
Pain d'autel, pain azyme. On peut le prendre [ le haschisch ] Amiel, Journal, , p. Gagner sa vie en travaillant. Je vais te la secouer, moi! Bette, , p. Vivre de crimes, d'assassinats.

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Paris, , p. Se dit de quelqu'un qui promet plus qu'il ne peut tenir. Masse de sucre blanc de forme conique. Burckhardt, Wallin was fluent in Arabic and, in local costume, was capable of passing for a scholarly sheikh. Indeed, the two explorers are often compared: Rawlinson, quoted in Henze. Financially backed by his alma mater, the University of Helsinki, Wallin departed for the Middle East in and set out on his expeditions from Cairo under the name of Abd al-Wali. From there he returned to Egypt" Howgego.

More precisely, he "moved eastwards from Wadi al-Araba, first touching upon the upper regions of Wadi Sirhan, then on to the oasis of Djuf 'Algawf' and crossed the central regions of Shammar, via Djobbah 'Gubbi' , the Great Nefud 'Nufood' , and Hail [ After his return to Europe in , Wallin was made Professor of oriental languages at Helsingfors. His notes provide a detailed overview of the political and religious movements and the role of the different tribes in Palestine and especially in Saudi Arabia. Henriksson A Wallin Bibliography , in: Studia orientalia 17 , p.

Howgego II , W12, p. Not in Gay or Ibrahim-Hilmy. Paris, Imprimerie royale, XXXV, 1 , , 1 pp.

L’histoire vraie de la série Médium Allison Dubois

Contemporary tree roan, gilt decorated smooth spine, black label. The texts are in Arabic and Persian, with their French translation. Reinaud, au sujet des monnaies des rois de Kaboul" letter to Mr. Hage Chahine, Levant, Autograph letter signed "G. Dated Paris, June 20, In ink on dark ivory paper with integral address panel and remnants of original seal to verso of second folio. In Italian with translation. Spontini asks Ghisilieri to convey his thanks to a certain Consul Petrini.

He mentions Giovanni Paggi, a well-known Italian oboist, composer, tenor, and mutual acquaintance. The most accomplished Signor Paggi will tell you that he has listened to me saying constantly that I am still awaiting answers from Rome, Iesi, and Maiolati!

Without this, I would not know that I am boring my friends with vague, useless and fruitless matters! I have repeatedly asked him, and would indeed ask you also, to convey my infinite thanks to the most kind Consul Petrini for the admirable offer he saw fit to make to me, of providing a friendly retreat and hospitable asylum for the many centenary festivities. I would be too afraid to accept, or be judged perhaps indiscreet or ungrateful. I am not in a position to make up my mind or to take such a decision, which no one should expect in such a state of uncertainty An intriguing autograph letter signed "Ch.

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Dated Naples, June 7, In ink on ivory paper with integral address panel with remnants of original seal, and "Il Soprintendente Generale de' Teatri, e Spettacoli Ciambellano di S. Lonchamps attempts to lure Spontini back to his native Italy with a commission for a grand opera and an opera buffa, to be performed at the Royal Theatre of S. He reminds Spontini that, although he may enjoy unprecedented advantages in Paris, it is only in his own country that he may see his friends and family - as well as fulfill the desire of the Queen of Naples to have him in her city.

In consequence, I have summoned the impresario for the Royal Theatres, for whom you might like to set some drama to music, as much for honor as for profit. In doing so, knowing the benefit that could accrue from the graciousness of your action, I have engaged him to propose to you the composition of a major serious drama for the Royal Theatre of S. Carlo, for which you will be offered, in reward, the same as has been offered in the past to the most famous composers.

Following the success of this composition of which there can be no doubt , the above-mentioned impresario will propose an opera buffa, which will also be rewarded as above. This is what I have been able to obtain for the moment. I am sure that the impresarios of the Fiorentini and Nuovo theatres will not miss the opportunity to profit from your coming to Naples, by offering in their turn projects for their theatres, which are also enjoying fame at this time Spontini was one of the leading composers in Paris when Lonchamps made his proposal.

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It is unclear whether Spontini accepted. Spontini "dominated serious grand opera of the early 19th century in Paris and later in Berlin Although Fernand Cortez was taken out of the repertory in , that year proved to be the peak of Spontini's career. Complet des cartes, plans et gravures. La carte page du volume 4 a une grande fente mais pas de manque. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. New York, John James Audubon, Large folio 70 x 55 cm.

Ménage d'autrefois by Nikolai Gogol on Apple Books

With striking coloured plates, all lithographed on stone, printed and coloured by J. Each volume also with a title-page and a list of contents. Late 19th-century black morocco, with gold-tooled spine, red cloth sides and marbled endpapers. The plates in the present work are considered the finest animal prints ever published in America. Unlike the "Birds", it was produced entirely in the United States, making it the "largest successful color plate book project of 19th-century America" Reese. The plates were first published in 30 parts of 5 plates each, and three separately published accompanying text volumes, written by John Bachman, appeared between and A second edition was published in , but "the first edition is by far the best" Sabin.

A complete set, with most plates in fine condition. Howgego II, A19 p. Bode, Baron C[lement] A[ugustus] de. Travels in Luristan and Arabistan. XII, , 2 pp. With 15 lithographed and wood engraved plates two folding and 2 folding engraved maps. Recent period style brown gilt tooled half calf with marbled boards and black gilt morocco labels. A very good set.

Ménage d'autrefois

In his narrative he describes numerous archaeological sites, lists the names of settlements, describes the history of the local tribes and their manners and customs. In a supplement he published his observations on the routes of Timur and Alexander the Great, who crossed south-western Persia during their conquering marches. There are also descriptions of historical sites and monuments along the way" Ghani, p. Rara opera, ancor piu' rara a trovarsi completa di tutte e 37 le incisioni, compresa quella della copertina anteriore orig.

Usuali, ma sporadiche, fioriture.

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Opera che descrive in prosa e versi i monumenti e le bellezze del giardino di villa Puccini presso Scornio corredata da un ricco apparato iconografico: Il Puccini voleva dedicare un busto anche al Niccolini, ma questo lo impedi' scongiurandolo a nome dell'antica amicizia Tutte le memorie delle glorie italiane con tanto amore raccolte nel giardino di Scornio per educare il popolo a nobili e liberi affetti, ora sono tolte alla vista del pubblico Vannucci, 'Ricordi della vita e delle opere di G.

Niccolini', Firenze, , p. Repetti, Dizionario geografico fisico storico della Toscana, IV, , p. Libreria Antiquaria Coenobium ]. Libreria Antiquaria Giulio Cesare ]. Le journal d'un fou. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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