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The University of Wisconsin Press, , 3. Rebecca Sharpless asserts that the earliest examples of oral history interviewing can be found in the court scribes of the Zhou dynasty in China, and within the Greek war histories written by Herodotus and Thucydides. Foundations and Methodology , Thomas L.

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Myers, and Rebecca Sharpless, eds. You are to consider, all history was at first oral. Bohn, , In this sense, documented dialogues had long made up the historical record across time and culture. Yet, while the earliest historians may have supported the use of verbal testimony to formulate a more comprehensive portrait of an event, the trend towards applying scientific methods to history in the nineteenth century placed an emphasis on primary sources of a different nature. While these debates circulated within academia for over a century, the formulation of oral history as a practice unto itself was already underway.

In other regards, the twentieth century buoyed the creation of a codified field through the development of technology and numerous initiatives to record personal recollections. Interviewers were dispatched across the country to record life histories and speak with former slaves , relying primarily on their own written notes to recreate the discussion. However, folk song initiatives did capture music from across the country during the New Deal, demonstrating that the technology was available although not utilized for these early interviews.

Cumbersome wire recorders were sent along with journalists to assess the recollections of American troops based abroad during World War II so that historians would have a clearer sense of what had transpired soon after battle. Preliminary Notes on a Psychological and Anthropological Study. Voices of the Holocaust accessed February 1, http: Linda Shopes details how the Oral History Research Office OHRO was founded in to record the reminiscences of those who were essentially already chronicled in the history books: The first oral history conducted was with George McAneny , who served as the Manhattan Borough President from to Survey Course on the Web accessed Feb 1, http: Thompson, The Voice of the Past , 3, 6 But just as society has progressed substantially since the mid-twentieth century, so, too, has the field of oral history.

These transitions were reflected in the focus of the countless new history centers and projects that developed worldwide in the subsequent decades, and the topics examined during the formation of both the Oral History Association in and International Oral History Association in Thomas Lee Charlton, Lois E.

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Myers, Rebecca Sharpless , eds. Thinking about Oral History: Theories and Applications Lanham: Form and Meaning in Oral History Albany: State University of New York Press, , 1. While wars waged on and social change persisted internationally throughout the twentieth century, the focus of oral history projects transformed, as did approaches to the interviews and intended uses of the material.

Feminist theory and narrative medicine, among other schools of thought, have influenced interview methodology, and oral history has made its move into popular culture.

History of Oral History: Foundations and Methodology by Thomas L. Charlton

Consequently, oral history is no longer confined solely to the history books—and is not so begrudgingly included within them either. Interview excerpts appear on radio and within theater productions, in documentaries and for human rights work.

Oral History Review

Oral historians are now not solely generators of material for the historic record: The practice of oral history has also been greatly democratized. With the advent of digital technology and its ease of accessibility, students can easily record interviews with elders within their family and hometowns in order learn more about their heritage. Organizations can create documentation of their own history through peer-interviewing techniques.

Grammatical Historical Method lecture 4 (week 1)

Interviewers who enter communities to conduct oral histories can in turn teach interviewing skills so that the groups may continue to preserve their own history. Microhistories of Communication Studies. Oral History and Education. Media History and the Archive. Methods of Historical Analysis in Electronic Media. Values, Objectivity, and Explanation in Historiography. The History of U.

Higher Education - Methods for Understanding the Past. Makers of the Media Mind. Toward the Visualization of History. New Directions in American Reception Study.

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Transcending Time with Thomas Jefferson. Europe between Imperial Decline and Quest for Integration. Six Centuries of Painting. If You Were Me and Lived in Elite Oral History Discourse. History Through Material Culture. Fertile Ground, Narrow Choices. Oral History and Public Memories. Dethroning the Deceitful Pork Chop. Southern Women and Rural Food Supplies. The Human Tradition in the New South. Handbook of Oral History. Reassessing the s South.

  1. Dorset Diaries: A Dogs Life & Other Jottings!
  2. Journeys of Wonder, Volume 1?
  3. History of Oral History : Foundations and Methodology. (eBook, ) []!
  4. All is Lost (All Saga, Book 2).
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