With his new abilities to harness light energy, Danny Dannoc Popovic has lived a sheltered life, living for the sunrise everyday and dreading the sunset every night.

Daylight Knight by R. delRio

With his new abilities to harness light energy, Danny discovers that there are new restrictions and new chains that bind him in responsibilities. He must either join the forces of other Day Warriors or lose his abilities and possibly his life Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Daylight Knight , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nov 10, Rita Ames rated it it was amazing.

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I have been so lucky with my book choices lately and this one didn't disappoint either. Another 5 star wonder!

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Making the right choice based on concience has been done in so many stories but never in such an amazing way as in this delightful book. An ordinary and somewhat geeky computer nerd, afraid of the dark suddenly discovers he has the power of the sun and the moon at his fingertips.

Although he is pushed to become a vicious warrior, he resists and sticks to his guns and his belief that fig I have been so lucky with my book choices lately and this one didn't disappoint either. One person found this helpful. I believe this is the best book this author has written.

[#2] Dead by Daylight - Flashlight warrior [STREAMERS POV]

The characters are presented as believable, yet beyond reality, Action proceeds at a fast pace, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. It is impossible to anticipate the twists and turns. Watch for the main character to appear in a sequel! Making the right choice based on concience has been done in so many stories but never in such an amazing way as in this delightful book.

An ordinary and somewhat geeky computer nerd, afraid of the dark suddenly discovers he has the power of the sun and the moon at his fingertips. Although he is pushed to become a vicious warrior, he resists and sticks to his guns and his belief that fighting a pointless and age old war is a silly thing to do. If only the rest of the world could learn this! I loved watching as Dannoc delighted in learning to control his many abilities. As the plot progressed we see him emerge like a butterfly from a crysalis into the beginnings of the man he is destined to be.

Just at the end we see the promise of this and it will be interesting to see how things go in the next book. The writing was clean, clear and easy to read and the scientific descriptions were really well thrashed out. I wasn't sure if they were accurate or just for the story but they added a nice little bit of intellectual credence to the whole.

Daylight Knight

I couldn't help myself imagining this as a really great Xbox game. It was so imaginative. The five stars are for a great original plot, clear writing and one of the most enjoyable reads I have had for a while. Highly recommended to all genre readers as there is a little paranormal, sci-fi,romance,action etc etc in this. This book is a vivid account of characters with a different genre of powers that are unusual to most readers.

The author depicted each person in detail.

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If you allow your imagination to be an observer, you can almost be there! It is a very interesting read, and I hope the main character will appear in a sequel! You can form a likeness with the awesome cover, and from the first chapter on, it is a wonderful adventure! See all 6 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.

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Then he discovers that his entire life has been a lie. Aided by a psychotic Mudraca, named Rona, and his family, he discovers that he has gifts that empower him to use light as an energy source. The only trick is to survive the trai Dannoc Popovic is a 37 year old computer programmer who lives a very normal life The only trick is to survive the training.

Kindle Edition , pages. Published January 10th first published January 9th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Daylight Knight , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Akane rated it it was ok Aug 10, Janelle rated it it was amazing Aug 06, Rita Ames rated it it was amazing Nov 12, Aaron Dietz rated it it was amazing Mar 06,