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Complicities explores the complicated—even contradictory—position of the intellectual who takes a stand against political policies and ideologies. Mark Sanders argues that intellectuals cannot avoid some degree of complicity in what they oppose and that responsibility can only be achieved with their acknowledgment of this complicity. He examines the role of South African intellectuals by looking at the work of a number of key figures—both supporters and opponents of apartheid.

Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid

Chapter 1 Two Colonial Precursors. Chapter 2 The Intellectual and Apartheid. Chapter 3 Apartheid and the Vernacular. The Intellectual and Apartheid by Mark Sanders. Duke University Press, Complicities is both a challenging analysis of the place of the intellectual and artist in South Africa in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; and by implication, the artist and intellectual in any oppressive society. The book weaves a complex analysis of the notion of complicity, defined broadly in terms of subordinating oneself or the group to which one belongs. Dreyfus suggests that this requires a larger complicity in the common experience of being human, which implies common responsibility.

In order to deconstruct and reveal the oppression, the intellectual or artist must engage with and understand the processes of the oppressor beyond the superficial and stereotypical. Sanders explores and illustrates these complex philosophical ideas about complicity against close readings of carefully selected extracts of specific South African writers and intellectuals.

Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid

These include Sol Plaatjie, Afrikaner nationalist poet N. Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Religion. Ted Honderich on Consciousness, Determinism, and Humanity. Disability and Modern Fiction.

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British Colonial Realism in Africa. The Nation Writ Small. Heroism and the Supernatural in the African Epic. Difference in Philosophy of Religion. Moral Images of Freedom. Environment at the Margins. The Cambridge Companion to the African Novel.

Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid by Mark Sanders

Against the Personification of Democracy. Between Naturalism and Religion.

Slipping Through the Cracks. Reference Assessment and Evaluation.

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