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Systemdienstleistung f — system service n. Besides better grid management, grid reinforcement and expansion by grid system operators, plant operators should also make a contribution to grid. The publication does not include capacities, which are in cold reserve, used. Die Bestimmungen der Z 1 und 3 sind auf. To ensure reliable operation of the. Wesentlich belastet wurden die Ergebnisse dagegen durch die in der.

Conversely, the results were considerably weighed down by the. In particular, the Court is being asked to clarify whether the Electricity Supply Act permits a.

10 really goofy German translations of famous movie titles - The Local

Der Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien bedingt nicht unerhebliche Herausforderungen in Bezug auf die. Speichertechnologien oder -medien z.

The use of renewable energy gives rise to not inconsiderable challenges with regard to supply. The virtual power plant aims to provide an electronic market platform for. Speicherung von elektrischer Energie sind eng verwandte Themen, wenn das. Application of IEC to storage techniques Electromobility and storage. On the other hand, the requested. F or ins tan ce, services for pr ima ry, se condary and [ Furthermore, the drop-out of a significant counterparty in. The structure of the Thiel Group is aligned to delivering a comprehensive and systemorientated portfolio derived from a holistic approach to logistics: Three business segments focus on the requirements of their respective customer grouping.

Vier Faktoren haben diese Kostensteigerung verursacht: This increase was due to four main factors: The tarif fs for sys te m services a nd los ses ar e being [ I vaguely understand that one means masculine, one means feminine and the other means else? Do I need to learn which of these belongs to each noun individually? Or is there some kind of pattern that can help me use these correctly when saying things like:.

This question has been asked before and already has an answer.

  • Meaning of "Kaltreserve" in the German dictionary!
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If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question. Unfortunately you do pretty much have to learn them word by word. I always compare this to pronunciation in English. In German, pronunciation is phonetic and very preditable e. The flip side is that in English we don't have grammatical gender and our word for 'the' is very simple it's 'the': You regularly hear small German children being corrected on their noun genders in just the same way English-speaking kids have their pronunciation corrected.

Der, die and das are definite articles.

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You decide which you have to use depending on the gender of the noun. In the German language there are three genders:. There is some more discussion about this topic in this question. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Understanding die, der and das [duplicate] Ask Question.


They also determine the requirements for ancillary services such as frequency and voltage stabilization, black start capability and inertia reserve, so that the renewable electricity will stably reach the consumer. The installation takes less than 5 minutes - the unit comes in a standard 5,25" chassis.

In Germany, we are in the process of transition from a fossil electricity system to a system based on renewable energies. This transition includes much more than just a change of electricity sources. The promotion of electric mobility opens the chance to use vehicle batteries as buffer in the energy grid. To connect to the electrical system , you need a blue EU adapter. If you lack such an adapter, one can be purchased when you check in. The core of a future reliable, robust, profitable electricity supply system based on renewable energies, will be an ICT-based, intelligent network smart grid.

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How can I copy translations to the vocabulary trainer? Collect the vocabulary that you want to remember while using the dictionary. The items that you have collected will be displayed under "Vocabulary List". If you want to copy vocabulary items to the vocabulary trainer, click on "Import" in the vocabulary list. How do I find the new sentence examples? Conditions have improved for the training of officer cadets at the police academy, especially for female recruits.

Dieser neue Tunnel verbindet die beiden neuen Trafostationen mit einem bereits bestehenden Tunnelsystem. This new tunnel will connect the two transformer stations and the existing tunnel system. Deutlicher Ausbaubedarf der Stromverteilnetze in Deutschland bis notwendig.

10 really goofy German translations of famous movie titles

German electricity distribution grids in need of significant expansion by Distributed generation plants that operate at lower levels of the grid low and medium voltage range modify the system in so far that the formerly unidirectional energy flow from higher to lower levels of the grid and finally to the end user becomes a bi-directional flow. In the current system that is geared towards a few central producers, primarily traditional power plants ensured that these requirements were being met. Development of a electricity supply model for Germany with high regional and time resolution on the basis of open source programmes for the modelling of renewable energies scenarios.

The analyses, strategic assessments and results of the simulations in the report show that the planned Atdorf pumped-storage plant can make a contribution to reducing costs and cutting CO2 emissions from electricity generation and improving the integration of renewable energy sources into the power supply system , relieving grid loading and so cutting transmission losses in the German power supply system, www. New energy efficiency standards to apply to heating systems and hot water appliances Grid fees in the power supply system — results of the dena discussion forum now online.

The electrical poles have both 10 and 16 amps.

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ICT for Smart Grids The integration of a large number of decentralized, renewable sources of energy into the electricity supply system in combination with the politically motivated reorganization of corporate structures and business processes, represents a huge challenge for energy suppliers.