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Also included is a high-pressure hose with stop ring. Optionally with drain opening or with drain socket for connection to a drain pipe provided by the customer. Washing accessories are very important for a good car wash. Those who rely on high-quality washing utensils can expect an optimal and scratch-proof car wash. In our shop you will find all necessary accessories from the washing bucket to the dry cloth.

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This type of contract involves the sale of a leased asset in installments by the lessor to the lessee. Ownership of the hire-purchase item shall not automatically pass to the hirer until payment has been made in full. Pre-wash space for car wash units Attractive complementary offer The possibilities of a manual pre-wash increase the attractiveness of your wash unit.

Simple usage The instruction sign informs your wash customer of the five steps necessary for operation. Trouble-free handling The deck rotary ensures easy handling of the high-pressure hose and lance around the vehicle. Powerful cleaning The supply device works with a powerful 85 or bar. Further advantages for you as unit operator: A profitable additional offer for your wash customers Fixture With flange plate, completely galvanized.

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High-pressure lance Pistol in frost safe design, length mm or 1. We not only protect the environment, but also your purse. Design Variable Individual colouring Individual Attikadesign. C-rail with towing vehicle The C-rail is mounted on wall brackets. Service station supply and other Washing accessories are very important for a good car wash. C, which aimed to "halve, by , the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation".

Access to WASH, in particular safe water, adequate sanitation, and proper hygiene education, can reduce illness and death, and also affect poverty reduction and socio-economic development. Lack of sanitation contributes to approximately , child deaths every year due to diarrhea.

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Chronic diarrhea can have a negative effect on child development both physical and cognitive. For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has increased their funding for sanitation projects since , with a strong focus on reuse of excreta. There is debate in the academic literature about the effectiveness on health outcomes when implementing WASH programs in low- and middle-income countries. Many studies provide poor quality evidence on the causal impact of WASH programs on health outcomes of interest. The nature of WASH interventions is such that high quality trials, such as randomized controlled trials RCTs , are expensive, difficult and in many cases not ethical.

Causal impact from such studies are thus prone to being biased due to residual confounding.

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Many scholars have attempted to summarize the evidence of WASH interventions from the limited number of high quality studies. Hygiene interventions, in particular those focusing on the promotion of handwashing, appear to be especially effective in reducing morbidity. Specific types of water quality improvement projects can have a protective effect on morbidity and mortality.

For instance, a study conducted in Nepal found that adherence to the use of chlorine tablets or chlorine solution to purify water was as low as Studies on the effect of sanitation interventions on health are rare. WASH interventions appear to have some important unintended consequences as well. Awareness raising for the importance of WASH is regularly carried out by various organizations through their publications and activities on certain special days of the year United Nations international observance days , namely: Water, sanitation and hygiene interventions help to prevent many neglected tropical diseases NTDs , for example soil-transmitted helminthiasis.

This is especially true in areas that are endemic with more than one NTD. A map has been created to help identify areas with high levels of infection with the WASH-impacted NTDs and low levels of rural improved water and sanitation coverage. Part of the reason for slow progress in sanitation may be due to the " urbanization of poverty", as poverty is increasingly concentrated in urban areas. As poverty becomes more concentrated in urban areas, one increasingly common phenomenon is the expansion of urban slums.

Often built illegally in response to a lack of more permanent housing, slums have a specific set of problems associated with them. For instance, the lack of property rights and instability associated with a slum dwelling may mean that the resident would not be willing to invest in WASH services for a building that may not survive a storm, or from which she may be evicted.

In addition, "New urban areas may be very heterogeneous—both ethnically and in terms of wealth distribution. They may face a constant influx of new migrants. For example, Oxfam is helping to provide 1 million liters of water each day in Mingkamen in South Sudan , but the demand is such that people must wait up to two hours in line to fill their containers.

Sometimes fights break out at the water point because everyone is waiting so long. A WHO report found that only one-third of the countries surveyed have national WASH plans that are being properly implemented, funded and regularly reviewed. In most countries monitoring was inconsistent and there were critical gaps. Reliable data is essential to inform policy decision, to monitoring and evaluate outcomes, and to identify those who do not have access to WASH.

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Many countries have WASH monitoring frameworks in place, but most of the data reported was inconsistent, weakening evaluation and outcome data analysis. National government mapping and monitoring efforts, as well as post-project monitoring by NGOs or researchers, have identified the failure of water supply systems including water points, wells and boreholes and sanitation systems as major challenges. It also enables children to become agents of change for improving water, sanitation and hygiene practices in their families and communities. Data from over 10, schools in Zambia was analysed in and confirmed that improved sanitation provision in schools was correlated with high female-to-male enrolment ratios, and reduced repetition and drop-out ratios, especially for girls.

More than half of all primary schools in the developing countries with available data do not have adequate water facilities and nearly two thirds lack adequate sanitation. Reasons for missing or poorly maintained water and sanitation facilities at schools in developing countries include lacking inter-sectoral collaboration; lacking cooperation between schools, communities and different levels of government; as well as a lack in leadership and accountability. Strong cultural taboos around menstruation , which are present in many societies, coupled with a lack of Menstrual Hygiene Management services in schools, results in girls staying away from school during menstruation.

Methods to improve the situation of WASH infrastructure at schools include on a policy level: The support provided by development agencies to the government at national, state and district levels is helpful to gradually create what is commonly referred to as an enabling environment for WASH in schools.

This includes sound policies, an appropriate and well-resourced strategy, and effective planning. Such efforts need to be sustained over longer time periods as ministries and departments of education are very large organizations, which generally show much inertia and are slow to reform. Success also hinges on local-level leadership and a genuine collective commitment of school stakeholders towards school development. Developing human and social capital amongst core school stakeholders is important. This applies to students and their representative clubs, headmaster and teachers, parents and SMC members.

Furthermore, other stakeholders have to be engaged in their direct sphere of influence, such as: Supervised daily group handwashing in schools can be an effective strategy for building good hygiene habits, with the potential to lead to positive health and education outcomes for children.

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It has also been successfully implemented in Indonesia. The provision of adequate water, sanitation and hygiene is an essential part of providing basic health services in healthcare facilities. WASH in Health facilities aids in preventing the spread of infectious diseases as well as protects staff and patients. Urgent action is needed to improve WASH services in health facilities in developing countries.

The absence of basic WASH amenities compromises the ability to provide routine services and hinders the ability to prevent and control infections. The improvement of WASH standards within health facilities needs to be guided by national policies and standards as well as an allocated budget to improve and maintain services. The history of water supply and sanitation in general is the topic of a separate article.