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That's like saying I should listen to the vegan talk about how to properly treat animals simply because they're vegan.

A Man of Few Words (part of 2)2

Everyone should listen to everyone, and then make sense of the information. You should listen to everyone, and you'll likely find that whatever an introvert has taken the energy to speak up and say has a higher chance of being important than what an extrovert takes the energy to say; this makes sense fundamentally, as an introvert loses energy from speaking while an extrovert gains energy and will thus say more arbitrary statements that an introvert would keep inside their heads. Actually, I used quotes, which infers that I developed this self-image from what others have proclaimed.

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And writing in this context doesn't count; many deep introverts have the power to elaborate their thoughts in great detail in their writings you can be someone of many thoughts but few [spoken] words, which I imagine many people here can relate to. I'm a total introvert, but that doesn't mean I don't write a lot. I like to share my opinion in my private room rather than in a reunion full of people. Yeah not being talkative overall doesn't mean thatyou can't have a lot to say about a particular subject that is important to you. I'm only really happy when I verbalize less than words a day.

I totally understand you because I'm the exact same way. I feel tons better now because I've gone from speaking about words to maybe tops. I'm glad you are not allowing what they say affect you. I wanted to end my life because I felt I couldn't be accepted for who I was. That's why our personalities are looked down upon now. Kinda sucks, but fuck it.

I make me happy. People always tell me I am of few words and to the point.

MAN OF FEW WORDS | Chicken Soup for the Soul

Well, gee, I'm like that because people always interrupt me so I need to get my point across fast! Charles Bronson - Hard Times. Be who you are Your post seems to convey a lot of anger, perhaps emanating from your inability to adapt to the wishes of the "masses". Remain true to yourself. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds.

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Questions that can be answered using commonly-available references are off-topic. Consider laconic , taciturn , and synonyms such as pithy and terse:.

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Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; concise and terse: Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. I did check for antonyms of "verbal" before I posted here, but didn't find any. Aleksandar Savkov 1 4 9. Could you clarify a little? Do you mean a passage with few words, or a person who uses few words, or?

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The words terse, concise, taciturn, laconic could apply. Ask New Question Sign In. What does it mean to be "a man of few words"? Elasticsearch Service - Start a day free trial.

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The only solution built by the makers of Elasticsearch. Free Trial at elastic. You dismissed this ad. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future. Answered Jul 30, More like an introvert. What does respect mean to a man?

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