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Mischa provides practical tips to transition to a vegan diet fueled by his personal experience. Tune in because, even if you think you have failed countless times before, Mischa provides helpful tips to try again. Clean eating does not mean expensive eating, it's more like attainable eating because you can tailor it specifically to you, says Derek Simnett, CNP, nutritionist, and CEO. Today Derek provides a holistic nutritionist's point of view on veganism. Tune in to learn the reasons behind food choices, supplementing your diet and even calisthenic workouts.

Kickstart your healthy journey with food today. Ever heard the phrase you are what you eat? Listen to Nimai Delgado as he sits down with Dr. Hamed Kamali, for a discussion of the benefits of a vegan diet, the science behind the impact food has on long-term health, and what has driven him to make the conscious choice to share with others how vegan eating impacts their health and could lead to a longer, healthier life. This is the podcast episode you have been waiting for.

Nimai sits down with a vegan bodybuilder, Jon Venus. Listen in as Nimai and Jon share their passion for animals.

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Plus, get great tips on protein intake, staple foods, supplements and of course how to maximize your gains. Plus, find out how Evanna got her role on Harry Potter. Chef Derek shares some of the darkest moments of his life and how he learned compassion from all of his pain. He also discusses his role and personal mission as the plant-based director for the 3rd largest retailer in the world, Tesco. Make sure to tune in, you don't want to miss this episode. Fraser shares his amazing transformation from butcher to vegan. He also discusses his struggles with mental illnesses, drug and alcohol addictions, depression and an attempt at suicide.

Plus, tune in to hear all about the one experience that made Bianca turn vegan. Also, tune in to hear all about the current documentary John is creating. They go into depth on how going vegan has transformed their lives, not just their diet. Oh, did I mention this line is spoken by a kitsune, a type of shapeshifter? Certainly a collection of creatures few would likely assemble together, not to mention anywhere near a human female's vagina. She is a complex character, in a way that only females can be. While she is definitely stuff-of-fantasy with a touch of anime allure hot, she nonetheless retains a playful innocence, demonstrates poise under pressure and is highly intelligent, all preventing her from merely being decorative.

While Suzume is not the central character, she is no sidekick, subordinate or mere love interest, stealing the limelight from Fort more than a few times. I have few quibbles about this book. The antagonist is a bit two-dimensional, not fully fleshed out and without a level of ambiguity that would create a greater nemesis. Fort is sometimes outshined by Suzume but it's not much of an objection since Suzume is thoroughly engaging and Fort comes into his own towards the end, with a promise of more. While the Scott family dynamic is a source of amusement, it is also a demonstration of various types of interpersonal relationships.

Whether vampire or human, there is a spirit that resides within, a spirit capable of exceeding itself and deceiving itself. While there are real villains in this story, there are some who may seem villainous at first glance but are actually neither hero nor villain, just individuals coping with their unique circumstances in the best way they could.

All creatures are imbued with inherent characteristics, a particular nature which, to some extent, cannot be denied. But neither is it absolutely intractable with a little bit of While the particular conflict in this book has been resolved, there are hints of other controversies particularly Fort's true nature and background and the growth of his relationship with Suzume, whatever direction that may take.

I'm excited about the various directions this series as a whole can take. This has been such a satisfying, enjoyable read that there is no question I would keep reading. I suppose it's only fair that I give you notice I'm totally stealing 'Buddha's balls'. View all 5 comments. Ali mracni momenti pred kraj knjige ipak je izdizu iz mora slicnih tako da opet dobija svoj indetitet. Sama knjiga se lako cita, brza je sa dobrim opisima borbe i jasnim motivacijama vecine likova. Dati likovi nisu nesto previse duboki ali ostavljaju dovoljno mesta za fin razvoj u kasnijim knjigama.

I iako pratimo pricu o vampirima sam svet vampira je dosta razlicit od standarda da ce ostaviti traga kod cita 3. I iako pratimo pricu o vampirima sam svet vampira je dosta razlicit od standarda da ce ostaviti traga kod citaca. Ako ste ljubitelji Urban Fantasy-a onda slobodna preporuka. Sep 25, Monica rated it really liked it. This novel is much better than your typical urban fantasy. Though the story does fit the genre well, it is far more entertaining than other novels I have read with the same structure.

Brennan is really great at creating unique characters with memorable quirks. The interactions between her characters are also well written, and the plot filled with enough mystery to keep the reader turning the pages. May 18, Bastard rated it really liked it. This would've been an easy title to overlook; a seemingly by the numbers vampire story from a debut author with a cute guy or so I've been told on the cover and not much else. Thankfully I didn't after seeing a couple of positive reactions to it from like-minded readers, and the level of excitement editor Anne Sowards showed for the release of this novel.

I can honestly say Generation V by M. Brennan is the most fun I've had reading an urban fantasy novel in the past year or more. Don't make the same mistake and judge the book by its cover, you'll thank me later. It's the first of the American Vampire urban fantasy series. Fortitude is living an unfulfilling life, and even though he surely is aware of his circumstances, he doesn't seem to care much about improving his situation; content in living a life without confrontations and conflicts while remaining as willfully ignorant as possible.

He has a "girlfriend" who's sleeping around, yet has him convinced that it's normal, he has dead-end job with ungrateful co-workers, and a roommate who refuses to pay the rent. If that wasn't enough he's a vampire, in the making, but hasn't manifested yet, something he's praying doesn't happen ever. His plan is to avoid becoming a full vampire like the rest of his family, cruel murderous vampires in his view responsible for a childhood tragedy that has left him traumatized for the rest of his life. This explains why he's now living the life as he is now, being as good and ethical as he possibly can, but with little ambition.

What's a goody-two-shoe to do though when a maniac vampire comes to town, and no one is willing to stand against him? With the help of the kitsune Suzume, Fortitude looks to change the fortune of his life or die trying doing what's right. Generation V is a multifaceted novel which took care to depict precisely what Fort's life is all about. It's fun and funny, as it's dark and tragic. We spend a few days with Fort in a story that is character focused, and are invited to experience all as he does from the dullest to the most exciting of moments.

What follows is a well balanced novel which contains a mixture of slice-of-life, family drama, comedy, mystery, suspense, action, and horror. A combination that works and provides perfect contrast between the lighthearted moments and those that are surprisingly dark and horror filled. The characters were a big plus, probably Brennan's biggest storytelling strength in my opinion. Not only did she create memorable characters, she also provided some terrific character interaction which is one of the elements I'm most interest in. That's not to say everything was smooth sailing.

I mean, I spent the whole book wishing I could punch Fortitude in the balls to see if he finally grew a pair. By the same token, in the end it becomes part of his charm, but still Besides him, we have an assortment of incredibly good secondary characters starting with Fort's siblings with similarly eccentric names: Both who are aptly named, which I'll leave at that. We also have Madeline, his mother and head vampire of the region and a character who's clearly playing the long game.

Lastly we have the kitsune Suzume who easily stole the show in this book. Generation V was a pretty good read, but when Suzume was introduced the novel just went to a whole different level. Before I began reading, anime was my passion, so when anything concerning Japanese culture gets introduced I get quite excited. Bias aside, Suzume was simply amazing. She was fun and funny, as well as incredibly mischievous and quite badass. I kid I kid, but hey that's an idea She really complemented Fort, and they made an incredible duo as the story progressed to say nothing of the fascinating banter between them.

When Suzume was around, life didn't suck all that much, "even if you're a vampire". World-building is still a work in progress, it's clear that the world being created here is quite expansive, but not much of an opportunity to get into just yet. There was a point where Brennan tried to expand by introducing a couple of minor characters as an attempt to show different supernatural beings that exist in this world, but the attempt felt a bit off to me. Like it didn't quite fit either the world that's being created, or the story that was being told in this particular book.

But at the same time we met the full kitsune contingent, and that worked perfectly, so I hope that as Brennan expands on the world, things will get more interesting. That aside, the vampire mythology was incredible and quite unique. I can honestly say I haven't seen something quite like this, so kudos to Brennan's creativeness. From the way vampires are created, to the way the have relationships, to the effects bloodsucking has, everything was well thought-out. And we can't forget how she reinvents the meaning of what it is to be a Renfield which was very intriguing.

The novel is not action packed, but there's plenty of energy and movement. And yes, it has action and it's well executed when there is. The story was quite funny at times, I think it actually made me laugh a couple of times, which the written word finds hard to do with me. It has an abundance of great confrontations though, usually in the form of Fort with his family members.

Just the same, the story goes quite dark at times, disturbingly so on occasions and fascinatingly violent. This to say, that there's a little bit of everything here for all kinds of readers. Generation V is a refreshingly unique novel that all urban fantasy enthusiast should read, and a book capable of encouraging even the most ardent critics of the genre. Very much a page turner, a story that has a lot of heart and much to offer. With an extremely fun novel full of charm, Brennan has written a winner. Very much looking forward to future adventures featuring Fort and Suzume.

They can't come soon enough, Iron Night comes out next January. View all 3 comments. Aug 24, RachelW BamaGal rated it really liked it. This was a quick read, but fun. Not traditional vampire lore, but an interesting and different take on the genre; quirky. Ford is an almost vampire, and a good hearted young man. His family, though, are all seriously warped vampires. Loved Suzume the fox shifter. Good read, looking forward to the next book. Ford was making some changes by the end of the book that will take the next story in another direction.

This was the authors debut novel, and she did well. Seriously do not like the cover or This was a quick read, but fun. Seriously do not like the cover or title, though. Oct 03, Wendy rated it really liked it Shelves: Urban fantasy isn't a genre I step into often, but with Generation V, I was confident I was going to get something I could really enjoy.

🇫🇷Al Jazeera Investigations – Generation Hate Part 1

Because I suspected that M. Brennan's amusing, snarky, and fun personality that I've had the pleasure of chatting with online would sneak into her writing. I was not wrong. Generation V isn't your typical vampire story. In fact, Fortitude Scott is doing his best to avoid his vampire lifestyle.

He dreads the few times his mother, Madeleine, demands his presence at family dinners with his brother Chivalry and sister Prudence, even if his self-imposed exile means working at crappy coffee shops and struggling to pay the rent. Though he does endure, Fortitude doesn't quite live up to his name when it comes to letting others walk all over him. Until Madeleine extends visitation rights to a vampire with questionable morals. Fortitude is not a fan of this European vampires pedophilic tastes, but his mother and siblings refuse to do anything about it. Suzume Hollis is instantly a favourite, with her sexy sexiness and absolutely unapologetic attitude.

I love how Brennan lets Suzume's foxiness translate into her human attitude and actions. She is not afraid to speak her mind, no matter how utterly inappropriate it might be. And she's not afraid to use her sexuality to get what she needs, whether that be a donut, or Fort's participation in her questionable plans. Hired by Madeleine to be Fortitude's body guard, she gets caught up in Fort's bleeding heart antics when a local family is murdered, and the young daughters kidnapped. As I said, Fort is not a typical vampire.

Nor is Brennan's vampire-making process, which turns out to be one of the most fascinating aspects of the story, even resulting in bookflail moments for me in the epic showdown. When we meet him, Fortitude is still quite human, save for the pesky need for blood from time to time. He clings strongly to his human nature, despite his family's admonitions, and fears his pending vampire transition because he does not want to lose that humanity. I really like the way Brennan teases with Suzume's obviously sexual nature, offering a lot of promise with what's to come.

While she doesn't get raunchy or graphic with the sex talk, and Fortitude is a shy gentleman, I love that Brennan doesn't shy away from sexuality. Sometimes serious, sometimes silly, but like everything else in Brennan's writing, so very natural. With everything that happened in book 1, and the doors it opened for the future of the series, I am definitely looking forward to reading more! Brenan's American Vampire series, Iron Night! Our giveaway runs from August 17 - 24, , and is available to U. Jan 11, Mihir rated it really liked it. Generation V is a new urban fantasy debut from Ace-Roc books and was a debut that Anne Sowards had said out to watch for.

The series cleverly plays on its title and features Fortitude Scott as its primary protagonist. I was intrigued enough to request a review copy and so dug in as soon as I got one. I enjoyed this book a lot for a couple of reasons first the author has given a very reasonable explanation in regards to the existence and propagation of the vampire race. Plus the addition of Japanese mythology was a cool touch and further refreshed this tale for me.

The story begins with Fortitude who has a degree in cinematic theory that is obsolete in the current market and so he works a crappy job in a coffee shop, while also having trouble with his roommate, who is refusing his rent share. He's not a slacker but lives a life, which doesn't offer him much motivation.

He's had difficulties with his family because of an incident involving his elder sister Prudence and his foster parents. His elder siblings Prudence and Chivalry however are at times perturbed by his behavior but react to it in completely different ways. This book while seeming full of tropes offers its own spins while delivering a very good story.

Primarily what I liked about this story is the small but unique touches that the author put on the story. Beginning with the vampire mythos, the author smartly inserts a horror edge to the proceedings and makes the entire mythos a different one from what is prevalent in the urban fantasy subgenre. I thoroughly enjoyed this move and then moving onto the characterization, which is aced beginning with our protagonist, but truly comes to the fore with the secondary characters such as Suzume, Madeline Scott, Chivalry and others. I very much enjoyed the extended secondary cast and I look forward to see how the author develops them.

One thing that I must point out about the book is that while Fortitude is an intriguing protagonist, during the middle chunk of the book, he becomes nigh unbearable with his attitude. For some time I felt as if he was refusing to grow up and accept what he truly was or will be and that really struck me as a bit odd. However once things began to change, I enjoyed how he accepted his destiny and how quickly the story moved along since then. It also reveals quite a bit about what might have happened and possibly might in the future.

Jul 20, T. Frohock rated it really liked it. This was the most fun that I've had reading in a long time. Brennan serves up snappy dialogue, a tight story, and really lovable characters all in one novel that moves with breakneck speed. I loved the new take on vampires and the old world mafia feel to the entire supernatural hierarchy. And while I know I'm supposed to love Fort our hero , it was his brother Chivalry who won my heart. Brennan handled his characterization subtly and so very well, I think I fell for him.

I think I fell for all This was the most fun that I've had reading in a long time. I think I fell for all of them. I think you will too. I can't wait for Iron Night. Aug 16, Maygirl7 rated it really liked it Shelves: Now I just have to wait the second to come in to the library.

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Mar 11, Shelley rated it really liked it Shelves: Our lead character is 26 year old Fortitude Scott who is more human than a vampire and that is absolutely fine with him considering who is family is and how they feel about humans in general and especially about him since he's so much different from the rest of his family.

His brother is named Chivalry, and his sister is named Prudence. I actually got to the point of liking Chiv when he became somewhat protective of his little brother when he was out putting his life on the line to help people nobody else would. He's also got a human wife, Bhumika, who knows exactly what Chiv is, and stays with him anyway. I really didn't much care for Prudence. She was seriously cold, unemotional, unfeeling, and really didn't care if Fort lived or not.

Madeline, the so called mother of this eclectic group, is very old, very powerful, and was responsible for the creation of Fortitude. More on that later. When we are first introduced to Fort, we're told that he has a degree in Film History which is about as worthless a degree you can have in this economy. His current job is slaving at Busy Bean's while trying to deal with a cheating bitch for a girlfriend Beth, and a roommate who is so far behind on his rent that Fort really doesn't believe he will ever see a dime of the money he is owed.

Fort ended up growing on me in the end, but at first I was really wanting to slug him and tell him to quit the freaking bitching and moaning like a little girl. Reviewers would call Fort EMO. The entire situation with Beth was just plain nuts! Anyone else would have dumped her to the curb and be done with it.

I truly believe the most interesting, enjoyable, and awesome character in Generation V was Suzume Hollis who is a Kitsume fox shifter. Loved her continued nagging and pushing of Fort. Loved how she put people into in a funk with her constant teasing. Loved what she did to both Beth and Fort's roommate in the end, and I especially loved how she put her life on the line for Fort when he went after the bad vampire who went off the reservation as it were.

I even liked that even though there wasn't any romance per se in Generation V, there is definitely the feeling of a pending relationship between Fort and Suzume. Obviously, with this being the first book in a new series, there's a bit of world building and information dumping so that the reader can understand why Fort really didn't want to transition to a full vampire and lose any and all humanity that has remaining. The whole idea that vampires are not really immortal and can basically die just like humans can, was appealing to me. I also found the creation of new vampires to be highly, well, creative in nature especially knowing that Fort is a different kind of vampire which I'm hoping to find out more about as the series continues.

I think another character we will definitely be seeing a lot more of is Matt McMahon, a Private Investigator who has never believed the story behind Fort's parents murders. He may be old, but he doesn't really let sleeping dogs lie. It will be interesting if there's a confrontation between Matt and Madeline. Overall, this ended up being a better read than I thought when I started the book.

I'm sure there will be opinions and commentary all over the place about Fort, about Suzume, and the rest of the characters. Me, I'll be waiting patiently to see what Brennan has in store next. May 7th by Roc Vampires are generally known as rather confident, sexy and definitely wealthy, and Fort was about as far from those qualities as one could be. I liked him as a character- he grew from a bit wimpy to a lot stronger, both in personality and physically.

And while he had a bit of a tendency to let people take advantage of him, his singular focus in the book is saving somebody else. Most of the other characters were also well written and multi-faceted. That depth made her interesting and sympathetic even though I wanted to hate her a little. They creeped me out in that kind of psychopath serial killer way. Creepy fresh air, but fresh nonetheless. References to sex and rape Nov 05, Molly Mortensen rated it really liked it Shelves: By now you all probably know how much I love a funny and sarcastic protagonist, but Fort upped the ante by being a nerd too!

I loved all the geeky references! His family are vampires, so they have questionable morals, but despite not being exactly good people they were interesting and I liked them. Fort and Suzume the fox were my favorites though. A few reviewers complained because Fort is very much a doormat and a wimp, but I could relate to him and I figured that way he has room to grow into being a hero. And 5 is Cinder where I guessed what was going to happen long before it did, but it was still a great book. Violence and gore mentions child rape My Rating: Fortitude Scott works at a coffee joint, due to his useless degree in film theory.

His roommate owes him months of rent and his girlfriend is cheating on him. Something he dreads and is doing everything he can to postpone. View all 11 comments. Jul 10, Blodeuedd Finland rated it really liked it Shelves: I am wavering between a 3 and a 4, and only cos I really did enjoy it, but what if the second book is even better? Oh well then it will be: So more a 3. He let his room mate walk all over him, his girlfriend, his boss.

But you know what, I do not always need kick-ass. Would I be able to stand up to everyone all the time? So it only made him more human. But as the progresses he doe get better, which I liked. Because sometimes you really I am wavering between a 3 and a 4, and only cos I really did enjoy it, but what if the second book is even better?

Because sometimes you really do need to stand your ground. Fort is a vamp, but has not really become one yet. And he likes being "human" as long he can. His family is rich and arrogant and all vampire. While he has a shit job, a room mate who does not pay his rent, and a degree that gives him nothing. Really glad that you enjoyed the book, especially the way that I presented the elves and the kitsune.

Generation V Series

The lack of romance has gotten an interestingly mixed reaction — some people really liked it, others were kind of disappointed. Thanks for taking a chance on it! I really really loved Generation V. I thought your vampire lore was very intriguing. I really loved the book. It hooked me after the first few pages! I especially loved the characters, their stories and how the mythology unfolded. Enjoying the character development. Pleased to stumble across your work. There is the option of a slug, rather than loose shot, for maximum effect, at range.

I really loved both books. You can see the characters develop and the story is totally awesome. I was looking for a new book series to get into and was pleasantly surprised to find yours so engaging. I loved both books and have burned through them in 2 days. However, I was completely absorbed into the book by the 1st chapter of Iron Night. I told my daughter who is 13 and an up and coming author about your book. This book was a happy surprise for her as well. You are the BEST!

Carrie and Paris Monet. I love all your books, so fabulous and fun! I really hope the Vampires will be ok in the end, I love Fort and Chivalry to death and it would really kill the story for me if Chivalry died.

The Generation V Podcast with Nimai Delgado

Fort needs a good strong brother in his life, sibling drama keeps things interesting and it also offers a nice warm touch to balance out all the chaos that Fort is dealing with. Also, how long until Fort starts getting his new powers? I just want to say that I recently started reading Generation V. But Generation V is really awesome. I will read Iron Night as soon as possible. I love your series!! I want to put it on my wish list! Your world building was enjoyable, the seamless integration of fiction and mocking relations to history and literary works sounded perfectly rational, and not at all that eccentric.

The iron grip the vampires use to rule over them, the loyalty their blood carries, the fear that they embody. If I could give Prudence my blood for 6 good months I might have done it already in exchange for book 4. Prudence sounded like a doting sister by book 2 and 3, doing whatever selfishness his brother wanted, but not so much as spoiling him. Chivalry sounded like a complete dick by book 3, sounding more vampire than brother.

Madeline for me sounded like a mother who has cancer acting all tough just to get by halfway through book 3. The subtle allegiances by the supernatural community to Fort made me think of all the damn possibilities. Thanks for the amazing books. These books are so good movies should be made on each individual one. Really, please make movies out of these books. Like I said before, these books are some of my favorite books of all times. I would really like to have an extension to the series by having them be made into movies.

That would be the best thing ever. You should try to do your best to get the movies created. I can already see how popular they will be but they will also make your books popular. Hey there I loved your books! About this last one though, I think Fort has just done something very stupid.

Idealistic, hippy-throw-flowers-lets-all-be-friends type of idealisim. Namely, what exactly is he going to do when the trolls under the bridge decide they want a vote too, or the kobolds? If he is going to give vote to some creatures then he is obligated to give it too all of them right? His actions will have some very serious and unforeseen consequences — much like the French Revolution.

Will you be writing a new one any time soon? I hope so because these are some of my favorite books.