentation velocity are discussed. The Cloe and Clevenger method and the Kynch method were investigated experimentally and compared. The application of the calculations are illustrated.
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It is shown that the two methods gave markedly different results. Why So Many and Why Now? Otros arbovirus, como Mayaro y el virus de la encefalitis equina del este han aumentado su actividad y se han encontrado en nuevas regiones. Se han documentado cambios en la patogenicidad de algunos virus que conducen a enfermedades inesperadas. For Permissions, please email: Orange rust of sugarcane, an emerging disease: Sugarcane orange rust, caused by Puccinia kuehnii, was first detected in Florida in , the first for Western Hemisphere. Subsequently, it has spread to the majority of sugarcane producing countries in the hemisphere.
Orange rust is distinguished from brown rust its pustule size which is slightl Latino men bear a disproportionate burden of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. However, limited behavioral lifestyle intervention research has focused on Latino men. This trial compares two approaches to weight loss for overweight and obese Latino men: These findings have real word applicability with value to clinicians, patients, and other decision makers considering effective diabetes prevention programs for Latino men in primary care.
Caring for Alzheimer's Patients. This manual is intended for caregivers of homebound patients with Alzheimer's disease and others who are mentally impaired. It deals with the nature of Alzheimer's, the decline in a patient's abilities, information about available services, and legal and financial issues. The manual provides guidance and suggestions to lessen the daily stress…. Congenital transmission of Chagas disease now occurs in areas where the disease is non-endemic, and also from one generation to another. According to epidemiological data from Latin America, the prevalence of the disease in pregnant women is 0.
The treatment of pregnant women could also have an impact on the control of the disease. This article has been prepared following the recommendations suggested by a group of experts in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Gynaecology and Paediatrics. Social support of adults and elderly with chronic kidney disease on dialysis.
La media total de encuestados fue de Potential Mechanisms of Pathogenesis. Guillermo Comach and Dr. Naval Medical Research Instaitue. Naval Medical Research Institsaae Derachmeint. National Biocontainment Training Center. Estudio retrospectivo de 40 pacientes operados consecutivamente entre el y Se incluyeron pacientes con lumbalgia o dolor radicular por enfermedad degenerativa discal, espondilolistesis grado 1 y 2, hernia discal recurrente y estenosis receso-foraminales. Las complicaciones fueron documentadas de acuerdo a su gravedad en 4 grados.
La escala de ODI preoperatoria promedio fue de In the current context of increased life expectancy and progressive aging of the population a very significant increase in the number of people with cognitive impairment and dementia is expected. Consequently, Spain will face an enormous social and health problem in the next decades. The working group consisted of an Advisory Committee of 5 national experts and a Committee of Experts from each region made up of professionals in the field of Neurology, Geriatrics, Psychiatry, and Primary Care, as well as representatives of Family Associations of People with Alzheimer's and other dementias.
The Expert Committee of each region held meetings in which the current situation of care was reviewed. Plans available in Spain for dementia management are mostly obsolete or have not been implemented. Prevention and early detection activities are generally not carried out. There is great variability of care process that patients must follow for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of the disease, and not all diagnostic test are available in different regions.
In general, resources are considered scarce and unknown. Furthermore, the study has revealed that, in Spain, the necessary conditions are in place in Spain, such as the availability and capacity of professionals involved, as well as there being the potential diagnostic and health care resources to address this room. Consejos para padres de lectores y exploradores jovenes. Visiting the library is a great way for parents to encourage their child's imagination and learning. It gives parents the opportunity to model good reading behavior and to show their child that they value books and reading.
No matter how young the child is, a trip to the library can be an enjoyable outing for parents and their children. Following the trend of much of the Western, non-English speaking world, Colombia has tirelessly strived for spreading English education in an effort to augment economic benefits. This paper aims at providing a critical account of foreign language education policy in Colombia, with special attention to English. It outlines the impact of its…. Warfighter Information Network — Tactical 1 I.
The effects of the porous buffer layer and doping with dysprosium on internal stresses in the GaInP: In structures with a porous buffer layer, residual internal stresses caused by a mismatch between the crystal-lattice parameters of the epitaxial GaInP alloy and the GaAs substrate are redistributed to the porous layer that acts as a buffer and is conducive to disappearance of internal stresses.
Doping of the epitaxial layer with dysprosium exerts a similar effect on the internal stresses in the film-substrate structure. This work describes the concept, design, development, evolution and application of the FastCam instrument. FastCam is an image photometer for astronomy with image capture in a high-frequency range and diraction limited, in order to apply the Lucky Imaging technique to medium- and large-sized 1. The Lucky Imaging technique allows, for ground-based telescopes, to achieve the resolution limit for astronomical images under suitable conditions. We analyzed strong ground motion data from large magnitude earthquakes 5.
Mpga and Mpgv strongly correlate with the moment magnitude of the event, provided sufficient records for each event are available. The results show that Mpgv has a smaller standard deviation in comparison to Mpga when compared with the estimated magnitudes and provides a more accurate early assessment of earthquake magnitude.
We test this new method to estimate the magnitude of the Tohoku earthquake and we present the results of this estimation. PGA and PGV from borehole recordings allow us to estimate the magnitude of this event s and s after the earthquake onset, respectively. We demonstrate that the incorporation of borehole strong ground-motion records immediately available after the occurrence of large earthquakes significantly increases the accuracy of earthquake magnitude estimation and the associated improvement in earthquake and tsunami early warning systems performance.
Moment magnitude versus predicted magnitude Mpga and Mpgv. Developmental Dyscalculia in Adults: Beyond Numerical Magnitude Impairment. Numerous studies have tried to identify the core deficit of developmental dyscalculia DD , mainly by assessing a possible deficit of the mental representation of numerical magnitude. Research in healthy adults has shown that numerosity, duration, and space share a partly common system of magnitude processing and representation. However, in DD, numerosity processing has until now received much more attention than the processing of other non-numerical magnitudes.
To assess whether or not the processing of non-numerical magnitudes is impaired in DD, the performance of 15 adults with DD and 15 control participants was compared in four categorization tasks using numerosities, lengths, durations, and faces as non- magnitude -based control stimuli. Results showed that adults with DD were impaired in processing numerosity and duration, while their performance in length and face categorization did not differ from controls' performance.
Our findings support the idea of a nonsymbolic magnitude deficit in DD, affecting numerosity and duration processing but not length processing. An Evaluation of Preference and Reinforcer Efficacy. Consideration of reinforcer magnitude may be important for maximizing the efficacy of treatment for problem behavior. Nonetheless, relatively little is known about children's preferences for different magnitudes of social reinforcement or the extent to which preference is related to differences in reinforcer efficacy.
The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the relations among reinforcer magnitude , preference, and efficacy by drawing on the procedures and results of basic experimenta Integration and magnitude homogenization of the Egyptian earthquake catalogue. The aim of the present work is to compile and update a catalogue of the instrumentally recorded earthquakes in Egypt, with uniform and homogeneous source parameters as required for the analysis of seismicity and seismic hazard assessment.
This in turn requires a detailed analysis and comparison of the properties of different available sources, including the distribution of events with time, the magnitude completeness and the scaling relations between different kinds of magnitude reported by different agencies. The observational data cover the time interval and an area between The linear regressions between various magnitude types have been evaluated for different magnitude ranges.
Using the best linear relationship determined for each available pair of magnitudes , as well as those identified between the magnitudes and the seismic moment, we convert the different magnitude types into moment magnitudes M W , through a multi-step conversion process. Analysis of the catalogue completeness, based on the MW thus estimated, allows us to identify two different time intervals with homogeneous properties. Implications for Ground-Motion Prediction and b-values.
We illustrate two essential consequences of the systematic difference between moment magnitude and local magnitude for small earthquakes, illuminating the underlying earthquake physics. However, the relationship between local magnitude ML and moment is itself magnitude dependent. Just as importantly, if this relation is overlooked, prediction of large- magnitude ground motion from small earthquakes will be misguided. We also consider the effect of this magnitude scale difference on b-value. The oft-cited b-value of 1 should hold for small magnitudes , given M. This is of particular import when estimating the rate of large earthquakes when one has limited data on their recurrence, as is the case for induced earthquakes in the central US.
The Common Core of Numerical Development. The integrated theory of numerical development posits that a central theme of numerical development from infancy to adulthood is progressive broadening of the types and ranges of numbers whose magnitudes are accurately represented. The process includes four overlapping trends: We investigated the relation between children's numerical- magnitude representations and their memory for numbers.
Results of three experiments indicated that the more linear children's magnitude representations were, the more closely their memory of the numbers approximated the numbers presented. This relation was present for preschoolers and…. Non extensivity and frequency magnitude distribution of earthquakes. Starting from first principles in this case a non-extensive formulation of the maximum entropy principle and a phenomenological approach, an explicit formula for the magnitude distribution of earthquakes is derived, which describes earthquakes in the whole range of magnitudes.
The Gutenberg-Richter law appears as a particular case of the obtained formula. Comparison with geophysical data gives a very good agreement. The purpose of the current…. The link between number and space has been discussed in the literature for some time, resulting in the theory that number, space and time might be part of a generalized magnitude system. To date, several behavioral and neuroimaging findings support the notion of a generalized magnitude system, although contradictory results showing a partial overlap or separate magnitude systems are also found.
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The possible existence of a generalized magnitude processing area leads to the question how individuals with developmental dyscalculia DD , known for deficits in numerical-arithmetical abilities, process magnitudes. By means of neuropsychological tests and functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI we aimed to examine the relationship between number and space in typical and atypical development. Participants were 16 adolescents with DD In the fMRI paradigm participants had to perform discrete arrays of dots and continuous magnitude angles comparisons as well as a mental rotation task.
In the neuropsychological tests, adolescents with dyscalculia performed significantly worse in numerical and complex visuo-spatial tasks. However, they showed similar results to TD peers when making discrete and continuous magnitude decisions during the neuropsychological tests and the fMRI paradigm.
A conjunction analysis of the fMRI data revealed commonly activated higher order visual inferior and middle occipital gyrus and parietal inferior and superior parietal lobe magnitude areas for the discrete and continuous magnitude tasks. Moreover, no differences were found when contrasting both magnitude processing conditions, favoring the possibility of a generalized magnitude system. Group comparisons further revealed that dyscalculic subjects showed increased activation in domain general regions, whilst TD peers activate domain specific areas to a greater extent. In conclusion, our results point to the existence of a.
The magnitude of an earthquake is one of its basic parameters and is a measure of its scale. It plays a significant role in seismology and earthquake engineering research, particularly in the calculations of the seismic rate and b value in earthquake prediction and seismic hazard analysis. However, several current types of magnitudes used in seismology research, such as local magnitude ML , surface wave magnitude MS , and body-wave magnitude MB , have a common limitation, which is the magnitude saturation phenomenon.
Fortunately, the problem of magnitude saturation was solved by a formula for calculating the seismic moment magnitude MW based on the seismic moment, which describes the seismic source strength. Now the moment magnitude is very commonly used in seismology research. However, in China, the earthquake scale is primarily based on local and surface-wave magnitudes.
In the present work, we studied the empirical relationships between moment magnitude MW and local magnitude ML as well as surface wave magnitude MS in the Chinese Mainland. The obtained relationships are as follows: Therefore, in China, if the moment magnitude of an earthquake is not reported by any agency in the world, we can use the equations mentioned above for converting ML to MW and MS to MW.
These relationships are very important, because they will allow the China earthquake catalogs to be used more effectively for seismic hazard analysis, earthquake prediction, and other seismology research. We also computed the relationships of and where Mo is the seismic moment by linear regression using the Global Centroid Moment Tensor. The goal of tsunami forecast, as a system for predicting potential impact of a tsunami at coastlines, requires quick estimate of a tsunami magnitude.
This goal has been recognized since the beginning of tsunami research. The work of Kajiura, Soloviev, Abe, Murty, and many others discussed several scales for tsunami magnitude based on estimates of tsunami energy. However, difficulties of estimating tsunami energy based on available tsunami measurements at coastal sea-level stations has carried significant uncertainties and has been virtually impossible in real time, before tsunami impacts coastlines.
The slow process of tsunami magnitude estimates, including collection of vast amount of available coastal sea-level data from affected coastlines, made it impractical to use any tsunami magnitude scales in tsunami warning operations. Uncertainties of estimates made tsunami magnitudes difficult to use as universal scale for tsunami analysis. Historically, the earthquake magnitude has been used as a proxy of tsunami impact estimates, since real-time seismic data is available of real-time processing and ample amount of seismic data is available for an elaborate post event analysis. This measure of tsunami impact carries significant uncertainties in quantitative tsunami impact estimates, since the relation between the earthquake and generated tsunami energy varies from case to case.
In this work, we argue that current tsunami measurement capabilities and real-time modeling tools allow for establishing robust tsunami magnitude that will be useful for tsunami warning as a quick estimate for tsunami impact and for post-event analysis as a universal scale for tsunamis inter-comparison. We present a method for estimating the tsunami magnitude based on tsunami energy and present application of the magnitude analysis for several historical events for inter-comparison with existing methods.
New moment magnitude scale, evidence of stress drop magnitude scaling and stochastic ground motion model for the French West Indies. S-waves Fourier spectra are analysed to simultaneously determine source, path and site terms. The results show that the duration magnitude routinely estimated for the events that occurred in the region underestimate moment magnitude by 0.
From the inverted seismic moments and corner frequencies, we compute Brune's stress drops. We show that stress drops increase with increasing magnitude. The same pattern is observed on apparent stresses i. However, the rate of increase diminishes at high magnitudes , which is consistent with a constant stress drop model for large events.
Using the results of the inversions, we perform ground motion simulations for the entire data set using the SMSIM stochastic simulation tool. Although the magnitude -dependent stress drop model is giving better results than the constant stress drop model, the interevent variability remains high, which could suggest that stress drop depends on other parameters such as the depth of the hypocentre.
In any case, the overall variability is of the same order of magnitude as usually observed in empirical ground motion prediction equations. This event is larger than previous one in terms of magnitude and showed that measured magnitude strongly depends on the frequency band of data.
Relative spectral magnitude varies with frequencies and decreases as frequency increase. A methodology is presented for determining mb Pn magnitude of underground nuclear explosions from local Pn phase. The mb Pn estimates of regional events for Korean Peninsula are determined to be mb Pn? Systematic non-linearity does not observed at frequency band from 0. The magnitude of 6th event is mb Pn 6. Further research of applicable mb Pn magnitude scaling is required for all frequency band and. The bolometric, infrared and visual absolute magnitudes of Mira variables. Statistical parallaxes, as well as stars with individually known distances are used to derive bolometric and infrared absolute magnitudes of Mira Me variables.
The derived bolometric magnitudes are in the mean about 0. The problem of determining the pulsation constant is discussed. Miras with periods greater than days probably pulsate in the first overtone. Those of shorter periods are anomalous and may be fundamental pulsators. It is shown that the absolute visual magnitudes at mean light of Miras with individually determined distances are consistent with values derived by Clayton and Feast from statistical parallaxes.
Potencial del Agua del suelo. On the magnitude and recurence of Vrancea earthquakes. The moment- magnitude scale Msub W is proposed for the quantification of Vrancea earthquakes. The asperity model is found adequate to explain the observed quasi-cycles and super-cycles in the occurrence of large events. Disparities in the Magnitude of Human Immunodeficiency Virus HICs while tuberculosis, candidiasis, chronic diarrhea, and cryptococcosis were predominant Magnitude and factors associated with post-cesarean surgical site Magnitude and factors associated with post-cesarean surgical site infection at Hawassa University Teaching and referral hospital, southern Ethiopia: Thus, it should be averted by implementing infection prevention techniques.
Rapid earthquake magnitude determination for Vrancea early warning system. Due to the huge amount of recorded data, an automatic procedure was developed and used to test different methods to rapidly evaluate earthquake magnitude from the first seconds of the P wave. In order to test all the algorithms involved in detection and rapid earthquake magnitude estimation, several tests were performed, in order to avoid false alarms.
A method to rapidly estimate magnitude in 4 seconds from detection of P wave in the epicenter is proposed. The method was tested on al recorded data, and the magnitude error determination is acceptable taking into account that it is computed from only 3 stations in a very short time interval. Impact of magnitude uncertainties on seismic catalogue properties. Catalogue-based studies are of central importance in seismological research, to investigate the temporal, spatial and size distribution of earthquakes in specified study areas.
Methods for estimating the fundamental catalogue parameters like the Gutenberg-Richter G-R b-value and the completeness magnitude Mc are well established and routinely applied.
- Termes Usuels Marketing Internet (French Edition).
- .
- enfermedad por reflujo: Topics by;
- El arte de vivir!
- magnitud del reflujo: Topics by
However, the magnitudes reported in seismicity catalogues contain measurement uncertainties which may significantly distort the estimation of the derived parameters. In this study, we use numerical simulations of synthetic data sets to assess the reliability of different methods for determining b-value and Mc, assuming the G-R law validity. After contaminating the synthetic catalogues with Gaussian noise with selected standard deviations , the analysis is performed for numerous data sets of different sample size N.
The noise introduced to the data generally leads to a systematic overestimation of magnitudes close to and above Mc. This fact causes an increase of the average number of events above Mc, which in turn leads to an apparent decrease of the b-value. This may result to a significant overestimation of seismicity rate even well above the actual completeness level. The b-value can in general be reliably estimated even for relatively small data sets N magnitudes higher than the actual completeness level are used.
Nevertheless, a correction of the total number of events belonging in each magnitude class i. Because magnitude uncertainties here with the form of Gaussian noise are inevitable in all instrumental catalogues, this finding is fundamental for seismicity rate and seismic hazard assessment analyses. Also important is that for some data analyses significant bias cannot necessarily be avoided by choosing a high Mc value for analysis. In such cases, there may be a risk of severe miscalculation of. The static surface deformation can be recovered from strong motion records.
Compared to satellite-based measurements such as GPS or InSAR, the advantage of strong motion records is that they have the potential to provide real-time coseismic static displacements. The use of these valuable data was optimized for the moment magnitude estimation. A centroid grid search method was introduced to calculate the moment magnitude by using1 model. The method to data sets was applied of the The magnitude of innovation and its evolution in social animals. Innovative behaviour in animals, ranging from invertebrates to humans, is increasingly recognized as an important topic for investigation by behavioural researchers.
However, what constitutes an innovation remains controversial, and difficult to quantify. Drawing on a broad definition whereby any behaviour with a new component to it is an innovation, we propose a quantitative measure, which we call the magnitude of innovation , to describe the extent to which an innovative behaviour is novel. This allows us to distinguish between innovations that are a slight change to existing behaviours low magnitude , and innovations that are substantially different high magnitude.
Using mathematical modelling and evolutionary computer simulations, we explored how aspects of social interaction, cognition and natural selection affect the frequency and magnitude of innovation. We show that high- magnitude innovations are likely to arise regularly even if the frequency of innovation is low, as long as this frequency is relatively constant, and that the selectivity of social learning and the existence of social rewards, such as prestige and royalties, are crucial for innovative behaviour to evolve. We suggest that consideration of the magnitude of innovation may prove a useful tool in the study of the evolution of cognition and of culture.
Iranian earthquakes, a uniform catalog with moment magnitudes. A uniform earthquake catalog is an essential tool in any seismic hazard analysis. In this study, an earthquake catalog of Iran and adjacent areas was compiled, using international and national databanks. The following priorities were applied in selecting magnitude and earthquake location: In an effort to avoid the "boundary effect," since the newly compiled catalog will be mainly used for seismic hazard assessment, the study area includes the areas adjacent to Iran.
The standardization of the catalog in terms of magnitude was achieved by the conversion of all types of magnitude into moment magnitude , M W, by using the orthogonal regression technique. In the newly compiled catalog, all aftershocks were detected, based on the procedure described by Gardner and Knopoff Bull Seismol Soc Am The seismicity parameters were calculated for the six main tectonic seismic zones of Iran, i. Changes in the timing and magnitude of floods in Canada. It is expected that the global climate change will have significant impacts on the regime of hydrologic extremes.
An increase in both the frequency and magnitude of hydrologic extremes is anticipated in the near future. As a consequence, the design and operation of water resource systems will have to adapt to the changing regime of hydrologic extremes. This study explores trends in the timing and magnitude of floods in natural streamflow gauging stations in Canada. The seasonality of floods is analyzed and the selected streamflow stations grouped into five flood seasonality regions. A common year long observation period from to is used in the analysis to eliminate the effect of hydro-climatic variability in the timing and magnitude of floods resulting from different observation periods.
The timing of floods is described in terms of directional statistics. A method is developed for analyzing trends in directional dates of flood occurrence that is not affected by the choice of zero direction. The magnitude of floods is analyzed by the annual maximum and peak-over-threshold methods. Trends in the timing and magnitude of floods are identified in each flood seasonality region using the Mann-Kendall nonparametric test, with a modification for auto-correlated data.
The results show a good correspondence between the identified flood seasonality regions and the main terrestrial zones in Canada. Significant changes in the timing and magnitude of floods are found in the flood seasonality regions. In the EDZ, the permeability of the rock increases. The annular EDZ surrounding the tunnel may act as a continuous and high-permeable pathway for the groundwater flow, which accelerates the intrusion of groundwater into the repository and increases the release of radionuclide into the biosphere from the repository.
Therefore an investigation on the magnitude of the EDZ has been important from the viewpoint of mechanical stability and radiological safety for a geological repository. The magnitude of EDZ was estimated to be 0. The magnitude of EDZ can be estimated to be about 2 m from the viewpoint of permeability, and the permeabilities in the EDZ seem to be increased at up to 2 orders of magnitude compared with those in the intact rock. The magnitude of EDZ estimated based on the permeability is larger than that from the Goodman jack test.
The concept of maximum earthquake magnitude mx is widely used in seismic hazard and risk analysis. However, absolute mx lacks a precise definition and cannot be determined from a finite earthquake history. The surprising magnitudes of the Sumatra and the Tohoku earthquakes showed that most methods for estimating mx underestimate the true maximum if it exists. Thus, we introduced the alternate concept of mp T , probable maximum magnitude within a time interval T.
Here, we integrate the paleoseismic data in the Cascadia subduction zone to estimate mp. The Cascadia subduction zone has been seismically quiescent since at least Fortunately, turbidite studies have unearthed a 10, year record of great earthquakes along the subduction zone. We thoroughly investigate the earthquake magnitude -frequency distribution of the region by combining instrumental and paleoseismic data, and using the tectonic moment rate information.
To use the paleoseismic data, we first estimate event magnitudes , which we achieve by using the time interval between events, rupture extent of the events, and turbidite thickness. We estimate three sets of TGR parameters: Next, we calculate the corresponding mc. What controls the maximum magnitude of injection-induced earthquakes? Three different approaches for estimation of maximum magnitude are considered here, along with their implications for managing risk.
The first approach is based on a deterministic limit for seismic moment proposed by McGarr , which was originally designed for application to mining-induced seismicity. This approach has since been reformulated for earthquakes induced by fluid injection McGarr, In essence, this method assumes that the upper limit for seismic moment release is constrained by the pressure-induced stress change.
A deterministic limit is given by the product of shear modulus and the net injected fluid volume. This method is based on the assumptions that the medium is fully saturated and in a state of incipient failure. An alternative geometrical approach was proposed by Shapiro et al. This assumption reduces the maximum- magnitude problem to one of estimating the largest potential slip surface area within a given stimulated volume. Finally, van der Elst et al. These three models imply different approaches for risk management. The deterministic method proposed by McGarr implies that a ceiling on the maximum magnitude can be imposed by limiting the net injected volume, whereas the approach developed by Shapiro et al.
Finally, the sample-size hypothesis of Van der Elst et al. The latter two approaches suggest that real-time monitoring is essential for effective management of risk. A reliable estimate of maximum. The strain energy Est, as potential energy, released by an earthquake and the seismic moment Mo are two fundamental physical earthquake parameters.
The moment Mo, first obtained in by Aki, revolutioned the quantification of earthquake size and led to the elimination of the limitations of the conventional magnitudes originally ML, Richter, mb, Ms, m, MGR. Both Mo and Est, not in a 1-to-1 correspondence, are uniform measures of the size, although Est is presently less accurate than Mo.
Est is partitioned in seismic- Es , fracture- Eg and frictional-energy Ef, and Ef is lost as frictional heat energy. Related to Mo, Est and Es, several modern magnitudes were defined under various assumptions: Full Text Available Se presentan 42 esofagoplastias con segmentos pediculados de yeyuno. The indications, the main details of the technique, the complications, mortality and the late results are exposed.
A new technique by a combined, abdominal and right thoracic route was used in 4 patients. The dehiscence of the esophagojejunal anastomosis was the most common complication 6 patients with 2 deaths. Postoperative mortality was The interposed jejunal segment fulfilled efficiently the transit and sphincteral functions of the esophagus.
It is concluded that this technique should be used to replace the distal esophagus in bening. Magnitude corrections for attenuation in the upper mantle. Since , a consistent discrepancy in seismic magnitudes of nuclear detonations at NTS compared with magnitudes of detonations elsewhere in the world has been observed. This discrepancy can be explained in terms of a relatively high seismic attenuation for compressional waves in the upper mantle beneath the NTS and in certain other locations.
A correction has been developed for this attenuation based on a relationship between the velocity of compressional waves at the top of the earth's mantle just beneath the Mohorovicic discontinuity and the seismic attenuation further down in the upper mantle.
Our new definition of body-wave magnitude includes corrections for attenuation in the upper mantle at both ends of the teleseismic body-wave path. These corrections bring the NTS oservations into line with measurements of foreign events, and enable one to make more reliable estimates of yields of underground nuclear explosions, wherever the explosion occurs. Magnitude and duration of stretch modulate fibroblast remodeling.
Mechanical cues modulate fibroblast tractional forces and remodeling of extracellular matrix in healthy tissue, healing wounds, and engineered matrices. The goal of the present study is to establish dose-response relationships between stretch parameters magnitude and duration per day and matrix remodeling metrics compaction, strength, extensibility, collagen content, contraction, and cellularity.
Trends in matrix remodeling metrics as a function of stretch magnitude and duration were analyzed using regression analysis. Collagen density increased exponentially as a function of both the magnitude and duration of stretch, with samples stretched for the reduced duration per day having the highest levels of collagen accumulation. Our results indicate that both the magnitude and the duration per day of stretch are critical parameters in modulating fibroblast remodeling of the extracellular matrix, and that these two factors regulate different aspects of this remodeling. These findings move us one step closer to fully characterizing culture conditions for tissue equivalents, developing improved wound healing treatments and understanding tissue responses to changes in mechanical environments during growth, repair, and disease states.
Color- magnitude relations in nearby galaxy clusters. We show that the color- magnitude relation parameters slope, zero-point, and scatter do not exhibit significant evolution within this low-redshift range. High- magnitude head impact exposure in youth football. OBJECTIVE Even in the absence of a clinically diagnosed concussion, research suggests that neurocognitive changes may develop in football players as a result of frequent head impacts that occur during football games and practices.
The objectives of this study were to determine the specific situations in which high- magnitude impacts accelerations exceeding 40g occur in youth football games and practices and to assess how representative practice activities are of games with regard to high- magnitude head impact exposure. Video recordings from practices and games were used to verify all high- magnitude head impacts, identify specific impact characteristics, and determine the amount of time spent in each activity.
Impacts were characterized based on the position played by the team member who received the impact, the part of the field where the impact occurred, whether the impact occurred during a game or practice play, and the cause of the impact. High- magnitude impacts occurred most frequently in the open field in both games The 2 teams in this study structured their practice sessions similarly with respect to time spent in each drill, but impact rates differed for each drill between the teams.
Image reconstruction from pairs of Fourier-transform magnitude. The retrieval of phase information from only the magnitude of the Fourier transform of a signal remains an important problem for many applications. We present an algorithm for phase retrieval when there exist two related sets of Fourier-transform magnitude data.
The data are assumed to come from a single object observed in two different polarizations through a distorting medium, so the phase component of the Fourier transform of the object is corrupted. Phase retrieval is accomplished by minimization of a suitable criterion function, which can take three different forms.
We examined whether playing a computerized fraction game, based on the integrated theory of numerical development and on the Common Core State Standards' suggestions for teaching fractions, would improve children's fraction magnitude understanding. Fourth and fifth-graders were given brief instruction about unit fractions and played "Catch…. Lower bound earthquake magnitude for probabilistic seismic hazard evaluation. This paper presents the results of a study that develops an engineering and seismological basis for selecting a lower-bound magnitude LBM for use in seismic hazard assessment.
As part of a seismic hazard analysis the range of earthquake magnitudes that are included in the assessment of the probability of exceedance of ground motion must be defined. The upper-bound magnitude is established by earth science experts based on their interpretation of the maximum size of earthquakes that can be generated by a seismic source. The lower-bound or smallest earthquake that is considered in the analysis must also be specified. The LBM limits the earthquakes that are considered in assessing the probability that specified ground motion levels are exceeded.
In the past there has not been a direct consideration of the appropriate LBM value that should be used in a seismic hazard assessment. Topics addressed in the evaluation of a LBM are earthquake experience data at heavy industrial facilities, engineering characteristics of ground motions associated with small- magnitude earthquakes, probabilistic seismic risk assessments seismic PRAs , and seismic margin evaluations. The results of this study and the recommendations concerning a LBM for use in seismic hazard assessments are discussed.
Magnitude of stress and academic achievement of female students Stress is a universal phenomenon which no human being is free from. This paper examined the magnitude of stress and academic achievement of female students of the University of Ilorin. It was a description survey type. The target population comprised the level female students from the four randomly selected Sequential sampling, magnitude estimation, and the wisdom of crowds.
The present study reports findings from an experiment on magnitude estimation and supports these predictions. The study moreover demonstrates that systematic errors by groups of people can be corrected using information about the judgment A catalog of observed nuclear magnitudes of Jupiter family comets. We discuss the reliability of the reported nuclear magnitudes in relation to the inherent sources of errors and uncertainties, in particular the coma contamination often present even at large heliocentric distances. A large fraction of the JF comets of our sample indeed shows various degrees of activity at large heliocentric distances, which is correlated with recent downward jumps in their perihelion distances.
The reliability of coma subtraction methods to compute the nuclear magnitude is also discussed. The catalog can be found at: Table 2 and Appendix B are only available in electronic form at http: Magnitude and predictors of excessive alcohol use in Ethiopia Alcohol an Obstacle to Development in East. Obesity in developing nations is no longer as uncommon as it was thought to be decades ago however paucity of data on the burden of obesity from urban communities was observed by previous workers.
To determine the magnitude of obesity and its relationship to blood pressure among urban adult Magnitude and gender distribution of obesity and abdominal This study reviews the current research regarding cervical athroplasty, and emphasizes both the pros and cons of arthroplasty as compared with ACDF.
Early clinical outcomes show that cervical arthroplasty is as effective as the standard ACDF. However, this new technology is also associated with an expanding list of novel complications. Although there is no definitive evidence that cervical disc replacement reduces the incidence of adjacent segment degeneration, it does show other advantages; for example, faster return to work, and reduced need for postoperative bracing. Greater risk of cost growth and schedule slippage. The Procurement of Non Developmental Items: The list of the pros greatly outweighs the cons.
Pros and cons of phage therapy. Many publications list advantages and disadvantages associated with phage therapy, which is the use of bacterial viruses to combat populations of nuisance or pathogenic bacteria. The goal of this commentary is to discuss many of those issues in a single location. In addition to these assets, we consider aspects of phage therapy that can contribute to its safety, economics, or convenience, but in ways that are perhaps less essential to the phage potential to combat bacteria.
For example, autonomous phage transfer between animals during veterinary application could provide convenience or economic advantages by decreasing the need for repeated phage application, but is not necessarily crucial to therapeutic success. We also consider possible disadvantages to phage use as antibacterial agents. As described in previous meeting reports, Pitt Con is one of the largest international conferences for analytical chem Games Con Men Play: The Semiosis of Deceptive Interaction. Analyzes some of the most frequent deceptive interactions as rendered through case histories of male con artists and their victims taken from police records.
Discusses the recurrent elements in both the con -games strategies and victims' way of interpreting those strategies. The modest amount of research that exists on the ability, or lack of ability, of mantle precession to power a geodynamo developed mostly during the last half of the s. Malkus in the late s attempted to advance a positive role for precession through experiments and analysis. His experiments have survived criticism, but his analyses were discounted, especially by Rochester, Jacobs, Smylie, and Chong and by Loper Loper argued emphatically that precession was not capable of powering the geodynamo.
During the s, Vanyo and associates studied energy dissipation during precession of satellite liquid fuels and its effect on satellite attitude stability. Engineers and scientists in every country that has launched satellites completed similar research. Some is published in the aerospace literature, more is available in company and government reports.
Energy experiments indicate massive amounts of mechanical energy are dissipated at the CMB, and flow experiments show complex motions within the boundary layer and axial flows with helicity throughout the interior. Analysis of Earth core precession also advanced, especially in several papers by Kerswell and by Tilgner in the late s. Detail numerical models have yet to appear.
Although progress in understanding the role of precession in Earth core motions has advanced, there remains a. For such an upload one needs proteomics data in a standardized format. Therefore, it is desirable, that the proprietary vendor's software will integrate in the future such an export functionality using the standard formats for proteomics results defined by the HUPO-PSI group.
Currently not all search engines and analysis tools support these standard formats. In the meantime there is a need to provide user-friendly free-to-use conversion tools that can convert the data into such standard formats in order to support wet-lab scientists in creating proteomics data files ready for upload into the public repositories. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Published by Elsevier B. Recent advances in protein residue contact prediction algorithms have led to the emergence of many new methods and a variety of file formats.
We present Con Kit , an open source, modular and extensible Python interface which allows facile conversion between formats and provides an interface to analyses of sequence alignments and sets of contact predictions. Con Kit is available via the Python Package Index. The documentation can be found at http: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Published by Oxford University Press. Providers debate pros and cons of pneumonia vaccination at discharge.
When to vaccinate against pneumonia? Does it makes sense when patients are in the hospital? Or should patients wait for the first post-op visit with the PCP? Office-based and hospital-based physicians weigh the pros and cons of each. Detail of conning tower atop the submarine. Note the wire rope wrapped around the base of the tower, which may have been used in an attempt to pull the submarine offshore. The Pros and the Cons. Having enjoyed teaching during my active career, I continued to teach summer school following retirement.
Self-observed sensory and cognitive impairments, although not mentioned by students in their evaluations, induced me to consider the pros and cons of continuing to teach. My hope is that this list of benefits and problems will be of assistance…. The purpose of this paper was to review, analyze, and critique the pros and cons , the advantages and disadvantages, of inclusion. The methodology consisted in analyzing and comparing research findings on the benefits and costs of inclusion.
Federal legislation and regulations on inclusion were examined, analyzed, and discussed. EPA has reached agreement with the manufacturer, to cancel 12 d- CON products that do not meet our testing protocols that better protect children, pets and non-target wildlife from accidental exposure to the pesticide. These products will be phased out. Utilice en forma segura los productos con cebo para roedores. Siempre que use pesticidas lea la etiqueta del producto y siga todas las indicaciones. An integral part of the Systems Engineering process is the creation of a Concept of Operations Con Ops for a given system, with the Con Ops initially established early in the system design process and evolved as the system definition and design matures.
LSP procures and manages a launch service from one of our many commercial Launch Vehicle Contractors LVCs and these commercial companies are then responsible for developing the Interface Control Document ICD , the verification of the requirements in that document, and all the services pertaining to integrating the spacecraft and launching it into orbit. However, one of the systems engineering tools that have not been employed within LSP to date is a Concept of Operations.
The goal of this paper is to research the format and content that goes into these various aerospace industry Con Ops and tailor the format and content into template form, so the template may be used as an engineering tool for spacecraft integration with future LSP procured launch services. This Con Ops describes the current state of operations, establishes the reasons for change, and This Con Ops describes the current state of operations, establishes the reasons for Public mental hospital work: The extensive literature concerning public mental hospitals has largely been written from the perspective of administrators and systems analysts; most of the reports emphasize the frustrations and problems of working in public mental hospitals and the continued exodus of psychiatrists from these facilities.
The author addresses the pros and cons of such a career choice from the viewpoint of one who has been an "Indian" rather than a "chief" for a decade. He suggests that the current financial situation in both private practice and academia makes work in public mental hospitals increasingly attractive.
Topical Oxygen for Chronic Wounds: The role of oxygen in wound healing is universally accepted and does not require any further evidence; however the controversy as to whether oxygen delivery systems have the potential to improve wound healing remains to be concluded. The use of TOT gained increasing interest recently. The current manuscript will summarize the pros and cons of TOT in the view of the available literature.
We present Caffe con Troll CcT , a fully compatible end-to-end version of the popular framework Caffe with rebuilt internals. We built CcT to examine the performance characteristics of training and deploying general-purpose convolutional neural networks across different hardware architectures. We find that, by employing standard batching optimizations for CPU training, we achieve a 4. Intelligence and female desire in Dedh Ishqiya.
This article investigates the ostensibly paradoxical relationship that exists between the theme of excessive love, as suggested by the title of Abhishek Chaubey's film Dedh Ishqiya , and the actual representation of it in the movie, which is not only restrained and disproportionate, but is also looked at with suspicion and contempt.
The quest for financial autonomy that the female protagonists of the movie are involved in-a necessary pre-condition for leading independent lives-is so inextricably intertwined with manipulation, dexterity, and subterfuge, that any overt expression of homoerotic female desire can only jeopardize their existing possibilities of self-aggrandizement. Through this strategic negotiation, which is also a tactical necessity, the female protagonists are not only able to con the con men in the movie, but also imagine alternative subject positions that recognize the need for both pragmatism and expediency as well as deconstructing heteropatriarchal economies of desire.
Early diagnosis and referral to a rheumatologist are positive prognostic factor but diagnosis in many cases is in the hands of primary care physicians PCP. Retrospective study of patients referred by PCP and seen as outpatients at a rheumatology clinic in Patients with referral diagnosis of RA were identified and symptoms, signs, functional capacity and ACR criteria for RA were evaluated by 2 rheumatologists.
Arthritis was symmetrical in X-ray erosions were reported in 6. When using the ACR criteria, A poor clinical evaluation and little support from laboratory and x-rays was noticed. The delay in diagnosis and referral was 3 years, worsening prognosis. Published by Elsevier Espana. Chronic kidney disease CKD and type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM are highly prevalent chronic diseases, which represent an important public health problem and require a multidisciplinary management.
T2DM is the main cause of CKD and it also causes a significant comorbidity with regard to non-diabetic nephropathy. Patients with diabetes and kidney disease represent a special risk group as they have higher morbi-mortality as well as higher risk of hypoglycemia than diabetic individuals with a normal kidney function. The current consensus report aims to ease the appropriate selection and dosage of antidiabetic treatments as well as the establishment of safety objectives of glycemic control in patients with CKD.
Effects of intensive glucose control on platelet reactivity in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Hyperglycaemia has been associated with increased platelet reactivity and impaired prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome ACS. Whether platelet reactivity can be reduced by lowering glucose in this setting is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the functional impact of intensive glucose control with insulin on platelet reactivity in patients admitted with ACS and hyperglycaemia.
Of the patients who underwent random assignment, 59 were assigned to intensive and 56 to conventional glucose control. Baseline platelet functions and inhospital management were similar in both groups. Maximal aggregation after ADP stimulation at hospital discharge was lower in the intensive group Similarly all other parameters of platelet reactivity measured at hospital discharge were significantly reduced in the intensive glucose control group.
In this randomised trial, early intensive glucose control with insulin in patients with ACS presenting with hyperglycaemia was found to decrease platelet reactivity. Clinical Trial Registration Number http: To assess cost-effectiveness of antifungal treatment on patients with persistent fever neutropenia: A decision model was performed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of antifungal treatment strategies in patients with febrile neutropenia not responding to a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment. The strategies included were: Effectiveness was measured as the number of deaths averted.
Cost-effectiveness and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyzes were performed. EAT with Amphotericin B deoxycholate was the least expensive and least effective strategy. The EAT with caspofungin was the most effective. If the threshold is lesser the EAT with amphotericin B deoxycholate would be the election. Published by Elsevier Inc. In the last two decades, research has dramatically increased the knowledge of cannabinoids biology and pharmacology. To date, cannabinoids have been licensed for clinical use as palliative treatment of chemotherapy, but increased evidences showed direct antiproliferative actions of cannabinoid agonists on several tumour cells in vitro and in animal models.
In this article, we will review the principal molecular pathways modulated by cannabinoids on cancer and summarize pros and cons evidence on the possible future use of endocannabinoid-based drugs in cancer therapy. The overall goal of the acceleration systems: They involve three superconducting linacs: The present baseline acceleration scenario has been optimized to take maximum advantage of appropriate acceleration scheme at a given stage. Pros and cons of various stages are discussed here in detail.
However, far off-crest acceleration reduces the effective acceleration gradient and adds complexity through the requirement of individual RF phase control for each cavity. Quantum optimal control becomes a necessary step in a number of studies in the quantum realm. Recent experimental advances showed that superconducting qubits can be controlled with an impressive accuracy. However, most of the standard optimal control algorithms are not designed to manage such high accuracy. To tackle this issue, a novel quantum optimal control algorithm have been introduced: It avoids the piecewise constant approximation of the control pulse used by standard algorithms.
This allows an efficient implementation of very high accuracy optimization. It also includes a novel method to compute the gradient that provides many advantages, e. This talk will present the GOAT algorithm and a few applications to transmons systems. The wear products and adverse reactions that occur on bearing surfaces represent one of the greatest challenges in prosthetic replacements, as the latter experience increasing demands due to the large number of young and older adult patients that have a long life expectancy and remarkable activity.
The purpose of this review is to analyze the pros and cons of the new advances in the bearing components of the articular surfaces of current total hip arthroplasties. We also discuss the strategies used historically, their problems, results and the surgeon's role in prescribing the tribologic couple that best fits each patient's needs. We conclude with practical recommendations for the prescription and management of the latest articular couples for total hip arthroplasty.
Pros and cons of transcatheter aortic valve implantation TAVI. This technique was already worldwide adopted for inoperable and high-risk patients. Improved device technology, imaging analysis and operator expertise has reduced the initial worrisome higher complications rate associated with TAVR, making it comparable to surgical aortic valve replacement SAVR. However, many answers need to be addressed before adoption in lower risk patients. This paper highlights the pros and cons of TAVI based mostly on randomized clinical trials involving the two device platforms approved in the United States.
We focused our analysis on metrics that will play a key role in expanding TAVR indication in healthier individuals. We review the significance and gave a perspective on paravalvular leak PVL , valve performance, valve durability, leaflet thrombosis, stroke and pacemaker requirement. In this review we aim to provide an overview of the most important ethical pros and cons of stem cell derived gametes SCD-gametes , as a contribution to the debate about reproductive tissue engineering.
Derivation of gametes from stem cells holds promising applications both for research and for clinical use in assisted reproduction. We explore the ethical issues connected to gametes derived from embryonic stem cells both patient specific and non-patient specific as well as those related to gametes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. The technology of SCD-gametes raises moral concerns of how reproductive autonomy relates to issues of embryo destruction, safety, access, and applications beyond clinical infertility.
An integrated well log, biostratigraphic, and seismic stratigraphic study of Miocene to Recent deltaic sediments deposited in the Nam Con Son Basin offshore from southern Vietnam shows the influence of eustacy and tectonics on sequence development. Sediments consist of Oligocene non-marine rift-basin fill Cau Formation , early to middle Miocene tide-dominated delta plain to delta front sediments TB 1. Tectonic effects on middle to late Miocene sequence development consist of thick transgressive systems tracts due to basin-wide subsidence and transgression, sand distribution in the basin center, and carbonate sedimentation on isolated fault blocks within the basin.
Third-order sequence boundaries SB are identified by spore peaks, sand stacking patterns, and channel incision.
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In the basin center, widespread shale beds with coal occur above sequence boundaries followed by transgressive sandstone units. Maximum flooding surfaces MFS have abundant marine microfossils and mangrove pollen, a change in sand stacking pattern, and often a strong seismic reflection with downlap.
Fourth-order genetic-type sequences are also interpreted. The MFS is the easiest marker to identify and correlate on well logs. Fourth-order SB occur within these genetic units but are harder to identify and correlate. Caring for Alzheimer's Patients. This manual is intended for caregivers of homebound patients with Alzheimer's disease and others who are mentally impaired. It deals with the nature of Alzheimer's, the decline in a patient's abilities, information about available services, and legal and financial issues.
The manual provides guidance and suggestions to lessen the daily stress…. Pros and cons of vaccination against serogroup B meningococcal disease. A vaccine has recently been approved in the EU against meningococcal serogroup B, the main cause of meningococcal disease. There is a fierce debate about the decision regarding a universal vaccination in infants older than 2 months, as recommended by the majority of scientific societies. In western Europe the only country to have included the universal vaccination is the United Kingdom, with a lower incidence of the disease than Ireland.
Other countries have also adopted it, such as the Czech Republic, Cuba and certain regions of Italy. Numerous cost-effectiveness studies have been published regarding the vaccination with different assumptions, which have supported the decision not to implant the universal vaccination because it exceeds the will to pay for a health benefit.
Many cost estimating tools use weight as a major parameter in projecting the cost. This is often combined with modifying factors such as complexity, technical maturity of design, environment of operation, etc. For a set of conceptual designs, all meeting the same requirements, increased weight can be a major driver in increased cost. However, once a design is fixed, increased weight generally decreases cost, while decreased weight generally increases cost - and the relationship is not linear.
Alternative approaches to estimating cost without using weight except perhaps for materials costs have been attempted to try to produce a tool usable throughout the design process - from concept studies through development. This paper will address the pros and cons of using weight based models for cost estimating, using liquid rocket engines as the example. It will then examine approaches that minimize the impct of weight based cost estimating.
RECM will be presented primarily to show a successful method to use design and programmatic parameters instead of weight to estimate both design and development costs and production costs. Laparoscopy for inflammatory bowel disease: The role of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of colorectal malignancies is still under investigation, although it can offer significant benefits to many patients with inflammatory bowel disease IBD. The aim of this study was to assess the pros and cons of the laparoscopic management of IBD. Data were obtained from a review of the literature published since , when the first report of laparoscopic surgery for IBD appeared in print.
From to several series of laparoscopic colorectal surgery for the management of IBD have been reported. A close evaluation of these studies revealed that laparoscopy in patients with terminal ileal Crohn's disease or anal Crohn's disease in need of fecal diversion offers significant advantages compared to laparotomy, including decreased pain, length of hospitalization, and disability.
An additional bonus is improved cosmesis and a reduction in symptomatic postoperative adhesions. These many benefits can be achieved without any increase in morbidity or expense. Conversely, the use of this technology for restorative proctocolectomy in patients with mucosal ulcerative colitis is associated with a longer operative time and an increased incidence of both intra- and postoperative complications compared to laparotomy. Laparoscopic colorectal surgery can thus be advantageous for treatment of terminal ileal Crohn's disease but cannot be routinely justified for the treatment of mucosal ulcerative colitis.
Pitt Con began in as a small sp The aim of this article was to address pros and cons of gestational surrogacy, the social and psychological issues involved in surrogate motherhood triads. Pros and cons of surrogacy, the possible insurgence of a hematologic disease in the fetus, hemolytic disease of the newborn, naturally acquired microchimerism in surrogacy cases, ethical, medical, psychologic, legal and religious issues of a problem are discussed.
Surgical animal models of neuropathic pain: One of the biggest challenges for discovering more efficacious drugs for the control of neuropathic pain has been the diversity of chronic pain states in humans. It is now acceptable that different mechanisms contribute to normal physiologic pain, pain arising from tissue damage and pain arising from injury to the nervous system.
To study pain transmission, spot novel pain targets and characterize the potential analgesic profile of new chemical entities, numerous experimental animal pain models have been developed that attempt to simulate the many human pain conditions. Among the neuropathic pain models, surgical models have paramount importance in the induction of pain states. Most of these models induce responses similar to those found in causalgia, a syndrome of sustained burning pain often seen in the distal extremity after partial peripheral nerve injury in humans.
Researchers most commonly use these surgical models in both rats and mice during drug discovery to screen new chemical entities for efficacy in the area of neuropathic pain. However, there is scant literature that provides a comparative discussion of all these surgical models. Each surgical model has its own benefits and limitations. It is very difficult for a researcher to choose a suitable surgical animal model to suit their experimental set-up. Therefore, particular attention has been given in this review to comparatively provide the pros and cons of each model of surgically induced neuropathic pain.
Pros and cons of circumcision: Based on three large randomized controlled trials RCTs conducted in Africa, it can clearly be stated that circumcision lowers the risk of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus HIV and some sexually transmitted infections STIs among males in settings of high HIV and STI endemicity. Similar effects on STI risk may exist for females, although this may result from an indirect effect of decreasing risk of infection among male partners.
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It is unknown whether circumcision prevents HIV acquisition in men who have sex with men MSM , although there might be a protective effect for men who engage mainly in insertive anal intercourse. When the effects of adult circumcision on sexual function and satisfaction of men are examined, high-quality evidence strongly supports lack of harm.
Whether circumcision alters sexual satisfaction of female partners is not known as fewer and smaller studies reported conflicting results. Circumcision rarely causes serious complications if practiced by trained practitioners, in a sterile setting, and with a proper follow-up. These conclusions are limited by the lack of high-quality data from areas outside of Africa.
Circumcision has well-proven benefits for people residing in areas with high prevalence of STIs, including HIV, and is not unethical for those who choose to be circumcised or have their children circumcised on religious, social, or cultural grounds. For many others, a definite pro or con recommendation, based on a risk-benefit ratio, cannot be made.
Published by Elsevier Ltd. Our goal is to empower young scientists to become leaders in their field, propagating appreciation and understanding of research results to broad and diverse audiences. ComSci Con attendees meet and interact with professional communicators, build lasting networks with graduate students in all fields of science and engineering from around the country, and write and publish original works.
ComSci Con consists of both a flagship national conference series run annually for future leaders in science communication, and a series of regional and specialized workshops organized by ComSci Con alumni nationwide. We routinely receive over applications for 50 spots in our national workshop. Since its founding in , over STEM graduate students have participated in the national workshop, and 23 local spin-off workshops have been organized in 10 different locations throughout the country. This year, ComSci Con is working to grow as a self-sustaining organization by launching as an independent c 3 non-profit.
In this poster we will discuss the ComSci Con program and methods, our results to date, potential future collaborations between ComSci Con and AAS, and how you can become involved. Convectively-driven strong winds usually associated with thunderstorms frequently cause substantial damage to buildings and other structures in many parts of the world. Decisive for the high damage potential are the short-term wind speed maxima with duration of a few seconds, termed as gusts.
Several studies have shown that convectively-driven gusts can reach even higher wind speeds compared to turbulent gusts associated with synoptic-scale weather systems. Due to the small-scale and non-stationary nature of convective wind gusts, there is a considerable lack of knowledge regarding their characteristics and statistics.
Furthermore, their interaction with urban structures and their influence on buildings is not yet fully understood. For these two reasons, convective wind events are not included in the present wind load standards of buildings and structures, which so far have been based solely on the characteristics of synoptically-driven wind gusts in the near-surface boundary layer e. However, convective and turbulent gusts differ considerably, e. In an effort to remedy this situation, the overarching objective of the DFG-project "Convective Wind Gusts" Con WinG is to investigate the characteristics and statistics of convective gusts as well as their interaction with urban structures.
Based on a set of climate stations of the German Weather Service DWD between and , we analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution, intensity, and occurrence probability of convective gusts. Similar to thunderstorm activity, the frequency of convective gusts decreases gradually from South to North Germany. Rather, high wind speeds, e. The International Consortium for the Investigation of Renal Malignancies I- Con FIRM was formed to promote international, multidisciplinary collaborations to advance our understanding of the etiology and outcomes of kidney cancer.
Classifying prokaryotic species based on gene flow. Classification of prokaryotic species is usually based on sequence similarity thresholds, which are easy to apply but lack a biologically-relevant foundation. Here, we present Con SpeciFix, a program that classifies prokaryotes into species using criteria set forth by the Biological Species Concept, thereby unifying species definition in all domains of life. Con SpeciFix's webserver is freely available at www. The local version of the program can be freely downloaded from https: Con SpeciFix is written in Python 2.
An Autoethnographic Exploration of a Chicano in Academia. This dissertation is the experience of my life, an evolution of platicas I have had con mis coyotes, my Nepantlero guides. I am one Chicano navigating through the mechanisms of a coercive and hegemonic system which limits our advancement in the academy. My ontology, epistemology, and axiology stem from my cultural and family foundations which I….
Sport Concussion Management Using Facebook: Sport concussion is currently the focus of much international attention. Innovative methods to assist athletic trainers in facilitating management after this injury need to be investigated. To investigate the feasibility of using a Facebook concussion-management program termed i Con interactive concussion management to facilitate the safe return to play RTP of young persons after sport concussion. Facebook group containing interactive elements, with moderation and support from trained health care professionals.
The study was conducted over a 3-month period, with participant questionnaires administered preintervention and postintervention. The primary focus was on the qualitative experiences of the participants and the effect of i Con on their RTP. Usage data were also collected. Their supporting quotes all indicated that i Con has the potential to improve the management of concussion among this cohort. This interactive adjunct to traditional concussion management was appreciated among this participant group, which indicates the feasibility of a future, larger study of i Con.
Athletic trainers should consider the role that multimedia technologies may play in assisting with the management of sport concussion. B cells as accessory cells in a Con A response of a T cell clone. For the initiation of a proliferative response to Con A, the addition of spleen cells or spleen adherent cells was required. B cells as AC were unable to induce the proliferative response. The response was inhibited by a relevant monoclonal anti-I-A antibody.
Coagulase negative Staphylococci CoNS are common inhabitants of human skin and mucous membranes. With the emergence of these organisms as prominent pathogens in patients with ocular infections, investigation has intensified in an effort to identify important virulence factors and to inform new approaches to treatment and prevention. To isolate CoNS from ocular specimens; to study the possible virulence factors; speciation of coagulase negative staphylococci CoNS which were isolated from ocular complications; antibiotic susceptibility testing of ocular CoNS. The specimens were collected from the target patients who attended the Microbiology Laboratory of a tertiary care eye hospital in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu state, India.
The isolates were subjected to tube and slide coagulase tests for the identification of CoNS. All the isolates were subjected to screening for lipase and protease activities. Screening for other virulence factors viz.