Lembrava e comentava detalhes como se tudo estivesse completamente esclarecido tanto para ele quanto para quaisquer outros envolvidos nas cenas. Definindo os rumos dos encontros Aos alunos, ele aconselha: Tendo recusado "muitas ofertas", Koellreutter avalia: Comparando, fala que "o oriental se distancia bem das coisas que ele tem que viver Incumbindo-se da pergunta seguinte, prosseguia: A resposta parecia pronta: Conforme Koellreutter contava partes de sua vida, ficava aparente que a ousadia - de atitudes e de posturas - era uma das marcas mais fortes de sua personalidade.
Tinha apenas 12 anos". Meu pai casou-se de novo, com uma mulher de quarta ou quinta categoria". Ousadia e firmeza mesclam-se nas tramas de vida que Koellreutter foi narrando. O tempo parece se responsabilizar por algumas surpresas: Eles me odiavam porque eu estava sempre de bom humor". Eu detesto museus, essas coisas. Ela sabia e insistia: Era uma novidade isso de museu de imagem e som". Mais importante, como Peter Tasch nos informa: The political implications are gone from The Captive Farnace foi ou- tra.
As restantes cantorias italianas Galuppi foi extremamente popular em Londres, tal como no resto da Europa. Metastasio escreveu este libreto precisa- mente para Vinci, cujo Siroe in Persia foi estreado no Teatro San Giovanni Grisostomo, em Veneza, em , com o excepcional castrato Giovanni Carestini no papel de Medarse. O compositor era bem conhecido em Londres. Mahon The Cadi , Mr. Keefe Ferdinand , Mrs. Barre Fatima e Mrs. A partir daqui, Bickerstaff sai definitivamente do palco, enquanto Dibdin continua uma carreira bem sucedida em Londres.
To which are added some favourite songs from the late Italian comic operas. As it is acted at the Theatre- Royal Drury-Lane. II [Part 6th], London: Opere del signor Abate Pietro Metasasio con dissertazio- ni, e osservazioni.
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The favourite songs in the opera La Conquista del Messico [ A particular favourite Song. Associated University Presses, Inc. Containing an account of all the dramatic pieces that have appeared from the commencement of theatrical exhibi- tions to the present time, London: The New Grove Dictionary of Opera 4 vols. Are you born in Portugal, and talk of Hazard? I like the description you have given me of England extremely, and envy the pleasant Life your Ladies live. Rogers ao afirmar que Centlivre tem sucesso no mundo do teatro porque escreve como um homem.
Lisbon is first a more plausible locale for the comedy of in- trigue. Tempers are hotter, honor more sacred, jealousy more rife than in London. Fathers and brothers exercise despotical control Disguise and secret assignation are accepted as everyday oc- currences Centlivre also used the Lisbon setting to develop a contrast between English and Portuguese society and institutions. The personal and political liberty enjoyed by the English is set against the servile conditions of unenlightened despotism. Or, the Second Part of the Busy Body. The Works of the Celebrated Mrs. And of the Customs, Manners, etc.
A Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. Rabelais and His World. The John Hopkins UP, Barbudo, Maria Isabel Sampaio. The Morality of Laughter. The U of Michigan P, Women, Theatre and Performance: New Histories, New Historiographies. Gale e Viv Gardner. The Works of the Cele- brated Mrs. A Woman Keeps a Secret. Staging Gender in Behn and Centlivre: Women Playwrights in England, c. The Modern British Drama. The Modern British Drama Vol 4: Eighteenth- Century Women Dramatists. Genre and Identity on the Eighteenth- Century Stage. U of Pennsylvania P, Papers on Language and Literature.
The Spanish Plays of Neoclassical England. The Renaissance Notion of Woman: Serious Reflections on Occasional Forms. Dennis Todd e Cynthia Wall. Images of Women and Women Dramatists Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Ex Changing Voices, Expanding Boundaries. Feminism in Eighteenth-Century England. U of Illinois P, Early Women Dramatists, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, Living by the Pen: Women Writers in the Eighteenth Century.
British Women Writers, Wayne State UP, Eighteenth-century Monserrate was an ephemeral gar- den, far more influential as a ruin than as a completed project. Authors have been quick to attribute most of the surviving eighteenth-century features of the garden to Beckford, despite the fact that this prolific writer is virtually silent about his sojourn there. He is indispensable to musical historians as 1 Timothy Mowl has observed the same effect regarding the garden at Fonthill: Visme A prominent member of the British Factory in Lisbon, he is scarcely mentioned by historians of Anglo-Portuguese trade, other than as the founder and chief benefactor of the British Hospital.
Throughout its history the Portuguese garden has success- fully absorbed and assimilated foreign influences to produce a national style that is both eclectic and distinctive. As a trading nation it is not surprising that Portugal has imported elements of garden-making along with the many other influences which have advanced its fine arts, customs and culture. In all these areas national identity has been retained through a creative interweav- ing of innovation within traditional patterns. The politics of the landscape garden movement were not so easily accommodated: It is not surprising then that the English landscape garden was introduced to Portugal by a member of the English Factory in Lisbon, and that, unlike the neo-Palladian architecture in the north, pioneered by John Whitehead,5 this introduction was an isolated phenomenon, without immediate impact upon the national panorama of arts.
The lack of effect in Portugal had little to do with the inher- ent unsuitability of its climate, soil or topography for landscape 3 See for example: He was closely associated with John Carr author of the architectural project for the Santo Antonio Hospital and presumed author of the English Factory House Garden-making in Portugal, in the wake of French invasion, was abruptly interrupted by the flight of the Royal Court to Brazil in November Through civil war and economic recession this was only to be resumed following the establishment of the con- stitutional monarchy, when economic and political factors were once again favourable to place-making.
The abolition of religious orders in provided an additional stimulus by transferring lands to a newly wealthy bourgeoisie in which these gardens could be made. Gerard was the fifth son, his brothers had distinguished careers at various points of the globe: Hauterive Gerard was educated at Westminster School 7 and was then perhaps apprenticed to a commercial house in London; in any case five years later, in ,8 he obtained an ap- pointment at Lisbon.
Their Lisbon partnership was in essence a trading house and commercial bank which in obtained the exclusive royal contract to trade in Brazilian dia- monds. Brazilwood contract Gerard de Visme retired to England in May of Norris 23 During these forty-five years in Lisbon, Gerard de Visme lived in at least four separate residences: All four had gardens. Bombelles At this late date, and given the description of the view of the Tagus, it is likely that this description refers to the townhouse on Rua das Flores. Santos The bo- tanical gardens were described by Domingos Vandelli in In the letter de Visme tells the ambassador that he was: Visme As we have seen, Dolomieu considered the gardens to be the product of a mixture of the English and the French taste, and from this letter it seems that de Visme really believed that he was creating an English landscape garden at Benfica.
In the winter of de Visme was visited by Sir Joseph Banks. Visme November In a further letter there is additional work to the garden which appears to describe a landscape garden: Visme December These remarks have to be interpreted in the light of what we know today about the garden.
His design drawings, which exist in the Biblioteca Nacional at Lisbon, were long classified as set designs until identified by Teresa Sequeira Santos. Santos Whilst naturalistic, in as much that they are built of natural stone, they are contained within formal basins and perhaps should best be identified as rococo garden features. His garden at Benfica had a set of Italian sculpture im- ported from Padua. Vale But his greatest enthusiasm was for exotic plants.
Visme November Banks apparently responded by sending de Visme more plants from Kew, since their receipt was acknowledged by a let- ter sent 12 December, The Plants by Captn Travers arrived in very tolerable order, all the most valuable ones in potts as fresh as when put on board the Ship, some few of the others suffered but what occurrences in life do not meet with some disappointments?
In his memoirs he describes two country houses belong- ing to de Visme, one at Benfica, the other in Sintra. He began his trip by dining with the ambassador Robert Walpole and received at least a dozen other invitations to dinner: Sir John Hort the consul , Mr. We had several very pleasant parties with Mr. De Visme, at a beautiful seat of his a few miles from Lisbon, where he entertained in a manner never surpassed and seldom equalled. The establish- ment was in every respect princely, the house a perfect cabinet, the grounds laid out with peculiar taste, having in them all the rarest plants of the European world and some even from Asia and America, but what delighted me was the songs of nightingales in- numerable pouring out their sweet notes in broad daylight.
De Visme told us he had been at great expense in enticing them by various stratagems to his woods, but had at last so completely succeeded as to have their music for full eight month in the year. I had now the misery to see the health of my darling Charlotte in a declining state, and that, too, without any apparent cause, having no particular malady, yet she gradually fell away, entirely lost her appetite and spirits, and it felt unpleasant to move even from one room to another.
Hickey arrived in Lisbon on 15th February After attending her twice a day for some time, trying a variety of medicines, though without advantage, he recommended me to change the air by taking her away from Lisbon. De Visme, who happened to be visiting me when Dr. Hare gave this advice, immediately offered a country house of his about eighteen miles from the city, in, he said, as healthy a spot as any in Portugal.
I accepted his polite offer. Two days after he sent us thither in one of his carriages with a confidential servant who had orders to supply all our wants. We found it a romantic and beautiful situation, upon a small rise from the sea, from which it was not quite a mile distant. Charlotte was delighted with every- thing about it, finding material benefit in four-and-twenty hours. She continued mending so rapidly that in ten days her health was perfectly restored. We therefore returned to Lisbon. Banks 3rd December de Visme wrote once again to Sir Joseph Banks with another description of his garden: Pillement, who is in a manner fixed here, has painted me two intire rooms, one in marine scenes, with all the costume of the Tagus, the other of China.
Visme Jean-Baptiste Pillement first visited Portugal from Later, from onwards he worked in both Oporto and Lisbon. Pillement These pictures show the grounds of the house full of flowers, water features, sculptures and clipped trees, richly peo- pled by elegant society. Often there is a tall figure in a periwig, easily identified as de Visme himself, surrounded by beautiful women and young children or engaged in earnest conversation with his friends.
At the time de Visme was sixty and involved in a unexplained love affair that was to change the course of his life. Perhaps she was a servant; surely if she had been his social equal such a phrase would have been unthinkable. Later evidence confirms that the wom- an was Portuguese, and thus certainly Catholic. Mixed mar- riages were rare and subject to Papal authorisation. For the child to be brought up as a Protestant, as the Huguenot father certainly intended, perhaps such drastic measures were neces- sary.
Beckford, never on the best terms with members of the Lisbon factory, nevertheless paid a visit to the Bemfica quinta. I observed the same propensity to shell work and broken china in a Mr. Devisme, whose garden at Bemfica about a league from Lisbon eclipses all the glories of Bagnigge Wells, White Conduit House and Marylebone in leaden statues, Chinese tem- ples, serpentine rivers and dusty hermitages.
Beckford Journal 47 Beckford was not impressed: Visme June Beckford used the gardens as a vehicle for yet another attack on the hated factory and Lisbon society. Woodward 58 Monserrate In de Visme received another visitor, Henry Headley, a young poet stricken by consumption. The symptoms of a consumptive tendency in his constitution, which had been increasing for some years, were now so strongly confirmed, and he became so alarmingly indisposed, that his phy- sician advised him to try the benefit of a warmer climate, and to take a voyage to Lisbon. Thither he determined to go, without delay, and his friend Benwell, excited by the most poignant sym- pathy, hastened to London to take leave of him.
With what sen- sations the meeting and the parting of two such friends were at- tended under such distressing circumstances, may be more easily imagined than can adequately be described.
Carta à mulher do meu futuro
Harassed by an in- cessant cough, and unaccompanied by any one he knew, Headley had the resolution to undertake this voyage in May , but on landing at Lisbon, far from feeling any effectual relief, found him- self oppressed by the heat of the climate. A few days would prob- 12 Curl, James Stevens.
Spas, Wells, and Pleasure-Gardens of London. His malady had however made too great a progress to be stopped by such expedients: After suffering to such a degree, as to put his patience to a very severe trial, he died on the 15th of November , in the 23d year of his age.
Beckford, we are told: Memoirs of William Beckford of Fonthill. Indeed, on his first visit, he did not reside at Montserrat at all, [] be- cause the owner, Mr. De Visme, a merchant, who built the factory hospital, would not let it. On his second visit to Portugal, which lasted some months more than the first, he was successful in becoming a temporary holder. It was a barbarous Gothic imitation house, built by a carpenter from Falmouth, which had been erected on the foundations of the older house of Mr. De Visme; and of this new building Mr.
Beckford succeeded in becoming the tenant. The site was lovely, and surrounded by a most delightful country. He proceeded by way of Madrid, in , and spent a year and better in Portugal, during which he inhabited Montserrat. This date is based upon remarks made by Dalrymple, William. There is a period of five years, from , when it is not known to whom the quinta was rented. Costa 50 This certainly leaves space for an early occupation by de Visme. From the year of the earthquake until the property was leased by Francisco Gomes da Costa.
Rental agreement This agreement, from the outset, also contem- plated renewal under the exact same terms for a further period of nine years until He wished to rent Monserrate on long terms since it was remote, with a similar climate to his own country, good for his health, and as a place to rest from his business activities. It was his intention to restore the estate, extending its orchards, rebuild- ing to his own taste the buildings of the quinta described as almost uninhabitable since the earthquake of and to en- close the land within a boundary wall.
A decisive step towards her integration into British society was her official baptism, recognising her acceptance into the Church of England: The British Factory records show that this procedure was not uncommon. In the case of Emily it seems more likely that the ruse of private baptism was used to avoid scandal. She was nearly two years old at this official ceremony and perhaps by then de Visme was more comfortable with the situation.
Ambitious plans for Monserrate were set in hand at the same time. Freitas 9 All this seems far more likely than the official explanation of ill-health: The earliest indications that building at Monserrate was underway come from a lawsuit against one of his neighbours which began in February Litigation As we have seen one of the obligations accepted by de Visme was to con- struct a boundary wall around the estate.
The suit alleged that a portion of the neighbouring Quinta Grande encroached upon Monserrate and de Visme sought that the land should be ceded to him. Litigation He lost the case in September and was roundly con- demned by the magistrate. When you return shortly to your country, perhaps not very pleased to take leave of Portugal, I beg you to lay before Senhor Banks the sentiments of veneration which I profess for his great merits, his science and his benevolence with which he has fa- voured me and which I hope he will continue to do, and for which I remain most sincerely grateful.
Lysaght ; Loureiro In his plea de Visme describes the work that he has in hand at Monserrate: He certainly did not impress the magistrates, who severely criticised him for damaging the national interest by de- stroying productive agricultural land: The celebrated pretext of the plaintiff, that as a foreigner it is useful to the State that he spends his great resources within the kingdom, and does not send them overseas, is mistaken, since if he wishes to make large investments, he could do so in other properties, obtained by purchase from landowners willing to sell to him, and not persecute owners unwilling to sell him land at any price; and I would say further that these investments are not only not useful, but also prejudicial to the State, and against the policy of the same, it is clear that the plaintiff wishes only to reduce to useless and unproductive cultivated lands which once were highly rentable, making of them terraces, constructing roads and plant- ing wild trees which give no fruit whatsoever.
An act for naturalizing Emily de Visme At a dinner at the House of Commons, on 6th August of the same year, de Visme explained to his fellow guests that he had left a considerable fortune behind him and that his house in Bemfica was on the market for 30, pounds. Luckhurst Prior, James, Sir.
Life of Edmond Malone, editor of Shakespeare: With selections from his Manuscript Anecdotes. Smith, Elder and C. It is true that just at this time de Visme had lost the royal con- tract that gave him the monopoly over trade in Brazilwood,20 and that the rental contract of the Solar dos Carvalhos was about to expire in the next year. Repercussions of the French Revolution had perhaps persuaded him that the future was more secure in Britain. Shaw Despite the departure to England, work at Monserrate con- tinued.
Lady Craven wrote to Beckford sometime between June and November De Visme is building further on at a Place called Montserrate. Kelly A set of four engravings of views of Sintra dedicated to the duke were published on 14th October, , in London. They were drawn by W.
Encontros com Koellreutter: sobre suas histórias e seus mundos
Baker and engraved by Wells. These are the earliest illustrations of the finished house, proving that de Visme did indeed uphold his obligations and establishing a clear date for completion of building works. John Wells flourished worked as a publisher and engrav- er from n. Academia Real das Sciencias, s. He remained in Portugal until he re- turned to Paris in Luckhurst and Silva 62 It was engraved by Wells in , along with another view from a painting that seems to have been lost.
The original paintings must have been made sometime between and There are lines of cultivated vegetation immediately in front of the house, possibly a vineyard, but looking more like shrubs, the valley is then bisected by a line of trees along a walkway? A lower field, also crossed by lines, is grazed by sheep.
Standing on a distant hill is an obelisk. The rest of the estate is occupied by woodland. The second engraved view is taken from the surviving painting: The repeated features are the Gothic? The slopes beyond the cultivated ground are densely wooded. The title refers to the quintas of Penha Verde and of the Duke of Cadaval; the Quinta da Palma is unmentioned in the title but is clearly shown with its twin pavilions and the long retaining wall of its garden terrace.
There are oth- ers in the collection of the India Office. William Beckford described a visit to this quinta owned by Monsieur de la Roche in his journal: As soon as we had dined, we went to Colares and walked to and fro [on] a terrace belonging to one La Roche, a French mer- chant, who has shewn some glimmerings of taste in the laying out of his villa. Despite its late date, the letter is important since it clearly shows first-hand acquaintance and intimate knowledge of Monserrate and enables us to attribute the majority of garden works carried out there in the eighteenth century to de Visme.
About a mile further to the westward, a fertile and lofty hill emerges from the bosom of a thick wood, this hill is known by the name of Montserrat, and was chosen by the late M. This building, planned and executed by a native of Cornwall, seems to possess but few claims to admiration, as being more striking from its nov- elty, than any features of characteristic grandeur.
The sides of the hill were tastefully laid out in shrubberies and gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and embellished with eve- ry object that could delight the eye or gratify the taste. Shrubs, plants, and flowers, of every country and form, were scattered in wild profusion along the mossy banks and borders of the crystal brooks. The orange groves loaded the gale with their perfume, and invited thousands of nightingales and other feathered song- sters to take up their abode among the branches.
A limpid stream gushing from a neighbouring rock, enabled M. In short, the beau- ties of the place began to open and wear an enchanting aspect, but, as all the charms of this world seem to consist more in per- spective than possession, after expending upwards of 23,l.
This place afterwards became the property of Mr. Beckford, and I understand has since fallen into the possession of the origi- nal owner of the land. The statement that the cascade was built by de Visme must be taken as veracious; it is a contradiction to tradition and scholarship, but nonetheless it is likely true. Lady Craven, Beckford, Hickey, all were only available to the general public much later.
When de Visme left Portugal he put the Benfica estate on the market for 30 thousand pounds. His most astonishing claim, made at that dinner party at the House of Commons, was that he had left 1. Prior If this were true then he would have been almost as wealthy as Beckford! It belonged to a Mr. De Visme, a merchant, of whom, at the time I could not obtain it.
Afterwards, however, he pulled down the house, and built another in barbarous Gothic. On my return, I rented the place of him; for although he had knocked down the old edifice, he could not level the hills, nor root up the woods. The association of neo-Gothic buildings with carpenters dates from the pattern books of Batty Langley for example Ancient Architecture Restored published in and reissued in as Gothic Architecture, improved by Rules and Proportions and was perhaps used by Beckford in a pejorative sense.
The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist. Memoirs of William Beckford of Fonthill, author of Vathek. I, ; see also Melville, Lewis. Silva 38 The eighteenth century coach-house that today houses the tech- nical services of Parques de Sintra, the Friends of Monserrate and a teahouse shows some affinity to Seteais since both build- ings have quoin stones in place of pilasters, an unusual feature in Portugal. Luckhurst Elsden was in fact a carpenter, of sorts; before embarking upon his military career in Portugal, he was a cabinet maker in London. Maria Helena Dias affirms that Elsden died in Though de Visme was a friend of the Hon.
Robert Walpole,29 British am- 26 William Elsden fl. Biographias de alguns poetas e homens illustres de Pernambuco. According to this article these reconstruction works were carried out between and This is not however a complete building. Robert Walpole , was British envoy extraordinary and min- ister plenipotentiary from Instead the build- ing displays rigid symmetry and regular fenestration: In plan and internal arrangement it did show imaginative theatricality with the long central gallery and sequence of halls whose presence have so dramatically persisted unto the present day, thanks to the restoration work of James T.
Fireplaces are in the same locations. The octagonal hallway at the centre and the circular music room are also original features that have been retained. Externally little more than the castellated curtain wall re- mains of these original works. Luckhurst and Silva 65 Gloria Azevedo Coutinho has suggested that the pointed arches of the kitchen doors and windows could also be survivals from the eighteenth century.
Firstly it is im- portant to realise that the present-day house, as reconstructed by Francis Cook, is entirely based upon the structure erected in She died 24 July , leaving Thomas Walpole a widow. She out lived her husband by nearly 20 years. The coach house was built in a classical style with round- -headed windows, fanlights, and, as mentioned previously, quoin-stones for pilasters.
The building has been altered since its primitive construction and only with further investigation could its eighteenth-century provenance and original appear- ance be firmly established. Though a ruin it retains sufficient archi- tectural detail to illustrate how the original mansion must have been constructed.
This building was in fact never a chapel and it is important to underline that although de Visme must have demolished the sixteenth-century sanctuary built by Gaspar Preto, he did not transfer its stones to this garden-building as has been suggested. More prosaically it was used as accommodation for the stable lads. All the dec- orative surfaces and mouldings, including the pilasters, are made from coloured mortar, executed to a very high quality. Harvey and Darton, , p. Published anonymously, there is however a sister volume entitled The New Estate; or, the young travellers in Wales and Ireland.
There are broken bases of finials at the tops of pi- lasters and the walls are crenulated at the roofline. All of these details, with the exception of the quatrefoil windows, can find parallels with illustrations of the neo-Gothic castle. One other surviving garden feature can be safely attributed to de Visme.
This is the vaulted arch tunnel that passes under the causeway which leads to the main house. Loudon 66 As we have seen de Visme had previously constructed a pineapple houses in Lisbon and at Benfica. But it is evident from arches in the brickwork that these were heated by tan-bark and it is quite possible that these also date from the eighteenth century. Montserrat, near Cintra, a seat of the late eminent merchant, Beckford, was formed at immense expense by a native of Cornwall for M. It is laid out in the geometric style; abounds in inequalities, stairs, terraces, statues and orange trees.
Of late, we are informed, it has been much neglected. Loudon 61 35 Parques de Sintra is conducting a survey and analysis of this garden building with a view to restoration and consolidation of the ruin. A painting made in , last year of the rental contract and the year of the Napoleonic Invasions of Portugal, shows a formal garden laid out below the house. Nogueira da Silva Most writers have disregarded this fanciful representation the perspective of the house is so badly drawn , but it could be construed as dem- onstrating the late eighteenth-century tendency to re-establish terraces and flower gardens in the vicinity of the house; or a quick makeover for the summer residence of a French general?
Account of the Lisbon earthquake Letter to Sir Joseph Banks. Purchase of the Quinta de Baixo, in Bemfica. Brazilwood contract with Gerard de Visme and company. Letter to Carl Linnaeus the Younger. Taxes on wheat and barley Journal of a visit to Portugal and Spain. Letter to Gerard de Visme. Craven, Elizabeth Lady, Margravine of Anspach. Letter to William Beckford. An Act for naturalizing Emily de Visme, an Infant.
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Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Iconografia D. Vue des jardins de Benfica. Quinta of Gerard de Visme, near Lisbon. Oil on canvas, Philadelphia Museum of Art: Beckford of his house, Palacio antigo de Monserrate em Cintra, segundo um desenho de Harvey and Darton, , facing p. Casa de campo de Monserrate [Elevation and plan]. Portugal or the young travellers: Harvey and Darton, Temas de pintura e seu consumo Instituto de Sintra, Barbosa, Ignacio de Vilhena. The record of old Westminsters: Presses Universitaires de France, Brito, Manuel Carlos de.
Opera in Portugal in the Eighteenth Century. A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland enjoying territorial possessions or high official rank: General history of music from the earliest ages to the pre- sent period. Printed for the Author and sold by T. Castro, Luiz de, Dom. II, 5th November, Local, Lisbon, 17 January, Palace and Gardens of Monserrate. Headley, Henry, Kett, Henry, ed. The Burlington Magazine, Vol. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Tratados de Arte em Portugal.
Portugal e o Reino Unido: Joseph Banks in Newfoundland and Labrador, his diary, manuscripts and collections. University of California Press, They went to Portugal. Machado, Cyrillo Volkmar Machado. Imprensa da Universidade, p. Mello, Antonio Joaquim de. Biographias de alguns poetas e homens illus- tres de Pernambuco. The British Hospital in Lisbon. The British Historical Society of Portugal, The European Magazine and London Review. With se- lections from his Manuscript Anecdotes. The prodigal rake; memoirs of William Hickey.
Editions Gilles Attinger, Viagem em Portugal , vol. Smith, James Edward, Sir. A selection of the correspondence of Linnaeus, and other naturalists: Imprensa da Universidade, vol. Memoirs of William Hickey. Vale, Teresa Leonor M. Regia officina typografica, A fama ganha por Byron deveu-se a dois factores essenciais: Interessa-nos analisar alguns destes aspectos da personali- dade byroniana: Acontecia o mesmo com o seu criador: Mas que pecado era esse que tanto o atormentava? Quando o professor, Mr. O amigo ofereceu-se para o ajudar, mas ele recusou, orgulhosamente, declarando que preferia afogar-se a desistir Trelawny He is not yet decided to go to Switzerland, a place, indeed, lit- tle fitted for him: Sentir que existi- mos, mesmo na dor.
Ainda numa outra carta, desta vez a Augusta, Byron expressa o desejo de adoptar uma menina turca de nove anos que se encontrava nesse grupo de prisionei- ros, esperando que Lady Byron a aceitasse em Inglaterra como companhia para Ada Byron apud Spender Byron nunca cedeu a isso. Talvez se o tivesse feito, toda a sua vida teria sido diferente.
Give me a republic, or a despotism of one, rather than the mixed government of one, two, three. The Asiatics are not qualified to be republicans, but they have the liberty of demolishing despots, which is the next thing to it apud Moore I have simplified my politics into an utter detestation of all ex- isting governments; and, as it is the shortest and most agreeable and summary feeling imaginable, the first moment of an universal republic would convert me into an advocate for single and uncon- tradicted despotism.
The fact is, riches are power, and poverty is slavery all over the earth, and one sort of establishment is no bet- ter nor worse for a people than another I have no consistency, except in politics; and that probably arises from my indifference on the subject altogether apud Moore There will be blood shed like water, and tears like mist; but the peoples will conquer in the end. No entanto, era ainda cedo para a causa italiana. O poeta mi- santropo desejava fazer algo mais pela humanidade que tanto criticava nas suas obras e, para isso, tornou-se soldado.
The Byrons are a short-lived race on both side, father and mother: Byron apenas se ca- sou uma vez, mas esteve perto de casar novamente e com uma mulher italiana, Teresa Guiccioli. Com efeito, Trelawny achava que a sua fama de grande viajante era exagerada Trelawny Segundo ele, as suas viagens tinham sido sempre pequenas e limitadas, e qualquer homem poderia fazer o mesmo em poucos meses. Lord Byron teve dois ciclos de viagens na sua vida: Os jo- vens privilegiados de Inglaterra deveriam ver o mundo antes de o governarem.
Quanto ao segundo ciclo de viagens, parece ter origens mais complexas. Se a primeira viagem foi quase de veraneio, esta foi um verdadeiro ostracismo. Bowra sobre o assunto, tal como surge na sua obra The Romantic Imagination. Bowra sobre o assunto, tal como surge em The Romantic Imagination. Como diz em But yet, I always feel in better humour with myself and everything else, if there is a woman within ken Byron apud Moore Uma coisa parece evidente: Segundo Bowra, Byron parecia procurar dois tipos de mu- lher: Augusta parece encaixar perfeitamente no primeiro tipo. Bowra em The Romantic Imagination, pp.
Berlioz, Schumann e Tchaikovsky compuseram inspirados pelas suas obras, assim como Donizetti e Verdi. Nos quadros de Turner e Delacroix, os seus versos ga- nharam forma e vida. Quem diria que foi Byron quem iniciou essa forma despreocupa- da de vestir.
Schenk, The Mind of the European Romantics, pp. Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron. Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaires. Don Juan ou la vie de Byron. English Romantic Poets and the Enlightenment: The Voltaire Foundation, The New Cambridge Modern History, vol. IX, War and Peace in na age of upheaval, Isto permite-nos ler as cartas sob diferentes prismas. Dossena, e ; Dossena e Fitzmaurice, Farei tudo em meu poder para conferir ao Sr. A carne de vaca estava muito boa.
Apresente os melhores cumprimentos aos Srs. Brady marcados HH, os quais custam entre 19 e Espero que isto se altere assim que o Sr. Espero que o V. A pedido do Sr. Anexo envio-lhe o conhe- cimento de carga das mesmas. O Comet fez vela ontem com o comboio. Incluso envio factura de sacas. Continuarei a vender sempre que se oferecer a oportunidade. Espero que depois de terdes falado com o Sr. O fulano pede por ela 20 Reais. Tenho 2 remessas de correio previstas para hoje. Tivemos 2 pa- quetes sem qualquer carta sua, o que muito me surpreende. O paquete levou 4 dias. Mostre-lhes as diferentes que temos e pergunte-lhes qual o tipo que desejam.
A Casa Bulkely tem chegado a dar 23 Reais. Vendi a maior par- te das nossas fazendas de Londres e alguma do seu Pai. Conto ter cerca de Receio ser obrigado a regressar a casa mais cedo do que desejava se algo acontecer ao meu Pai. Enviei-lhe a si pelo Sr. The Seventh Report, Espero fazer bom lucro com a que vem a bordo do Young Henry. Li o que dizeis a respeito das fazendas e aceito os termos da V. Seja como for, po- deis esperar vir a receber o V. Termino enviando os melhores cumprimentos ao Sr. Incluso segue a letra, ou antes, a quantia da letra dei- xada pelo Sr.
Gomez de la Torre Perz Mazarrados e C. Ter-me-ia agradado ver uma conta de mais vendas. Concordei em pagar no dia seguinte. Mandei-os enfardar de novo a bordo para evitar que fossem confiscados como mercadoria indiana. Continuarei a enviar-vos 10 a 20 sacas todos os meses. Espero que tenhais tido sucesso em Hudersfield [sic]: Fico muito contente por ouvir que o meu Pai continua a melhorar.
Espero que o tempo quente o ajude a recuperar por completo. Eu tinha vendido todas as nossas fazendas de Londres com lucro muito reduzido, e ao abrir um fardo verificou-se estar danificado. As outras eram melhores para se venderem. Fizeram-no de tal forma que agora parece aninho. Incluso envio-lhe um segundo conhe- cimento de carga para servir em caso de necessidade. O comboio partiu ontem, assim como o Sisters e o Catherine. Ficaria muito feliz se visse mais algu- mas notas de vendas.
O John chegou com excesso de mercadorias. De particular interesse pelo seu valor documental, v. An historical account of the Luddites of , , and , with report of their trials at York castle, from the 2nd to the 12th of January, , before sir Alexander Thompson and sir Simon Le Blanc. The Writings of the Luddites. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Percival [sic]18 e das causas desse infeliz caso.
Creio que, se estivesse inclinado para comprar, conseguiria arranjar alguns dos melhores fardos a 15 ou 16 Reais. Uma das primeiras biografias dadas a lume foi a de Charles Verulam Williams. The Life and Administration of the Right Hon. Printed for John Conrad, Manchester University Press, Espero que esta vos encon- tre mais tranquilos do que tendes estado ultimamente. Tenho muita pena pelo pobre Percival [sic]. Examinei quase todas as sacas na altura. Vendi tudo excepto as caxemiras. Message from the President of the U. States, recommending an immediate declaration of war against Great Britain.
Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Bill reported, declaring war Great Britain, accompanied with a manifesto of the causes leading to that event. Impresso por Roger C. Como nota Donald R. Eu gostaria muito de ouvir novas do seu casamento. Envie todas as fazendas que tiver prontas sem delongas. Nem consegui vender nenhumas do Sr.
Tencionava enviar carta ao Sr. E eu pago parte em caxemiras que agora se venderiam a dinheiro contado. Andrade e Silva, 20 Se pudesse ter passado sem isso, teria sido melhor.

Dizia-se ontem que Lorde Wellington tinha entrado a 7 do corrente. Cotton vem datado de 13 de Agosto. Ainda conto ir a Espanha por algumas semanas. Chegou o fardo do Jonas Stiad. Talvez ela seja igualmente obstinada. Tinja as caxemiras nas seguintes cores e despache-as: A menos que ele se esforce, nunca mais transporta fazenda. Smith, Elder and Co. Brno Studies in English, Volume 36, No.
Communicating Early English Manuscripts. Studies in Late Modern English Correspondence: Dossena, Marina and Susan M. Business and Official Correspondence: Fitzmaurice eds , The War of University of Illinois Press, The History of the Shoddy-Trade: Its Rise, Progress, and Present Position. Houlston and Wright, House of Commons Papers, A treatise on the law of insure of every kind.
Das Letras de Cambio. To which is added, a treatise on the art of padding; and the printing of silk warps, skeins, and handker- chiefs, and the various mordants and colors for the different styles of such work. Henry Carey Baird, A dictionary of the English and Portuguese languages. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of. From to Compiled from official and authentic documents. The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature 2. Ian Brown et al. Edinburgh University Press, Uma outra mulher nos acom- panhava. Chamava-se Mariana, era uma rapariga que resolvera vestir-se de soldado para pegar em armas e combater ao nosso lado.
Livraria Figueirinhas, []: Essays in Feminist Criticism. A Literature of Their Own: Princeton University Press, Livraria de Campos Junior-Editor, Os Guerrilheiros da Morte. Esfera do Caos, []. Revistas e Coordenadas por Ernesto de Campos de Andrada. Parte Primeira e Segunda a Imprensa da Universidade, Biblioteca de Autores Portugueses.
Castells, Irene, et al. Vossa alteza nasceu para essas folias. Que me importa isso? Gosaria mais um deleite feroz. Foi um quadro dilacerante. Altavila, embora tenha de sacrificar o con- vento. Pois bem, eu sou um prisioneiro. Livraria Figueirinhas, []. Chagas, Manuel Joaquim Pinheiro. Nos 1 e 2, Carlos Guardado da Silva. Duarte, Maria de Deus. UCP, 9 de Maio Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses Homenagem a Maria Helena Paiva Correia. FLUP, 9 Outubro