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Targaryens tend to have silver-blond hair as well as violet eyes due to their Valyrian blood, which has been maintained through the centuries with massive inbreeding. They were also The Beautiful Elite , and their rise and fall was closely associated with their control over dragons, which is ambiguously tied to the power of magic in the world.

Cherryh 's Morgaine Cycle is white-haired and beautiful due to belonging to a half-blooded ancient race. Lady High Priestess Evelyn from White Star and the other novels in the series by Elizabeth Vaughan has white hair with a matching white dress. She says that she used to be a brunette, but one day, she pushed her Healing Hands to the limit to save a man who had been mortally wounded.

She passed out, and woke up to find the man healed and her hair permanently snow white. Nyarko an eldritch being from Haiyore! Nyarko-san has silver hair in her human form. Kiki in the Kiki Strike series. It wasn't really much of a plot point, but it was used to show how unusual she was. Jenna , from Jane Yolen's Great Alta Saga , has pure white hair and black eyes, a sign of her status as a messianic figure; she is a heroine of legend who is reincarnated every few hundred years, always with white hair from birth.

Ash March in Sword of Shadows has very pale blonde hair, putting her right between this and hair of gold, depending on the lighting. She's also the Reach , the one human in a thousand years who can release the Endlords from their prison, and has various abilities related to that theme. The Last Unicorn 's Lady Amalthea has white hair, which makes sense, given that she's actually a unicorn that was turned into a human. The Moonwoman in Deerskin , a goddess or nature spirit, has white hair. Lissar also gains white hair after the Moonwoman heals her and takes her memories away, which makes people think she is not human, or perhaps the Moonwoman herself.

Only when this spell is broken and Lissar remembers her past does her hair return to being black. Inverted in the first couple volumes of Kat Richardson's Greywalker series — Will, the man that main character Harper begins dating in the first book, is young and has striking white hair; but he's practically the most mundane, least magic-touched character in the series. And his inability to believe or cope with magic things comes between him and Harper. Turns out not to be such an inversion when Will is transformed into a powerful magical guardian. His white hair is the feature singled out in the final vision that Harper has of him after the transformation.

Alys's first hint that he isn't human is his white hair. Asha, the title character of the The Wishing Maiden , possibly because she is at least a century old.

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In the paranormal romance Wake Me Up Inside , Jonah is the child of a wolf-shifter and a human, which ought to be impossible due to the incompatibility of the two species. He is either a human with white-blond hair and black eyes or a white, black-eyed wolf. That odd mix of colors isn't the only unusual thing about him either; for example, he's the "true mate" of an extraordinarily powerful wolf, and the two of them survive being separated for longer than mates usually ever can. The Death Gate Cycle has a couple examples: The Sartan have a slight variation on this - they're all with a very few exceptions like Balthazar born with white hair, but when they hit puberty it turns dark only at the tips.

Their rivals the Patryns are the opposite - they're born with dark hair that turns white at the tips at puberty. The human wizardess Iridal was originally blonde, but her hair turned white at a young age.

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When combined with her constantly changing eyes and penchant for white and silver clothing , it gives her a very ethereal appearance. In The Folk Keeper , Corinna has silvery white hair. The hair grows at a rapid pace of two inches per day, and she also possesses a number of other supernatural talents such as requiring hardly any food and always knowing the exact time.

In the Chronicles of the Kencyrath , white hair is a common but not universal trait of the Shanir—individuals born touched by the power of the Kencyrath's Three-Faced God, and therefore regarded with suspicion. Notable examples include Kindrie , Randiroc , and Adric, Lord Ardeth , who sensibly dyed his hair brown in his youth to hide his Shanir status. In The Goblin Emperor white hair is common in elves, and is about the only mystical things about elves in this setting. Goblins tend to have more mundane black hair. While there's nothing supernatural about it, his "otherworldly" beauty makes him very successful during his brief tenure as a courtesan and distracts people from his exceptionally keen mind — which he usually uses to collect information on the local elite.

Eyeshimmer from Tailchaser's Song is a white-furred far-senser with mystical powers. He also has Occult Blue Eyes. A feature of her species, apparently - the women have white hair and the men have black hair. Yuki from the live-action Cutey Honey The Live had white hair when she "flashed" into her battle form. Lexi Mason, the psychic starchild in Falling Skies , has long white hair except in shared dreams, when it's black. All the Masons besides her have black hair. Daenerys Targaryen natural brunette Emilia Clarke in a white wig in Game of Thrones , who has silver-blonde hair due to her Targaryen ancestry.

She's at least fire-absorbent. Willow in the season 7 finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when she infuses every Potential Slayer in the world with the same powers Buffy and Faith have in order to defeat the First Evil. Even Kennedy calls her "a goddess" as a result. In Classical Mythology , Epimeliads were nymphs associated with apple trees and protectors of sheep and goats.

They usually had hair white like apple blossoms or undyed wool, showing their special bond with the flock and fruit trees. The Book of Revelation depicts the divine form of Jesus as having hair as white as wool. In the pre-Christian Hungarian religion, it was believed that children born with white hairs had magic powers and thus were destined to become shamans. Both the protagonist of Magic Girl and the Big Bad wizard have stringy white hair. The Gathering 's Innistrad pack is a white haired angel.

Helps with the Dark Is Not Evil motif since she wears all black. Whether they're actually pretty varies from artist to artist, with some casting them as your standard pretty Amazon Brigade , and others sit down and think about how a life of fighting often without a helmet would actually make them look like.

It is probably not a coincidence that magnekinesis the ability to control the weather is highly symbolically important to The Zodiac Order and that summoning weather is a common type of ritual magic worldwide. Dark elves, or drow, also count as Dark-Skinned Blonde despite living underground for thousands of years, which you'd think would have the opposite effect ; though, at least in one gameworld, they're described as being cursed into that form so no-one would mistake them. And since they're elves , they tend to be very good-looking drow are even described as being more attractive on average than other elves, on top of looking exotic.

They took this to massive race-wide Ms. The good ones took to dancing naked in the moonlight. The evil ones considered wearing armor admission of fear and weakness before rival houses. The females would often wander their cities nude or nearly so, flaying alive anyone who was Distracted by the Sexy with whips made of snakes , unless they decided the male would make a worthy addition to their harem and let him audition for the role of pleasure slave.

Raven-Symoné Cancels Her Natural Hair, Says She Will Only Wear Weaves And Wigs

Pretty is not nice at all. The Whites in CthulhuTech are completely white skin, eyes, and hair , on the average more attractive than either humans or Nazzadi, AND all natural para-psychics. Feiya the witch , Balazar the summoner , Merisiel the rogue who's an elf , and Seltyiel the magus who's a half-elf. Seoni the sorcerer is platinum blonde , so it would appear that Paizo is fond of this trope. Arianna from Exalted was the iconic Twilight Caste for the first couple of editions, sporting a long ponytail of stark white hair and regularly showing off her mastery of sorcery.

Nobilis has the Excrucian Iolithae Septimian, a Consummate Liar who is able to deceive reality itself. One redesign of Princess Frostina from Candy Land has her with white hair, though traditionally she has blue hair and newer incarnations give her blonde hair. She is an elegant princess with ice powers. Nightmist of Sentinels of the Multiverse is a powerful mage with glowing white hair. The card "Regression Darts" reveals that the white hair actually stems directly from the magic; when her connection to magic is cut off by those darts, it turns brown.

In My Little Pony most white-haired ponies subvert the trope and are perfectly normal but others fit the trope: Majesty from G1 is a unicorn pony introduced in Year 2 who has a white pelt and has a white stripe in her blue hair. She is not officially a "princess", but lives in a castle and has a dragon like the later introduced princesses.

Majesty has extraordinary abilities when it comes to magic. In the British My Little Pony comics she can use multiple types of magic, unlike the other ponies who specialize in only one type of magic. Majesty watches over the other ponies using a magic mirror and a crystal ball. She also has horseshoes which turn her invisible. Princess Silver Swirl from G2 is an all-white unicorn mare who is described as being a guardian angel to other ponies.

Star Catcher was the first pegasus introduced in G3 and is the most unusual of the pegasi. She is white-furred with Multicolored Hair. Star Catcher has a more refined voice than most other characters who have more cartoony voices , she is very calm and understanding, and she can make wishes come true.

She is also the unofficial leader of the pegasus, she is referred to as one of the most beautiful ponies out there, and her wings stand out amongst the other pegasus.

It's stated in G3 that pegasus are rare and mystical, yet Star Catcher is the only one who actually displays these traits. Several Mystics deities introduced in the Warriors Orochi series have white hair. Sierra Mikain from Suikoden II fits every aspect of this trope to a T, from the beautiful white hair to the mysterious personality. Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere has white hair. Seems to be a common trait for Valkyries. Being basically a wizard and having long white locks certainly qualifies. Hiromasa also has white hair in one of his skins. The Final Fantasy series has several examples: Cecil and his brother Golbez from Final Fantasy IV have white hair and are descended from a Transhuman race of sorcerers from the Moon.

Also, Ritz, though she hates it because she gets teased about it constantly, and resents the misery it causes her and her mother , and therefore has it dyed red up to the epilogue. Amoretta of GrimGrimoire , the Homunculus with the soul of an angel. Raine Sage of Tales of Symphonia like her little brother is a white haired elf she's really half elf.

Grune in Tales of Legendia has white hair. She's later revealed to be a goddess. Musee Maxwell in Tales of Xillia has white hair and gold eyes to boot. Several of the Seraphim in Tales of Zestiria , particularly Mikleo. Micaiah of Fire Emblem: She's called the Silver-Haired Maiden, and yes, that's a plot point. Several plot points with the last one playing a very important role in the plot.

Genealogy of the Holy War. Not quite white in these cases, but close enough. Similarly, Ishtar from the same game is either portrayed with whiteish-pink or silver hair. Also Idoun of Sealed Sword. Naturally, this applies to the Avatar's evil counterpart as well, though that also falls under another trope. The default avatar of Fire Emblem Fates also falls under this trope. In Neverwinter Nights this trope is rather common among female Aasimar and other celestials in Faerun. Touhou has several such characters. Eirin Yagokoro and Fujiwara no Mokou have white hair and are probably the result of being immortal, though that raises the question of why Kaguya Houraisan has black hair.

Sakuya Izayoi, despite supposedly being a normal human, has silver hair as well, which has lead many fans to speculate that she may not, in fact, be human at all. Letty Whiterock is a yuki-onna. Youmu Konpaku is a silver haired half-ghost we don't know how that works either , and a straight up albino if you go by the fighting games' art. Momiji Inubashiri is a white wolf tengu. Then there's all the characters with very pale but still coloured hair There's The Witch from Harvest Moon: Animal Parade , who lives deep in Fugu Forest and has silver hair. A New Beginning brings us Olivia. It seems to be suggested that silvery hair, combined with dark skin , is how most people look in the Harvest Moon version of the Middle East—the vaguely Middle-Eastern-seeming Amir and Sanjay, along with the Wizard from Animal Parade , all have white hair.

Lucia from Luminous Arc has white hair and is a witch that specializes in light magic Arcana Heart: The sequel adds Zenia, who kinda fits this trope in that her origin is completely shrouded in mystery. The sequel's final boss, Parace L'sia, also has white hair while in her human form. It changes to pink when she turns into her near-naked-elf-in-a-bathing-towel form though. Arcana Heart 3 adds Weiss, who is a liberated experimental subject of a project trying to grant ordinary girls the power to channel Celestial Energy. This installment also reveals Lieselotte and Zenia to be prototypes in the same project Valkyria Chronicles has Selvaria Bles, with long white hair, a general at the ripe old age of Alicia 's hair goes white only when she's "powered up", oddly, but it wouldn't be much of a surprise otherwise.

Edy Nelson also has white hair, but she's normal.

Aliasse from Valkyria Chronicles II. Silver hair and red eyes seems to be the mark of a Valkyria, either all the time or when a girl turns into one. Riela from Valkyria Chronicles III is a strange case; her normal hair is red at the top and turns silver midway, but when she goes into Valkyria form, her hair become entirely silver. Lenneth in Valkyrie Profile is a silver haired Valkyrie. Alice Elliot from Shadow Hearts is a platinum blonde haired exorcist that specializes in light magic and healing.

Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? In a quiet Cornish coastal village a pet goat is bludgeoned to death. The work of a satanic cult, or a mindless and wanton act of vandalism?

When Jon Stirling is sent to investigate, he soon uncovers it is something far sinister, embroiling him in a race against time to stop a murder taking place. The change in atmosphere was not something that could be felt by humans. It was like some sort of presence had appeared in the room. Rena slowly opened her emerald green eyes, her vision still blurry. She thought she saw something moving and when her vision cleared up she saw a young woman. She looked like she was old enough to be a college student.

Mystical White Hair

This mysterious woman was standing in Rena's bedroom, next to her bed. Rena was surprised and wanted to get up, maybe even scream. She was unable to move her body or speak. She could only stare at the silhouette of the woman standing in her room. As her eyes got more used to the darkness Rena saw that the woman stood with her back facing towards Rena.

The woman had long, smooth, silver hair and, as far as Rena could see, she was wearing a plain black t-shirt and white jeans. The woman then turned around and looked at Rena. She leaned over and brought her face close to Rena's. Rena noticed a blue gemstone on the woman's forehead.

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Rena and the strange woman looked each other straight in the eyes. Even though an unknown woman had somehow gotten into her bedroom and was staring her straight in the eyes, Rena felt strangely at ease. Just like Raven " Rena thought. The woman's golden eyes were beautiful and seemed to shine brightly in the darkness. The woman's eyes were almost hypnotising. Rena became mesmerized by them. The woman gently kissed Rena on the forehead and whispered: The next morning Rena woke up. It took her a moment to realize where she was.

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She jumped out of bed and got dressed. She ran down the stairs and went to the kitchen. There she found Raven preparing breakfast. Are you feeling alright? Raven tried to calm her down. Please sit down and try to speak calmly. He poured her a glass of water and sat down next to her, his human hand on her shoulder. A woman with silver hair and golden eyes was in my bedroom. But I know what I saw. Don't forget that you just moved to a new home in a completely different place. Rena took a deep breath and followed it with an equally deep sigh. It's just… It all seemed so real.

Now how about we eat breakfast and I will show you around town today? Was it all just a dream? Or is there something more going on here? Only time will tell. How much time it will take to tell is unknown to me at this point in time. Don't expect the next chapter up too soon. If you wish to influence how this story progresses you can always leave feedback and ideas in a review. I highly appreciate constructive criticism. Just In All Stories: Story Story Writer Forum Community. Rena is an elf living in the human world. Due to the low concentration of magical energy in the human world, her health is delicate.

One day she is invited to live in a luxurious villa just outside of Ruben. There, she meets the villa's manager. A kind young man named Raven. However, that first night something strange happens. Hello there, or perhaps 'Nice to meet you,' is more appropriate. A New Home Rena wasn't a normal girl. May we meet again, fare thee well. A New Home 2.

A New Village 3. The Beauty of Nature 6. The Black Bird's Song of the Past 8. The Joys of Winter Weather 9.