Relate the clause to the time noun or place noun

Adjective clauses are adjectives. However, they look like sentences because they have verbs and nouns. Take a look at the following sentences with adjectives. I love my new watch. George gave me a leather wallet. Elvis Presley was a famous singer. She just bought a blue car. All of the words in red are adjectives.


They are describing the nouns the words in blue. Here are some more examples: I just bought the you recommended book. Frank is the taught me how to cook chef. Snowmobiles are you can ride on the snow cars. Notice that these adjectives have verbs recommended , taught , and ride. In fact, these adjectives look like small sentences! In some languages, this grammar is correct. The problem is that when the adjective has a verb and looks like a small sentence , it canNOT be before the noun. In addition, these types of adjectives are called adjective clauses.

As we said above, adjective clauses are adjectives, but they look like sentences because they have verbs and nouns. Because they look like sentences, put the adjective clause after the noun, like these: I just bought the book you recommended. Frank is the chef taught me how to cook. Snowmobiles are cars you can ride on the snow. When you use adjective clauses, you often need a word that connects the noun with the adjective clause.

Total solar eclipse on July 2

The word acts like glue and keeps the noun and the adjective clause together. This word is called the relative pronoun.

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So, here are the rules: Using these rules, we get: I just bought the book which you recommended. I just bought the book that you recommended. Frank is the chef who taught me how to cook. Frank is the chef that taught me how to cook. Snowmobiles are cars which you can ride on the snow. Snowmobiles are cars that you can ride on the snow. If the noun you are describing is a word of time or a place, you can use other words. In the first sentence, which word do we want to describe and add an adjective clause to? Is day a time word?

Then add that , which , or when. I remember the day when my son was born. I remember the day on which my son was born.

Click here for more information. Let's do the same thing with the word where. Put the following two sentences together with where.

When Calls The Heart: Home Is Where The Heart Is - Clip: Looking For Jack

This is a big park. You can have a lot of fun in that park. Is park a place word?

Add a modifying clause for time or location

Then add that , which , where. This is a big park that you can have a lot of fun in. This is a big park which you can have a lot of fun in. This is a big park in which you can have a lot of fun. This is a big park where you can have a lot of fun. Again, notice that the preposition in remains in the sentence with that and which ; it is not in the sentence with where.

Also notice that the preposition in can be before which or at the end of the adjective clause; prepositions can never be before that. We have already said that there is a problem with them. Time is, of course, a time word; place is a place word. Though many books give complicated grammar rules that are very difficult to remember, we offer you this simple rule: Now, look at the words after when and where in the above two sentences.

Hence, you cannot use when and where in these adjective clauses. Just use that or which. As a result, we get the following corrected sentences: We want to visit a place which is celebrating the New Year. When the noun is a proper name begins with a capital letter and is a place word, use where.

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However, if the word after where is a verb, then use which. Clear explanations and lots of exercises reinforce the skills needed for strong written communication. From filling in the blanks to joining short sentences into longer and more graceful combinations, this book will improve your writing. All the answers to the quizzes are given in the back of the book.

For each of the following, put the 2 sentences together by using an adjective clause. There may be more than one answer. It will start near Beijing and slowly move northeast toward Alaska, where only the state's westernmost islands will be able to see the eclipse before the sun sets.

The table below shows the times when the eclipse will reach its maximum for a few major cities, as well as the maximum obscuration, or the percentage of the sun's disk that will be covered by the moon. Nearly two years after the Great American Solar Eclipse of , the world will once again have a chance to experience totality, when the moon completely blocks the sun, turning day into night as its mile-wide kilometers shadow moves across the surface of the Earth.

Other parts of South America will be able to see a partial eclipse. Most of this eclipse will be happening over the Pacific Ocean, where the partial eclipse starts at This total solar eclipse will have a longer duration than last year's total solar eclipse, with totality lasting up to 4 minutes and 33 seconds. However, this maximum duration may be visible only to observers on a few boats and airplanes, because it will be happening over the Pacific Ocean.

When Calls the Heart

It will reach the coast of Chile near the city of La Serena at 4: Moving southeast, the moon's shadow will cross the Andes mountains and graze San Juan, Argentina, which lies just inside the path of totality. It will barely miss Cordoba and Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as Montevideo, Uruguay, passing just south of these three cities before heading back out to the Atlantic Ocean just before sunset at 5: The table below shows the start, peak and end times of the eclipse for a few cities in and around the path of totality, as well as the maximum obscuration, or the percentage of the sun's disk that will be covered by the moon.

The third and final solar eclipse of the year will be a "ring of fire" eclipse on Dec. Skywatchers in other parts of Asia, Australia and Africa will be able to see a partial eclipse. During this eclipse, the moon will cross directly in front of the sun. However, because the eclipse occurs just a few days after the moon reaches apogee — its farthest distance from Earth — its apparent size in the sky will be smaller than the sun.

This means that it won't block the sun entirely, but it will instead turn the sun into a blazing "ring of fire" from Earth's perspective. It will begin there at 6: