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Politics has been a topic of discussion and debate in the Hulley family since my early childhood.

Welcome to KELVIN HULLEY - Author

Military service and a degree at Rhodes University in the early s served to further conscientise me politically. My early postgraduate years were spent in Pietermaritzburg at Edendale Hospital. It was during that time, that I met Clive Napier. During the late s Clive was able to visit my home while on lecture tours to Durban. South Africa, at that time was in dire straits.

Why did you choose Unisa to study for your degree? Unisa was the only and obvious choice. I was a community pharmacist with my own business and a young family to provide for.

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What are your influences? I do not think any of us can escape our childhood.


My family, uncles and cousins were all politically aware. My father was an early supporter of the Progressive Party under the leadership of Helen Suzman; this at a time when the general political will was heading in the opposite direction. I believe I was exposed to rationalism, fairness and social justice at a young age. Durban High School taught me discipline and independence, and as a consequence of that, I learnt self-discipline.

Military service introduced the ability to endure physical and mental hardship. Those of us who attended boarding school in the late sixties would have found moving from boarding school to the military to be a seamless transition! I consider myself to be fortunate to have degrees in science and the arts… left brain and right brain? It is not possible to say one has truly lived, without having had the privilege of fatherhood in a family home.

I am fortunate to have a devoted and loving wife, and three exceptional, good looking and intelligent children.

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Then there are the many grateful senior citizens whose lives one touches in sometimes very small but significant ways, in a community pharmacy. Much like the San, many of the pharmacists in community pharmacies may find themselves marginalised and dispossessed by the powerful. Are you working on a new writing project? My intention is to write a trilogy. It's the transformation of my life - from being this fun-seeking kid in my 20s, my life and happiness all built around my self-centred desires. Now, my fulfilment comes from causes. Mr Curby described a leg prosthesis developed for snorkelling that attached to an amputee's leg and had a flipper that could be moved up or down.

The challenge was in finding a hand prosthesis that allowed full hand and arm movement and that was waterproof, he said.

Ralston Raft in the Dance Fire

The older devices, using technology called body-powered prosthetics, were waterproof but operated using a harness attached the body. This made them impractical during swimming, which involved a lot of upper body movement that could loosen the harness. Newer technology that didn't require a harness - myo-electric prosthetics - were not waterproof, he said.

There have been examples of amputees achieving physical feats using prosthetic limbs, said Sandeep Gupta, state amputee adviser for Enable NSW. He told of former a ice skater, who lost her lower leg in a boat crash on Sydney Harbour, and had sought to return to the ice. The water leg featured an artificial foot that could be extended so a dive fin could be used as normal. In Able Seaman de Gelder's favour in resuming physical activities was that he was younger and likely to be stronger than most amputees, Mr Gupta said.

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Would you like to tell us about a lower price? The story brings together diverse characters; some are noble and grand, others are boisterous and devil-may-care. Ralston Raft finds himself caught in a chain of events following his controversial resignation from the university where he teaches philosophy. Does Raft's life, as it unfolds, keep with the existentialist thinking he teaches his students?

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  2. 29 best CONTRA DANCE images on Pinterest | Country dance, Contra dancing and Dancing?
  3. Cheganca (The Great Arrival).
  4. From one amputee to another: keep the dream alive;
  5. Kelvin Dennis Hulley: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle;
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  7. Creencias Tóxicas (Spanish Edition).

Unrequited love, a treasure hunt into the Botswana wilderness, and a truly moving encounter with the San Bushmen are some of the elements of this book. Southern Africa is presented with love and sensitivity in a style which provides the reader with a genuine feel, without being hindered by laborious tracts of text.

A rich vein of descriptive humour enhances the book immensely, with each chapter "a must read" story on its own.

Kelvin Dennis Hulley

Roman poet, Horace, asserted that literature should delight and instruct. This book delivers on both promises? They say that the sunsets at Hippocampus Lodge are a sight to behold. Africa is about daytime and night-time, not minutes and seconds.

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  • Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Product details File Size: Vanguard Press November 18, Publication Date: