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I took the first two screenshots at LACMA, and a little research later, low and behold a historical narrative of German expressionist Max Beckmann unravels, but also one of philanthropy, that actually has its roots in the South Bay, Los Angeles. Me during my tour: After the shows, the husbands disappeared to the back area and paid the boys some money to get a blowjob.

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All while their wives were sitting in front, knowing perfectly well what was going on, and just waiting for their husbands to come back so that they could go back home with them. They were happy they didn't have to do that job. Time to flex my Weimar Republic muscles, at least briefly, lest we forget they're existent.

Curtain Call und Auf Wiedersehen.

Claire Waldoff

Rig is fascinating, I have no idea where it's going. A German coin from during the Weimar Republic era.

Ach Jott, wat sind die Männer dumm! - Claire Diller

Nothing but admiration and gratitude for this wonderful cast! German Reich, Blacksmith Workers - professionals who create objects from steel and iron by forging or shaping the metal using the hammers. The Lovers by Georg Scholz, actually quite a rude picture when you have a good look at it. Newest fairy tales and history related purchase.

Brigitte Lebaan – Wikipedia

I find the Weimar Republic extremely fascinating. Berlin is freezing cold but its sex history keeps us warm! Rudolf Belling, German sculptor. This piece is currently exhibited as part of the Berlin - Exhibition displayed at the Brussels Museum of Fine Art. Such a fun and pleasure doing the makeup for this beauty!!

Love this beautiful portrait by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner but unfortunately I know nothing about it. I'm guessing baded on style that it's c. If YOU know please tell me! I really like this shot! He was also a founder of the Cologne Dada group 'Stupid' earlier in the decade.

Sie wurden am 6. Die Resonanz auf die Auslobung der Preise war in allen Kategorien sehr hoch. I kyped all my makeup tricks from this film Another great Pechstein painting, this time from The aesthetic of the work is spartan - functionality is desired over design.

Angèle Durand

Buildings are painted exactly the same in clean, simple colour blocked designs. The colours are browns, terracottas and whites - which weather relatively well and need minimal upkee. Altogether, the buildings express a state of equality and appear as if created by machines. A dislike for expressionism paved the way for New Objectivity, which was especially popular in Germany between both World Wars. It included almost all art disciplines, and the craze coincided with a lot of buildings being built in that style.

An umbrella term that marks the period where Bauhaus was in vogue and groups like Der Ring and ABC were active, the architectual works provided quick functional rebuilding to cities that needed increased housing.

Der Stechlin: Roman by Theodor Fontane

May in particular was applauded for this, as his designs were functional but also included communal facilities like parks and washing areas. Success was short lived, however, and he became heavily criticised by the Russian state. You'll find the link in my bio! German soldier during the interwar period.

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One of my favourite photos by Gertrude Fehr This photo and these women have always really struck me Whatever it is, I find them so captivating!