Come li avete conosciuti? Tante cose emiliano-romagnole insomma. Voi di dove siete? Ci sono altri luoghi in Italia che vi piacciono per le vibrazioni? Per varie ragioni, non solo strettamente musicali, abbiamo bazzicato spesso da quelle parti, abbiamo amici, musicisti e non, abbiamo storie personali che ci hanno portati a frequentare quei luoghi. In generale siamo stati molto bene anche a Senigallia, in certi ambienti milanesi e abbiamo un rapporto speciale con Rovereto e i roveretani Ho visto che avete suonato anche con i Metro Area.

Il vostro suono mi sembra influenzato in qualche modo anche dalla loro proposta. Vi sentite vicini a loro? Quali sono i progetti per il futuro? Ho letto che avete anche una storia importante come videomaker. Nel live userete video vostri? Sorry Boy ha questa straordinaria attitudine vintage e visionaria che ci ha impressionato da subito e che crediamo rappresenti alla perfezione il nostro suono. Thurston viene da una famiglia che asseconda i suoi interessi musicali. Un paio di mesi dopo lo stesso King lo chiama invitandolo a raggiungerlo e a entrare nel suo gruppo. Sistemato in una specie di monolocale sulla Tredicesima Strada, il diciannovenne si immerge a capofitto nella movida punk di New York: I primi esperimenti con questo nuovo stile nascono durante le jam con Stanton Miranda, una musicista che in quel periodo suona anche in un progetto tutto al femminile con Christine Hahn ex Static e una ragazza californiana che ha da poco lasciato Los Angeles, attratta dalla scena artistica di New York.

Portava gli occhiali da sole con le lenti sollevabili e aveva un pastore australiano di nome Egan. Si faceva la coda da un lato e indossava un completo con camicetta e pantaloni a righe bianche e blu. Tutto quello che ha Kim sono una chitarra e un cuscino. Thurston quella sera suona quello strumento malandato e i due, finalmente, si baciano. La musica dei gruppi no wave prende spesso la piega di una cacofonia stonata e amelodica; formalmente, non presenta i classici accordi che il punk stesso usava per creare melodie e si propone in tutto e per tutto come una sorta di antirock, anche se suonato con i suoi stessi strumenti.

Il brano dei Mars presenta un giro armonico con quattro accordi pennati in sedicesimi, vera quintessenza protosonica, e gli interventi noise della seconda chitarra. Per carpire le vere premesse al sound dei Sonic Youth nella no wave, tuttavia, dobbiamo rivolgere lo sguardo alla parallela scena di SoHo ignorata da No New York, che si concentrava soltanto su quattro band del Lower East Side. In questo contesto operano i Theoretical Girls, gli Static e i Gynecologists, e soprattutto i personaggi che li guidano. Poi entrarono anche Glenn [Branca] e David [Rosenbloom], mentre Warton [Tiers] batteva un tempo di otto ottavi sul piatto.

I tre chitarristi non facevano che pizzicare solamente corde vuote con il plettro, ma nel campo sonoro sopra le nostre teste succedevano cose straordinarie. Gli ipertoni danzavano intorno. Il brano era Guitar Trio di Chatham, che mi ha iniziato a un nuovo e sorprendente mondo di musica che stava nascendo a sud della Quattordicesima strada nella lower Manhattan. Dalle lezioni introduttive che Rhys Chatham ha fatto ai suoi musicisti, Branca impara a sviluppare i concetti della serie armonica e degli ipertoni nelle sue prime composizioni: In quelle otto chitarre, due sono nelle mani di Thurston Moore e Lee Ranaldo.

Le cose si stanno mettendo nello stesso modo anche per Lee Ranaldo con il suo gruppo, i Plus Instruments. I primi concerti dei Sonic Youth mark II sono senza batteria, prima del ritorno di Edson in formazione. Alla fine del , il nostro milita anche brevemente in un gruppo hc, gli Even Worse. Dopo un faticoso tour insieme agli Swans, un altro gruppo di New York emerso dal sottobosco post no wave Gira era una vecchia conoscenza di Kim Gordon dai tempi della California , i Sonic Youth licenziano Bob Bert e lo rimpiazzano. Anche Thurston in questo periodo ha modo di frequentare Lydia, suonando nel suo album In Limbo.

Nel primo vero album della loro carriera, terminato grazie al finanziamento di una facoltosa coppia di amici svizzeri, i Sonic Youth creano un concept sonoro che svilupperanno negli anni fino a farne il proprio marchio di fabbrica. Anche se non ha ancora un songwriting rifinito, Confusion Is Next offre indicazioni importanti per il futuro sviluppo dei Sonic Youth, a partire dalle fantasiose accordature che qui fanno il loro debutto in studio.

Moore e Ranaldo rimangono in Europa, dove li raggiungono Kim e, in un secondo tempo, Bob. I Sonic Youth suonano i loro primi concerti europei ottenendo anche qualche buona recensione, nonostante la data di Londra sia un fallimento totale. Society Is A Hole, tor-. Lavorando in studio con Martin Bisi per budget infimi una caratteristica di tutto il loro periodo indipendente , si cimentano anche con i primi overdub. Inizia con un memorabile show in pieno deserto al festival Gila Monster Jamboree e prosegue con il nuovo tour europeo, il terzo della loro carriera, in cui suonano dal vivo di spalla ai Bad Seeds.

Paul Smith fonda la Blast First! Al posto di Bob Bert entra Steve Shelley, ex batterista dei Crucifucks, un gruppo hardcore del Michigan, tassello mancante per la formazione definitiva dei Sonic Youth. Una sintesi di queste tendenze si trova nel pirotenico finale di Expressway to Yr. Loro stessi ne sono consapevoli. Semmai il confronto con la forma canzone la esalta.

Le partiture di Mo-. Pipeline contiene il primo duetto vocale tra Thurston e Kim e un raro caso in cui i Sonic Youth usano il sintetizzatore e il Moog. Nel brano che lo intitola, Thurston si reinventa come The Royal Tuff Titty, sorta di alter ego rap, e la band suona su un collage di brani dei Kiss. Il retro contiene cover piuttosto strane, spezzoni di interviste e montaggi di nastri. The Sprawl e Cross the Breeze fondono riff chitarristici di un abrasivo minimalismo e di una forza dirompente con studiati incastri ritmici e parti strumentali melodiche.

Total Trash contiene una piccola sinfonia noise da cui riparte il tema principale, dove un paio di album prima si sarebbe tutto dissolto in una rumoreggiante nebulosa. Per licenziare Daydream Nation la Blast First! Promosso con tour che porta i Sonic Youth anche in Unione Sovietica e in Giappone, il doppio LP erode ulteriormente la barriera che li separa dal mondo del mainstream.

Hot Chip e che non a caso ha stuzzicato quelli della Domino per la produzione: Sebbene si apra con una scarica adrenalinica e percussiva. Techno Nata come una serata berlinese per promuovere la dubstep e i suoi producer, SUB: Il prossimo disco - azzardiamo - potrebbe ambire allo status di essential. Comprensibilissimo come Benga - e parallelamente Skream, nel - abbia voluto prendere distanze esplicite dal dubstep, altrettanto da manuale la mossa della joint venture con i Magnetic Man che, precedentemente , inten-.

Almeno a giudicare da alcune recenti dichiarazioni in cui la diretta interessata parla di dimensione privata da preservare e di una situazione sentimentale stabile. Le porte che si aprono, insomma, fanno entrare una luce piacevole, ma anche uno spiffero fastidioso e potenzialmente dannoso. Black Sabbath - 13 Vertigo, Giugno Genere: Con Colourless Green Superheroes i Nostri svolazzano tra prog epidermico The Vindicators Returns, ma anche i cambi di tempo di Scribble e controtempi morbidi tra dub e easy listening acusmatiq8. Alberto Boccardi ore22 e ore24teatro studio "Annusavamo fiori di fibra ottica".

Urbino Laptop Orchestra ore23lazzabaretto live: Agostino Maria Ticino trio. O almeno nulla che sia nuovo o veramente sopra la media. Oggi arrivano finalmente al full Surface Tension. Due universi che collidono e generano una cornucopia di ricordi applicati proprio sul full. In questo si ritrovano anche gli stab della successiva e autoironica nel titolo Too Many Glowsticks con il feat. Il giochino compattissimo con i Fare Soldi Malavoglia , booty e L. Mad in Sicily again? Indie pop Citando a memoria: A queste band, e a tutte quelle che stiamo dimenticando in questo momento, bisogna anche aggiungere anche i Camera Obscura, che con il quinto album della carriera si confermano pure loro maestri del genere.

Lasciamo da parte gli sterili paralleli con la band di Stuart Murdoch che hanno riempito le pagine della stampa internazionale: Every Weekday prestate attenzione alle linee di chitarra praticamente world e da playlist di fine anno anche il soft rock di Break It to You Genlty. Ma soprattutto, trattandosi di pop appunto, ci sono le melodie e le canzoni. Come To Dust, daddy. Si ha la sensazione di essere di fronte a una americanizzazione delle idee pop di stampo french, che si parli dei primi Phoenix o dei Daft Punk di R.

Il mood sognante e disilluso che colora tutto. Le strutture grossomodo sono sempre quelle previste dal genere: Marielle Jacobsons violino, flauto e Gregg Kowalsy tastiere ne sono i principali artefici, mentre Michael Elrod tanpura , Ben Bracken basso e Noah Phillips chitarra costituiscono il nuovo e fondamentale trio di supporto. Sette tracce che hanno il compito di trasformare le cuffie in uno strumento di immersione multisensoriale. Le coordinate geografiche del nonluogo sono quelle del Southwest degli USA: In questo panorama The Dusted Sessions ha un ruolo ingannevole.

After Dark 2, naturalmente, supera in tutto e per tutto il predecessore. Certo, di fronte ad una All My Days Off - immaginatevi Chris Isaak ipnotizzato dai Cousteau - si consolida il sospetto che possa trattarsi di una furbata indie-pop studiata a tavolino, una strategia di bizzarrie pensose e dandysmo problematico con malcelate ambizioni radiofoniche. Che ti spiazza quando credi di averlo in pugno.

Lunghi slow-burning meditativi di grande impatto evocativo in una catarsi di psichedelia seventies che sublima in droni cosmici. I fratelli Lawrence non si fanno mancare nulla, nemmeno un pezzo tirato e spazza pista come Stimulation che chiude il cerchio con del puro pragmatismo Solid Groove. Full album stream [via The Guardian] 7. Storie ossificate, asciugate non dal poeta ma dal traghettatore di storie popolari in un formato la canzone popolarmente fruibile. A raccogliere i detriti, a spacciare voglia di ricostruire. Ho detto alter ego ma avrei fatto meglio a dire pubblico.

Filologicamente, lo fanno senza voci umane, semmai con le tastiere di Vangelis in Year Of The Dog, apocalittica e riuscitissima traccia, una delle migliori risposte degli ultimi anni alla domanda: Non tutti i numeri brillano: Deafheaven - Sunbather Deathwish inc. Il senso del loro essere sta nel gioco delle contrapposizioni, della serie: Ma la spinta dei Deafheaven si esaurisce qui.

Di questo fatto gli Editors non hanno mai nascosto i motivi, menzionandoli in ogni intervista o documentario: Per riferirsi proprio alle parole del producer: E non serve aggiungere altro. Stace, meglio conosciuto come John Wesley Harding. Se il doppio senso del titolo volesse alludere ad un superarsi facendo la propria cosa, lo diremmo vagamente velleitario e persino infingardo. Arrabbiato, complicato e sorprendente come non riesce a fare a meno di essere. Per riuscirci, attinge da figure di riferimento quali Daft Punk e Rick Rubin per co-produrre alcune tracce e supervisionare il lavoro, rifugiandosi proprio negli studi di Rubin per le ultime, frenetiche settimane di lavorazione.

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Quello che fino a ieri veniva distribuito su etichette come Anticon o Warp entra adesso su grande scala nel mercato Def-Jam. Gli elementi tirati in ballo nei primi quattro pezzi sono quantomeno destabilizzanti: Si fa un grosso parlare di musiche estreme, di elettronica oscura, di psichedelia pesante. Cohen musa meno dichiarata rispetto a Dylan, ma quasi altrettanto importante. Devono usare i computer anche solo per cantare! Anche un brano come Fightboat, che rischia di sfiorare pericolosi territori upbeat-emo anni zero, riesce a sorprendere grazie ad un utilizzo di fiati imprevedibile e per certi versi innovativo.

So come schiacciare questi bottoni: Disco denso e dal fascino irrequieto, insomma, e tutto da scoprire. Di annotazioni, bozzetti, scritture asincrone e fermacarte sul flusso creativo. In altre parole, un ragazzo fortunato. Forse, ma chiariamo subito il motivo di un tale accostamento: Due accordi in croce ed un apporto melodico che non ha nulla da invidiare ai successi targati Wavves, influenza piuttosto evidente lungo buona parte delle nove - brevi - tracce, registrate e mixate in soli 5 giorni. Soul Il primo disco dopo quattro anni segna una svolta parziale per Sean Tillman: Siamo sempre al gioco sulla black music, qui esplorata come in un catalogo: Ambient, techno Tre sound diversi esplorati da altrettanti coreografi, ognuno parte di uno stesso linguaggio, della medesima catarsi.

Al centro un evento organizzato al Berghain di Berlino con i ballerini dello Staatsballett Berlin. Uno splendido outsider per ascolti solitari e notturni. Se kin si concentrava sui singoli brani pubblicati nei primi mesi del , bounty fa invece perno sulla sequenza di tracce rilasciate online dal 14 Marzo al 31 luglio Protagonisti i ritmi electropop ed una grande intelligenza nel saper dosare sperimentazione e melodia, ma non solo. Il Maniscalco Maldestro Pur senza che ci sia il bisogno di sentir sganciare la bomba per alzar il voto. Si ritira in studio.

Non a caso, ognuno di essi rientra tra i numerosi conclamati punti di riferimento del disco basti pensare che a Murphy Kalabrese ha aperto il tour nel , affiancati ai contributi dei tanti preziosi collaboratori: Sul lato prettamente strumentale, viceversa, Kids in L. Va a finire, insomma, registrando comunque un progresso nel repertorio del duo: Kalabrese ama ballare da solo, non preoccupandosi in nessun modo di invitarci a farlo.

A noi la scelta se seguirlo dunque. Kode9 - Rinse Kode9 Rinse, Maggio Genere: Elettronica UK Kode9 nel Dexplicit con Wave Machine. Con Let It Go in uscita, traccia 38, se ne esce stonati, stonatissimi, come dopo una championship di Vindaloo al ristorante indiano, ma col sorriso giallo della maglietta.

Certo, non manca la ruggine: Uno sputo sul marciapiede che non lascia margine alla bellezza e che diventa uno sfogo incasinato e senza filtri. Basso distorto e violento, batteria e voci che vomitano testi sconnessi, rabbia di. Semmai di uno sguardo dal ciglio del precipizio, prima di lanciarsi nel vuoto. Fengler, dunque, dilata e amplifica il dettaglio: Anche ora che li fa sdraiare in poltrona sobri.

Footwork Il nome di Mark Pritchard compare da svariati anni nelle pubblicazioni di Planet Mu, Hyperdub, Deep Medi Musik, Big Dada e oltre , ma mai nulla di progettuale o sulla lunga distanza, piuttosto roba di singoli e ricordiamo il bel? FM dello scorso 10 giugno, ha deciso di provare. Ancora una volta Herbert riesce nel difficile obiettivo di realizzare un discorso musicale che convive e si compenetra col portato concettuale.

Zarro e compiaciuto, The Visitor funziona alla grande: Ma cosa balleranno mai dunque, questi nuovi clubber dalla lacrima facile? The library is suitable Il Simposio di Platone. Full Text Available Pensate che i testi antichi siano semplicemente vecchi?

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    A delay in the sequence of treatment cycles decreases the DI in the DI in the same proportion as a reduction of dose. Average relative DI corresponds to the mean DI of combined agents and is expressed as a fraction of a similar combination selected as a standard. Di is useful to compare the dose actually received with the prescribed dose.

    The relation of DI with tumor response or survival has not been fully demonstrated. A threshold DI level for therapeutic activity is evident. Above this threshold, a linear relationship of DI and effectiveness is not obvious, particularly regarding high-dose chemotherapy. The term of DI is more useful in its principle than in the significance of its calculated value. Gerakan Filantropi Islam di Amerika. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan gerakan filantropi Islam di Amerika yang meliputi pembahasan tentang basis kelembagaan filantropi Islam dan kontribusinya terhadap solidaritas dan pemberdayaan umat Islam di Amerika.

    Penelitian ini adalah kajian literatur dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan multidisiplin. Hasil penelitian menunjukan empat basis kelembagaan gerakan filantropi Islam di Amerika; yaitu masjid, lembaga pendidikan, etnis dan aliran atau madzhab pemikiran. Didapatkan pula fakta hubungan signifikan antara eksistensi lembaga filantropi Islam terhadap kebijakan politik pemerintah terkait isu radikalisme yang melekat pada umat Islam di Amerika.

    Amerika, Filantropi, Islam, Muslim. La filosofia clinica di Wittgenstein. Seguiremo inizialmente i cambiamenti nella concezione del linguaggio e del significato del filosofo austriaco utilizzandoli come traccia per registrare le corrispondenti revisioni degli obiettivi, delle tecniche e delle forme del far filosofia da lui proposte. Cercheremo poi di analizzare la pratica filosofica prospettata dal Wittgenstein maturo evidenziandone alcuni aspetti che ci consentiranno di qualificarla come clinica. Il viaggio gastronomico di Paolo Monelli. Full Text Available Il ghiottone errante di Paolo Monelli, pubblicato nel , rappresenta uno dei primi esempi di narrativa di viaggio in tema di enogastronomia, un genere destinato a grande successo nel secondo dopoguerra.

    In questo articolo, oltre a ripercorrere la vicenda biografica di Monelli, si sottolineano le relazioni tra Il ghiottone e la cultura gastronomica del regime fascista, e si evidenziano alcuni tratti caratteristici del suo stile di scrittura. Il museo della scienza di Villa Farnesina.

    Il ghiottone errante di Paolo Monelli, pubblicato nel , rappresenta uno dei primi esempi di narrativa di viaggio in tema di enogastronomia, un genere destinato a grande successo nel secondo dopoguerra. Cryptosporidium cause intestinal infection of human and animal acute diarrhea. Diarrhea still be important health problem because diarrhea was be the third dominant contributor of children morbidity and mortality at some country include Indonesia. Every children have 1,x diarrhea onset annually. Cryptosporidium species confirmed in Indonesia are C. Rapid Diagnostic Test that have highly sensitivity and spesificity is very important on Cryptosporidium cases finding and surveillance in Indonesia.

    Environment and cattle sanitation, personal hygiene, water and food treatment, is necessary to prevent cryptosporidiosis transmission. Kriptosporidiosis termasuk waterborne dan soil transmitted diseases, disebabkan oleh Cryptosporidium yang bersifat obligat intraseluler. Cryptosporidium menyebabkan infeksi pada usus halus dan dapat menyebabkan diare akut pada manusia dan hewan. Diare merupakan penyumbang utama ketiga angka kesakitan dan kematian anak di berbagai negara.

    PhD Dissertations Tesi di dottorato. Esercizi di fisica meccanica e termodinamica. La risoluzione di esercizi rappresenta uno strumento indispensabile per raggiungere una comprensione sicura e approfondita dei concetti di Fisica appresi dai corsi e dai testi di teoria. Frutto di una lunga esperienza didattica dei due autori nell'insegnamento universitario della meccanica e della termodinamica, questa raccolta contiene esercizi, di cui 91 completamente risolti ed accompagnati da un ampio corredo di figure. Gli altri capitoli contengono gli esercizi, suddivisi per argomento e preceduti da una serie di paragrafi riassuntivi dei concetti fondamentali.

    Sistemi tecnologici innovativi di involucro per il recupero del patrimonio edilizio recente. L'edilizia scolastica nel Comune di Bologna. Teoria dei quanti di luce. Compendio di meccanica razionale. Nella II Parte abbiamo ulteriormente semplificato la teoria elementare dei "fenomeni giroscopici", seguendo G. Full Text Available Un progetto sperimentale, attuato nella scuola dell'obbligo, in cui l'esperienza di precedenti corsi di formazione a distanza da parte delle due insegnanti coordinatrici del lavoro e l'organizzazione di una virtual classroom si sono coniugate nella realizzazione di "Gli Eroi Dimenticati" e "La Meglio Gioventu'", iniziative prodotte all'interno del piu' ampio progetto di cooperazione telematica "Sardegna Chiama Friuli".

    Prospek bisnis franchise di Indonesia. Donald, Pizza Hut, dan sebagainya, kini telah merambah di hampir semua kota besar. Kenyataan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa globalisasi tak terelakkan lagi. Bangsa-bangsa telah menjalin hubungan bisnis, melampaui batas-batas negara. La lunga attesa di Marsis.

    I ministri di culto delle confessioni religiose di minoranza: I ministri di culto delle confessioni religiose dotate di intesa - 2. I ministri di culto delle confessioni prive di intesa - 3. Pratiche di Social Networking: Un improbabile precursore di Gutenberg? Jumlah perokok semakin meningkat di seluruh dunia dan sebagian besar berada dinegara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Sebagai negara dengan perokok terbanyak ketiga di dunia, prevalensi perokok remaja di Indonesia semakin meningkat setiap tahun. Desain peneitian adalah crossectional. Sebagian besar dari total sampel terpapar asap rokok lingkungan baik di rumah dan di tempat-tempat umum.

    Lebih dari seperempat pelajar di tiga SMP di kota Padang pernah merokok dan semuanya laki laki, dan mencoba merokok padausia kurang dari 10 tahun. Hampir seperlima sudah ketagihan merokok. Pelajar, Merokok, Global Youth Tobacco SurveyAbstract Smoking is the mayor contibutor of death, and the number of smoker is growing overworld. More of them live in the developing country, including Indonesia.

    As the third of most smoker number, the teenager smoker prevalence in Indonesia is increase over year. By using Indonesian language adapted of Global Youth Tobacco Survey quessionaires, we researched smoking teenager behaviour and realted factors at Junior High School of Padang. Fertilitas Remaja di Indonesia.

    I. Per Cominciare

    Full Text Available Fertilitas remaja merupakan isu penting dari segi kesehatan dan sosial karena berhubungan dengan tingkat morbiditas serta mortalitas ibu dan anak. Tujuan penelitian adalah mempelajari faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi fertilitas remaja di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah hasil Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia tahun dengan unit analisis wanita usia subur yang termasuk dalam kategori usia remaja 15 - 19 tahun.

    Jumlah sampel sebanyak 6. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dan inferensial menggunakan model regresi logistik biner. Secara statistik, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kejadian fertilitas remaja dengan daerah tempat tinggal, pendidikan, status bekerja, serta tingkat kesejahteraan keluarga.

    Wanita berisiko tinggi mengalami fertilitas pada usia remaja adalah mereka yang tinggal di perdesaan, berpendidikan rendah, tidak bekerja dan berstatus ekonomi rendah. Rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil penelitian adalah akses ke tingkat pendidikan formal yang lebih tinggi bagi remaja wanita, penyediaan pelatihan usaha ekonomi kreatif terutama pada daerah perdesaan, peningkatan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi bagi remaja melalui pendidikan.

    Adolescent fertility is an important issue in terms of health and social care as it relates to the morbidity and mortality of mothers and children. This study aimed to know the factors that influence adolescent fertility in Indonesia. The data used was the result of Indonesian Demography and Health Survey in with units of analysis included women of childbearing age in the adolescent age group 15 - 19 years.

    Full Text Available Abstrak: Dalam konteks pendidikan istilah dualisme dan dikotomi memiliki makna yang sama yaitu pemisahan antara pendidikan umum dari pendidikan agama. Dikotomi selalu melahirkan pandangan pembedaaan di satu sisi dan penyamaaan di sisi yang lain. Pandangan dikotomis pada hakikatnya mengabaikan esensi atau nilai sprit pendidikan. Membedakan dan menyamakan lebih dimaknai pada ta-taran permukaan sehingga jelas merusak nilai spirit dari pendidikan Islam.

    Dua-lisme dan dikotomi bukan hanya pada tataran pemilahan, tetapi telah masuk pada wilayah pemisahan yang dalam operasionalnya memisahkan mata pelajaran umum dari mata pelajaran agama, sekolah umum dan madrasah yang penge-lolaannya berjalan terpisah-pisah. Dampaknya terasa meru-gikan dan makna Islam menjadi sempit karena pengotak-kotakan ilmu akhirnya menomorduakan dan menganaktirikan pendidikan Islam. Sebagai solusi alter-natif harus diikuti upaya integrasi pengetahuan serta reposisi, yaitu cara pandang yang ilmu-ilmu Islam pada posisi yang sebenarnya.

    In the educational context, the term dualism and dichotomy have the same mea-ning, namely the separation between general education and religious education. The terms also mean the separation between education system of Islamic and ge-neral educations. Moreover, talking about Islamic education is often addressed to Islamic institutions. Such perspectives are triggered by dichotomous view on education, differentiate in one side and equate on the other side. Consequently, the spirit value that is integrated into Islamic education is neglected.

    The terms, currently, have pervaded on the separation of general and Islamic subjects, public and madrasas Institutions, where the management has a policy respectively. The impacts are narrow minded in interpreting Islamic meaning. A tale scopo la teoria si presenta con una struttura matematica molto elaborata che richiede come requisito indispensabile conoscenze di geometria differenziale e di calcolo differenziale assoluto.

    Pendidikan Karakter Di Sekolah. Masalah-masalah yang terjadi seperti kekerasan, korupsi, manipulasi,praktek-praktek kebohongan dalam dunia pendidikan mulai dari menyontekdalamujian sampai plagiat,kurang keteladanan dikalangan para pemimpin bangsa, dan sebagainya, sebenarnya menyangkut masalah karakter. Batasan karakter berada dalam dua wilayah.

    Pelaksanaan Pendidikan karakter disekolah sebagai alternativedikemukakan dalam makalah ini adalah: Selain itu melalui metode: Pendidikian Karakter, pendidikan Akhlak dan pendidikan Moral. What remains of Cherubini today? Two case studies Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the phenomenon of dialect resurgence has manifested in Italy through the emergence of dialects in Computer Mediated Communication, especially, on bottom-up created Web sites, like the free, multilingual, online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

    In this article, we will examine the legacy of Cherubini and his Milanese-Italian dictionary on the regional Lombard version of Wikipedia. We will review the articles both in terms of spelling, comparing the choices of Milanese lexicographer with those most utilized currently online, and from a morpho-syntactic point of view, discussing the presence and the productivity of some phrasal verbs.

    Studio del comportamento di Acanthamoeba. Dal momento che, fra i batteri descritti come capaci di vita intra-amebica, sono inclusi patogeni quali Chlamydia, Legionella, Listeria e Rickettsiae, risulta necessario riconsiderare la rilevanza clinica. Diparimento di fisica; Lamanna, E. Dipartimento di medicina sperimentale e clinica. In the last years there has been an increasing interest on IORT Intraoperative Radiation Therapy , also because of the development of dedicated accelerators.

    This technique represents a very effective oncological treatment consisting in delivering a single high dose on a tumour bed soon after surgery resection. In the following we present the proposal of development of a last generation IORT system based on the use of a linear accelerator with variable energy in the range MeV, operating in C band MHz. Respect to the accelerator used in the commercial IORT systems operating at a typical frequency of MHz S band limited to a maximum energy of 12 MeV, the use of a higher RF frequency allows an increase of the maximum energy.

    This extends the use of the IORT technique to a wider field of tumors and an improvement of the system in terms of compactness and weight reduction. In addition the machine will be provided with a devoted absolute dosimetry system that will strongly simplify the procedures of dosimetric characterization. La diffusione di questa metodica e stata favorita dalla presenza sul mercato di acceleratori installabili direttamente in sala operatoria. Come conseguenza di questa disponibilita sono emerse sia nuove esigenze legate alle particolari applicazioni cliniche, sia richieste di facilita di utilizzo e perfomances sempre piu sofisticate.

    Viene qui presentata una proposta di sviluppo di un sistema IORT di ultima generazione basato sull'utilizzo di un acceleratore lineare con. Viene qui presentata una proposta di sviluppo di un sistema IORT di ultima generazione basato sull'utilizzo di un acceleratore lineare con energia. Trasforiiazioni Termoelastiche Finite di Solidi Incomprimibili. Queste lezlioni hanno come direttiva una sintesi di quanto si trova sistematicamente sviluppato in una mia Memoria sulle trasformazioni termoelastiche finite di solidi incomprimibili, in corso di stampa negli Annali di Matematica pura e applicata t.

    Manacorda in tre recentissimi suoi lavori:. Entrambi di colore, entrambi di umili origini, arrivati in Europa come tanti, centinaia di migliaia, nel loro caso non da clandestini. Studio di prevalenza delle polmoniti in un'Azienda opsedaliera di Bologna. ALICE e uno dei quattro esperimenti previsti ad LHC, al CERN, il cui scopo e lo studio delle osservabili che danno informazioni rilevanti sulla formazione del quark gluon plasma, che potrebbe essere prodotto in collisioni centrali Pb-Pb, di energia nel centro di massa di 5.

    Il parametro di impatto di tali collisioni verra determinato grazie ad un insieme di calorimetri per protoni e neutroni che misureranno l'energia portata in avanti dai nucleoni non interagenti spettatori. E' stato costruito un prototipo di calometro per neutroni, formato da piani di fibre di quarzo, posti a 45 gradi rispetto all'asse del fascio e inframmezzati da piani di materiale passivo denso tungsteno.

    La luce Cerenkov prodotta nelle fibre dallo sciame sviluppato nel materiale passivo,viene raccolta da guide ottiche in aria. Guido Antonioli Conservator pacis et iustitie. Problemi di traduzione della Politica di AristoteleIl caso della traduzione in francese di Nicole Oresme. On the feeding of ten species of Passeriformes in Italy. The feeding of ten different speciesof Passeriformes from Italy was studied thanks to identification of Insects and other Arthropoda foundin their stomach contents.

    The species examined are: Anthus trivialis, Troglodytes troglodytes, Erithacusrubecula, Acrocephalus paludicola, Sylvia atricapilla, Phylloscopus collybita, Aegithalos caudatus, Parusmajor, Oriolus oriolus and Lanius minor. Un derivato alaninico di un decapeptide candidacida ha mostrato una incrementata efficacia ter Fisica del nucleo stelle di neutroni. Studio sistematico delle masse nucleari ; energia di legame ; raggi nucleari dai nuclei speculari ; il nucleo in approssimazione di Thomas-Fermi ; introduzione allo scattering: Profondamente lirica diventa la rievocazione della madre, specie.

    Indagine su un primo cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto. Coming to terms with our colonial past: Regina di fiori e di perle by Il romanzo Regina di fiori e di perle di Gabriella Ghermandi presenta due filoni narrativi: Principi generali di gestione della manutenzione. Sulla base di queste premesse, ci si rivolge a manager, imprese, studiosi e studenti del campo dei servizi di manuntenzione. Censimento dei sistemi di Istituto. La procedura di 'Censimento' si propone di raccogliere informazioni relative a tutte le 'macchine' o 'sistemi' Personal Computer, Workstation e Server disponibili in Istituto per una migliore ed efficace utilizzazione delle risorse ai fini della sicurezza informatica.

    La procedura prevede la compilazione guidata via browse di due moduli: Uno strumento per la creazione di valore nella realizzazione di edifici sostenibili: Nella seconda parte si procede invece a presentare ed analizzare gli aspetti economico-finanziari degli edifici sostenibili con riferimento sia alle metodologie valutative applicabili, sia ai dati della letteratura.

    Il flashback, costellato da Alcuni casi di successo". Lezioni di fisica teorica meccanica quantistica. Le narrazioni come metodo di indagine sociologica.

    Pedagogia oggi, anno XV, n. 1, marzo by Pensa Multimedia - Issuu

    La gestione dei flussi turistici tramite sistemi di trasporto innovativi: Questo lavoro ha origine de una ricerca de documenti, utilizzando la tecnica di analisi di contenuto. Dinamika Perjuangan Muslim di Palestina. Upaya negara Palestina untuk mewujudkan kedaulatannya sebagai negara mendapat tantangan oleh arogansi Israel yang ingin menganeksasinya dengan dalih 'ajaran' dan keyakinannya.

    Usaha optimal Israel mencaplok wilayah negara Israel dirancang dengan langkah yang rapi, yakni sejak munculnya protokol zionis hingga eksisnya negara Israel. Sejak itu, konflik yang diderita negara Palestina membuat negaranya makin miskin karena energinya tersedot untuk memperjuangkan kedaulatan, di tengah upaya yang ha Masyarakat perbatasan yang ada di Indonesia cenderung masuk dalam kelompok masyarakat yang tertinggal dari berbagai aspek pembangunan. Tulisan ini memoret isu-isu dinamika dan eksistensi tradisi lokal dalam kerangka globalisasi. Tampak bahwa sikap ramah dan menghormati pendatang merupakan salah satu bentuk nyata bahwa mereka sangat terbuka dengan adanya arus global dan lokal.

    Adanya ruang interaksi bagi dunia luar, seperti mudahnya akses keluar masuk ke negara lain mengakibatkan pola interaksi, informasi dan komunikasi etnis Iban menjadi berkembang. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat pada aktivitas masyarakat Iban sehari-hari yang telah memanfaatkan dan menggunakan perangkat handphone, televisi dan teknologi modern lainnya. Passeranno altri diciassette anni prima dell'uscita dell'edizione integrale del testo, curata da Giorgio Zampa sul dattiloscritto originale. Improved di -electric composition.

    An improved di -electric composition is disclosed composed of pitch or bitumen which is melted, and to which is added, while molten, a quantity of finely ground or pulverized spent shale, the whole being mixed or stirred to make a homogeneous composition, substantially as described. Teoria dell'elettromagnetismo fenomeni e leggi fondamentali: La microscopia elettronica ha individuato la presenza di particelle enterovirus-simili in 18 dei 21 campioni e di virioni della famiglia Reoviridae in 8.

    La figura di Maria Maddalena nella tradizione agostiniana del XII secolo e l'allegoria nuziale in Bernardo di ClairvauxUn'ipotesi di interpretazione alla luce di categorie di ordine psicoanalitico. Life cycle assessment applied to two different municipal solid waste processes; Analisi del ciclo di vita di due diverse possibilita' di smaltimento di rifiuti solidi urbani. The application of Life Cycle Assessment LCA methodology as environmental balance tool is particularly suitable for the study of complex system such as municipal solid waste MSW collection, treatment and disposal systems.

    In this case a detailed analysis is carried out referring to an overall environmental balance based on two different waste treatments: The comparison carried out based on the LCA methodology and referring to specific process assumptions allowed to foreground that waste to energy treatments get a net overall balance lower than all the different land filling options, referring also to energy recovery from collected biogas. In questo caso viene affrontata nel dettaglio la valutazione in termini di bilancio complessivo di diverse opzioni di trattamento basate su posa a discarica e trattamento termico.

    Il confronto effettuato mediante il percorso metodologico seguito, ha permesso di valutare, sulla base delle ipotesi di processi fatte, come il trattamento termico con recupero energetico abbia un bilancio netto ambientale inferiore rispetto a qualsiasi opzione di posa a discarica, anche dotata di recupero energetico dal biogas. Allacciare i fili spezzati: Full Text Available Leggere autobiografie consente di conoscere esperienze e momenti della vita che restano ignoti a chi non li ha vissuti. Le autobiografie ci svelano un mondo e, nello stesso tempo, ci introducono in esso.

    Illustrano e spiegano senza illustrare e senza spiegare. Bagheria mitica della sua Full Text Available In order to interpret the links between Venice and Byzantium, it is firstly described how earliest houses in Venice were decorated by using sculptures coming from trading places.

    This prudence is mainly shown in the Renaissance. After tracing the main stratifying processes in about 40 study-cases, thanks to a macroscopic analysis, some ways of new composition elements and different stratified units are described. According to this, it is clear that the main principle is the searching for symmetry. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kesenjangan antara harapan dan Kenyataan yang diukur menggunakan atribut DINESERV adalah Kenyataan yang diterima oleh konsumen sangat tidak sesuai dengan harapan konsu Il saggio affronta il tema della sicurezza e della salute dei lavoratori quale diritto fondamentale.

    Le conclusioni cui giunge una parte della giurisprude Caravaggio e il Maccheronico di Teofilo Folengo. Il Cristo-paradosso costituisce la vera fonte ispiratrice per entrambi. Ricerche sugli enterobatteri nelle feci di Chirotteri. Full Text Available Dal , grazie al protocollo stipulato tra il gruppo di studio chirotteri del Museo di Onferno e l? Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell? Le ricerche ad oggi hanno interessato campioni provenienti da diverse regioni e da un certo pool di specie: Myotis daubentonii , M. Non sono stati mai identificati vettori di zoonosi o altri batteri che siano di alcun interesse per la salute umana, mentre si descrivono qui alcune specie nuove per la fauna italiana in relazione ai Chirotteri quali Providencia alcalifaciens in N.

    Il lavoro invita inoltre ad una maggiore collaborazione e a stringere accordi per ampliare la possibile raccolta dei campioni. The results show that shallot farming in Cirebon, Brebes and Tegal is financially profitable but economically unprofitable. The analysis of the competitiveness of shallot farming in Cirebon, Brebes and Tegal shows that shallot farming has no comparative advantage but has competitive advantage.

    Meanwhile, the government's policy on input is disincentive to farmers. Shallot farmers have to pay inputs more expensive than they should be; however, simultaneously, the government's policy on input and output support the shallot production in Cirebon, Brebes and Tegal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha tani bawang merah di Cirebon, Brebes dan Tegal menguntungkan secara finansial tetapi tidak menguntungkan secara ekonomi. Hasil analisis daya saing usaha tani bawang merah di Cirebon, Brebes dan Tegal menunjukkan usaha tani bawang merah tidak memiliki keunggulan komparatif tetapi masih memiliki keunggulan kompetitif.

    Dampak kebijakan pemerintah terhadap output menunjukkan adanya proteksi. Metodologie di rilievo tra ricerca e innovazione tecnologica per un caso di archeologia medievale: Torre Melissa in provincia di Crotone. Full Text Available Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah menyusun model manajemen pengetahuan di instansi pemerintahan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode soft system methodology. Faktor yang mendukung keberhasilan kegiatan ini adalah tersedianya data dan informasi diberbagai instansi pemerintah dan swasta.

    Persaingan internasional pada saat ini cenderung lebih ketat dan kompleks, untuk itu perlu dicari cara agar mendapatkan produk atau jasa yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat. Inovasi yang kreatif dapat meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat yang memerlukannya. Sehingga unit-unit di pemerintahan sangat tergantung dari pengelolaan pengetahuan apakah akan terjadi siklus knowledge yaitu perpindahan dari tacit ke explicit knowledge dan ke tacit knowledge.

    Oleh karena itu pengelolaan knowledge knowledge management ini menjadi penting bagi pengembangan pelayanan, karena masyarakat semakin kritis dan cerdas dan meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia bagi pemangku kepentingan. Una nuova rubrica di Archeomatica. Archeologia, Informatica e Geomatica s'incontreranno su uno spazio loro dedicato, la rubrica di Archeomatica.

    Nuclear magnetic resonance in the evaluation of the disk luxation in the temporomandibular articulation conditioned for degenerative osseous changes; Resonancia magnetica nuclear en la valoracion de la luxacion discal en la articulacion temporomandibular condicionada por cambios degenerativos oseos. Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes. The temporomandibular dysfunction is a common pathology. It appears with many symptoms as: The Magnetic Resonance Image is the chose method to study these alterations. The purposes of this paper are to demonstrate according to sex, the distribution of temporomandibular dysfunction and to determinant the relationships between the disc dislocation and the degenerative disease of the junction.

    The follow alterations were evaluated: The other 40 patients were excluded due to present a normal MRI study. The patients were females and 29 men. The most common dislocation site was the anterior. Performance of the IRM was useful in all the cases to demonstrate degenerative changes in the temporomandibular joint TMJ. And was a very precise relationship between the dislocation and degenerative disease of the joint.

    The degenerative changes are responsible for joint dislocation without reduction. Las disfunciones temporomandibulares son muy frecuentes. Los sintomas pueden ser: Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron demostrar la. La ricostruzione grafica del pavimento musivo di una villa romana. Biopotensial Elektroda di Bidang Medis. Dalam hal mengukur dan mencatat potensial dan arus listrik dalam tubuh, perlu ada penghubung antara tubuh dengan peralatan pengukur elektronik.

    Fungsi penghubung ini dilakukan oleh biopotensial elektroda. Selama bertahun-tahun telah dikembangkan banyak jenis elektroda yang berbeda untuk mencatat berbagai potensial di dalam tubuh, misalny Telematika Dakwah Di Dunia Broadcasting. Peran teknologi informasi dan teledakwah dalam aktifitas dakwah menjadi tren baru pada era teknologi informasi untuk memvisualisasikan dakwah dalam bentuk media cetak dan elektronik. Teknologi informasi dan teledakwah merupakan sarana penunjang dakwah yang mutakhir jika kita ingin menyebarkan dakwah keseluruh pelosok desa di Indonesia, yang dapat dijangkau oleh infrastruktur media Televisi lain sebagainya.

    Seorang Da'i perlu memahami penggunaaan serta pemilihan media teknologi informasi dan t Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perkembangan peran dan fungsi pesantren sejak awal "kelahirannya" yang terjadi pada kehidupan masyarakat tradisional sampai pada perubahan model pesantren yang menyesuaikan dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Model pendidikan pesantren menjamur jauh sebelum lembaga pendidikan formal didirikan di Indonesia, sehingga kontribusinya sangat besar dalam pembangunan bangsa ini.

    Mempertahankan eksistensinya di tengah tren perkembangan masyarakat modern tentunya tidak mudah. Karena pesantren, di satu sisi, merupakan lembaga penguatan keagamaan dan moral, tetapi di sisi lain ia harus mampu beradaptasi dan bermetamorfosis sesuai dengan perkembangan masyarakat modern.

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    Tantangan besar dalam masyarakat modern adalah dekadensi moral dan agama, lambatnya laju perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat, dan tingginya angka konsumerisme masyarakat. Berdasarkan tantangan ini, pesantren dapat melakukan revitalisasi peran dan fungsinya sebagai lembaga pendidikan dan pusat pemberdayaan masyarakat. Pesantren has flourished long before the formal educational institutions established in Indonesia.

    Thus, it has great contribution to the development of this nation. In one side, it is an institution for strengthening of religious and moral issues but on the other hand it must be able to adapt and metamorphose in accordance with the development of modern society. The major challenges in modern society is the moral and religious decadence, the slow pace of economic development, and the high rate of consumerism.

    For these challenges, pesantren can revitalize its role and function as educational institutions. Reddito minimo e piena occupazione. UP of Kentucky, L'uniforme cristiano e il multiforme pagano: Saggio sulla Gerusalemme Liberata. Time interrelates the di- verging discourses, generating a locus for judgment. By combining descriptive psychology and epistemology in his temporal analysis, Augustine refutes time's privileged ontological status and considers it only in terms of human experience.

    Book XI establishes the transience of the present while asserting the permanence of presence. The roles of truth, of confession and of the reader dlso figure prominently in Italo Svevo's La coscienza di Zeno? However, unlike in the Confessiones, the totalizing capacity of time which, like the trinity, is at once three definite mo- ments, is questioned by the fragmented narrating subject.

    Time-consciousness is a defining characteristic of modernism, and Svevo's text is no exception: Within each chapter the events are arranged chronologically, but the narra- tive frequentiy shifts between temporal planes. Autunno Piero Garofalo live material according to subject matter further minimizes the temporal pro- gression because these intersecting and imbricating life situations abolish chronological continuity.

    Unlike Augustine's text, Zeno's life-segments appear as distinct and exclusionary, inhibiting a unitary representation of the indi- vidual. This lack of a totalizing and coherent time-consciousness suggests the lack of a stable ontological presence. The title of the text suggests the relevance of time-consciousness by explic- itly referring to the protagonist's self-awareness and by impUcitly referring to his namesake, Zeno of Elea. The famous paradoxes of this Eleatic are reductio ad absurdum of Pythagorean contentions of motion; they would seem to dem- onstrate that any kind of motion is incoherent and, therefore, illusory.

    Zeno Cosini is immersed in these dilemmas, caught between the contradictory repre- sentations of chronology and of continuity. The etymological origin is suggestive of the protagonist's textual position which is always outside, beyond the borders of the established order. Paradoxi- cally, however, Zeno is entirely reliant upon a world within which he seems unable to function.

    Time's position in the narrative is dependent upon its representation. A quintessential property of time is the difference between the past and the fu- ture. Augustine subsumes this distinction into the present a strategy that the act of reading recreates ; however, when considered in terms of definite tempo- ral spheres, time is perceived as being anisotropic lacking symmetry between the two directions of the temporal continuum.

    In other words, people tend to conceive of time as temporally asymmetric, a belief which contrasts with their attitude toward space, which they assume to be isotropic. Psychoanalysis and the fictive premise of La coscienza di Zeno are based upon just such a percep- tion. The anisotropic perspective is implicated in another metaphysical doc- trine: This differentiation is represented by a ramifying model of reality in which the past consists of a fixed, definite course of events and the future con- tains nothing but a manifold of branching possibilities.

    These aspects of time are thought to distinguish it from space, which possesses no such features. Although the narrator's self-representation denies infinite possibility, events are not reduced to a deterministic inevitability. Zeno Cosini's textual deferrals would appear to sublate agency; however, in practice, they do not negate poten- tiality. In La coscienza di Zeno the focus is not simply time.

    Rather, it is the inter- section of time cmd human experience, where time is human and human expe- rience is temporal. The issue is not how people conceptualize time, but how people directly encounter and experience it. This interaction suggests a possi- Time-Consciousness in Italo Svevo's La Coscienza di Zeno ble dual schematization of time prima facie consistent with Augustine, but challenging the supposition that past, present and future are compatible at- tributes as outlined by the British idealist philosopher John McTaggart 2.

    He conceives of time as two concomitant series. In the A-series, time is divided into past, present and future. The series is subjective; it locates an event relative to a now, which is necessarily always in flux.

    Are You an Author?

    In the B-series, time is conceptualized as a predicate-scheme: The B-series is objective; time is homogenous; all points in time are of equal value; temporality exists in relation to other points. According to McTaggart, it is not possible to say that any point in time is past, present or future: The B-series is the aspect of the text that can be reordered sequentially because the succession of events is not eo ipso a temporal series. The movement of the agent is always situated at one point, looking forward and looking backward to the other members of the series.

    In the fixing of the agents, the temporal positions must be indicated as either past, present or future in relative and not in absolute terms. In La coscienza di Zeno the narrating voice negates the traditional aniso- tropic interpretation of time in favor of an isotropic one; the question of time's asymmetry is an empirical matter concerning the properties of an aspect of the world that is independent of human activity.

    If time is isotropic, then its direc- tions differ only with respect to their relations to other things. Hence events are asymmetrical, but time itself is not. The single anisotropic elements with which the individual consciousness interacts are negated by the isotropic repre- sentation of temporality. In a sense, this incompatibility reflects McTaggart's argument for the unreality of time. The absolute objective order is replaced by the abso- lute subject or.

    Just as the hie is absolute in oriented space, so is the nunc absolute in experienced time. Augustine's and McTaggart's theories converge contradicto- rily in La coscienza di Zeno. While narration in general obeys an Augustinian scheme in which the narrative is past, but appears as present, and the future also becomes present, since it is the point from which the narrator recounts his story, in Svevo's text the narration requires this present-convergence, but also sublates the incompatible relational predicates past and future.

    As Biasin has noted: Prefazione ascribed to Dottor S. This authorial positioning dis- Piero Garofalo tances the narrator-patient, Zeno, and bestows an aura of inviolability on the doctor, who acts as judge, jury and executioner. To mitigate the perception of any arbitrariness derived from his privileged status.

    Svevo His caveat necessarily extends to his own words. The doctor's naive expecta- tion of truth through autobiography suggests a manipulation of temporal expe- riences to achieve a self -justifying truth. The non-linear chronology of the narration is not in itself unique. It inserts itself, as the good doctor prescribes, into the established literary genre of the autobiography. In the traditional autobiography, the point of view is univocal that of the protagonist-narrator. In La coscienza di Zeno, Dottor S.

    Both the structure of the text and the historico-cultural situation from which it arises the diffusion of mitteleuro- pdisch psychoanalysis expose the fictions of this panacea. Consequently, the innovative aspects of the text arise from the fusion of the clinical session and of the autobiographical genre. In temporal terms this section is the penultimate preceding Prefazione , presenting and misrepresenting the personal history that follows. This tele- ologie circularity is a recurrent motif: Svevo In this metaphorical vision space displaces time.

    Furthermore, the present dominates: The past and Time-Consciousness in Italo Svevo's La Coscienza di Zeno present do not denote two successive movements, but rather two elements that coexist in precarious and fluctuating balance. In addition, the problem of writing expressed by the narrator is related tem- porally. Language cannot provide a self-present meaning; Demohndifferance enters where meaning eludes self-present awareness.

    Writing in or about the past is equivalent to not living; it is a manifestation of absence because the signifier is always displaced from the signified. Preambolo concludes with the unification of the three temporal periods: The past is evoked in the present which is itself continu- ously being displaced by the future.

    Following McTaggart, the 'moving now' conception of time is not actualized. Zeno's desire to write and his desire to die converge in a procrastinating default. The entire narration proceeds on multiple temporal levels, fluctuating between predilections for the past, for the present and for the future. Time itself slips out of joint, and each person must set it right. It is with the third chapter II fumo and the four that follow that the themati- cally oriented narrative evolves.

    Once again the discussion commences with reflections on the nature of writing. The doctor proposes beginning with an historical analysis, but this prescription proves impossible to follow. The act of writing is a diachronic process. Similar to McTaggart's phenomenological conceptualization, the single events the segments in Zeno's life that the nar- rating voice relates are, for the most part, diachronic; however the interrela- tionship and the interaction between these events is synchronic.

    This imbrica- tion of two incompatible systems perpetuates the illusion that the act of writing is synchronic: Zeno Cosini's obsessive compulsion with smoking leads to the develop- ment of a new horologic gauge which replaces the Gregorian calendar with the "ultima sigaretta" Svevo The phenomenon of the last cigarette, "U. The designation marks time distinctly, bestowing meaning it otherwise lacks.

    Hence the concern for mathematical permutations: Certe date erano da me preferite per la concordanza delle cifre [ Svevo The solar calendar provides the impetus for a personalized one in which the notation "U. S," acts as a sign of change in the life of the protagonist. The Piero Garofalo overdetermined intertextual references to Dante's Vita nova reinforce Zeno's proposal to break with the past. The emotive hierarchy of the two events remains blurred; however, the truth value of the proposition is clear. Zeno's oral fetish in no way contradicts the Freudian pleasure principle.

    Repetition is a manifestation of what has been repressed and is a substitute for remembering. Zeno is actively compelled to find expression in the repetition of the same experience, a source of pleasure. Whatever the protagonist has re- pressed remains, contrary to most compulsions, pleasurable. The satisfaction derived from this experience is linked to the cigarette's proscriptive and thanatic charge. In this sense, smoking can be understood as a form of sublima- tion. Chain-smoking is the mechanism through which Zeno scans his interior time.

    Each cigarette represents a distinct memory, and smoking therefore trig- gers the imagination to recollect times past. These individual memories can be, and are, expressed as a diachronic proc- ess. McTaggart's model is useful for conceptualizing the relationship between the synchronic and the diachronic aspects of time as well as for explaining its isotropic and its anisotropic dimensions; however, the model does not address the nexus between human experience and time.

    A contemporary of McTaggart, Edmund Husserl, outlines the temporal structure of experience in his phenom- enology on time-consciousness. The specific trans-temporal phasings can be visualized more clearly as a Cartesian graph. The vertical axis represents individual experi- ences at a given time, while the horizontal axis represents the sequence of events that are made up of individual experiences. The points below the x-axis are memories, and the points above the x-axis are anticipations; the intersec- tion of the two axes forms a sensation.

    Any single experience bears a system- atic relationship to the past and to the future experiences. Because of the phenomenological difference between memory and anticipation and there- fore, of the shifting position of the intersection , Husserl's model suggests that experience is asymmetrical. Zeno's time-consciousness is Husserlian in that his actions are immediately and disproportionally dependent upon protentive and retentive impeti.

    When Zeno considers betraying his wife Augusta, he ascribes a protentive investment to his act: Time-Consciousness in Italo Svevo's La Coscienza di Zeno Fu marcata in quelle ore angosciose in caratteri grandi nel mio vocabolario alla lettera C Carla la data di quel giorno con l'annotazione: Svevo Zeno's actions are temporally askew because emotive consciousness precedes the chrono-Iogical.

    Recollection refers to memory, while retention figures into consciousness of the present. For Husserl, the living present lebendige Gegenwart articulates the retention of what is just past with the protention of what is to be and is therefore the locus of mean- ing. However, from Zeno's perspective as a privileged narrator relating past events from the future, the phenomenological difference between memory and anticipation no longer produces an asymmetrical experience, and meaning- generating loci among which must be included the position of the reader are multiplied.

    Directly and explicitly linked to the notion of fumo is another recurring motif: The need to smoke outweighs the proscription, a tension which leads to anxiety: Svevo Disease itself is extremely temporal: Esi- stevano, quelle ore, e si trovavano sempre al loro posto [ Una cosa da niente: Svevo , , Zeno conceives of health as a constant state of atemporality, but he does not consider himself to be healthy.

    Augusta can keep those hours in place, but Zeno cannot; she institutionalizes time, while he is oppressed by it. Consequently, the future manifests itself in a Heideggerian death anticipation. Future's prior- ity derives from the projective impetus of Daseins, intentionality. The present and the past are grasped together and are interpreted by way of the future which, for Zeno, is not an infinitely extended, open horizon. The future finds its closure in death, where future possibility of being and Piero Garofalo non-being converge. This existential finitude manifests itself in anxiety Zeno's obsession with disease and death , which leads to self-deception by regarding the future as sintiply a coming present.

    Zeno Cosini, in Sartrian mauvaise foi, infmitizes the personal future and therefore falsifies it. Quando avessi saputo [ Svevo Zeno's perception of a definitive existence outside the transitory extends to society where everyone except him leads a healthy life. Time has become his gravest disease. Instead, Zeno fabricates potential fu- tures to justify the present, as seen during his affair with Carla Cerco: Dasein stili projects, but it is directed to objects and events rather than to its ultimate potentiality. Disease displaces death as a con- stituting principle.

    In fact, when he accuses Carla of being a person "che non poteva intendere il valore del tempo" Svevo , he is speaking also of him- self. The relativity of past to present would appear to reinforce the conceit of free will derived from a privileging of the future as per Heidegger , therefore pre- cluding the possibility of a deterministic conclusion. However, free will mani- fests itself in a passive ineptitude that perceives life as casual not causal , absurd, unpredictable and original. In La coscienza di Zeno, retention and pretention are fused, negating the distinction between primary and secondary memory, and similarly between primary and secondary expectation.

    The three temporal dimensions past, present, future are not simply arranged alongside one another. An ontological experience necessitates an imbrication of the triad because to be conscious is to be in the past, in the present and in the future at once. However, this blurring of boundaries does not sublate difference. On the contrary, temporality consists precisely of the possibility of their being differ- entiated: Evito i sogni e i ricordi [ Se non voglio finu-e al manicomio, via con questi giocattoli.

    Svevo To obfuscate past, present and future is to abandon reason; slippage of con- sciousness between tennporal dimensions leads to madness. Transcending the individual perspective, the narrative voice appropriates a Heideggerian stance in its granting priority to the future. However, the narrative subject's privileg- ing of the present is the expression of a pre- and extra-philosophical tendency to deny the fmitude of being and time.

    The present's status appears to be both ontological and epistemological because what is present "is," while what is past and what is future "are" not. Being and being-present seem equivalent. Epistemologically, what is present is, or at least can be, directly attributable to Zeno's cognition, while what is past and what is future are accessible only through the indirect and less reliable channels of memory, of expectation and of prediction.

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    To experience life means to accept the future qua future, death. This being-in-the-world toward death is most thorougly developed in the last section of the La coscienza di Zeno. Psico-analisi, the concluding chapter, is in many respects the most sugges- tive for a discussion of time-consciousness. The entire text shifts temporal and narrative frames from abstract recollections of things past to the more con- cretely temporal form of a diary specific dates are provided and the individu- al's experiences are inserted into a historical dimension, thereby conferring authenticity.

    The narrative abandons the illusion of spontaneity, since the nar- rating writer finds himself in the same compositional trap that held him in Preambolo; however, the lag between the occurrence of the narrated events and the act of writing retains an illusional immediacy. The suggestion of an unmediated experience between narrator and reader is what permits the diary to operate as an idealized locus for confession. From a temporal perspective, the specific entries into the diary are diachronic: From a narratological perspective, the dates only obscure the distance between the writing narrator and the narrative voice.

    The stylistic consequence of appropriating this genre is a convergence of the narrative's time with the time of narration. The present tense is used in order to emphasize the hterary aspect of the narrator's endeavor. The act of writing in the concrete present serves to conceal the trans-historical traces that reveal it to be an artificial construct. In this final section of the text, Zeno comes to the realization that temporal stability and ontological presence can exist only in writing: L'ho finita con la psico-analisi [ Da un anno non avevo scritto una parola [ Svevo The negation of tinie is a feasible and stable component of Zeno Cosini's time-consciousness.

    The narrating voice does not substitute individual atem- porality with universal chronological progression, nor does it substitute aniso- tropy with isotropy. The narrating voice refutes the temporal premises of psy- choanalysis. Zeno's invectives against psychoanalysis are an assault on its foundations: The individual will never be able to understand his or her own life as well as another can because he or she is always, by definition, involved in it. The concluding chapter's privileging of the future on a universal level does nothing to dispel the atemporal preferentiality of individual existence: Per rilevare meglio la propria risoluzione si vorrebbe finire di fumare insieme a qualche cosa d'altro, il mese p.

    Un vero disordine nel tempo! Memory is the locus for the coexistence of the varying degrees of difference in this multiplic- ity. It is a plurality which diverges into senselessness or converges into noth- ingness. In the narrative, the outbreak of the First World War represents the textual displacement of internal conscious- Time-Consciousness in Italo Svevo's La Coscienza di Zeno 23 1 ness by external reality.

    This process distorts the ontological presence by in- scribing it into a teniporal progression: In the text, past, present and future are contemporaneously privileged di- mensions. Each one of the temporal spheres operates differently at the narra- tive and metanarrative levels. The present reflects the paradoxical impossibil- ity of the ontological presence of the narrating voice. The past, as privileged by psychoanalysis, demystifies the clinical process and makes manifest the threat- ening conclusions inherent in the act of memory retrieval.

    The future suggests a progression from the past or from the present one which an individual is unable to make existing only in terms of public history. Thus the future is devoid of value for the individual grounded in ontological presence because it is the anisotropic perspective that makes protentions and retentions possible. Therefore, Zeno's experiences are Husserlian to the point of sublating time; transcending the self, Zeno's experiences are also Heideggerian, privileging the future to the point of its destruction of time. The concluding image pre- scribes an apocalyptic cure: In the novel, the negation of time suggests a denial of progression, since progress is a diachronic process which, in a synchronic form, cannot exist ex- cept as stagnation.

    He is trapped in a state of stasis - as all individuals are - which will only end with the final, apocalyptic vision of the explosion. Thus the reader is confronted with this paradox: Only through time is time conquered. Denn herrlich weit gebracht und erheblich weiter gebracht als dieser groBe und emst nngende Denker hat es die wissenstolze Neuzeit in diesen Dingen mcht. Noch heute mag man mit Augustinus fagen: For no one in this knowledge-proud modem generation has made more masterful or significant progress in these matters than this great thinker who struggled so earnestly with the problem.

    One may stiD say with Augustine: Ji nemo a me quaerat, scio, si quaerenti explicare velim, nescio. For an exhaustive ejumination of the ironic. In this last instance Lorenzo Alderani pub- lishes the manuscript per amore, while Dottor S. The final note in Elio Vittorini's Conversazione in Sicilia dispels the need for this riietorical gambit in that it considers all texts to circulate independently of authorial intention, imagining that all manuscripts are found in a bottle.

    Given this usurpation of au- thority, the reader is subject to the same transference whether he or she elects to recognize it or not as Dottor S. See Pouillon; Rosowsky; and Saccone The text is not an autobi- ography, nor is It a confession if for no other reason than the non-coincidence of the authorial and narrative personae ; however, the text retains autobiographical and confessional traces that necessarily result from a diachronic slf-analysis.

    Dilthey holds that hfe is the ultimate nexus of reality behind which people cannot go. Life is understood as the historical totality of human experience. DUthey claims a priority of the human sciences over the natural sciences: Zeno makes the opposing claim: When he goes to visit Dottor Paoh he distinguishes between the two fields: Mi ricordai con simpatia e commozione del mio passato lontano di chimico e di analisi vere: Io, un tubetto e un reagente!

    In quel tubetto non avveniva nulla che potesse ricordare il mio comportamento quando per far piacere al dottor S. Because happiness can be ascribed only to a complete life, one could never call a person happy until he or she were dead and no longer able to enjoy it. The whole is as unstable as the fragments are incomplete. Time-Consciousness in Italo Svevo' s La Coscienza di Zeno 20 Zeno's histonographic concern is similar to Croce's, who concluded that hisloncal consaous- ness cannot be self-reflexive.

    Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. La linea Svevo- Pirandello. Nancy Margaret Paul and W. Time and Free Will. Theme and Metaphor in the Italian Novel. U of Texas P. Presses Universitaires de France, Cam- bodge LT, UP of Amenca, Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis. The Phenomenology of Internal Time-Consciousness. Guglielmmi e Redaelli, The Nature of Existence. Il fu Mattia Pascal. Saggio sul testodi Svevo.

    New York and Toronto: The New Amencan Library, La coscienza di Zeno. The Meaning Behind the Name. Grassi , to give but one ex- ample. However, not enough is known about how these dialects differ from one another in their subject pronoun systems. The hypothesis to be explored in this study is that the dialects which are geographically situated roughly be- tween French and Italian form a morphosyntactic continuum which parallels the well-documented Northern Italian phonological continuum. As Chambers and Trudgill While a valuable repre- sentational tool, isoglosses incorrectly imply an abrupt change from one fea- ture or set of features to another.

    But linguistic reality is in fact far more complex than this convenient visual aid would suggest: To date, relatively little attention has been paid to such "transition zones" in the geo- linguistic literature cf. Chambers and Trudgill, , and what research there is tends to concentrate on phonetics and phonology rather than morphosyntax, despite the fact that die latter has many highly variable features when examined in the context of nonstandard varieties. The present study is an attempt to examine one such variable morpho-syn- tactic feature, the presence of subject pronouns, in the context of the well- documented dialect continuum of Northern Italy.

    Various dialectological docu- mentary sources are used to gain a preliminary idea of the scope and the nature of the problem, and to examine some of the issues that arise from it. This meth- odology allows us however tentatively to shed some light on some interesting theoretical questions, such as the dynamics of variation and diachronic change in pronoun systems, the role of lexical diffusion in such processes, and on a more abstract level the status of "parameters" in formal linguistic theory. One such parameter is die so-called "null-subject parameter" cf.

    Chomsky 55ff, Roberge and Vinet Autunno David Heap The present study does not propose to deal with subject pronouns in such a highly theoretical light, but it retains from this theoretical debate the rather simplistic notion that a subject which is not overtly present can be "recovered" or identified by means of verbal suffixes, a subject pronoun, or both. The French system is in fact a partly mixed one: It nonetheless rep- resents one distinct type, in that a subject pronoun is obligatory before all fmite forms of the verb if there is no lexical subject assuming that imperatives are deemed to be non-finite , whereas in Standard Italian they are optional with fmite verbal forms: Rohlfs ' The intent of this study is to move away from relatively "pure" cases such as Standard French and Standard Italian, and to examine more "mixed" or transi- tional cases in which subject pronouns, either stressed or clitic, may be obliga- tory in all or part of the verbal paradigm.

    As Rohlfs notes, in contrast to the situation in literary Italian and Southern dialects: Ben diversamente stanno le cose nel Settentrione Ora compare soltanto nelle forme toniche ven. It should however be noted that Standard French does not represent the most developed case of a subject system, since many of the Northern Italian dialects require pronouns in contexts where they need not, or indeed may not, appear in French. For example, while both Standard French and many dialects allow unstressed subject pronouns to be preceded by an emphatic pronoun French moi, je viens, Piedmontese mi i kantu.

    Standard French does not per- mit a lexical subject followed by a subject pronoun, as do many Northern Ital- ian dialects: Turinese Mario a parla, Trentino el Mario el parla, etc. Bracco, Brandi and Cordin In some Northern Italian dialects the subject pronoun in fact appears twice, once as a proclitic and once as an enclitic.

    This leads to a Subject Pronoun Variation situation which can be described as pronoun tripling e. Milanese ti teparlet, Nicoli , where the final -t has acquired the value of a verbal ending , where the enclitic has become an integral part of the verbal morphology and not, as in varieties such as Friulian, only in interrogative and other inverted construc- tions , the proclitic subject is obligatory, and the stressed subject pronoun is added for emphasis.

    While subject doubling is characteristic of some varieties of French, such subject pronoun "tripling" does not seem to be found else- where in the Romance languages. A brief note on terminology is in order at this point. A fairly wide variety of terms have been used in the descriptive dialectological literature to desig- nate the forms which are of interest in this study, most often called simply pronomi atoni or deboli.

    While the terms "clitic" is of course itself ambiguous, since it can apply to object pronouns direct and indirect as well as to non-pronominal elements such as negative particles and some adverbs , unless specified otherwise the term re- fers to subject clitic pronouns in the context of the present study. Varieties Studied In reality, the "pure" cases alluded to above complete absence vs. The varieties studied do, however, fall roughly between where these two idealized "poles" might be geographically deemed to be: Note that this describes the area north of the famous La Spezia-Rimini line.

    In theory, any lingusitic continuum can be considered almostly infinitely "smooth" when examined on a sufficiently fine scale. Such detail is not, however, always practical, and the first part of this study concentrates on some thirteen sub- varieties spanning the principal Northern Italian dialect groupings as outlined by Savi There is also a lamentable lack of adequate descriptions for certain varieties Ligurian, Tren- tino. For these reasons, the second part of this study focuses on a certain number of maps from Jaberg and Jud's Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der SUdschweiz hereafter AIS , especially from volume 8 , covering phrases or expressions with finite verbs, which were used as primary data to supplement the dialect descriptions cited above.

    Methodology Many of the more specific aspects to be studied in each dialect were inspired in part by the approach presented succinctly in Renzi and Vanelli, who formulate some interesting generalizations about the pronoun systems in some 30 dia- lects, but do not address the question of where these systems are situated geo- graphically. Similar questions have of course been raised by other linguists, including Rohlfs It must be kept in mind, however, that the simple number of pronouns is not necessarily the most significant factor: It must be emphasized that, in any case, the actual phonetic form of the pronouns is of little consequence for this study: Where possible, we will also determine the various linguistic contexts which may affect the occurence or non-occurence of subject pronouns.

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    7. When they co-occur with nominal subjects, pronouns may be either preposed or postposed i. Impersonal, meteorological, and existential verbs as well as avere may or may not take pronominal subjects, in contradistinction to other verbs. Thus, for the second part of this study, a representative sampling of points was selected from among the dialect regions as outlined above cf. Savi 80 , but taking into account the dynamic between urban and rural points, as well as the probable role of the former as centres of linguistic diffusion into surround- ing rural aieas Chambers and Trudgill ff.

      Thus six major cities were cho- sen Turin, Milan, Venice, Bologna, Genoa, Florence , along with two or three points immediately around each of them and a number of points spread throughout each dialect region. In all, data were collected from a total of thirty- two points shown in Map II on thirty-eight AIS maps comprising a repre- sentative sample of finite verb forms in different grammatical persons and in different linguistic contexts. As mentioned above, this study does not take into account the various pho- netic forms that subject pronouns may take in each variety.

      To put it differently, one expects a fair amount of inter- and intra- dialectal variation, both phonological and allomorphic in any morphological system.