Eventually, they discover that the baby has a mother who is alive and thinks that both her husband and her baby perished in the sea. She must either forgive these people who kept her child from her or hold onto the hate and pain forever. Eventually, she remembers something her husband had said before his death:.

To resent, you have to do it all day, every day. You have to keep remembering all the bad things…I would have to make a list, a very, very long list and make sure I hated the people on it the right amount. That I did a proper job of hating, too! No… we always have a choice. The holidays are the perfect time to forgive and forget.

A Time to Forgive

The spirit of goodwill and hope inherent in the season lends itself to it. It is August 5 in For those who need to draw a line in the sand to force themselves to forgive others, this chance comes at least three times every year with two of them occurring in August. The prayer asks God to forgive us in the same way that we forgive.

When we think about our track record for forgiving, is this really what we want? How miserable it would be if God said that he would have to think about whether to forgive us. Additionally, I am personally glad that God forgives my sins and does not remember them again.

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For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. This is a high bar to reach. Things happen as they happen — let go of expectations of others, for your own sake. If you need to express yourself to someone, do so in a letter you will never mail.

A Time to Forgive (The Caldwell Kin #3) by Marta Perry

Or ask a trusted friend to sit with you, imagining he or she is the person you desire to speak to. You can even use an empty chair. Say what needs to be said, then put it to rest. If you feel you need love, treat yourself like royalty, then pass it on to someone who needs it more than you. Do whatever it takes so that you can let go of the ball and chain you are dragging around.

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In the course of writing this article, I discussed it with two friends who spontaneously applied the suggestions to their own grievance stories. Once they saw how much they were resisting letting go of the story and how it kept them trapped in victimhood and powerlessness, they made the choice to give it up…right before my eyes!

A Time to Forgive

Release yourself, and experience freedom beyond measure! What are you holding on to? What has your experience been with letting go? What challenges are you aware of? Decide what you stand for. And then stand for it all the time.

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