Genesis 1:1

Who were those people you've encountered who did things in a novel way: When have you been at your most creative? How did that feel?

Exodus 35:35

Do you have your most creative thoughts in the shower, right before falling asleep, on a run after a long day at work, or on a walk through nature? What do you do with these ideas? Daniel Pink writes that the American business world today requires "A Whole New Mind" in the way we approach our work.

Seeing God As the Ultimate Center of Creativity

Technology has resulted in many of our routine jobs being outsourced to countries like India and China. To stay competitive, we must embrace our creative selves. Pink implores us to move from our traditional logical and systematic "left brain" culture to one that seeks out innovation, a more "right brain" approach. In this new competitive landscape, those who can think outside the box will be more valued than those who are merely focused on getting the job done.

Pink writes, "It's no longer sufficient to create a product, a service, an experience, or a lifestyle that is merely functional. Today it's economically crucial and personally rewarding to create something that is also beautiful, whimsical, or emotionally engaging.

Today we laud as genius the insights of Einstein's special relativity or Picasso's first experiments with cubism, yet it took years before their contemporaries recognized the value of their work. Thinking back to our earlier stereotypes of creative people, how often do we tack on the negative, while at the same time we celebrate the accomplishments of these types?

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We often judge creative people as different, moody, flighty, disorganized, troubled or, worse, tortured. In organizations, creative ideas are often rejected as too risky, and creative thinking is discouraged in favor of a known status quo. What does all of this have to do with religion and spirituality? In an earlier post Re-imagining God in the 21st Century , I wrote that I view God as the creative source that continuously sustains existence.

I read Genesis, not as a scientific or history textbook on how the universe came to be, but as a mythological interpretation of God as this creative source of existence.

You Are Creative Because God is Creative

In other words, we can see God as the ultimate center of creativity. Creativity is one of the characteristics of the universe. The evolution of the cosmos from the big bang to today is characterized by a movement toward life, toward diversity, and toward consciousness. In quantum mechanics, subatomic particles can appear in a vacuum.

The Creative God: the God I Didn’t Know

An apple tree creates when a seed from one of its fruits falls to the soil and grows into a new tree. A Theology of Creativity , April 16, ,. Certainly the creation story in the bible is most interesting in different ways. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Previous Article Why we are not computers: Please leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. He came to chaos. He started creating the earth when it was without form and void. It was covered in darkness. And God the master creator built something of great significance. He created something that resembled His glory. I was in my mid forties before I discovered the creative God.

The God of imagination. The God who delights in creativity. Who looks with pleasure on the creative pursuits of the beings that He created in His image.

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God started to show me that His creative work is taking the broken, the torn down, the desolate and making something glorious.