Sustainable supply chains and the circular economy. Transformer les pratiques, la formation et la production des connaissances au prisme du handicap. Workshop on Bayesian non parametrics for signal and image processing. Sociolinguistic, Psycholinguistic and Formal Perspectives on Meaning. Penser le continuum des recherches coll.
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Computer Science - Mathematics - Quantitative Finance - Cognitive science - Environmental Sciences - Continental interfaces, environment - Biodiversity - Ecology, environment - Agriculture, economy and politics - Agronomy - Sciences and technics of agriculture. Social Anthropology and ethnology - Economies and finances - Business administration - History - Political science - Sociology - Methods and statistics.
Art and art history - History - Musicology and performing arts - Religions. Solid and Surface materials: Modeling spectroscopic properties and reactivity. Que veut dire autonomie aujourd'hui? Du niveau local au niveau international. Corporate Authority in the shaping of public policy. Environmental and Sociaty - Architecture, space management - Environmental studies - Sociology. The Diversity of Asian Capitalisms: Architecture, space management - Environmental studies - Geography. Automatic - Electric power - Signal and Image processing - Electronics.
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Populations and Evolution - Systematics, Phylogenetics and taxonomy. Celebrations, Reconstructions, Representations, War narratives in the English-speaking world 18th to the 21st century. Cryptography and Security - Performance and Reliability - Mechanics. Quantitative Finance - Economies and finances - Business administration. Test site for the International Conference on the Learning Sciences. Advances in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. International Workshop on Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers Cognitive science - Neuroscience - Psychology - Education - Psychology.
Architecture, space management - Economies and finances - Environmental studies - Geography - Business administration - Library and information sciences - Psychology - Sociology - Methods and statistics - Engineering Sciences. Elizabeth Bishop in Paris: Spaces of Translation and Translations of Space. Meteorites - Understanding the origins of planetodiversity.
Cognitive science - Neuroscience - Psychology - Statistics - Applications. Rivers - Integrative sciences and sustainable development of rivers. Modeling organ development and disease in 3D organoids and stem cells derived culture systems. Pollutions, mobilisations environnementales et territoires: Perspectives linguistiques et didactiques.
Humanities and Social Sciences - Architecture, space management - Geography - Business administration - Library and information sciences - Sociology. Login Create account Lost password? Doppler Oceanography from Space: Le dernier ghetto musulman de Bangui, le quartier de PK5, se vide. Cela dure depuis des semaines. Sur les bords de la route, les gens crient leur joie de voir les musulmans partir. A Kaga-Bandoro, il est minuit moins cinq avant l'orage. Nous sommes certains qu'ils viendront. Nous ne pouvons plus cultiver nos champs, ni chasser en brousse, ni aller chercher le miel.
Nous ne connaissons pas le Tchad. Et ici, en Centrafrique, c'est fini pour nous. C'est sur ce point qu'il a "trahi": Les gens se battent pour des choses pratiques: Des textes d'Amilcar Cabral en anglais sont sur Marxists. Il y est toujours. Oligarchie Bureaucratique Militaire et Tribale. C'en est donc fait. Giscard d'Estaing , qui met en garde contre une Il faut bien souligner ici quelle est la nature de cette guerre contre la 'menace djihadiste'. Ceci pour plusieurs raisons.
La patience a ses limites. Cela a largement suffi pour le mobiliser. La population du Mali, dans toutes ses composantes, du nord et du sud, vit des heures sombres. Pillage de ses ressources et du travail de son peuple: Le 13 janvier En somme une guerre de civilisation. Paris Le 13 janvier Blog des peuples en lutte. Il a mis en place un groupe d'officiers clandestin d'influence marxiste: Un pays en crise.
Le PAI reste clandestin. Un programme simple et ambitieux. Tel est notre programme politique. Le Fonds refusa de financer la construction du chemin de fer vers le nord. Il s'agit d'un gel des avoirs financiers et d'une interdiction de voyager. Un soutien offert comptant: Pour les Peuples d'Afrique, d'Hexagone, du Monde: Le bilan serait lourd: Laurent Gbagbo, on l'a dit et on le redira, est en fait une sorte de "Chavez africain".
Donc, on l'a dit, c'en est fini. Il n'a pas, non plus, le nerf de la guerre: Cela, seule la Guerre du Peuple le peut. Lui envoient-ils aussi des conseillers militaires? Mais il y a autre chose. Ce texte est d'une grande importance documentaire: La presse et les milieux gouvernementaux occidentaux discutent ouvertement de la recolonisation de l'Afrique. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les puissances coloniales, et notamment la France, la Grande Bretagne et la Belgique, furent gravement affaiblies. D'un coup, ils devenaient membres d'une nouvelle bourgeoisie bureaucratique et compradore.
Mais c'est ici que se situe la grande trahison de Khrouchtchev. La nature du panafricanisme. Il commence par parler de la grandeur et de la tradition africaine. Au Kenya, c'est M. Odinga Oginga, amateur de tourisme russo-chinois". Il conclu sur un credo typiquement petit-bourgeois: Ainsi, le panafricanisme de la grande bourgsoie africaine n'est qu'une facette du mondialisme du capital.
Les multinationales sont la force dirigeante du panafricanisme bourgeois. Rapidement, ils ont perdu tout lien avec les masses travailleuses. On peut entendre un Thomas Kanza proposant une alliance entre Mobutu et les lumumbistes pour "combattre un ennemi commun: Sous le Nouvel Ordre Mondial. Mobutu, l'homme seul, Bruxelles, , p.
2011 par pays en Afrique
L'Afrique en marche, tome X, , p. Le marxisme et la question nationale et coloniale, Ed. From Trotski to Tito, Publ. Lawrence and Wishat, London, Challenge of the Congo, publ. Le Pseudocommunisme de Khrouchtchev - 14 juillet , dans: Oeuvres choisies, tome V, Pyongyang, , p. Notes critiques sur la question nationale, tome XX, pp.
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Ecrits, Hanoi, , pp. Mais il y aura la guerre. Servir le Peuple reproduit ici l'appel d'un certain nombre de Partis et d'organisations marxistes et progressistes africaines, appel auquel s'est joint le ROC-ML: Parfois, nous nous croisions sur notre route. Il faut continuer de vivre. Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso: Dernier fait en date: Sur le plan militaire, deux conseillers encadrent Ahidjo, le colonel Noiret et le capitaine Leroy. Vers ou Lesquels reviennent effectivement vers 6 heures du matin.
Coupable, pas coupable, au courant, pas au courant, vous parlez. Congolite - biographie des leaders. Le maquis - deboutcongolais. Ondanks de tegenwerking van de Cambodjaanse autoriteiten, is Rainsy van plan om terug te keren naar Cambodja en zich verkiesbaar te stellen. Zijn partij heeft de uitslag van de verkiezingen verworpen en heeft opgeroepen tot een onderzoek naar vermeende fraude. De EU volgt de situatie in het land nauwlettend. De EU-delegatie in Phnom Penh heeft regelmatig contact met zowel oppositieleiders als met vertegenwoordigers van de regering om ervoor te zorgen dat geschillen op democratische en vreedzame wijze worden opgelost.
The United Nations, the European Union and the United States have several times urged that free and fair elections be held there. One of the conditions is that opposition leader Sam Rainsy should be allowed to stand as a candidate in the elections. However, he will be unable to do so. He has been deprived of his political and civil rights, is currently in exile and runs the risk of imprisonment if he returns to Cambodia.
Despite the obstructionism of the Cambodian authorities, Rainsy intends to return to Cambodia and stand for election. His party has refused the results of the elections and has called for an investigation on fraud allegations. The EU is closely following the situation in the country. The EU Delegation in Phnom Penh has been in regular contacts with the opposition leaders, as well as with representatives from the government to ensure disputes are settled in a democratic and peaceful spirit.
Herinvoeren visumplicht westelijke Balkan. Deelt u de breedgedragen mening dat de noodzaak tot herinvoering van de visumplicht duidelijk aangeeft dat er met betrekking tot het afschaffen ervan destijds overhaast gehandeld is? Deelt u de mening dat onmiddellijk moet worden overgegaan tot herinvoering van de visumplicht voor westelijke Balkanlanden en dat deze een permanente status dient te krijgen?
Deze hervormingen hebben geleid tot een veilige omgeving voor visumvrij reizen. In reactie op een grote toename van het aantal asielverzoeken in heeft de Commissie een mechanisme voor monitoring na visumliberalisering opgezet, dat de van visumplicht vrijgestelde staten onmiddellijke maatregelen heeft aanbevolen om het misbruik van de asielprocedures aan te pakken.
De betrokken landen hebben het merendeel van de aanbevelingen van de Commissie uitgevoerd. Deze wijziging zal naar verwachting in het najaar van door de medewetgevers worden aangenomen. Overeenkomstig de aan te nemen tekst zouden de lidstaten het opschortingsmechanisme in werking kunnen stellen wanneer aan bepaalde door de medewetgevers gestelde voorwaarden is voldaan.
Does the Commission agree with the widely held view that the need to reimpose the visa requirement clearly indicates that the requirement was abolished too hastily? Does the Commission agree that various Member States are being inconvenienced in various ways by the flood of asylum applications from the western Balkans and that therefore, in accordance with subsidiarity, the power to reintroduce the visa requirement — whether for a limited period or indefinitely — should lie with the Member States and not with the Commission?
Does the Commission agree that the visa requirement should immediately be reimposed for the Western Balkan countries and that it should be assigned permanent status? The visa obligation was lifted for the citizens of Serbia, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of country-specific visa liberalisation dialogues that required reforms in areas as wide-ranging as readmission, reintegration, document security, border management, migration and asylum, the fight against organised crime and corruption and fundamental rights related to the freedom of movement.
These reforms have created a secure environment for visa-free travel. In response to a surge in asylum applications in , the Commission set up a post-visa liberalisation monitoring mechanism that recommended immediate measures for the visa-free states to address abuses of asylum procedures.
This amendment is expected to be adopted by the co-legislators in the autumn of According to the text to be adopted, the suspension mechanism may be triggered by the Member States if certain conditions set by the co-legislators are met. However, it will be for the Commission, under implementing powers and thus assisted by a committee composed of Member States' experts, to adopt a measure temporarily suspending the visa waiver for a third country after an examination of all relevant elements including,. In maart lanceerde de Europese Commissie een openbare raadpleging die hiermee verband houdt: Public Consultation on a possible EU initiative on responsible sourcing of minerals originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
Zo is er de moeilijke positie van kmo's in de mijnbouwsector in het hele proces. Uit de eerste resultaten blijkt dat een groot percentage van de respondenten interesse toont in de verantwoorde winning uit conflictgebieden en het vraagstuk belangrijk vindt. Uit de algemene boodschap blijkt bovendien dat de Commissie voor een samenhangende benadering zou kunnen kiezen die het wereldwijde karakter van complexe toeleveringsketens erkent en steunt op een internationaal kader zoals uiteengezet in de zorgvuldigheidsrichtsnoeren van de OESO voor verantwoorde toeleveringsketens van mineralen uit risicovolle en conflictgebieden.
Wat de vraag over kmo's in de mijnbouwsector en kleinschalige mijnwerkers betreft, is de Commissie op de hoogte van de netelige positie waarin zij verkeren en zij hecht belang aan het voorkomen van eventuele nadelige gevolgen voor deze exploitanten. Daarom zal de analyse van antwoorden op vragen over deze aspecten die in de openbare raadpleging waren opgenomen een bepalende rol spelen bij het verder uitwerken van het standpunt dat de Commissie in haar aanstaande initiatief zal innemen. De volledige analyse van deze resultaten is momenteel gaande en wordt in principe in de herfst beschikbaar gesteld.
For example, the position of SMEs operating in the mining sector at whatever stage of the process is a difficult one. The Commission received a relatively high number of responses — close to — from a wide range of stakeholders including business, NGOs and citizens. Preliminary results indicate that a high percentage of respondents are interested in responsible sourcing from conflict-areas and believe the issue is important. Moreover, the overall message indicates that the Commission could take a consistent approach recognising the global nature of complex supply chains and relying on an international framework as set out in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
As regards the question on SMEs in the mining sector and small scale miners on the ground, the Commission is aware of the sensitivity of their positions and is keen on avoiding any undue negative consequence on those operators. To this end, the analysis of replies to questions on these aspects that were included in the public consultation will be instrumental in further shaping the Commission's position in its upcoming initiative. The full analysis of these results is currently underway and should be made available in the autumn.
Invoertarieven duurzaam geproduceerde palmolie en grondstoffen. Acht de Commissie het gewenst om de productie en het gebruik van duurzaam geproduceerde grondstoffen te bevorderen middels een preferentieel invoertarief? Bij de vaststelling van de tarieven voor palmolie is overeenkomstig de behandeling van goederen in het EU-douanewetboek rekening gehouden met verschillende aspecten van menselijke consumptie of industrieel gebruik. De Commissie is van mening dat de verschuiving op de markt naar duurzame producten een bijdrage kan leveren aan het beperken van de impact van consumptie op het milieu en de samenleving.
Daarom neemt zij verschillende initiatieven om duurzame productie en consumptie van goederen aan te moedigen. De Commissie acht tariefdifferentiatie op basis van de certificering door particuliere regelingen, met name uit het oogpunt van doeltreffendheid, juridische haalbaarheid en praktische handhaving, hiervoor geen geschikt middel. Daarom heeft de Commissie momenteel geen plannen om beleid te ontwikkelen waarbij de particuliere duurzaamheidsregelingen worden gekoppeld aan handelspreferenties voor palmolie of grondstoffen.
Can the Commission state what the reason behind the current tariff differentiation is? Does the Commission consider it desirable to promote the production and use of sustainably produced raw materials through a preferential import tariff? EU import duties are the result of a decades-long ongoing liberalisation effort, and are determined through a process taking into account a comprehensive set of elements. The Commission considers that the shift in the market place towards sustainable products has a role to play in contributing to reducing the environmental and social impact of consumption.
In this framework, it undertakes different initiatives to encourage the production and consumption of goods responding to sustainability concerns. The Commission does not consider tariff differentiation on the basis of certification by private schemes to be an appropriate tool to this end, in particular with a view to efficiency, legal feasibility, and practical enforceability. Therefore, the Commission currently has no plans to develop a policy linking private sustainability schemes to trade preferences for palm oil or raw materials.
Weet u wat het percentage is van de bestrijdingsmiddelen die tijdelijk verboden zijn dat daadwerkelijk onder het moratorium valt in de gehele EU? Kan de Commissie haar standpunt toelichten wat betreft het advies van het CLM om de verbruiksgegevens van de bestrijdingsmiddelen openbaar te maken? De eerste gegevens over het agrarisch gebruik van pesticiden die vallen onder Verordening EG nr. Derhalve kan nog geen conclusie met betrekking tot deze gegevens worden getrokken. De uitkomst van die evaluatie kan erin bestaan dat de maatregelen worden versoepeld, maar ook dat verdere beperkingen worden opgelegd.
In dit stadium valt niet te zeggen wat de uitkomst zal zijn. Overeenkomstig Verordening EG nr. De lidstaten zijn evenwel verplicht niet-vertrouwelijke gegevens over pesticiden te publiceren. The CLM has analysed in what crops, applications and amounts these three neonicotinoids are being used in the Netherlands and which part of this falls under the moratorium. Do you know what percentage of the pesticides that are temporarily banned actually falls under the moratorium across the EU?
If so, what is that percentage and is it also available broken down by Member State? If so, could you provide me with an overview? If so, could you explain to me how? Hence no conclusion on this data can yet be drawn. However, as far as the measures at issue are concerned, the Commission is committed to review those measures based on new data specific to the three neonicotinoids at issue submitted by Member States, industry and other relevant stakeholders.
The review might lead to a relaxation of the measures, or to further restrictions. At this stage it is not possible to envisage the final outcome of the process. However, Member States are required to publish pesticide data that are not confidential. Plany uruchomienia unijnego portalu prasowego.
Information which has emerged concerning plans being made by the Commission to launch an EU-funded news website has caused concern among journalists. Protests have been registered, amongst others, by the International Press Association, which is based in Brussels. Controversy is being caused by the idea itself, which has been described as interference in the independence of the media, and also by the high cost of the project. Is the Commission able to confirm its intention to launch its own news website, and what stage has this project reached?
What is expected to be the real cost of launching the website and what will be the annual costs of its operation? What is the aim of creating a new website in a situation in which the European website presseurop. Does this not bear the hallmarks of an unnecessary and expensive duplication of effort? In the context of the announced budgetary restrictions for the next Multiannual Financial Framework period, the Commission has decided to cancel the call for tender for an Online Media on EU Affairs. This signals the end of Nabucco, a pipeline which has, for years, been seen as a flagship European Union project for diversifying supplies of natural gas.
Nabucco recently Nabucco West was to have been a realistic alternative for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, releasing countries such as Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary from dependence on supplies from Russia. Connections between supply systems were also to have allowed delivery to Poland. The project therefore had huge strategic advantages. However, departure from this plan is equivalent to strengthening the hand of energy supplies from Russia.
The Nabucco fiasco has therefore exposed the weakness and ineffectiveness of EU foreign policy. Will any efforts be made to achieve a significant improvement in this area and, if so, what action will be taken? The Commission has no reason to protest this decision made between two commercial entities.
Indeed, eventually both routes will be needed, independently of which one comes first. The opening of the European route should also directly benefit Member States in central and eastern Europe that are not directly concerned by the selected pipeline. The Commission has been working for a long time on making sure that, independently of the initially chosen route, eventually no Member State remains dependent on a single supplier of gas.
This can be achieved notably through the completion of the energy internal market, through ensuring bi-directional gas flows and the construction of the necessary interconnectors. Meanwhile, overall control of the project is going to be subject to negotiations between Moscow and Brussels which — in view of the recent termination of the Nabucco project — find the Kremlin in a privileged position.
What is the time frame planned for commencement and completion of work related to construction of the Bulgarian section of the pipeline, and will this work be done under the supervision of the Commission? What action will be taken by the European institutions to strengthen it? South Stream is promoted by Gazprom and its co-investors. The Commission does not have any strategy for this project. As for any transmission project, the Commission will ensure that South Stream is developed and operated in line with EU legislation.
This is in particular the internal energy market legislation, including provisions on non-discriminatory access to capacity for competing suppliers. The Commission would welcome the inclusion of other potential exporters of gas from Russia as shippers or developers of the project. In the absence of any information on South Stream financing it is not possible to assess its effects on the Bulgarian economy.
However, any government support — if given — should comply with the state aid rules. Projects of this nature should only attract public funding if there are overriding public benefits. The Commission has not been informed of any significant public benefit arising from this project. The series of droughts which have affected the southern part of Europe in particular have caused serious losses in European agriculture. This technology is being used successfully in Poland, and successful experiments using these vaccines have also been carried out recently at experimental plantations in Spain and Croatia.
It is to be hoped that the use of mycorrhizal technology on a wider scale can result in significant reductions in the losses caused by droughts and that it can also lead to an increase in the quantity and quality of crops. Does the Commission have any knowledge of the beneficial effects of mycorrhizal technology in Poland? Is it planning any action to support this technology and make it more widely available in Europe, or at least to support research into the development of this technology?
The Commission is aware of the experiments in Poland concerning the use of mycorrhizal fungi in nutrient and water acquisition.
Afrique - Servir le Peuple
The beneficial effect of mycorrhizal fungi has also been reported several times in the scientific literature. Emphasis is also put on unravelling the contribution of mycorrhizal fungi to plant performance under stress conditions, and the use of the potential mycorrhizal effectiveness as a tool for breeding. This will concern in particular research and innovation geared towards coping with droughts and other extreme events.
Preliminary data from the consultations show that a variety of different opinions have been expressed on the subject. In view of the negligible public response in the majority of the Member States, is the Commission planning to undertake more extensive consultations? This public consultation is part of a broader consultation process designed to involve interested individuals and stakeholders in the Commission's ongoing work and addresses the opportunities as well as the risks of unconventional fossil fuels such as shale gas.
While all EU citizens are invited to contribute to the consultation, it is expected that submissions come primarily from countries with shale gas resources and where a public debate on the subject is ongoing. Responses to public consultation — including those submitted by individual citizens — will serve as one of the inputs to the Commission's work on impact assessment.
However, many other inputs are used for the impact assessment work: Consultation results will be presented both in unweighted form and weighted form, taking into account the population of different Member States, the representativeness of respondents, their expertise or their public responsibility. The floods of recent weeks that seriously affected Central and Eastern Europe, and the cross-border nature of climate change-driven disasters, provide clear evidence for the need for coordinated action at EU level.
Unfortunately however, there are a number of shortcomings with regard to disaster response management. The European Union Solidarity Fund was created following the serious flooding of , precisely to support the victims of similar challenges. Regrettably, this instrument of community solidarity cannot now fulfil its mission due to budget deadlock, which was caused, amongst other things, by some Member States opposing the topping up of the Solidarity Fund.
Europe is prone to major floods. Since , we have had the Community Mechanism for Civil Protection and the aforementioned EU Solidarity Fund, but it is evident that the frequency and intensity of disasters represent an increased need for assistance, requiring greater coordination and efficiency. EU capacity for managing natural disasters must include an early warning prevention and evacuation system in the event of danger, and an emergency response centre to coordinate interventions.
The legal basis of the Solidarity Fund is different from that for humanitarian aid as it is financed with appropriations raised over and above the normal EU budget on a case by case basis. This way of financing the Solidarity Fund has just been confirmed in the financial framework for and the accompanying Interinstitutional Agreement. What measures does the Commission envisage to stimulate the creation of jobs, the improvement of workers' skills and a closer correlation of qualifications with the needs of the labour market? The Package proposed to step up job creation across the economy by: The Youth Guarantee comprises both measures that enhance skills levels for example second-chance education programmes or skills training , and that increase the number of available jobs e.
It counts 35 staff members: Line Managers and employment officers of decentralised offices have received information and training on EURES, there are complementary front office support to provide basic information on mobility and transnational recruitment services to jobseekers and employers.
In over 40 training actions were delivered to more than members approx. Decentralised activities are being carried out with annual European Job Days organised in different cities such as Coimbra, Porto Braga and Aveiro. The starting point for this second programme is the realisation that none of the problems the current programme aimed to resolve has actually been resolved.
In fact the opposite is true, things have got worse and it is widely acknowledged that the country is unlikely to return to said financial markets without usurious and prohibitive interest rates being imposed. What are the results to date of the assessment mentioned by the Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs?
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When does the Commission expect to have completed this assessment? As a general principle, the Commission does not comment press reports, particularly when these are based on rumours or quotes by anonymous sources, as it is the case here. The question of how Portugal can ensure a smooth exit from the current programme has been discussed between the Portuguese authorities and its international partners for some time. Unfortunately, the recent political crisis has meant a setback in this regard, as markets reacted negatively to the risks for the indispensable cohesion in the government.
However, following the confirmation of the reshuffled government by the Portuguese President and the presentation of the two-year programme, there is evidence that calm is gradually returning to markets, so that Portugal, in cooperation with its international partners, can continue working on the agreed strategy that will allow the economy to return to solid and sustainable growth. There are a number of options that can be envisaged for post-programme arrangements.
Although it is premature to speculate which scheme will be the most suitable for Portugal, at the present stage it seems likely that Portugal may require some kind of backstop to faciliate its return to markets. The tools available are well known. Both types of programmes come with some form of conditionality which would, however, not be very different from post-programme surveillance that will apply to Portugal in any case in accordance with the provisions of the Two-Pack.
Considering the experience of working with the previous fund, we were told that one of the biggest problems was the difficulty of organising food distribution as a huge amount of effort is required to mobilise substantial financial, human and technical resources.
Given that future regulations governing the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived are still being drafted and discussed, how will the Commission simplify the food distribution process? The Malian authorities and the international community agreed to provide high-level follow-up to the Brussels conference via meetings of representatives of the capitals at headquarters, held alternately in Bamako and outside Mali, and involving non-governmental stakeholders. The EU, France and Mali as co-chairs of the high level conference are determined to take swiftly initiatives on this follow-up.
To that effect, the idea was raised to establish a specific follow-up mechanism which will meet regularly at capitals' level as a complement to the existing local platform for donors' coordination. While the transition Government was not in a position to launch this process, it is expected that the newly elected President and his administration will take full ownership of this process and call for the establishment of such follow-up mechanism. EU diplomats will keep consulting closely with Malian authorities on this issue as part of their political dialogue.
The EU pays specific attention to the reestablishment of State authority and basic services throughout the country. In the centre and the north of Mali more particularly, an important proportion of EU support is delivered with the objective to stabilise the country and link relief, rehabilitation and development. It advises and assists Authorities in the implementation of the security dimension of their Strategy for Security and Development as well as supports the development of regional and international coordination in the fight against terrorism and organised crime.
In its initial months mission's capacity to provide support was not fully exploited due to insufficient Nigerien ownership, equipment, material and infrastructure shortfalls. However, now, some positive results exist and increased buy-in from the Nigerian authorities is also noticeable through the establishment of an inter-ministerial committee in charge of implementation.
Actions under the IfS work alongside these missions in developing long term local capacities. Further to this annoucement, no official detailed roadmap for the electoral process has been made public yet. The roadmap is being currently discussed among transitional authorities, National Electoral Commission and political parties. Discussions are also held with and within the Parliament, as a number of modifications of the Electoral Law might be necessary to take into account the electoral registration system chosen improved manual registration versus biometric registration.
The main political parties have publicily declared their willigness to go ahead with the electoral process on the basis of the improved manual registration system. The Forum of Opposition parties most of them not represented at the Parliament opposes it. No EU Electoral Observation Mission EOM for Guinea-Bissau has been foreseen given the limited funds available and, in particular, the fact that in Guinea-Bissau, the problem is less of defective electoral processes, than of failure to respect their results.
A small number of experts will be on the ground around four weeks prior to Election Day and will follow the process until the publication of results. The EEM will also assess the implementation of the past two EU EOM recommendations and, for the consideration of the new authorities, propose in their report how these recommendations should be implemented for the next electoral cycle.
It is expected that disbursements under this project can start before the end of the year. As regards the Cocaine Route Programme, it was launched in to contribute to the fight against organised crime and drug trafficking along the so-called Cocaine Route, from the main production countries in Latin America to Europe, primarily via the Caribbean and West Africa.
With a commitment so far of EUR These projects conduct activities, primarily capacity building, in three main domains, i. As identified by the latter, the main potential of the Programme lies in gathering West African and Latin American partners into an international law enforcement community to combat transnational organised crime. It is also important to address both the criminal aspects of drug trafficking and the reinforcement of law enforcement capacities across [sic] the Region. The mentoring French team of the first trained battalion, in coordination with EUTM, checks the correct implementation of the instruction.
No incidents are reported as of now. In this context it will publish an implementation report on the relevant EU legal instruments in the coming months. A proper implementation and application of these instruments will contribute to a proper functioning of the European area of justice. For example, proper implementation of the European Supervision Order by all Member States will allow suspected persons who are subject to a European Arrest Warrant to swiftly go back to their country of residence while they are awaiting trial in another Member State.
This will avoid long pre-trial detention in another Member State following the execution of a European Arrest Warrant and before the actual trial takes place. Moreover, implementation of the Probation and Alternative Sanctions will encourage judges, who can be confident that a person will be properly supervised in another Member State, to impose an alternative sanction to be executed abroad instead of a prison sentence. Finally, Transfer of Prisoners will allow prisoners to go back to their home country to serve their prison sentence.
We are jointly reflecting on how best to use EU assistance to Bangladesh to underpin progress and address the underlying problems. It outlines commitments in three areas: It has been elaborated in close cooperation of all parties concerned. As regards implementation of the respective commitments, specific deadlines have been established for a number of actions outlined in the compact. In addition, the parties agreed to hold a follow-up meeting in to take stock of progress made on actions outlined in the compact. Since then, the Parliament of Bangladesh has adopted amendments to the Labour Act and the ILO, to which the compact attributes an important coordinating role, has moved forward in consultations with relevant stakeholders with a view to implementing other commitments.
When does the Commission expect to conclude this research? Can it anticipate some of its findings? What does the Commission believe are the main obstacles to finalising and implementing a roadmap for safety at work with the Bangladeshi Government and social partners? Iniciativa Oportunidades para a Juventude.
The Commission's detailed assessment of the Youth Opportunities Initiative can be found in. However, any decision by the Joint Committee would need to be taken by common agreement of the parties. As no common agreement was achieved, the Joint Committee could not take any decision.
The Commission was involved and active in the seminars that took place after the publication of the study. The Commission supports specialized organisations which advocate for more clearly defined and internationally recognised human rights standards, enabling the creation of appropriate supervisory, monitoring and reporting mechanisms. Together with the UN, namely by continuously supporting the work of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Commission has contributed to the development of detailed human rights standards, some laid down in conventions and resolutions.
These efforts will continue. Within the context of trafficking in human beings, exploitation for the purpose of removing organs has been included in the definition of trafficking in human beings in the different international and EU legal instruments, including in the UN Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons. Offenders who traffic in human beings can be prosecuted and convicted and victims can receive the necessary assistance and protection.
Even though, without a definition of trafficking in body parts, attempts to counter this trafficking will be impaired, by virtue of their humanity and of interdependence of rights there is a space for national action relating to individual cases. Este apoio foi seguido de um pacote global de programas com uma perspetiva a mais longo prazo. This was followed by a comprehensive package of programmes with a longer-term perspective. O APC foi assinado em 30 de abril de The EU and Mongolia have warm and constructive relations.
We propose to increase cooperation by focusing on three areas: Under the PCA we will deepen our relations to encompass new areas such as regional and international cooperation, trade and investment, justice, freedom and security alongside cooperation in the areas of research and innovation, tourism, education, culture, employment to name a few. Through our development cooperation programmes, we will support Mongolia in the economic governance of the mining revenues to promote equitable growth.
Commissioner Ciolos' recent successful visit to Mongolia explored possibilities to increase our cooperation in agriculture and rural development. Mongolia is a thriving democracy with a vibrant economy. We encourage EU companies to consider investing and doing business in Mongolia. The progress made so far in fiscal consolidation allows Member States to slow down the pace of adjustment. The improvements in the fiscal positions of EU Member States allowed the Council — based on Commission's recommendations — to abrogate Excessive Deficit Procedure for Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania, which corrected their excessive deficits in a lasting manner.
Seven Member States were given more time to reach their deficit targets. These are Member States which took fiscal measures in line with Council recommendations, but where the economic situation hampered the timely correction of their excessive deficits. These decisions show the flexibility of the Stability and Growth Pact, which allows the Council to extend the deadline for the correction of an excessive deficit in cases where effective action has been taken, but adverse economic conditions prevented the headline deficit targets from being reached. The Stability and Growth Pact offers a flexible, clear and transparent framework for fiscal policy.
The Commission considers it crucial that Member States continue fulfilling their obligations under the Stability and Growth Pact in order to maintain investors' confidence and avoid a return of market turbulence, which affected most the vulnerable Member States. It is now of the utmost importance for all members to put an end to tactical manoeuvring so as to allow allow enough progress to be made on Trade Facilitation and the agricultural and development issues that are on the table.
Only a joint effort to come forward with constructive positions on such a package will ensure a conclusion of negotiations at the ministerial conference. That being the case, how much heed have the Bolivian authorities paid to European concerns? The Bolivian authorities have expressed their appreciation for EU assistance and cooperation, which is highly valued.
US and Russia agreed that the result should be a transitional governing body with full executive powers including over the security and police services. The agreed format stipulates that the conference will open with an intergovernmental meeting among all participants to be chaired by SG Ban-ki Moon and followed by actual negotiations between empowered interlocutors from the two sides mediated by the Joint Special Representative L.
The organisers believe that the conference will most likely take place in the autumn of The most important task is properly prepare the conference and work with the two sides beforehand so that the negotiations will bear out the expected results. The delays are due to disagreements on the participation of some stakeholders and the fact that the two sides seem to be focusing on the military operations on the ground. Can the Commission explain the main features of this Alliance, and who will be its members and future partners?
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a platform that brings together public authorities, businesses and social partners, VET providers, youth representatives and other key actors such as chambers in order to coordinate and upscale different initiatives for successful apprenticeship type schemes, as well as to promote national partnerships for dual vocational training systems. The strands of action are: Furthermore, 19 organisations e. More information on the strands of actions and an update on the state of pledges, ambassadors and events can be found on the dedicated Alliance website http: Komissio valmistelee parhaillaan uusia tavoitteita vuodelle These decisions had been preceded by several years of strong economic growth.
The three targets — as regards emissions, renewables and energy efficiency — clearly overlap and are often even conflicting. For example, while replacing natural gas by biomass reduces emissions and increases renewables, it also lowers energy efficiency. At present, the Commission is preparing new targets for As far as is known, the Commission has not made any comprehensive analysis on the impacts of using overlapping and competing targets and measures.
Is the Commission going to analyse the impacts of current approaches before deciding on one or more targets for the year ? If so, will this analysis take into account of at least the following aspects:.

Have these overlapping targets and measures caused any extra costs in reaching climate objectives. If so, to what amount? If not, has this three-target scheme been cost-efficient? The Commission regularly produces comprehensive analyses on the impacts of current trends and policies. The analysis for the climate and energy framework will be based on a update of such a trend and policy analysis which will be published later this year.
Already the impact assessment for the climate and energy package assessed the interaction of different targets and its impact on cost-efficiency with regard to climate objectives. The analysis underpinning the framework will among others investigate in detail the impacts of different target combinations, as well as energy security, competitiveness and other relevant impact dimensions to provide policy-makers with a sound information base.
In view of the fact that Serbia wishes to join the European Union, is the Council aware that admissible authorities in Serbia which are supported by the Serbian Government are in the process of requisitioning property purchased by Serbian non-nationals, the said property having been legally acquired by the purchasers? Does the Council agree that such a policy runs counter to the spirit of the European Union and should pose an impediment to Serbian membership of the European Union?
The Council has not discussed any specific case covered by the issue raised by the Honourable Member. More generally, it is important that all investments in Serbia have the necessary legal protection. In view of the fact that Serbia wishes to join the European Union, is the Commission aware that admissible authorities in Serbia which are supported by the Serbian Government are in the process of requisitioning property purchased by Serbian non-nationals, the said property having been legally acquired by the purchasers?
Does the Commission agree that such a policy runs counter to the spirit of the European Union and should pose an impediment to Serbian membership of the European Union?
The Commission closely monitors the situation of the business environment in Serbia. Regarding the specific situation mentioned, the Commission is aware that BPI, an Irish family owned company which has invested in the agricultural sector since in Serbia, is now the object of procedures launched by local authorities requesting the return of the land in the ownership of this company and its Serbian subsidiaries.
The Commission also understands that the company in question is about to launch a lawsuit before Serbian courts against these requisition measures. The Commission will monitor the developments in this case. This agreement notably includes provisions on the right of establishment of EU companies in this country.
Elles se veulent douces. Des associations de naturopathes travaillent toutefois en ce sens. Naturopathy is a medical system that works primarily by stimulating the body's natural self-healing mechanisms. Naturopathic treatments are gentle and aim primarily to activate, stimulate and promote these mechanisms rather than eliminate symptoms or attack pathogens directly. The first permits have been issued to allow naturopathic practitioners to deliver primary care in five Canadian provinces British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Saskatchewan and a dozen US states, as well as in Australia, Israel and a number of other countries.
In Quebec and in most French-speaking countries in Europe, naturopathy is not officially recognised. A number of naturopathic associations are, however, pursuing that aim. At the moment, naturopathic practitioners in those countries can call themselves such, but that does not necessarily mean they are fully trained therapists. What is more, their professional practice is not generally governed by strict rules.