And as we participate in this stream of praise, every aspect of our being becomes aligned to the person of Christ. Loving absorbs us into the God who is love and the source of love. Such is the nature of love that makes the possibility of participating in God, open to all. If all creation is immersed in the Trinity then this is the basis for everything being interconnected cf.
Pope Francis, Laudato Si , This raises creation to a new dignity which ought to effect the way we see all that God has made and treat it accordingly. Here is also the foundation of human fraternity and communion within the Church. We are immersed in the Trinity with our brothers and sisters who, like us, bear the imago Dei and so partake in the divine life. In the Church, this God-likeness has been intensified by the grace of Christ that draws us together into his Mystical Body where we are joined in communion by the Holy Spirit as brothers and sisters in Him.
Here is a spirituality that influences how we see the contribution we make in society and in the Church. It means that what we do and what God does in the world are intimately connected. John Paul II, Laborem exercens , So too with our role in the Church. When Christians witness, evangelise and serve, they extend in time and space the kingdom of God that Jesus came to establish on earth. In this light, fostering a culture of participation in the Church becomes vitally important.
It calls all the baptised out of passivity to contribute their gifts towards the great missionary enterprise that is the New Evangelization. By participation, the Council did not only refer to external activity such as proclaiming the Word, bringing up the gifts or being an Extra-ordinary minister of the Eucharist. Rather the primary act of participating is in the prayer of the Church when we join with Christ, in the Spirit in adoring the Father. At the Eucharist, we are not spectators looking on something taking place outside us but are immersed in the very mystery of God we worship.
That is why the Eucharistic Prayer concludes with: The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity is the ideal time to ponder again the awesome mystery of being immersed in God. The new atheism has challenged us again not to think of God as far removed and distant but as the very mystery of life that enfolds us. Together with all creation, we exist, breathe and love within God, not outside Him. May this truth transform how we think of God, pray, work, participate in the Church and celebrate the Eucharist.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit! Billy Swan is a priest of the Diocese of Ferns, Ireland. He holds a degree in chemistry and worked for a number of y Worship , Trinity , Catholic Church. Word on Fire Blog. Print Back to Word on Fire Blog. Billy Swan June 09, He is our Ark!

Praise the Lord, we are safe from the judgment of God in Christ. He died as our Ark, taking all that we deserved while we escape the wrath of God. This is what happened with Noah physically during the flood and this is what happens spiritually for the believer in Christ.
Fr. Billy Swan
Knowing this, we will now attempt to show the meaning of our text verse. One can easily see the importance of keeping this verse in context. Knowing the true meaning of this entire passage, we can easily see that many have yanked this verse out of the clear context and misused it.
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Baptismal regenerationists have used this verse to teach the exact opposite of what this passage is saying. That said, many good Bible believing Baptists have had difficulties with this passage themselves. Hopefully, we can lay some of those problems to rest in this small treatise. There are two confusing terms in this passage that need to be explained. The Greek Word translated thusly is Antitupos. That is, the words that are about to follow are the fulfillment of the type represented in Noah and his family being saved by the Ark.
This word is used one other time in the Greek New Testament. In this verse, there are obviously not two types.
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The temple on earth was a type of the real temple in Heaven. The temple in Heaven was the antitype of the temple on earth. We often assume that every use of the Greek word baptizo or similar is a reference to New Testament water baptism. But, this is not true. Surely this is not a reference to New Testament baptism. More importantly, Jesus spoke of a baptism that He would be baptized with in Matthew This is definitely not speaking of New Testament water baptism.
Jesus was speaking about the judgment of God which He was about to be immersed into. Moreover, He was about to bear this judgment for us as He acted as our Ark.
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This baptism…this immersion of Christ into the judgment of God…saves us. It is this baptism that I Peter 3: With these two confusing terms having been clarified, we can easily see that I Peter 3: The ark of gopher wood surely pictured the real Ark of God that bore the necessary penalty of our sin. He was immersed into the judgment of God for us.
This part of the passage is further proof that water baptism is not part of this verse. There is nothing ceremonial in the passage. Water baptism is not under consideration here.
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A good conscience before God is to be sought in one thing — the meritorious work of the risen Savior. Baptism even pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. This passage from start to finish is speaking of the work of Jesus Christ as our all-sufficient Savior.
I pray that the Lord uses this short treatise on this ever important passage. If you have ever believed that baptism had a part in saving your soul, I pray you now have been shown differently. More than anything, I pray we have all been reminded that the only way into fellowship with the Father is by the work of the Son as He, acting as our Ark, bore the price of our sin as He was immersed into the judgment of God on our behalf.
View Verse of the Day. Sunday School — The Commission is Forward Focused.
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