Where should we send your guide?

Having an email list of people who you can market your books to increases your chance of success. For all other types, you might want to consider building a following before you launch first book. When I wrote my book, I had no following. This can only take you so far. So how large is large? Well, it depends on who you ask.

Some authors have , email subscribers. Some have a few hundred. Taylor Pearson , author of The End of Jobs, sold 5, copies in his first month with just email subscribers. He had a couple of things going for him. A smaller email list with high engagement can help your book sell if you use smart marketing like Taylor. Right now I have around 1, email subscribers. If your launch goes well and you get a high amount of sales during your first few weeks, Amazon will help you market your books by recommending them to customers.

If you just want to get your feet wet in publishing, you can start with no following. I might come out with a list-building guide in the future, but there are several bloggers who can do the subject more justice than I can. Here are the best resources on the Internet for building your email list:. This is the process I used to write my book. Depending on the subject of your book, research may be necessary. I read a lot. I learned about it from best selling authors Ryan Holiday and Robert Greene. You can read about the entire process in detail here. It helped to have a stack of quotes, facts, and anecdotes to draw on before I got started on writing the book.

The collection of facts and quotes I used to write my first book. Patience is key when it comes to creating quality work. If you have an idea for a book already, skip to step two. What can you talk about with ease? For me, living a strength based and purposeful life was something I always talked about. What do you like to read? I love to read books about personal development, business, psychology, spirituality, and marketing.

50 (and more) ways to promote your book

I learned this exercise from popular author Jeff Goins. He says to create a worldview statement to get a focus for the subject of your writing. The statement goes like this: Mine ended up being: All people should use their natural talents and strengths to become successful.

How can I promote my book?

What pisses you off? The fact that people blindly follow the rules of society pisses me off. Using these questions and other similar questions can help get your ideas flowing. After a week, take a look at what you came up with and narrow it down to a broad subject you can write about.

You might as well ship it and learn something along the way. This is my philosophy. I take the main subject, write it down, circle it, and start branching ideas off of it.

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Some people like using post it notes and large sheets of construction paper to write the mind map on. I set a timer for a half an hour to do my first round of mind mapping.

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  • The Ultimate Book Signing Checklist For Authors | BookBaby Blog.

Then I step away from it for a while and come back for a second round. For your first book, you can move quickly on your ideas, and a couple of rounds of mind mapping should be enough to get you started. Once you have your mind map complete, you need to turn it into an outline. To create your outline, start grouping similar topics on your mind map. There are a couple of different ways you can structure your book.

Fiction books usually follow a three-part story arc.

| How to Autograph Books: Book Signing Tips for New Authors

It looks like this:. Take your mind map and organize the ideas into chapters and sections. Take the ideas that are similar to one another and group them together. Each of the groups becomes a chapter, with each individual idea within a group becoming a section of the chapter.

Admitedly I usually omit the date—mostly because I can never remember what day it is! But recipients will appreciate it when you date your inscription. For those of you who autograph the cover or inside cover, a good Sharpie will probably be your best choice. For everyone else, do yourself a favor and invest in a nice pen. Oh, and make sure the ink dries quickly! Book Marketing for Nonfiction Authors Blog. Here are some simple tips to help you prepare to autograph your books!

Do you have a friend, spouse, publicist, agent, or other kind-soul that can accompany you on your journey? It always helps to have someone out there amongst the crowd to answer questions, direct traffic, or handle any other last-minute consideration. What will make you seem more cool, convincing, and compelling to your readers?

After the event is over, be sure to send out thank-you notes to all those involved in planning and hosting the events.

Advice for Meeting Authors and Book Signings! [CC]

Analyze what went well, and where you can improve for the next go-round. If you filmed any of these events, share that video on your blog and write a recap about your experience the highs, the lows, the in-betweens for your newsletter! I Hope this list helps you plan for a successful string of book signings.

Feel free to comment in the section below. Publish your book for iPad, Kindle, Nook, and more!

50 (and more) ways to promote your book

Chris Robley is an award-winning poet, songwriter, performer, and music producer who now lives in Portland, Maine after more than a decade in Portland, Oregon. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.