Mar 24, Sondra Eklund rated it liked it. Another story of someone who had a glimpse of heaven when she died -- complete with a sheet over her head, but then came back to life, cured. As many others have said, she was overwhelmed by the love of Jesus. I'm so into near death experiences that I can't seem to hear enough about the here after or as I believe it to be heaven.

I love hearing about the overwhelming of love and joy that I almost envy their experiences. Nov 30, Melanie Hobbie rated it did not like it. Still working through it, but it's a lot like Heaven Is For Real, decades earlier. Mar 23, Kim rated it did not like it Shelves: A potentially powerful message and story lost in less than spectacular writing and editing. Oct 21, Sheldon Lehman rated it it was ok.

  • My glimpse of eternity Betty Malz;
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Apr 03, Larry Robinson rated it it was amazing. I really loved this book. I would recommend it to everyone! Aug 26, Dianne rated it it was ok Shelves: Set in the 50s and 60s, this is the story of a 27 year old woman who was pronounced dead, had the sheet pulled up over her head, then a short time later came back to life, pushed the sheet off, and told the stunned staff and her family about having been to Heaven.

That part of the story is the main event, but this book is also about how God used that experience to change a proud, difficult person into the woman He had always intended her to be. Aug 05, Chaston Pfingston rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book beautifully attests to the divine wisdom of God and the way He works in our lives. I found the book's pacing appropriate and complimentary to the story that the author hoped to tell, as well as representative of the author's unabashed attitude towards her story.

There is no need to elaborate, she seems to say, because this testimony should speak for itself. Definitely read this book! Great book with scripture to reinforce the truth. Betty has many battles but speaks of how the Lord directs her through the battles. Sep 07, Carmie Lato rated it did not like it Shelves: I absolutely do not understand how this book got any ratings above 1. Having always been intrigued, perhaps as many of us are, about the after-life and NDE, I was totally misled by the description of the book that states that it's the "amazing account of what the protagonist saw, felt, and heard on the other side of the dividing wall that we call death" and how "she returned to her body--to the amazement of her grieving family and the stunned hospital personnel".

While it's true that she does I absolutely do not understand how this book got any ratings above 1. While it's true that she does describe these things, it's only about two paragraphs long!! The bulk of the book is a recounting of her life and the appendicitis attack that led to her "death"!

The actual description of what she saw on the "other side" amounts to a couple of sentences about walking up a hill accompanied by a "person" in robes that she perceived as an angel by her beliefs , of meeting the being she recognizes as "Jesus" again as per her beliefs and a brief description of some pearly gates accompanied by many Catholic Bible verses that cannot be truly appreciated unless one is Catholic!

There is no explanation as to why she "returned" other than to say that "she had to die to learn to live"!!

My Glimpse of Eternity

Albeit the story is decades old, it does not excuse the fact that there is no real detailed accounting of what is on the "other side" other than the contrite stuff we have all heard over and over again and which our religion, especially Catholicism, teaches us anyway -- pearly gates, light, Jesus, God, and a love so pure we don't want to walk away from it! If you never read Betty Malz's story, you would still know all that stuff and after reading her story you still don't know anything about the "after life" beyond that! Feb 12, Myra Johnson rated it it was amazing.

This book is extremely meaningful to me. The author tells her personal story in a very sincere way. Betty Maiz had a near death experience. She describes what she experienced and how the experience transformed her life. There have been a number of books written about near daath experiences NDE. It is one of the earlier written accounts of a NDE. Many of the experiences Betty had during her Betty Maiz had a near death experience.

Many of the experiences Betty had during her NDE parallel what others have reported recently in their books. Debbie Pearson cox rated it really liked it Dec 14, Crystal Lindsey rated it it was amazing Jan 23, Belinda Danini rated it liked it Apr 14, Soledad Lagmay rated it it was amazing Jun 20, Rachel rated it it was amazing Aug 29, Kathy Seale rated it it was ok Dec 30, Kezia Brassard rated it liked it Feb 19, Toni Cardoza rated it it was amazing Jan 09, Betty Joyner rated it it was amazing Jan 26, Stephanie L Dolan rated it really liked it Oct 12, On the right was a low stone wall.

My emotion was a combination of feelings: I felt I had everything I ever wanted to have. I was everything I had ever intended to be. I was arriving at where I had always dreamed of being. The wall to my right was higher now and made of many-colored, multi-tiered stones. A light from the other side of the wall shone through a long row of amber-colored gems several feet above my head. Just as we crested the top of the hill, I heard my father's voice calling, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I thought about turning back to find him. I did not because I knew my destination was ahead. We walked along in silence save for the whisper of a gentle breeze ruffling the white, sheer garments of the angel. We came upon a magnificent, silver structure. It was like a palace except there were no towers.

As we walked toward it, I head voices. They were melodious, harmonious, blending in chorus and I heard the word, "Jesus. I not only heard the singing and felt the singing but I joined the singing. I have always had a girl's body, but a low boy's voice. Suddenly I realized I was singing the way I had always wanted to After a while the music softened, then the unseen voices picked up a new chorus.

The voices not only burst forth in more than four parts, but they were in different languages. I was awed by the richness and perfect blending of the words - and I could understand them! I do not know why this was possible except that I was part of a universal experience. While the angel and I walked together I sensed we could go wherever we willed ourselves to go and be there instantly. Communication between us was through the projection of thoughts. The words sung in all the different languages were understandable, but I don't know how or why.

We all seemed to be on some universal wave length.

See a Problem?

I thought at the time, "I will never forget the melody and these words. The angel stepped forward and put the palm of his hand upon a gate which I had not noticed before. About twelve feet high, the gate was a solid sheet of pearl, with no handles and some lovely scroll work at the top of its Gothic structure. The pearl was translucent so that I could almost, but not quite, see inside. The atmosphere inside was somehow filtered through.

My Glimpse of Eternity by Betty Malz

My feeling was of ecstatic joy and anticipation at the thought of going inside. When the angel stepped forward, pressing his palm on the gate, an opening appeared in the center of the pearl panel and slowly widened and deepened as though the translucent material was dissolving. Inside I saw what appeared to be a street of golden color with an overlay of glass or water.

The yellow light that appeared was dazzling. There is no way to describe it. I saw no figure, yet I was conscious of a Person. Suddenly I knew that the light was Jesus, the Person was Jesus. I did not have to move. The light was all about me. There seemed to be some heat in it as if I were standing in sunlight; my body began to glow. Every part of me was absorbing the light.

I felt bathed by the rays of a powerful, penetrating, loving energy. The angel looked at me and communicated the thought: I longed with all my being to go inside, yet I hesitated. Did I have a choice?

Then I remembered my father's voice. Perhaps I should go and find him. I started to say something more. But it was too late. The gates slowly melted into one sheet of pearl again and we began walking back down the same beautiful hill. This time the jeweled wall was on my left and the angel walked on my right.

Then I saw the sun coming up over the wall. This surprised me since it was already very light and there seemed to be no passing of time. It was a lovely sunrise.

The topaz and other stones glowed brilliantly. I remember noticing that the wall now made a deep shadow on my side. Walking down the hill I looked into Terre Haute as the worlds of spirit and time and space began to fuse back together. Ahead of me were many church steeples glistening in the morning sun.