Am I on the right track with continued attempts to guide her? Also I am having trouble figuring out how to eliminate the bottle from their routine. When they wake from naps or nighttime sleeps they are used to getting a bottle of milk. Especially if they wake really thirsty. They still seem to really want it.
Do you know where I can find something like this? Thanks for the great blog! I generally avoid foods which require baby to chew them properly. Whatever you make should melt in her mouth instantly. Chew a small piece in your mouth first and pay attention to how hard it is to chew. I always wonder whether my 1 year old son can chew something or not.
So happy I found your site….. He loves eating and is ready to move on from pureed. I was so nervous with what to give, size,texture and then over think the choking. It sounds like there may be some other issues going on. Make sure you look at the article index in the menu bar, there are tons of ideas and strategies. Especially see the how to transition to your baby to table foods. This is great information as I was getting bored with the same old stuff and latley he doesnt want to eat meats…will chew it and then spit it out.
I make sure its small and soft…. If you could send me some more of your info that would be awesome!! I just added you. You should receive a confirmation email. I am just so afraid of choking BC she has no teeth. Well today for the first time I gave her scrambled eggs, and tiny pieces of chicken and cooked broccoli and red peppers and she did great!! Loved everything and despite no teeth chewed well. I am most nervous about crackers, how will she chew that w no teeth? What foods are best for 14 month old w no teeth? Thank you, your website is amazing, keep up the good work! She should be chewing on her gums where her molars will be.
Thank you SO much for posting this! I have a 9 month old and have been looking everywhere for menu examples, as he is starting to ween off baby food. Thank you for posting this mega list. It is so helpful and nice to have all this great info in one place. My little girl just turned one. She looks great but she is in the 3rd percentile in weight, which seems to concern my doctor a little. However, her frame is just petite exactly how I was when I was her age. To put it in comparison her head circumference is only in the fifth percentile, but her height is in the 75th.
She quit eating baby food a long time ago, something about the texture. She wants to be independent. Her brain development is amazing. I tell this just to show how great this area of development is. She also walks no runs all the time. I am worried about her eating habits but not necessarily her gaining weight. My question is if gaining weight is an issue, should I NOT try to get her eating less bottles of formula around 24 oz a day. We do miralax, benefiber, and caro syrup seems to work the best and not make her sick.
First Foods: Recipes for Babies and Toddlers Months - Cooking Light
Whether or not she will eat anything I put in front of her is a constant guessing game. I need something to aid in her potty going so I can focus on helping her gain and keep up weight. I just switched doctors and am trying to development a eating plan with her. Your sight has been very helpful! This will make it easier to have food and meal ideas.
Oh my goodness, no you have not! Follow these steps and see the articles on transitioning to table food for help- they are in the side bar or the article index in the menu bar. Definitely focus on table foods now without stressing yourself or the baby out. Let me know if you need more help! Hi Kristen, my name is Victoria and I just found this web-site, read the article, scrolled down and saw your comment. My daughter just turned 1 year old and she just started chewing.
All babies are different. As a Mom that is going through postpartum depression I just had to comment and tell you not to freak out and dont ever think you screwed up his feeding habbits!! He wont go to college on breast milk and formula LOL!! This is a really good list. My 13 month old son is getting bored with my homemade baby food. He is still being nursed and will not drink whole milk. Should I try mixing it with breastmilk? Yes, I definitely would. Start with very small amounts at first and every couple days add a little more as he is tolerating. I will try that.
He eats a lot of veggies, but I think he is eager to try new things. This list is really helpful for a working mom like me. Do you have any ideas for snacks? Thank you, glad it is helpful. I would try cut up fruits, as an addition. You can also do dehydrated fruits, if you are on the go. Also, think of using dips for crackers like hummus or guacamole.
I actually have given her hummus and she licked it off of the crackers! Do you have any healthy lunch and dinner recipies appropriate fire my 11 month old? With my husband always gone I never really cooked much when out was just me here. I struggle to know simple, but nutritious recipes for the while family, but that are safe and appropriate for my 11 month old. Yes, see the end of the post, I have a bunch of meal ideas listed there. Also, if you look in the article index under recipes you will find more- almost all of those are geared towards first foods or can be easily adapted.
As a baby he never mouthed any toy.. If I give him table food he just throws it away. Really in need of help. It is never too late, tara, there is still time. I would give him teethers, still and dip them into applesauce or yogurt to encourage him to mouth them. It is important for him to chew on these, as it helps with chewing and feeding. I have a post on how to teach your child to self feed.
You can find it in the popular posts in the section in the side bar or in the article index in the menu bar at the top. In the mean time keep showing him, putting your hand on top of his, helping him as little as possible. I just found this post and your blog through pinterest! My almost 15 mo old was always a good eater and would eat almost anything put before her until about a month or so ago.
And sometimes not even that. Loves chicken, turkey, ham, and lunch meat though I try to limit the lunch meat. Any other tips would be much appreciated!! Hi Jessica, glad you found your way here.
Mini Whole-Wheat Apricot Muffins
I would definitely check out my basics to eating, which is a tab at the top of the page in the menu bar. Meats are really difficult for kids especially at this age, try to stick to softer things like meatballs, salmon, chicken nuggets, etc. Hi there, I just found your site today and am reading intently….. He will eat anything and has the chubby legs to prove it. I am not much of a cook so I am still working on making him more real menus as opposed to foods put together to make a meal, or buying too much processed food, and this site will help me so much with that.
Should I slow the whole process down and only put a couple of peices on his tray at once? He also goes to daycare so I know they will not watch him as closely as I would to reinforce better chewing. Hi Lindsay, this is such a great question. It is really important that he chews. You are doing the right thing by showing and telling him to. I would definitely only put a few pieces on his plate at a time. In there I discuss techniques to promote chewing. I think they will be of help! Good luck, let me know how it goes. I love the list. You thought of things I had not! Another thing I make are egg frittatas.
I store it in the fridge and we eat on it for breakfast for 4 days. So glad I found this list! But right now will only really eat bread, cheese, cheerios, peas and sometimes fruit. I feel bad giving him this over and over but he really likes it — I have tried tofu, fish, etc. Can only hope he starts accepting more and more new foods in the coming months. Thanks for your comment Melanie, be careful not to cater to him too much. Give him some of what you are eating even if he refuses it and try to set a good example. See my Basics to Eating in the tab at the top of the page for more information.
I like the taste of those foods and when some are mixed with cheese and sauce, they should be memorable. Plus, those kinds of foods are supposed to be good for colds and overall health- at least, the fruit, meat and vegetables are. These meal ideas has definitely given me some insight. I have been so stressed about what I should be feeding my child. He just turned a year and was born at 27weeks. We are also just now transitioning him off the bottle. Most of my stress I feel like just comes from being a first time mom and not knowing what I should be doing. But thanks for the advise, I have my grocery list ready!
Thanks so much Candyce! It is difficult navigating all of this when it is your first! Great ideas for food. I am having a tough time with my one year old right now. He refuses to eat sometimes, but am wondering if I am trying to feed him too much. Do babies this age need snacks? Also, what kind of portion sizes should I be aiming for? I should mention he still gets formula in the morning and evening, but milk all other times. Any advice is appreciated! I would think about weening him off the bottle totally- take it slow, but move in this direction. Also, see my basic strategies in the menu bar at the top- I think that will be really helpful, follow those steps and you will know your on the right track: This is SO helpful I have a nine month old and I have a hard time remembering she can eat real food!
Any good tricks to keep it fresh and accessible? Ya, that can be a bit tricky. I freeze what I can and make stuff in small batches. Of course, it is great to eat what she is eating to, so eat some with her: My daughter is Finally I had enough and started putting mashed berries into her yogurt and breakfast pouches purees to give it some texture. We also add cheerios. Now for lunch and dinner she eats mashed potatoes with veggies I cut them in very small pieces and instead of putting a gravy on it to make it moist, I do put some carrot and broccoli puree bc it is healthier, but she is eating chunky mashed potatoes!
She loves ravioli mac and cheese, could live on yogurt with fruit etc. My prob is she can pick up food, big pieces, small pieces, whatever, and foods she eats, foods she LOVES, puts them up to her mouth, then just is like EH and throws it to the dogs or just smooshes it in her hands! She wont eat puffs, cheerios or any other snacks crunchy. She loves finger painting, playing in sand and all of that stuff.
Any idea how I can get her to eat with her hands?? She does show interest in a spoon. We now feed her with a spoon she will eventually use to feed herself and she grabs it and sometimes takes the food off of it and we have even seen her put it in her mouth upside down. She is a far way off from using it by herself, but she does show interest! Any advice would be wonderful! Thanks so much for this! My daughter just turned one 2 days ago. I just transitioned her from formula to milk. Should I be changing when I give her milk? Her schedule is as follows:. Formula when she wakes at 6: Yes, ideally you want to get her away from bottles and into drinking milk from some type of cup.
Give her the milk with her meals. Start by eliminating one bottle, at a time, which ever is easiest. Also, make sure to give her solids on her tray at each meal. If you run into more difficulties getting her off of baby food I am available for consults- no pressure, just wanted you to know: Good luck, let me know, how it goes! I have a 9 month old daughter who previously would eat anything. Now she refuses the spoon and just wants bread and bready-type foods. I am offering a variety, and letting her have a go with her own spoon and bowl, but very little is going down.
Thank you so much. This list was really helpful and especially the picture showing what size! Awesome and very helpful. Thank you for providing this list. My daughter does well with everything but veggies and my son struggles with everything. I will definitely try that this weekend.
- Mega List of Table Foods for Your Baby or Toddler!
- Les Larmes et lespoir (French Edition).
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- Judith Paris (Illustrated) (Herries Chronicles Book 2);
- Baby Meal Plans.
- Baby Recipes: Months - Cooking Light?
She finishes eating in half the time of my son. Any suggestions would be great. The throwing can be so hard at this age- I know from personal experience! Try to stay on top of him about it and when he starts to mash between his fingers change it up in some way- give him a dip, make it fun and exciting.
Make sure you demonstrate. Try to get him to imitate you. Also, I offer consultative services, see the top menu. Lastly, if you are in the states, you will qualify for free in home state early intervention services. Hope that helps- let me know how it goes! I am so sorry that your grandaughter is in this situation.
I can only imagine how stressful it is. I would have a lot of questions before I could you specific advice. Generally speaking, try to encourage messy play outside of meal time. Think sand boxes, finger painting, etc. Take it slow and follow her lead with this. Keep doing it until she is fairly comfortable with it. Also, try to get her on a regular routine with eating. I think there are a large variety of issues that need addressed here and there is professional help.
Again, I am so sorry for your situation. Please let me know if I can help in any other way, even if it is to set you in the direction of services in your area. The best simplest advice I can give you in the mean time is to stick with foods she has shown interest in or at least tolerated. Keep presenting these foods or foods similar to them, making just small changes.
However, try to have enough different foods so she has something different for each meal. Also, choose foods that make minimal mess. It will be easier for her for now. I hope this helps a little! Again, let me know if I can be of any more assistance! I know it is so hard to figure out why and what the best thing to do to move forward is. It does sound like she has some underlying sensory issues that may have been compounded by some of the circumstances you described. I have been very stressed about what to start feeding my one yr old.
This has been a lifesaver!! Thank you so much! I just found this and it is so helpful! Love that you provided such a great list! Honestly, I cannot say thank you enough for what you have put together here! You are awesome and this is a great resource for new moms that have young children that are no longer interested in eating baby food.
My little girl is very independent but has been eating baby food since she was 8 weeks old and now at 8 months she refuses anything offered to her on a baby spoon if is not yogurt. And it is a bit un-nerving trying to figure out what I can and should not offer her off of our plates. Last night alone she decided she no longer wanted the rice cakes, and will only eat the puffs as a snack anywhere not in her high chair. My 9 month old has decided he doesnt want to be spoonfed anymore. Very independent little boy. Some of the items on your list I hadnt thought of to try for him.
Alway worry that hes not getting enough variety since I seem to go to the same foods all the time. This list is fabulous! Wow this is a great list. I have two little girls and my youngest daughter is 13months old and has struggled with eating. She wouldnt eat baby food until she was 7 months and has been eating table food for a little over a month.
This list helps soo much!! Thank you Thank you! I understand you caution, but try not to be too cautious. It would be texture if she is gagging as soon as it touches her tongue, but may be another issue if it is after it is in her mouth. If it is the latter you do need to be a little cautious.
Kids will respond even to that negative attention or fear from you. Good luck, let me know how she is doing! He will eat chicken sometimes or beans sometimes. Is there something else I can try to fill in his protein gap? Thanks, I love your site, all the info has been really helpful! So many kids at this age struggle with protein and you have a harder go at it for sure.
If so, you could mix bits of salmon or tilapia, the latter being very mild. Also, could you cut of bits of chicken or beans and add melt into a grilled rice cheese or quesadilla? He may eat those diced up. I am so excited to have found your website! My son is 15 months old and we are in the process of working with a Speech Pathologist and starting an OT this week. This list is very helpful! Thank you for this great blog!
I just tried the zucchini bread you suggested on another comment. My son ate a whole slice! Try to build off that now. Try other breads, mix shredded carrot or yellow squash. Try it in muffins. Maybe even venture out to fried zucchini pancakes. So many foods are high allergens. Parents need to discuss what their comfort level is with introducing new foods. Most doctors recommend waiting days between introduction of new foods. Any suggestions for a dairy intolerant baby? Mandi- I know this can be really tough! I would try and focus on crunchy foods first like crackers that are dairy free.
They can be hard to find, but if you keep reading labels you will come across a few. Also, try plain rice cakes, double check, but I believe those are dairy free. I would encourage you to try as many table foods as you can and move away from the baby foods as he tolerates it. My son is going on 9 months. He is a huge eater. Gobbles up meals of anything I give him. Loves lots of healthy veggies, anything blended with brown rice, etc. And still breastfeeding as much as ever, drinking water from cup and straw…yet he is stil a pinch under weight, not on a worrying way…just in a really fast metabolism way.
He is often hungry. I pray his immense interest in food continues. Will try your ideas then! I have 10mo twins that were born at 29w. Thank you for the fresh ideas and thank you for new food ideas too! My daughter is loving table foods and straws and now I have some ideas to get my son up there too! I have a 10 month old just turned yesterday and this is so great! Question—Do you make your own Zucchini bread? I do make my own zucchini bread and use a different recipe just about every time because I have yet to find one I really like.
I also go for one with as little sugar as possible, which usually means honey. Most docs are ok with cooking with honey, but you may want to check. Here is the last recipe I used, it was pretty hearty, my then 10 month old loved it. I doubled it and froze an entire loaf and muffins, so we have been eating it for a while! These are a great help, thank you! I have a question. You suggest serving a meal with at least one preferred item. What do I do then? However, they need to understand that they are expected to at least have a little of everything.
For now, all you can do is encourage. Try to feed them a bite of the non-preferred in between bites of something they really like. Keep trying, I promise consistency is the key! He likes food so this will help us — anything to gain some more weight! Pat yourself on the back for being so proactive!
21 Homemade Baby Food Recipes
Weight gain can be so stressful, sounds like you are on the right path, though. I am starting more to introduce the foods I am eating to my son. He just turned 9 months old and just started finally getting teeth. He pretty much loves all of the jar food I have been feeding him with the exception of squash. I have been struggling to know exactly what I should give him so I am thrilled that I came across this post! So the dairy foods such as shredded cheese and cottage cheese as well as yogurt is okay for a child under 1?
I look forward to reading your other posts! I know the tranistion to table food can be so overwhelming! First off, I would say check with your babies doctor and then decide on how you want to handle the dairy. It can mess with their digestion, so watch for any changes in their diaper! It is wonderful for me to hear that it is of some help.
Stay tuned, my next post will be perfect for your lttle guy, I am writing on how to teach your baby to drink from a straw…. What great ideas, thank you! This is a very helpful list for my almmost-2 yr old who is getting pickier about her foods day by day. I loved the list and the variety it has.
A good friend recommended this blog and it is very helpful. I will keep you posted on how it goes with my daughter. Me and husband and our caregiver are very patient with her, she has no trouble around us.
Is there a good way to handle this, does she need an evaluation? Could you write something on kids like her if you have seen them and what was done. It is difficult for me to say if she needs an eval, but I have two pieces of advice. One is talk to your doctor, even if it is a sick visit. If you are concerned that warrants a visit. Second, you could just do an eval, they are totally play based for kids at this age and at a minimum it would give you some piece of mind.
If it were me, I would try to give her regular opportunities to play with other kids in her age group. Ease into it with maybe only one other child at first. Be prepared to back off if she gets overwhelmed. Keep trying, it will get better. As for the neighbors, forget about their comments, people are good at being insensitive and judgmental. I will definitely consider writing a post on something related to this in the future. If you have more specific questions feel free to send me an email, we may be able to do a phone or skype consult. So glad you find the blog, make sure to check out basic strategies to improve eating, too.
I think it will be of some help.

Definitely keep me posted! This list is fantastic. Meal time is hard. Thanks for the tips! Well Mandy, this is a good problem to have! It is difficult feeding any child at this age, it is such a time of transition. I have a couple of recommondations… First, feed her every 2.
Transitional Recipes for Baby: 12-18 Months
This is a normal appetite cycle. Give her milk with the meals. Try to keep meals to minutes. Give her as much as she wants to eat during these meals and when you see her losing interst end the meal. You guys will find your groove soon! I have been scouring the Internet for a list like this and a how to serve. Thank you for your time of putting this together!!
This is so helpful! I am also glad I came upon your blog this list will be prefect for my 10 month old. Thank you so much for this!! I hear you, really, I do this for a living and my own kids can push me to the edge with eating! There is lots of info on the site, I hope you can find some tips and strategies that will help! Feel free to use a mild cheddar, if you'd like. Advertisement 8 of 13 Barley with Shiitakes and Spinach Although barley isn't a commonly used grain, it's great for baby because of its mild flavor.
In this recipe, barley provides a quick yet hearty base for vegetables, cheese, and rosemary, which can be served as a meatless main or side dish. Advertisement 9 of 13 Pan-Grilled Snapper with Orzo Pasta Salad Small rice-shaped pasta, orzo cooks quickly and soaks up flavor from the vinaigrette.
Double the vinaigrette, and spoon some over the top of the fish, if you like. Advertisement 10 of 13 Pilaf with Chicken, Spinach, and Walnuts You'll need a large skillet with a lid for this recipe. To save time, use chicken breast meat from a rotisserie chicken. Advertisement 11 of 13 Beef and Vegetable Potpie Cooking the beef filling first in a large skillet and then in the oven ensures that the meat and vegetables are tender and flavorful. Finishing the casserole in the oven browns the breadstick-dough topping.
Transitioning from Baby to Toddler
For a fun presentation kids will love, make individual servings in 4-ounce ramekins. You can also freeze single servings for later. Advertisement 12 of 13 Oven-Roasted Green Beans This simple side dish can pass as a healthy version of French fries and will add color to any meal. Plus you can roast the beans at the last minute while you finish setting the table. Advertisement 13 of 13 Honey-Glazed Carrots Orange rind gives carrots a sweet, citrusy flavor, but the white pith has a bitter flavor, so be sure to avoid it when you're zesting. Carolyn Land Williams, M. Transitioning from Baby to Toddler Feeding your toddler what the rest of the family is eating is often a tougher hurdle for parents to get over than it actually is for baby.
But remember, your child is ready and technically has been eating more tender, plainer versions of adult food for a while now. Your little one will try almost all foods right now, so this is a perfect age to offer dishes and foods the rest of the family is eating. Plus, it simplifies mealtime tremendously for the cook! Here, we give you tasty family-friendly recipes and modifications for little one. Mini Whole-Wheat Apricot Muffins We love muffins for toddlers because they're perfect for quick breakfasts and snacks.
They're also great for sneaking in extra fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber. To ensure that the apricots in these mini muffins are soft enough for baby, soak them in hot water for 10 minutes; drain them well before chopping them. Serve 1 to 2 cooled mini muffins. Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins Introduce baby to this family favorite made even more healthy by adding whole-wheat flour and oatmeal.