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April — Sacred Creations 3-Day Retreat. Posted by Yvonne Perry at Light language is useful for building up your own faith and caring for your personal needs and praying for others or a situation when you do not know how to pray. It is an amazing tool for personal ascension, spiritual awakening, and expanding consciousness on Earth.

This 2-hour activation class will take you through the basics of light language and offer a chance to activate or practice toning, singing, speaking, gesturing, and writing in the language of light. Become a pure vessel for Divine love to work through you as a channel of energy and vibration. Praying or channeling light language, accompanied by divine love, draws the best intention and most gracious outcome toward you and the person or situation you are praying for.

Sometimes our spirit languages are a guttural pushing forth similar to giving birth. Sometimes the sounds are animal-like, or high-pitches, pulses, clicks, whistles, or other sounds used for communication between species. Posted by Yvonne Perry at 8: I've been busy making music this year.

That's why you haven't seen any posts on this blog for a while. I'm ready to share this new album with you. I think you will enjoy it and find it helpful as you travel your spiritual path. More than an hour of unique sound therapy to relax the mind and allow it to reset to its natural state of well-being.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness: About the Book

Entertaining, but very powerful. Headphones enhance the journeying experience! Get the entire album seven songs listed below at http: You may be sensing this as your higher self joining with you. Kali Shay-li Working with the transforming energy of Kali in combination with Shay-li a Lemurian word meaning gentleness brings a powerful activation with tender compassion.

Star Path Designed especially for starseeds who are struggling with being in a body on this planet. Transform your thinking from a negative perspective to one of gratitude for being a forerunner in the ascension. A starseed is a soul consciousness that originated somewhere besides here on Earth.

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Some are off-planet beings who have walked into a human form. Dragon's Portal Some people are interacting with mystical beings such as fairies, elementals, unicorns, pegasuses, mermaids, dragons, and such. The light language transmission allows you to connect to the realm where these beings live.

Feel their love and sense the homecoming welcome they share with you! Enjoy the mystical sounds of singing and speaking Lemurian and ET languages.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness

Can't remember where you are or where you have been? Do you feel as through you are bi-locating? You may be jumping time lines and visiting other dimensions. The physical body is restructuring and re-calibrating and the light body is being brought on board. Begin by altering your DNA through light language, which is not affected by the subconscious, the brain, or the body.

Wednesday, May 11, Traveling with Audio Books. Are you traveling soon? Do you enjoy listening to books? Would you rather listen to someone read to you rather than reading the text yourself? Here are the downloadable titles: Some people are able to sense, and even experience, the thoughts, feelings, and energy of people, animals, plants, and non-bodied beings.

We are multidimensional beings with many aspects of soul consciousness. The highest aspect of our soul holds the frequencies of pure love without the programming that has caused humans to see themselves as weak and dis-empowered. The ongoing restoration process of the light-body is essential to the ascension of humanity. This transformation requires a rewiring and reprogramming of the DNA that will result in a molecular reconstruction of the body.

Light language is a tool to help us do this. Whose Stuff Is This? Are your coworkers like psychic vampires who leech off your energy? Do you have mysterious illnesses, aches, and pains? Are you depressed or angry for no good reason? Do some friends and family members make you feel drained? You may be an empath picking up on the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and even the illnesses of others.

Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You is a guidebook for empathic people who have been unknowingly carrying energetic burdens that belong to someone else. More Than Meets the Eye: True Stories about Death, Dying and Afterlife is a book that address topics that many people are not comfortable talking about such as suicide, the near-death experience, end of life decisions, and euthanasia. The book is designed to help people release their fear of death, learn to communicate with those on the other side, and to comfort someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one.

Purchase paperback on Amazon. It's also on Amazon as an e-book for those who have Kindle or Sony Readers. The audio book is now available! I'm hearing more and more people say that someone else told them that they are a walk-in. I hesitate when I hear this because I feel that our internal guidance should be our main source of information. For too long we have looked to other people to tell us our truth. I believe that our guides will organically lead us to a source of information to teach or confirm what they are trying to convey to us.

Info that someone else gives me is rarely a "new" knowing--it is usually something that I was already pondering or contemplating. If we have to question the validity of what someone else told us especially if it comes from out of the blue , it could be an indication that we are trying to convince ourselves that something is true when it just doesn't feel right.

It can cause us to not trust our own intuition. When trying to decide if something is true for you, do a body scan. Where in your body do you feel energy when considering the information? Is it pleasant or uncomfortable? Truth should feel good or neutral. How much do you trust information that you get from others? How quick are you to accept something as truth when nothing in you or your experience supports it? Posted by Yvonne Perry at 3: Many times a higher version of your soul or future self may walk into your body for a short time to help you raise your current frequency and assure you are on track for a certain wave of the collective ascension.

Our physical bodies may respond with discomfort during the adjustment phase much like when orthodontic braces are put on the teeth. The discomfort only lasts until the new alignment is reached.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience

A lesser-evolved aspect of your soul may also blend for a while in order to raise its frequency enough to be integrated into wholeness with your entire soul essence. I thought I was done dealing with this issue! Soul fragments that left during trauma in this life or a previous one are also returning to be integrated. Their outstanding issues need to be resolved even though we may not remember what caused them or know why they left in the first place.

These aspects will make their needs known--sometimes in a disruptive way to get your attention. This is inner child or shadow work.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness

Just heal the wound and bring this aspect into wholeness. There really is no "time" as far as the soul is concerned. Everything is happening simultaneously which makes our multidimensional soul a parallel experience. Everything is energy or frequency.

Light is coming to the earth now to assist with this shift because barriers or force fields that once prevented us from receiving the light needed to open all 12 strands of DNA. Those who are here as light workers are codes carriers--we hold blueprint material in our soul's frequency that we are emitting and anchoring in the earth and universe.

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LavendarRose is an empath who uses her gift to help others learn about oneness with Source through books, teaching, and speaking. Books by Yvonne Perry. Trivia About Shifting into Pur No trivia or quizzes yet.