Individual items are announced in this issue. Lunar Science Conference, 4th, Houston, Tex. Volume 2 - Chemical and isotope analyses. The mineralogy, petrology, chemistry, isotopic composition, and physical properties of lunar materials are described in papers detailing methods, results, and implications of research on samples returned from eight lunar landing sites: Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, and Luna 16 and The results of experiments conducted or set up on the lunar surface by the astronauts are also described along with observations taken from Command Modules and subsatellites.
Major topics include general geology, soil and breccia studies, petrologic studies, mineralogic analyses, elemental compositions, radiometric age determinations, rare gas chemistry, radionuclides, organogenic compounds, particle track records, thermal properties, seismic studies, resonance studies, orbital mapping, lunar atmosphere, magnetic studies, electrical studies, optical properties, and microcratering. Lava flooding of ancient planetary crusts: Estimates of lava volumes on planetary surfaces provide important data on the lava flooding history and thermal evolution of a planet.
Lack of information concerning the configuration of the topography prior to volcanic flooding requires the use of a variety of techniques to estimate lava thicknesses and volumes. A technique is described and developed which provides volume estimates by artificially flooding unflooded lunar topography characteristic of certain geological environments, and tracking the area covered, lava thicknesses, and lava volumes. Comparisons of map patterns of incompletely buried topography in these artificially flooded areas are then made to lava-flooded topography on the Moon in order to estimate the actual lava volumes.
This technique is applied to two areas related to lunar impact basins; the relatively unflooded Orientale basin, and the Archimedes-Apennine Bench region of the Imbrium basin. Circular structures are widely distributed around the lunar surface. The most typical of them could be lunar impact crater, lunar dome, et. In this approach, we are trying to use the Convolutional Neural Network to classify the lunar circular structures from the lunar images. Guidance system operations plan for manned LM earth orbital and lunar missions using program luminary 1E.
Data links for the guidance system of manned lunar module orbital and lunar missions are presented. A Global Geochemical Dataset. To date, the world's meteorite collections contain over lunar meteorite stones representing at least different lunar meteorites. Additionally, there are as yet unnamed stones currently in the process of being classified. Collectively these lunar meteorites likely represent distinct sampling locations from random locations on the Moon. Although the exact provenance of each individual lunar meteorite is unknown, collectively the lunar meteorites represent the best global average of the lunar crust.
Nearly all of the lithologies present in the Apollo sample suite are found within the lunar meteorites high-Ti basalts are a notable exception , and the lunar meteorites contain several lithologies not present in the Apollo sample suite e. This chapter will not be a sample-by-sample summary of each individual lunar meteorite.
Books by S.A. Gorden
Rather, the chapter will summarize the different types of lunar meteorites and their relative abundances, comparing and contrasting the lunar meteorite sample suite with the Apollo sample suite. This chapter will act as one of the introductory chapters to the volume , introducing lunar samples in general and setting the stage for more detailed discussions in later more specialized chapters. The chapter will begin with a description of how lunar meteorites are ejected from the Moon, how deep samples are being excavated from, what the likely pairing relationships are among the lunar meteorite samples, and how the lunar meteorites can help to constrain the impactor flux in the inner solar system.
There will be a discussion of the biases inherent to the lunar meteorite sample suite in terms of underrepresented lithologies or regions of the Moon, and an examination of the contamination and limitations of lunar meteorites due to terrestrial weathering. Viability Assessment Volume 2. This volume describes the major design features of the Monitored Geologic Repository. This document is not intended to provide an exhaustive, detailed description of the repository design.
Rather, this document summarizes the major systems and primary elements of the design that are radiologically significant, and references the specific technical documents and design analyses wherein the details can be found.
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Not all portions of the design are at the same level of completeness. Systems and features that have no impact on radiological safety or waste isolation receive the lowest priority. This prioritization process, referred to as binning, is discussed in more detail in Section 2. Not every subject discussed in this volume is given equal treatment with regard to the level of detail provided. For example, less detail is provided for the surface facility design than for the subsurface and waste package designs. This different level of detail is intentional. Greater detail is provided for those functions, structures, systems, and components that play key roles with regard to protecting radiological health and safety and that are not common to existing nuclear facilities already licensed by NRC.
A number of radiological subjects are not addressed in the VA, e. Environmental qualification of equipment and other radiological safety considerations will be addressed in the LA. Non-radiological safety considerations such as silica dust control and other occupational safety considerations are considered equally important but are not addressed in. Lunar Exploration Missions Since The announcement of the Vision for Space Exploration in sparked a resurgence in lunar missions worldwide. Since the publication of the first "New Views of the Moon" volume , as of there have been 11 science-focused missions to the Moon.
Each of these missions explored different aspects of the Moon's geology, environment, and resource potential. The results from this flotilla of missions have revolutionized lunar science, and resulted in a profoundly new emerging understanding of the Moon. The New Views of the Moon II initiative itself, which is designed to engage the large and vibrant lunar science community to integrate the results of these missions into new consensus viewpoints, is a direct outcome of this impressive array of missions.
The " Lunar Exploration Missions Since " chapter will "set the stage" for the rest of the volume , introducing the planetary community at large to the diverse array of missions that have explored the Moon in the last decade. This chapter will encompass the following missions: With the exception of water, the major oxide constituents of terrestrial cements are present at all nine lunar sites from which samples have been returned. However, with the exception of relatively rare cristobalite, the lunar oxides are not present as individual phases but are combined in silicates and in mixed oxides.
It may be possible to enrich the lime content of anorthite to levels like those of Portland cement by pyrolyzing it with lunar -derived phosphate. The phosphate consumed in such a reaction can be regenerated by reacting the phosphorus product with lunar augite pyroxenes at elevated temperatures. Other possible sources of lunar phosphate and other oxides are discussed. Environmental Report , Volume 2. Volume 2 supports Volume 1 summary data and is essentially a detailed data report that provides individual data points, where applicable. Volume 2 includes information on monitoring of air, air effluents, sewerable water, surface water, ground water, soil and sediment, vegetation and foodstuff, environmental radiation, and quality assurance.
Schaire, Scott; Wong, Yen F. CubeSats have grown in sophistication to the point that relatively low-cost mission solutions could be undertaken for planetary exploration. This paper explores those considerations as they relate to the Lunar IceCube Mission. It will search for surface water ice and other resources from a high inclination lunar orbit. Potential CubeSat radios and antennas for such missions are investigated and compared. Ground station coverage, link analysis, and ground station solutions are also discussed.
This volume is intended to support summary data from Volume 1 and is essentially a detailed data report that provides additional data points, where applicable. Some summary data are also included in Volume 2 , and more detailed accounts are given of sample collection and analytical methods. Volume 2 includes information in eight chapters on monitoring of air, air effluent, sewage, surface water, ground water, soil and sediment, vegetation and foodstuff, and environmental radiation, as well as three chapters on ground water protection, compliance self-monitoring and quality assurance.
The primary objective was to develop conceptual designs of two pilot plants to produce oxygen from lunar materials. A lunar pilot plant will be used to generate engineering data necessary to support an optimum design of a larger scale production plant. Lunar oxygen would be of primary value as spacecraft propellant oxidizer. In addition, lunar oxygen would be useful for servicing nonregenerative fuel cell power systems, providing requirements for life support, and to make up oxygen losses from leakage and airlock cycling. Thirteen different lunar oxygen production methods are described.
Hydrogen reduction of ilmenite and extraction of solar-wind hydrogen from bulk lunar soil were selected for conceptual design studies. Trades and sensitivity analyses were performed with these models. Design and Construction of Manned Lunar Base. Building manned lunar base is one of the core aims of human lunar exploration project, which is also an important way to carry out the exploitation and utilization of lunar in situ resources.
The most important part of manned lunar base is the design and construction of living habitation and many factors should be considered including science objective and site selection. Through investigating and research, the scientific goals of manned lunar base should be status and characteristics ascertainment of lunar available in situ resources, then developing necessary scientific experiments and utilization of lunar in situ resources by using special environment conditions of lunar surface.
The site selection strategy of manned lunar base should rely on scientific goals according to special lunar surface environment and engineering capacity constraints, meanwhile, consulting the landing sites of foreign unmanned and manned lunar exploration, and choosing different typical regions of lunar surface and analyzing the landform and physiognomy, reachability, thermal environment, sunlight condition, micro meteoroids protection and utilization of in situ resources, after these steps, a logical lunar living habitation site should be confirmed.
This paper brings out and compares three kinds of configurations with fabricating processes of manned lunar base, including rigid module, flexible and construction module manned lunar base.
S.A. Gorden (Author of Scrap)
The rigid habitation module is usually made by metal materials. The design and fabrication may consult the experience of space station, hence with mature technique. Because this configuration cannot be folded or deployed, which not only afford limit working and living room for astronauts, but also needs repetitious cargo transit between earth and moon for lunar base extending. The flexible module habitation can be folded in fairing while launching.
When deploying on moon, the configuration can be inflatable or mechanically-deployed, which means under. In an olivine, Fesub 1. The olivine from sample most likely was cooled from the crystallization temperature to 0 C or less in 10 days. Volume 9 Number 2. Specimens were cast in a flat open aluminum mold. Each specimen was 6 mm thick and Remote sensing data from lunar orbiters have revealed spectral features consistent with the presence of OH or H 2 O on the lunar surface. Recurring events - Volume 2. The feedback of operating experience from nuclear power plants NPP is intended to help avoid occurrence or recurrence of safety significant events.
Regulatory bodies, and utilities operating nuclear power plants, have established operating experience feedback systems since the beginning of commercial nuclear power production. Well-established operating experience feedback systems exist on national and international level. This report, published in , highlighted some areas of safety significance involving recurrent events in different NPPs around the world.
Based on the important findings of this report, CSNI requested two additional studies: It was attended by 32 experts representing the regulatory, nuclear power plant, vendor, and international agency communities. Several insights and recommendations were presented and are integrated in this report with respect to causes of recurring events: Serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine done on admis- sion showed This document, Volume 2 , contains 96 papers on various aspects of radioactive waste management.
Individual papers were processed separately for the data bases. Volume 2 contains papers from the following sessions: Individual papers were processed. Micronutrient malnutrition is recognized as a serious threat to the health and productivity of people. Deficiencies in three major They also have uncontested advantage of allowing for the natural. Topographic mapping using CE-1 and CE- 2 images is of great importance for scientific research as well as for preparation of landing and surface operation of Chang'E-3 lunar rover.
In this research, we developed rigorous sensor models of CE-1 and CE- 2 CCD cameras based on push-broom imaging principle with interior and exterior orientation parameters. Based on the rigorous sensor model, the 3D c Sato, Hiroyuki; Robinson, Mark S. The visible nm and near-infrared nm reflectance of the lunar regolith is dominantly controlled by variations in the abundance of plagioclase, iron-bearing silicate minerals, opaque minerals e. The same materials control reflectance into the near-UV nm with varying degrees of importance.
A key difference is that while ilmenite is spectrally neutral in the visible to near-infrared, it exhibits a diagnostic upturn in reflectance in the near-UV, at wavelengths shorter than about nm. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera WAC filters were specifically designed to take advantage of this spectral feature to enable more accurate mapping of ilmenite within mare soils than previously possible. We then used the coefficients from the linear regression and the near-global WAC multispectral mosaic to derive a new TiO 2 map. The average TiO 2 content is 3.
Regions contaminated by highland ejecta, lunar swirls, and the low-TiO 2 maria e. A spherical harmonic model of the lunar gravity field complete to degree and order 70 has been developed from S band Doppler tracking data from the Clementine mission, as well as historical tracking data from Lunar Orbiters and the Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellites. The model combines , Doppler observations from Clementine with , historical observations. The historical data consist of mostly s Doppler with a noise of 0. The Clementine data consist of mostly s Doppler data, with a data noise of 0.
Observations provided Clementine, provide the strongest satellite constraint on the Moon's low-degree field. Coefficients through degree and order 18 are not significantly affected by the constraint, and so the model permits geophysical analysis of effects of the major basins at degrees The GLGM- 2 model confirms major features of the lunar gravity field shown in previous gravitational field models but also reveals significantly more detail, particularly at intermediate wavelengths 10 exp 3 km.
Free-air gravity anomaly maps derived from the new model show the nearside and farside highlands to be gravitationally smooth, reflecting a state of isostatic compensation. Mascon basins including Imbrium, Serenitatis, Crisium, Smythii, and Humorum are denoted by gravity highs first recognized from Lunar Orbiter tracking.
All of the major. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available The precise orbit determination of Chang'E- 2 is the most important issue for successful mission and scientific applications, while the lunar gravity field model with big uncertainties has large effect on Chang'E- 2 orbit determination. In this paper, the four gravity models mentioned above were evaluated through the power spectra analysis, admittance and coherence analysis. The overlap orbit analysis, the posteriori data residual, and the orbit prediction are used to evaluate the orbit precision between successive arcs.
Microgravity Materials Science Conference The microgravity science program sponsored approx. It also served to review the current research and activities in material,, science, to discuss the envisioned long-term goals. The conference was aimed at materials science researchers from academia, industry, and government.
A workshop on in situ resource utilization ISRU was held in conjunction with the conference with the goal of evaluating and prioritizing processing issues in Lunar and Martian type environments. The workshop participation included invited speakers and investigators currently funded in the material science program under the Human Exploration and Development of Space HEDS initiative. The conference featured a plenary session every day with an invited speaker that was followed by three parallel breakout sessions in subdisciplines. First lunar occultation results from the 2.
The recently inaugurated 2. In particular, we have recorded lunar occultations of several stars that represent the first contribution to this area of research made from Southeast Asia with a telescope of this class. Attempts by several authors to resolve this star have so far met with a lack of unambiguous confirmation. With our observation we are able to place stringent limits on the projected angular separation 5 of a putative companion.
We also present a measurement of the binary HR , which extends considerably the time coverage available for its yet undetermined orbit. We discuss our precise determination of the flux ratio and projected separation in the context of other available data. This facility can help to extend the lunar occultation technique in a geographical area where no comparable resources were available until now.
Internal structure and composition of the Moon provide important clue and constraints on theories for how the Moon formed and evolved. The Apollo seismic network has contributed to the internal structure modeling. Efforts have been made to detect the lunar core from the noisy Apollo data e.
On the other hand, there have been geodetic studies to infer the deep structure of the Moon. For example, LLR Lunar Laser Ranging data analyses detected a displacement of the lunar pole of rotation, indicating that dissipation is acting on the rotation arising from a fluid core [3]. Bayesian inversion using geodetic data such as mass, moments of inertia, tidal Love numbers k 2 and h 2 , and quality factor Q also suggests a fluid core and partial melt in the lower mantle region [4].
Further improvements in determining the second-degree gravity coefficients which will lead to better estimates of moments of inertia and the Love number k 2 will help us to better constrain the lunar internal structure. We propose to put the SELENE-type radio sources on these spacecraft in order to accurately estimate k 2 and the low-degree gravity coefficients. By using the same-beam VLBI tracking technique, these parameters will be retrieved through precision orbit determination of the orbiter with respect to the lander which serves as a reference.
We have conducted a preliminary simulation study on the. The raw LPR data could not be directly used for geological interpretation because of the operation mode of the LPR, noise and fast attenuation of radar wave. This study focuses data preprocessing and processing methods to obtain higher quality data. A section of usable LPR data of over traces is gained after the preprocessing of selecting, splicing, removing delay time and fine-correcting to raw data, but only a few shallow geological structures are visible.
To further improve the resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio of the LPR data, we have processed the LPR data including amplitude compensation, filtering, and deconvolution processes based on electromagnetic wave theory. The processing results will lay the foundation for the subsequent geological interpretation and physical property inversion of lunar materials. Lunar occultation of the Galactic center at 2.
Results of the lunar occultation of IRS 16 on September 11 are reported. Sixty percent of the observed flux in a 6arcsec. Three sources are unresolved pointlike objects Lunar Lava Tube Sensing. Large greater than m diameter lava tube caverns appear to exist on the Moon and could provide substantial safety and cost benefits for lunar bases. Over 40 m of basalt and regolith constitute the lava tube roof and would protect both construction and operations.
Constant temperatures of C reduce thermal stress on structures and machines. Base designs need not incorporate heavy shielding, so lightweight materials can be used and construction can be expedited. Identification and characterization of lava tube caverns can be incorporated into current precursor lunar mission plans. Some searches can even be done from Earth. Specific recommendations for lunar lava tube search and exploration are 1 an Earth-based radar interferometer, 2 an Earth-penetrating radar EPR orbiter, 3 kinetic penetrators for lunar lava tube confirmation, 4 a 'Moon Bat' hovering rocket vehicle, and 5 the use of other proposed landers and orbiters to help find lunar lava tubes.
Eddy current manual, volume 2. This report on eddy current testing is divided into three sections: Interior design of the lunar outpost. This paper is part of an ongoing study on the interior design of a lunar outpost habitat facility. The concept presented represents the work done up to and including August This concept is part of NASA's ongoing effort to explore alternative options for planet surface systems habitation.
Results of a volume analog study to determine the required pressurized volume are presented along with an internal layout of the habitat facility. The concept presented in this paper is a constructible lunar habitat that provides a living and working environment for a crew of It is a m diameter spherical pneumatic structure which contains cubic meters of volume.
Five levels of living and working areas make up the sq m of floor space. A 2 -m vertical circulation shaft at the center allows for transfer of crew and equipment. We describe a study to assess the precision of the GE Lunar iDXA and the agreement between the iDXA and GE Lunar Prodigy densitometers for the measurement of regional- and total-body bone and body composition in normal to obese healthy adults. We compare the whole-body fat mass by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry DXA to measurements by a 4-component 4-C model.
The 4-C model estimated fat mass from body mass, total body water by deuterium dilution, body volume by air displacement plethysmography, and bone mass by DXA. Agreements between measurements made on the 2 instruments and by the 4-C model were analyzed by Bland-Altman and linear regression analyses.
Where appropriate, translational cross-calibration equations were derived. Differences between DXA software versions were investigated. A divergence from the reference 4-C observations remains in FM estimations made by DXA even following the recent advances in technology.
Further studies are particularly warranted in individuals with large FM contents. Published by Elsevier Inc. Chandrayaan- 2 dual-frequency SAR: Further investigation into lunar water and regolith. The SAR instrument has been configured to operate with both L- and S-bands, sharing a common antenna. The system will have a selectable slant-range resolution from 2 m to 75 m, along with standalone L or S and simultaneous L and S modes of imaging.
The added information from full-polarimetric data will allow greater confidence in the results derived particularly in detecting the presence and estimating the quantity of water-ice in the polar craters. This necessitated large-scale miniaturization, extensive use of on-board processing, and devices and techniques to conserve power. This paper discusses the scientific objectives which drive the requirement of a lunar SAR mission and presents the configuration of the instrument, along with a description of a number of features of the. Guidance system operations plan for manned cm earth orbital and lunar missions using program Colossus 3.
The data links for use with the guidance system operations plan for manned command module earth orbital and lunar missions using program Colossus 3 are presented. The subjects discussed are: Discussion of the role that lunar horticulture may fulfill in helping establish the life support system of an earth-independent lunar colony. Such a system is expected to be a hybrid between systems which depend on lunar horticulture and those which depend upon the chemical reclamation of metabolic waste and its resynthesis into nutrients and water.
The feasibility of this approach has been established at several laboratories. The carbon dioxide collected from the lunar base personnel should provide sufficient gas pressure approx. Lunar Water Resource Demonstration. This project is a ground demonstration of a system that would be sent to explore permanently shadowed polar lunar craters, drill into the regolith, determine what volatiles are present, and quantify them in addition to recovering oxygen by hydrogen reduction. The Lunar Prospector has determined these craters contain enhanced hydrogen concentrations averaging about 0.
This presentation will briefly review the design of LWRD and some of the results of testing the subsystem. The implications of lunar water for Mars exploration are two-fold: Lunar remote sensing and measurements. Remote sensing and measurements of the Moon from Apollo orbiting spacecraft and Earth form a basis for extrapolation of Apollo surface data to regions of the Moon where manned and unmanned spacecraft have not been and may be used to discover target regions for future lunar exploration which will produce the highest scientific yields.
Orbital remote sensing and measurements discussed include 1 relative ages and inferred absolute ages, 2 gravity, 3 magnetism, 4 chemical composition, and 5 reflection of radar waves bistatic. Earth-based remote sensing and measurements discussed include 1 reflection of sunlight, 2 reflection and scattering of radar waves, and 3 infrared eclipse temperatures.
Photographs from the Apollo missions, Lunar Orbiters, and other sources provide a fundamental source of data on the geology and topography of the Moon and a basis for comparing, correlating, and testing the remote sensing and measurements. Relative ages obtained from crater statistics and then empirically correlated with absolute ages indicate that significant lunar volcanism continued to 2. Estimated fluxes of crater-producing objects during the last 50 m. Gravity measurements obtained by observing orbiting spacecraft reveal that mare basins have mass concentrations and that the volume of material ejected from the Orientale basin is near 2 to 5 million km 3 depending on whether there has or has not been isostatic compensation, little or none of which has occurred since 3.
Isostatic compensation may have occurred in some of the old large lunar basins, but more data are needed to prove it. Steady fields of remanent magnetism were detected by the Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellites. Editorial Volume 2 Issue 1. Full Text Available In Seminar. There are some challenges when entering the world of digital communication, and one of them is certainly to take innovative steps towards multimodal ways of presenting academic knowledge. The current issue of Seminar. Historically it has attracted the interest of scholars from many areas.
Technology and educational technology has had a close relation to this field, but only occasionally managed to recruit media researchers. The enterprise of our journal is to bring them together and develop a discourse about the relationship between teaching and learning, communication and mediation.
The importance of technology in communication and mediation is a core concern in the four articles we proudly present here. A Swedish educationalist asked us why Norwegian teachers normally are so attentive to philosophical discourses. Across diverse space programs around European countries, a variety of simulation application has been developed using SMP 2 Simulation Modelling Platform standard related to portability and reuse of simulation models by various model users.

KARI has not only first-hand experience of a development of SMP compatible simulation environment but also an ongoing study to apply the SMP 2 development process of simulation model to a simulator development project for lunar missions. KARI has tried to extend the coverage of the development domain based on SMP 2 standard across the whole simulation model life-cycle from software design to its validation through a lunar exploration project. In reality, a demonstrator prototype on the right-hand side of image was made and tested in In an early phase of simulator development prior to a kick-off start in the near future, targeted hardware to be modelled has been investigated and indentified at the end of The architectural breakdown of the lunar simulator at system level was performed and the architecture with a hierarchical tree of models from the system to parts at lower level has been established.
To obtain benefits of the suggested approaches and design mechanisms in SMP 2 standard as far as possible, the object-oriented and component-based design concepts were strictly chosen throughout a whole model development process. The lunar exosphere is the exemplar of a plasma near the surface of an airless body. Exposed to both the solar and interstellar radiation fields, the lunar exosphere is mostly ionized, and enduring questions regarding its properties include its density and vertical extent and its behavior over time, including modification by landers.
Relative ionospheric measurements riometry are based on the simple physical principle that electromagnetic waves cannot propagate through a partially or fully ionized medium below the plasma frequency, and riometers have been deployed on the Earth in numerous remote and hostile environments. A multi-frequency riometer on the lunar surface would be able to monitor, in situ, the peak plasma density of the lunar exosphere over time. We describe a concept for a riometer implemented as a secondary science payload on future lunar landers, such as those recommended in the recent Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey report.
While the prime mission of such a riometer would be probing the lunar exosphere, our concept would also be capable to measuring the properties of nanometer- to micron-scale dust. Lunar Flight Study Series: This report presents two fundamental properties of lunar trajectories and makes use of these properties to solve various lunar landing site problems. Not only are various problems treated and solved but the properties and methods are established for use in the solution of other problems.
This report presents an analysis of lunar landing site problems utilizing the direct mission mode as well as the orbital mission mode.
A particular landing site is then specified and different flight profiles are analyzed for getting an exploration vehicle to that landing site. Rendezvous compatible lunar orbits for various stay-times at the landing site are treated. Launch opportunities are discussed for establishing rendezvous compatible lunar orbits without powered plane changes.
Then, the minimum required plane changes for rendezvous in the lunar orbit are discussed for launching from earth on any day. On days that afford rendezvous compatible opportunities, there are no powered plane change requirements in the operations from launch at AMR through the rendezvous in lunar orbit, after the stay at the lunar site. The International Lunar Decade Declaration. The Declaration will be updated from time to time by members of the ILDWreflecting new knowledge and fresh perspectives that bear on building a global consortium with a mission to progress from lunar exploration to the transformation of the Moon into a wealth gene rating platform for the expansion of humankind into the solar system.
When key organizations have endorsed the idea and joined the effort the text of the Declaration will be considered final. These initiatives have been largely implemented with coordination among the different space agencies involved provided by the International Lunar Exploration Working Group[ 2 ,3].
The Second International Lunar Decade from reflects current trends towards increasing involvement of commercial firms in space, particularly seeking opportunities beyond low Earth orbit. The central vision of the International Lunar Decade is to build the foundations for a sustainable space economy through international collaboration concurrently addressing Lunar exploration and building a shared knowledge base;Policy development that enables collabo rative research and development leading to lunar mining and industrial and commercial development;Infrastructure on the Moon and in cislunar space communications, transport, energy systems, way-stations, other that reduces costs, lowers risks and speeds up the time to profitable operations;Enabling technologies.
Laser program annual report, This volume contains detailed information on each of the following sections: Composition of lunar noble gases traped 2. The times when the soils and were exposed on the lunar surface were determined by the U - Xe dating method. The isotopic composition of the trapped noble gases in these two soils is compared with that of the surface correlated noble gases in the young soils and in the present day solar wind. The surface correlated trapped gases are a mixture of implanted solar wind particles and retrapped lunar atmospheric gases.
The observed changes are interpreted as a result of decreasing outgassing of radiogenic Ar and perhaps He-4 and of fissiogenic Xe from the lunar crust. The old soils probably also contain surface correlated Kr and Kr produced by secondary cosmic ray neutron capture of adsorbed or retrapped bromine. To some extent the isotopic composition of the trapped gases in old lunar soil may also have been altered due to diffusion loss from material of low retentivity. After that the disease pro- gresses through three stages Of the 53 cases, 16 Following infection by P.
Malaria infection has been reported to tilt the balance towards the production of more type 1 cyto- kines More so, marked imbalance Niger J Paed ; 42 2: Patients with borderline histological or cyto- logical findings were excluded. Eighty-five cases of childhood malignancy confirmed on. Cytopenias in HIV infection are gener- ally caused by inadequate production due to suppression of bone marrow by the HIV through abnormal expres- sion of cytokines and alteration of the bone marrow mi- croenvironment 2 Thrombocytopenia is caused by im- mune-mediated destruction of platelets, Maternal age, child's birth order, child' gender, paternal There are eight different types of OI as classified by Sillence.
Socio-Economic Status of Parents and guardians. Obese children may also face discrimination and rejec The Weapon Container Catalog describes H-gear shipping and storage containers, bomb hand trucks and the ancillary equipment required for loading used for weapon programs and for special use containers. When completed, the catalog will contain five volumes. The catalog is intended as a source of information for weapon program engineers and also provides historical information. Aspects of lunar paleomagnetic and electromagnetic sounding results which appear inconsistent with the hypothesis that an ancient core dynamo was the dominant source of the observed crustal magnetism are discussed.
Evidence is summarized involving a correlation between observed magnetic anomalies and ejecta blankets from impact events which indicates the possible importance of local mechanisms involving meteoroid impact processes in generating strong magnetic fields at the lunar surface. A reply is given to the latter argument which also presents recent evidence of a lunar iron core.
Based on the rigorous sensor model, the 3D coordinate of a ground point in lunar body-fixed LBF coordinate system can be calculated by space intersection from the image coordinates of con-jugate points in stereo images, and the image coordinates can be calculated from 3D coordinates by back-projection. Due to uncer-tainties of the orbit and the camera, the back-projected image points are different from the measured points. In order to reduce these inconsistencies and improve precision, we proposed two methods to refine the rigorous sensor model: Petroleum supply annual, The Petroleum Supply Annual PSA contains information on the supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products.
The publication reflects data that were collected from the petroleum industry during through monthly surveys. The PSA is divided into two volumes. The first volume contains three sections: The second volume contains final statistics for each month of , and replaces data previously published in the Petroleum Supply Monthly PSM. The tables in Volumes 1 and 2 are similarly numbered to facilitate comparison between them.
Explanatory Notes, located at the end of this publication, present information describing data collection, sources, estimation methodology, data quality control procedures, modifications to reporting requirements and interpretation of tables. Industry terminology and product definitions are listed alphabetically in the Glossary. Petroleum supply annual This second volume contains final statistics for each month of , and replaces data previously published in the Petroleum Supply Monthly PSM. Petroleum supply annual , Volume 2.
The publication reflects data that were collected from the petroleum industry during through annual and monthly surveys. This first volume contains four sections: This first volume contains three sections: Summary Statistics, Detailed Statistics, and selected Refinery Statistics each with final annual data.
The primary science goal of lunar habitat is to investigate germination and initial Diversion path analysis handbook. Volume 2 of 4 volumes. Volume 2 of the Handbook is divided into two parts, the workpaper documentation and the summary documentation. The former sets forth, in terms of the hypothetical process, the analysis guidelines, the information gathered, the characterization of the process, the specific diversion paths related to the process, and, finally, the results and findings of the Diversion Path Analysis DPA.
The summary documentation, made up of portions of sections already prepared for the workpapers, is a concise statement of results and recommendations for management use. Most of the details available in the workpapers are not used, or are held to a minimum, in this report.
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Also, some rearrangement of the excerpted sections has been made in order to permit rapid comprehension by a manager having only limited time to devote to study and review of the analysis. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA mission to expand space exploration will return humans to the Moon with the goal of maintaining a long-term presence. One challenge that NASA will face returning to the Moon is managing the lunar regolith found on the Moon's surface, which will collect on extravehicular activity EVA suits and other equipment. A vacuum cleaner capable of detaching, transferring, and efficiently capturing lunar regolith has been proposed as a method to mitigate the lunar regolith problem in the habitable environment on lunar surface.
In order to develop this vacuum, a modified "off-the-shelf' vacuum cleaner will be used to determine detachment efficiency, vacuum requirements, and optimal cleaning techniques to ensure efficient dust removal in habitable lunar surfaces, EVA spacesuits, and air exchange volume. During the initial development of the Lunar Surface System vacuum cleaner, systematic testing was performed with varying flow rates on multiple surfaces fabrics and metallics , atmospheric The data recorded during testing was evaluated by calculating particulate removal, relative to the retained simulant on the tested surface.
In addition, optical microscopy was used to determine particle size distribution retained on the surface. The scope of this paper is to explain the initial phase of vacuum cleaner development, including historical Apollo mission data, current state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner technology, and vacuum cleaner testing that has. The Chang'e-5 CE-5 lunar sample return mission is scheduled to launch in to bring back lunar regolith and drill samples.
The Chang'e-5 Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer LMS , as one of the three sets of scientific payload installed on the lander, is used to collect in-situ spectrum and analyze the mineralogical composition of the samplingsite. It can also help to select the sampling site, and to compare the measured laboratory spectrum of returned sample with in-situ data. It has spectral resolution ranging from 3 to 25 nm, with a field of view FOV of 4. Before launch, a ground verification test of LMS needs to be conducted in order to: The ground verification test will be conducted both in the lab and field.
Natural gas annual This document provides information on the supply and disposition of natural gas to a wide audience including industry, consumers, Federal and State agencies, and educational institutions. This report, Volume 2 , presents historical data for the Nation from to , and by State from to The Supplement of this report presents profiles of selected companies. The Natural Gas Annual provides information on the supply and disposition of natural gas to a wide audience including industry, consumers, Federal and State agencies, and educational institutions.
This report, Volume 2 , presents historical data fro the Nation from to , and by State from to Coal slurry combustion and technology. Thirty-three papers have been processed for inclusion in the Energy Data Base. Characterization of radioactive waste forms. This document is the second yearbook for Task 3 of the European Communities programme of research on radioactive waste management and disposal carried out by public organizations and private firms in the Community through cost-sharing contracts with the Commission of the European Communities. The report, in two volumes , describes progress made in within the field of Task 3: Testing and evaluation of conditioned waste and engineered barriers.
The first volume of the report covers Item 3.
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- Sozialraumorientierung in der Jugendhilfe (German Edition).
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Development of test methods for quality assurance. The second volume covers Item 3. High-level and alpha waste characterization and Item 3. Volume 37, Number 2 ,. The method is to immerse the Particle nucleation, flocculation, and films in an aqueous solution of acrylic For lunar operations the MTSA sorption cycle is driven via a vacuum swing between suit ventilation loop pressure and lunar vacuum.
The focus of this effort was testing in a simulated lunar environment. This environment was simulated in Paragon's EHF vacuum chamber. The objective of the testing was to evaluate the full cycle performance of the MTSA Subassembly EDU, and to assess CO 2 loading and pressure drop of the wash coated aluminum reticulated foam sorbent bed. Lunar environment testing proved out the feasibility of pure vacuum swing operation, making MTSA a technology that can be tested and used on the Moon prior to going to Mars.
Testing demonstrated better than expected CO 2 Nomenclature loading on the sorbent and nearly replicates the equilibrium data from the sorbent manufacturer. This exceeded any of the previous sorbent loading tests performed by Paragon. Lunar domes properties and formation processes. Lunar domes are structures of volcanic origin which are usually difficult to observe due to their low heights. The Lunar Domes Handbook is a reference work on these elusive features. It provides a collection of images for a large number of lunar domes, including telescopic images acquired with advanced but still moderately intricate amateur equipment as well as recent orbital spacecraft images.
Different methods for determining the morphometric properties of lunar domes diameter, height, flank slope, edifice volume from image data or orbital topographic data are discussed. Additionally, multispectral and hyperspectral image data are examined, providing insights into the composition of the dome material. Several classification schemes for lunar domes are described, including an approach based on the determined morphometric quantities and spectral analyses.
Furthermore, the book provides a description of geophysical models of lunar domes, which yield information about the properties of the lava from which the This volume 2 of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's LLNL's annual Environmental Report is a detailed data report that provides individual data points, where applicable, along with some summary data and more detailed accounts of sample collection and analytical methods.
Six chapters have information on monitoring of air, surface water, groundwater, soil and sediment, vegetation and foodstuffs, and environmental radiation; two other chapters cover compliance sel-monitoring and quality assurance. Waste disposal options report. Volume 2 contains the following topical sections: These Proceedings of the October 3 - 7, , DOE Model Conference are a compilation of the papers that were presented in the technical or poster sessions at the conference.
Papers and posters not submitted for publication are not included in the proceedings. The Table of Contents lists the titles of papers as well as the names of the presenters. These individuals are not, in all cases, the primary authors of the papers published. The actual title pages, appearing later with the papers, show the primary author s and all co-authors. The papers in all three volumes of the Proceedings appear as they were originally submitted for publication and have not been edited or changed in any way.
Volume 2 contains information on environmental restoration at federal facilities, waste disposal technology, quality assurance, contingency planning and emergency response, decontamination and decommissioning, environmental restoration, and public involvement in waste management. The chapter will begin with an introduction that defines magmatic volatiles e. We will discuss our approach of understanding both types of volatiles in lunar samples and lay the ground work for how we will determine the overall volatile budget of the Moon.
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We will then discuss the importance of endogenous volatiles in shaping the "Newer Views of the Moon", specifically how endogenous volatiles feed forward into processes such as the origin of the Moon, magmatic differentiation, volcanism, and secondary processes during surface and crustal interactions. We anticipate that each section will summarize results since and focus on new results published since the Am Min review paper on lunar volatiles [9].
The next section will discuss how to use sample abundances of volatiles to understand the source region and potential caveats in estimating source abundances of volatiles. The following section will include our best estimates of volatile abundances and isotopic compositions where permitted by available data for each volatile element of interest in a number of important lunar reservoirs, including the crust, mantle, KREEP, and bulk Moon.
The final section of the chapter will focus upon future work, outstanding questions. Differentiation of magma oceans likely involves a mixture of fractional and equilibrium crystallization [1]. For this to have occurred, crystal fractionation must have been remarkably efficient. However, recent numerical modeling [4] suggests that crystal settling could have occurred throughout the entire solidification history of the lunar magma ocean if crystals were large and crystal fraction was low.
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These results indicate that the crystal size distribution could have played an important role in differentiation of the lunar magma ocean. Here, I suggest that thermal cycling from tidal heating during lunar magma ocean crystallization caused crystals to coarsen, leading to efficient crystal-liquid separation. This paper describes a lunar phases planisphere with which a user can answer questions about the rising and setting times of the Moon as well as questions about where the Moon will be at a given phase and time. The article contains figures that can be photocopied to make the planisphere.
Uranium in US surface, ground, and domestic waters. Volumes 2 , 3, and 4 contain data characterizing the location, sampling date, type, use, and uranium conentrations of 89, individual samples presented in tabular form. The tabular data in volumes 2 , 3, and 4 are summarized in volume 1 in narrative form and with maps and histograms. Results from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter. Interesting plots, reasonably believable characters, acceptable science. It's a true pity that no-one bothered to proofread any of them - they're filled with misused words, misspelled words, terrible punctuation Sadly, sentences such as "It was pot marked and scared from years of hard use.
This author is no worse at language than most others are these days. In terms of story-conception and plotting, he's above average. Despite the errors, I enjoyed them enough started with Kitty to pick them all up. I will certainly be watching for more in this series. One person found this helpful. Very good book with a novel point of view the high tech tow truck.
This book needed a little editing but none of the grammar or spelling problems hurt the books readability. It goes to places I've never thought about before. I really enjoyed this book. It was exactly what I was looking for - space opera that wasn't militaristic as a primary plot driver. I will reiterate, like the other reviews, that there are a number of grammatical and spelling errors that pop out.
For me they were slightly distracting, but they really could be cleaned up easily with an editing run through. See all 3 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Scrap Interstellar Repairs and Towing Book 1. Set up a giveaway. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Homecoming Interstellar Repair and Towing.
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