La detection differentielle, une modification au systeme de spectroscopie terahertz, est testee et ses performances sont comparees au montage de caracterisation standard. Les instructions et des recommendations pour la mise en place de ce type de mesure sont incluses. Les resultats d'une experience de pompe optique-sonde terahertz sont egalement presentes. Premierement, l'anisotropie de l'absorption terahertz et de la pompe optique par les nanofils est demontree. Deuxiemement, le temps de recombinaison des photoporteurs est etudie en fonction du nombre de photoporteurs injectes.
Une hypothese expliquant les comportements observes pour les nanofils non-dopes et dopes-n est presentee. Troisiemement, la photoconductivite est extraite pour les nanofils non-dopes et dopes-n sur une plage de 0. Un lissage sur la photoconductivite permet d'estimer le nombre de dopants dans les nanofils dopes-n.
Plaies des membres par agression: Prototypage virtuel pour les programmes navals Virtual Prototyping in Naval Ships.
Fugues décembre by Éditions Nitram / Fugues, DécorHomme, Zip et Guide arc-en-ciel - Issuu
Structural Aspects of Flexible Aircraft Control les Aspects structuraux du controle actif et flexible des aeronefs. Les soins aux enfants et aux adolescents des familles des militaires canadiens: To explore how protocol-based care affects clinical decision-making. In the context of evidence-based practice, protocol-based care is a mechanism for facilitating the standardisation of care and streamlining decision-making through rationalising the information with which to make judgements and ultimately decisions.
However, whether protocol-based care does, in the reality of practice, standardise decision-making is unknown. This paper reports on a study that explored the impact of protocol-based care on nurses' decision-making. Theoretically informed by realistic evaluation and the promoting action on research implementation in health services framework, a case study design using ethnographic methods was used.
Two sites were purposively sampled; a diabetic and endocrine unit and a cardiac medical unit. Within each site, data collection included observation, postobservation semi-structured interviews with staff and patients, field notes, feedback sessions and document review. Data were inductively and thematically analysed. Decisions made by nurses in both sites were varied according to many different and interacting factors. While several standardised care approaches were available for use, in reality, a variety of information sources informed decision-making. The primary approach to knowledge exchange and acquisition was person-to-person; decision-making was a social activity.
Rarely were standardised care approaches obviously referred to; nurses described following a mental flowchart, not necessarily linked to a particular guideline or protocol. When standardised care approaches were used, it was reported that they were used flexibly and particularised. While the logic of protocol-based care is algorithmic, in the reality of clinical practice, other sources of information supported nurses' decision-making process.
This has significant implications for the political goal of standardisation. The successful implementation and judicious use of tools such as. Lambeaux autofermants pour le traitement des brulures electriques du scalp par haut voltage. Standardised or 'plain' packaging has reduced the appeal of smoking by removing imagery that smokers use to affiliate themselves with the brand they smoke. We examined whether changing the appearance of cigarette sticks could further denormalise smoking and enhance the negative impact of standardised packaging.
We conducted an online study of New Zealand smokers who comprised a Best-Worst Choice experiment and a rating task. We identified three segments whose members' choice patterns were strongly influenced by the stick design, warning theme and size, and warning theme, respectively. Each of the dissuasive sticks tested was less preferred and rated as less appealing than the most common stick in use; a 'minutes of life lost' stick was the most aversive of the stimuli tested.
Dissuasive sticks could enhance the effect of standardised packaging, particularly among older smokers who are often more heavily addicted and resistant to change. Countries introducing standardised packaging legislation should take the opportunity to denormalise the appearance of cigarette sticks, in addition to removing external tobacco branding from packs and increasing the warning size.
Global standardisation of HbA1c. HbA1c is used for assessing glycaemic control in patients with diabetes. It is also used for treatment goals and as a target for therapeutic intervention. Hence, it is important for HbA1c assays to be standardised. There were also HbA1c standardisation programmes in Sweden and Japan. These three standardisation programmes are, in fact, direct comparison methods DCMs , and yield different HbA1c results.
This working group has developed a global HbA1c reference system with very much improved intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation. Within current educational discourse, dialogic pedagogy is diametrically opposed to "teaching to the test", especially the high-stakes standardised test. While dialogic pedagogy is about critical thinking, authenticity and freedom, test preparation evokes all that is narrow, instrumental and cynical in education.
In this paper, we argue…. Internationalisation and Standardisation of European Environmental Assessment. In doing so, it explores the challenges of internationalising and standardising European environmental assessment EA practice and education to a third country audience, looking at India as a case study. Standardising the clinical assessment of coronal knee laxity. Clinical laxity tests are used for assessing knee ligament injuries and for soft tissue balancing in total knee arthroplasty.
This study reports the development and validation of a quantitative technique of assessing collateral knee laxity through accurate measurement of potential variables during routine clinical examination. The hypothesis was that standardisation of a clinical stress test would result in a repeatable range of laxity measurements.
Non-invasive infrared tracking technology with kinematic registration of joint centres gave real-time measurement of both coronal and sagittal mechanical tibiofemoral alignment Knee flexion, moment arm and magnitude of the applied force were all measured and standardised. Three clinicians then performed six knee laxity examinations on a single volunteer using a target moment of 18 Nm.
Standardised laxity measurements had small standard deviations within 1. The manual technique of coronal knee laxity assessment was successfully quantified and standardised , leading to a narrow range of measurements within the accuracy of the measurement system. Minimising the subjective variables of clinical examination could improve current knowledge of soft tissue knee behaviour.
Efforts have been underway in the Centre to standardise the assessment components across languages to ensure parity between module credits…. Traumatismes Oculaires par Petards: Bilan sur Trois Annees. Etude de l'effet du gonflement par les solvants sur les proprietes du caoutchouc butyle. Polymers and in particular elastomers are widely used for personal protective equipment against chemical and biological hazards. Among them, butyl rubber is one of the most effective elastomers against chemicals. However, if this rubber has a very good resistance to a wide range of them, it is sensitive to non polar solvents.
These solvents will easily swell the material and may dramatically affect its properties. This situation may involve a large risk for. It is thus essential to improve the understanding of the effect of solvents on the properties of butyl rubber. The research that was carried out had two objectives: The results show that the resistance of butyl rubber to solvents appears to be controlled by three main parameters: In addition, swelling affects butyl rubber mechanical properties in a permanent way.
The effects can be attributed to the extraction of plasticizers by the solvent and to the degradation of the physico-chemical structure of the polymer network. This chemical degradation was linked to a phenomenon of differential swelling which seems to be controlled by the solvent flow inside the material. These results question some general beliefs within the field of protection against chemical risks.
They also open new perspectives for the development of predictive tools relative to the behavior of butyl rubber in the presence of solvents. Les Ambivalences du Silence: Maxims are famous for their moral pronouncements, yet La Rochefoucauld's "Maximes" have become infamous for offering little moral guidance. Morally ambivalent at best, the "Maximes" are also less known for their other forms of ambivalence, whether rhetorical, psychological, anthropological or linguistic. Dans une premiere partie, essentiellement bibliographique, nous introduisons quelques concepts de base relies aux proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches metalliques.
Ensuite, nous presentons une breve description des methodes d'analyse des resultats. Nous montrerons qu'une interpretation coherente de ces proprietes necessite la prise en consideration des effets des interfaces. Nous nous attacherons a mettre en evidence, a evaluer et a etudier les effets de ces interfaces ainsi que leur evolution, et ce, suite a des traitements thermiques tel que le depot a temperature elevee et l'irradiation ionique. Cette partie debutera par l'analyse des proprietes d'une multicouche hybride, intermediaire entre les multicouches et les materiaux granulaires.
Nous analyserons a l'aide des mesures de diffraction, de relaxation superparamagnetique et de magnetoresistance, les evolutions structurales produites par l'irradiation ionique. Nous etablirons des modeles qui nous aideront a interpreter les resultats pour une serie des multicouches qui couvrent un large eventail de differents comportements magnetiques. Standardised surface electromyography allows effective submental muscles assessment.
The aims of this pilot study were to evaluate: In 20 healthy subjects, aged years, surface electromyography of SM, masseter MM and anterior temporalis TA muscles was performed during maximal voluntary clenching MVC with and without cotton rolls and the pushing of the tongue against the palate.
Clenching on cotton rolls and pushing the tongue against the palate were used to standardise respectively MM and TA, and SM muscular potentials. The exercises were repeated in two appointments T1-T2 ; submental muscles standardisation was also repeated twice A-B in each session to assess repeatability.
Symmetry and activity were calculated for each couple of muscles. A two-way analysis of variance was computed for SM: In conclusion, standardised electromyography allows a reliable assessment of Submental muscles activity. Assessment of acrylamide toxicity using a battery of standardised bioassays. Acrylamide is a monomer widely used as an intermediate in the production of organic chemicals, e. Since PAMs are low cost chemicals with applications in various industries and waste- and drinking water treatment, a certain amount of non-polymerised acrylamide is expected to end up in waterways.
PAMs are non-toxic but acrylamide induces neurotoxic effects in humans and genotoxic, reproductive, and carcinogenic effects in laboratory animals. In order to evaluate the effect of acrylamide on freshwater organisms, bioassays were conducted on four species: This approach ensures the evaluation of acrylamide toxicity on organisms with different levels of organisation and the comparability of results, and it examines the value of using a battery of low-cost standardised bioassays in the monitoring of pollution and contamination of aquatic ecosystems.
These results showed that EC50 values were lower for Desmodesmus subspicatus and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata than for Daphnia magna and Lemna minor, which suggests an increased sensitivity of algae to acrylamide. Medical practice, procedure manuals and the standardisation of hospital death. This paper examines how death is managed in a larger regional hospital within the Norwegian health-care. The central focus of my paper concerns variations in how healthcare personnel enact death and handle the dead patient. Over several decades, modern standardised hospital death has come under critique in the western world.
Such critique has resulted in changes in the standardisation of hospital deaths within Norwegian health-care. In the wake of the hospice movement and with greater focus on palliative care, doors have gradually been opened and relatives of the deceased are now more often invited to participate. I explore how the medical practice around death along with the procedure manual of post-mortem care at Trondheim University Hospital has changed. I argue that in the late-modern context, standardisation of hospital death is a multidimensional affair, embedded in a far more comprehensive framework than the depersonalized medico-legal.
In the late-modern Norwegian hospital, interdisciplinary negotiation and co-operation has allowed a number of different agendas to co-exist, without any ensuing loss of the medical power holder's authority to broker death. I follow Mol's notion of praxiographic orientation of the actor-network approach while exploring this medical practice.
La projection par plasma: Enfin quelques applications actuelles sont pr. Impedance de surface dans les supraconducteurs quasi-bidimensionnels. Ce travail a caractere experimental et theorique vise l'etude de l'etat supraconducteur de trois familles de composes: Pour ce faire, nous avons utilise une technique hyperfrequence, a savoir la mesure d'impedance de surface en fonction de la temperature et du champ magnetique.
Dans les supraconducteurs conventionnels, nous avons mesure pour la premiere fois le pic de "coherence" dans la partie reelle de la conductivite. Bien que predit par la theorie BCS, ce pic n'avait pas ete clairement observe en raison de difficultes techniques liees a ce type d'experience. D'autre part, la theorie d'Eliashberg appliquee a la partie reelle de la conductivite du niobium nous a revele l'importance des mesures hyperfrequences pour mieux extraire la partie basse frequence de la densite spectrale alphasp2F omega.
Cette possibilite est attrayante puisque c'est precisement la region de frequences de alphasp2F omega ou les donnees d'effet tunnel sont imprecises. Les resultats obtenus sur la longueur de penetration dans les organiques et les cuprates ont permis de montrer que le gap presente des lignes de zeros au niveau de Fermi ou qu'il est, a tout le moins, fortement anisotrope. En effet, la dependance en temperature de la longueur de penetration dans les cristaux purs est lineaire a basse temperature et elle devient quadratique dans les cristaux dopes.
Pour le cas des supraconducteurs organiques quasi-bidimensionnels Et sb2X, nous avons aussi observe un maximum sur la partie reelle de la conductivite qui n'a rien a voir avec un pic de coherence. Pour ces composes, nous avons effectue une des toutes premieres etudes des fluctuations supraconductrices en temperature et en champ magnetique.
Nous montrons que la paraconductivite sigmasp' due aux fluctuations presente un comportement de type Aslamazov-Larkin de nature tridimensionnelle. Ces mesures sont appuyees par les resultats theoriques d'un modele Ginzburg. Developpement de techniques de diagnostic non intrusif par tomographie optique. Que ce soit dans les domaines des procedes industriels ou de l'imagerie medicale, on a assiste ces deux dernieres decennies a un developpement croissant des techniques optiques de diagnostic.
L'engouement pour ces methodes repose principalement sur le fait qu'elles sont totalement non invasives, qu'elle utilisent des sources de rayonnement non nocives pour l'homme et l'environnement et qu'elles sont relativement peu couteuses et faciles a mettre en oeuvre comparees aux autres techniques d'imagerie. Cette methode d'imagerie tridimensionnelle consiste a caracteriser les proprietes radiatives d'un Milieu Semi-Transparent MST a partir de mesures optiques dans le proche infrarouge obtenues a l'aide d'un ensemble de sources et detecteurs situes sur la frontiere du domaine sonde.
Elle repose notamment sur un modele direct de propagation de la lumiere dans le MST, fournissant les predictions, et un algorithme de minimisation d'une fonction de cout integrant les predictions et les mesures, permettant la reconstruction des parametres d'interet. Dans ce travail, le modele direct est l'approximation diffuse de l'equation de transfert radiatif dans le regime frequentiel tandis que les parametres d'interet sont les distributions spatiales des coefficients d'absorption et de diffusion reduit.
Cette these est consacree au developpement d'une methode inverse robuste pour la resolution du probleme de TOD dans le domaine frequentiel. Pour repondre a cet objectif, ce travail est structure en trois parties qui constituent les principaux axes de la these. Deux methodes de regularisation sont combinees pour chacun des deux algorithmes, a savoir la reduction de la dimension de l'espace de controle basee sur le maillage et la regularisation par penalisation de Tikhonov. Fluctuations quantiques et instabilites structurales dans les conducteurs a basse dimensionalite.
Un engouement particulier s'est manifeste ces dernieres annees pour les systemes electroniques fortement correles, ce en rapport avec l'immense richesse de leurs proprietes physiques. En general, ces proprietes sont induites par la presence d'interactions entre electrons qui, combinees a la structure du reseau moleculaire, donnent parfois lieu a une tres grande variete de phases electroniques et structurales ayant des incidences directes sur les phenomenes de transport dans ces materiaux.
Elections political process
Les systemes electroniques couples a un reseau moleculaire et designes systemes electron-phonon font partie de cette classe de materiaux qui ont recemment capte l'attention, en raison notamment de la competition entre plusieurs echelles d'energie dans un environnement caracterise par une forte anisotropie cristalline et une dynamique moleculaire assez importante. En effet, en plus des proprietes electroniques et structurales particulieres la dimensionalite de ces systemes contribue egalement a leur richesse.
Ainsi, une tres forte anisotropie structurale peut rehausser de facon considerable l'importance des interactions entre electrons et entre molecules constituant le reseau au point ou la physique du systeme soit regie par de tres fortes fluctuations. Ce dernier contexte est devenu un domaine a part de la physique des systemes fortement correles, a savoir celui des les phenomenes critiques quantiques. Parmi les systemes electron-phonon, on retrouve les composes inorganique KCP et organique TTF-TCNQ decouverts durant les annees 70, et explores en profondeur a cause de leur tendance vers une instabilite du type onde de densite de charge a basse temperature.
Ces composes, en general designes systemes de Peierls en reference a l'instabilite de leurs structures electroniques regie par le reseau moleculaire, ont recemment connu un regain d'interet a la lumiere des nouveaux developpements dans les techniques de caracterisation des structures electroniques ainsi que sur le plan de. Standardisation in the field of nanotechnology: Nanotechnology will allegedly have a revolutionary impact in a wide range of fields, but has also created novel concerns about health, safety and the environment HSE.
Nanotechnology regulation has nevertheless lagged behind nanotechnology development. In the International Organization for Standardization established a technical committee for producing nanotechnology standards for terminology, measurements, HSE issues and product specifications. These standards are meant to play a role in nanotechnology development, as well as in national and international nanotechnology regulation, and will therefore have consequences for consumers, workers and the environment.
This paper gives an overview of the work in the technical committee on nanotechnology and discusses some challenges with regard to legitimacy in such work. The paper focuses particularly on stakeholder involvement and the potential problems of scientific robustness when standardising in such early stages of the scientific development.
The intention of the paper is to raise some important issues rather than to draw strong conclusions. However, the paper will be concluded with some suggestions for improving legitimacy in the TC and a call for increased public awareness about standardisation in the field of nanotechnology. Is social class standardisation appropriate in occupational studies? Social class standardisation has been proposed as a method for separating the effects of occupation and "social" or "lifestyle" factors in epidemiological studies, by comparing workers in a particular occupation with other workers in the same social class.
The validity of this method rests upon two assumptions: These assumptions will not always be satisfied. In particular, the effect of occupation will be underestimated when the comparison group also has job-related exposures which cause the disease under study. Thus, although adjustment for social class may minimise bias due to social factors, it may introduce bias due to unmeasured occupational factors. This difficulty may be magnified when occupational category is used as the measure of social class. Because of this potential bias, adjustment for social class should be done only after careful consideration of the exposures and disease involved and should be based on an appropriate definition of social class.
Both crude and standardised results should be presented when such adjustments are made. Coinfection pulmonaire par pneumocystis jirovecii et pseudomonas aeruginosa au cours du SIDA: Rapporter deux cas cliniques de coinfections pulmonaires par Pneumocystis jirovecii et par Pseudomonas aeruginosa chez des patients vivant avec le VIH. Background Comparison of outcomes between populations or centres may be confounded by any casemix differences and standardisation is carried out to avoid this.
We propose a new method of directly standardising for risk rather than standardising for casemix which overcomes these problems. Methods Using a casemix model which is the same model as would be used in indirect standardisation , the risk in individuals is estimated. Risk categories are defined, and event rates in each category for each centre to be compared are calculated.
A weighted sum of the risk category specific event rates is then calculated. Results Substantial differences between conventional directly casemix standardised rates and rates from direct risk standardisation DRS were found. Conclusions Direct risk standardisation using our proposed method is as straightforward as using conventional direct or indirect standardisation , always enables fair comparisons of performance to be made, can use continuous casemix covariates, and was found in our examples to have similar standard errors to the SMR.
It should be preferred when there is a risk that conventional direct or indirect standardisation will lead to unfair comparisons. Comparison of outcomes between populations or centres may be confounded by any casemix differences and standardisation is carried out to avoid this. However, when the casemix adjustment models are large and complex, direct standardisation has been described as "practically impossible", and indirect standardisation may lead to unfair comparisons.
Using a casemix model which is the same model as would be used in indirect standardisation , the risk in individuals is estimated. Substantial differences between conventional directly casemix standardised rates and rates from direct risk standardisation DRS were found. Direct risk standardisation using our proposed method is as straightforward as using conventional direct or indirect standardisation , always enables fair comparisons of performance to be made, can use continuous casemix covariates, and was found in our examples to have similar standard errors to the SMR.
Measuring fecundity with standardised estimates of expected pregnancies. Approaches to measuring fecundity include the assessment of time to pregnancy and day-specific probabilities of conception daily fecundities indexed to a day of ovulation. In this paper, we develop an additional approach of calculating expected pregnancies based on daily fecundities indexed to the last day of the menstrual cycle. Expected pregnancies can thus be calculated while controlling for frequency and timing of coitus.
Comparing observed pregnancies with expected pregnancies allows for a standardised comparison of fecundity between studies or groups within studies, and can be used to assess the effects of categorical covariates on the woman or couple level, and also on the cycle level. This can be accomplished in a minimal data set that does not necessarily require hormonal measurement or the explicit identification of ovulation.
We demonstrate this approach by examining the effects of age and parity on fecundity in a data set from women monitoring their fertility cycles with the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. Standardisation of radiation portal monitor controls and readouts. There is an urgent need to standardise the numbering configuration of radiation portal monitor sensing panels.
Currently, manufacturers use conflicting numbering schemes that may confuse operators of these varied systems. There is a similar problem encountered with the varied choices of coloured indicator lights and coloured print lines designated for gamma and neutron alarms. In addition, second-party software that changes the alarm colour scheme may also have been installed. Furthermore, no provision exists for the colour blind or to provide work stations with only black ink on alarm printouts. These inconsistencies and confusing set-ups could inadvertently cause a misinterpretation of the alarm, resulting in the potential release of a radiological hazard into a sovereign country.
These issues are discussed, and a proposed solution is offered. Standardisation and half-life of 89Zr. The nuclide 89 Zr is being tested for the labelling of compounds with long blood circulation times. It decays by beta plus emission Its half-life has been determined by following the decay rate with two measurement systems; an Ionisation Chamber and an HPGe detector. Les revetements par projection thermique HVOF High Velocity Oxy-Fuel sont communement utilises dans l'industrie aeronautique, notamment au sein du partenaire industriel du projet Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc , comme des remplacants pour les revetements produits par l'electrodeposition du chrome dur due aux problemes environnementaux.
Dans un premier temps, cinq poudres incluant celle de reference, ayant des distributions granulometriques differentes, ont ete projetees dans le but d'identifier quelles poudres pouvaient etre utilisees avec le systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III en gardant des parametres similaires debit d'hydrogene, debit d'oxygene, debit de poudre et distance de projection que pour la poudre de reference. Les revetements obtenus a partir des poudres etudiees ont ete evalues selon les criteres d'acceptation des revetements sollicites par les principaux manufacturiers des trains d'atterrissage.
Les tests ont porte sur l'epaisseur, l'adhesion, la microstructure, la microdurete, les contraintes residuelles et la rugosite. A partir des resultats obtenus, seulement deux poudres ont rencontre toutes les proprietes demandees par les specifications aeronautiques.
L'influence de la variation de la distance de projection sur la qualite des revetements a ete etudiee. Cinq distances , , , et mm ont ete choisies pour faire la projection des deux poudres selectionnees. Les revetements obtenus ont montre de proprietes des revetements similaires epaisseur, adhesion, microstructure, microdurete, contraintes residuelles et rugosite. Par Pond vegetation status The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam.
This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the newly emergent, shoreline aquatic plant communities of Par Pond began in June , three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately feet above mean sea level. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown, Par Pond aquatic plant communities continue to become re-established. Emergent beds of maidencane, lotus, waterlily, watershield, and Pontederia are extensive and well developed.
Cattail occurrence continued to increase during the summer of , especially in the former warm arm of Par Pond, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the draw down still have not formed. Lotus has invaded and occupies many of the areas formerly dominated by cattail beds. To track the continued development of macrophytes in Par Pond, future surveys through the summer and early fall of , along with the evaluation of satellite data to map the extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned. L'objectif de ce projet de doctorat est de developper des outils quantitatifs pour le suivi des traitements de chimiotherapie pour le cancer du sein et de leurs effets cardiotoxiques a l'aide de l'imagerie TEP dynamique.
L'analyse cinetique en TEP dynamique permet l'evaluation de parametres biologiques in vivo. Cette analyse peut etre utilise pour caracteriser la reponse tumorale a la chimiotherapie et les effets secondaires nefastes qui peuvent en resulter. Le premier article de cette these decrit la mise au point des techniques d'analyse cinetique qui utilisent la fonction d'entree d'un radiotraceur derive de l'image dynamique. Des corrections de contamination radioactive externe epanchement et de l'effet de volume partiel ont ete necessaires pour standardiser l'analyse cinetique et la rendre quantitative.
Le deuxieme article porte sur l'evaluation d'un nouveau radiotraceur myocardique. Le 11C-acetoacetate, un nouveau radiotraceur base sur un corps cetonique, a ete compare au 11C-acetate, couramment utilise en imagerie cardiaque TEP. L'utilisation de 3H-acetate et 14C-acetoacetate ont permis d'elucider la cinetique de ces traceurs depuis la fonction d'entree et la captation par les mitochondries cardiaques qui reflete la consommation en oxygene, jusqu'a la liberation de leurs principaux metabolites reciproques 3H20 et 14CO2.
Le troisieme et dernier article de cette these presente l'integration d'un modele qui evalue la reserve cardiaque de perfusion et de consommation en oxygene. Un modele de cardiomyopathie a ete etabli a l'aide d'un agent chimiotherapeutique contre le cancer du sein, la doxorubicine, reconnu comme etant cardiotoxique. La demonstration d'une reserve cardiaque reduite caracterise la cardiotoxicite.
La derniere contribution de cette these porte sur la mise au point de methodes peu invasives pour mesurer la. Using standardised patients to measure physicians' practice: Objective To assess the validity of standardised patients to measure the quality of physicians' practice. Design Validation study of standardised patients' assessments. Physicians saw unannounced standardised patients presenting with common outpatient conditions. The standardised patients covertly tape recorded their visit and completed a checklist of quality criteria immediately afterwards. Their assessments were compared against independent assessments of the recordings by a trained medical records abstractor.
Setting Four general internal medicine primary care clinics in California. Participants randomly selected consenting physicians. Main outcome measures Rates of agreement between the patients' assessments and independent assessment. Results 40 visits, one per standardised patient, were recorded.
Disaggregating the data by medical condition, site, level of physicians' training, and domain stage of the consultation gave similar rates of agreement. Conclusions Standardised patients' assessments seem to be a valid measure of the quality of physicians' care for a variety of common medical conditions in actual outpatient settings. What is already known on this topic Standardised patients are valid and reliable reporters of physicians' practice in the medical education settingHowever, validating standardised patients' measurements of quality of care in.
Simulation d'ecoulements internes compressibles laminaires et turbulents par une methode d'elements finis. Ce travail consiste en la simulation numerique des ecoulements internes compressibles bidimensionnels laminaires et turbulents. On s'interesse, particulierement, aux ecoulements dans les ejecteurs supersoniques. The associated inclusion probabilities are to be estimated.
We prove that the probability density of the observations is the product of the underlying density and of an unknown weighting function representing the sampling bias. An arbitrary partition of the sizes' interval being set called a model , the analytical solutions of likelihood maximization enables to estimate both the parameter of the underlying Levy-Pareto law and the weighting function, which is assumed to be piecewise constant and based upon the partition.
We shall add a monotonousness constraint over the latter, taking into account the fact that the bigger a field, the higher its probability of being discovered. Horvitz-Thompson-like estimators finally give the conclusion. We then allow our partitions to vary inside several classes of models and prove a model selection theorem which aims at selecting the best partition within a class, in terms of both Kuilback and Hellinger risk of the associated estimator.
We conclude by simulations and various applications to real data from sedimentary basins of four continents, in order to illustrate theoretical as well as practical aspects of our model. The river has been chosen for a pilot project with regard to its hydrographic, hydraulic and hydrobiological conditions. The main works consisted in a struggle against water pollution in the lower reach of the river, against poaching, and in an effort to improve the natural environment by the installation of facilities to overcome obstacles in order to allow the ascent of adult salmon.
Predator control, loosening on the gravel on the major spawning beds and planting of salmon eggs were also part of the management program. Although both the smolt and adult runs are still very limited, preliminary results are showing that their number is consistantly increasing. However, it is too early to state that there is an actual reacclimatization of Atlantic salmon in the Bresle river, but results favour optimism for the future.
It would therefore be advisable to increase salmon plantings by the release of a greater number of smolts and stress should be put on the improvement of fishing regulations as well as ways to reinforce them. Finally, the author feels that sea trout might be better suited than salmon in the streams of this area granted that in this particular case of the Bresle river the reintroduction of Atlantic salmon is a most interesting initiative for anglers.
Essais de decontamination des huitres Crassostrea gigas en bassin par renouvellement et circulation de l''eau. The germs decreasing of artificially contaminated oysters Crassostrea gigas has been studied in experimental tanks similar to a shellfish depuration plant, without any chemical or physical water treatment. The oyster were treated by three different water management pattern, compared to a control tank and the germs decreasing studied by MPN method of fecal Coliforms and Streptococus.
Full Text Available Microbiological quality improvement of secondary effluent by reservoir storage. Storing secondary effluents is of particular interest for water resource management. It constitutes further treatment which reduces the microbial contamination of water to a level where it can be used for the irrigation of all crops, without restriction. The storage of treated wastewater takes place during the winter, ensuring that such a resource is not lost and enabling a larger area to be irrigated during the dry season, thereby increasing agricultural production.
Storage trials in reservoirs were conducted in north-eastern Tunisia. Their objective was to determine the length and conditions of secondary effluent decontamination as well as the impact of seasonal storage on water quality. The results indicate that the decontamination of effluents slows down with increased reservoir depth. For a depth of less than cm, a reduction of fecal coliforms in the order of 3 log units is attained in 3 days when the average temperature of the water ranges from 22 to 25 degrees C; when this temperature is between Below 20 degrees C, decontamination is considerably reduced: Seasonal storage from 2 to 7 months does not affect the bacteriological quality of water: Air-sea fluxes, open-sea deep convection and cyclo-genesis are studied in the Mediterranean with the development of a regional coupled model AORCM.
It accurately simulates these processes and their climate variabilities are quantified and studied. The regional coupling shows a significant impact on the number of winter intense cyclo-genesis as well as on associated air-sea fluxes and precipitation. A lower inter-annual variability than in non-coupled models is simulated for fluxes and deep convection. The feedbacks driving this variability are understood. The climate change response is then analysed for the Moreover, a warming and salting of the Mediterranean as well as a strong weakening of its thermohaline circulation occur.
The porcelain stoneware tiles production needs high whiteness clays in order to be competitive in the ceramic sector. In the present work, Spanish clays used in the porcelain stoneware tiles production have been characterized in physic, chemist and mineralogical terms, in order to reduce its content of chromophore oxides Fe2O3 and TiO2.
These reduction processes are concerned with different physical and chemical treatments, as sieving at mm, magnetic separation using a 0. Development and characterisation of a new anti-slip glaze with smooth texture and easy-cleaning for porcelain stoneware; Desarrollo y caracterizacion de un nuevo esmalte antideslizante de textura lisa y de facil limpieza para baldosas de gres porcelanico.
Since conventional anti-slip enamels show some disadvantages, directly related to the surface roughness which prevents the adequate surface cleaning of tile, an anti-slip enamel exhibiting glass-ceramic nature has been designed, characterized by being stain-resistant and presenting a smooth texture and touch soft. To do this, new matte frits and raw materials with similar nature have been used, refractory enough to be suitable in enamel compositions for porcelain stoneware.
The glass-ceramic glaze thus prepared was characterized by various instrumental techniques X-ray fluorescence [XRF], scanning electron microscopy [SEM], X-ray diffraction [XRD], mechanical profilometry and microhardness measurements , in order to check the nature of crystallized phases, their morphology, surface roughness and microhardness of the finished tile. In addition, the quality of the glazed piece has been evaluated by the regulations of chemical resistance, stain-resistance and slipperiness.
The enamel obtained has devitrified in crystals of silicoaluminates of calcium and barium and complies with standards of anti-slip and stain-resistence, as it has a surface roughness similar to a non-slip enamel. Thermal power generation and the environment. Teploenergetika i okruzhayushchaya sreda i gidrotermicheskii i gidrokhinicheskii rezhim vodokhranilishcha okhzaditelya intovskoi gres.
Studies were of the physico-geographical conditions relief, soil, vegetation, etc. An analysis is made of the elements that make up the input and outflow segments of a reservoir's water balance, particularly the evaporation of heated waters from the surface of the reservoir. Data are given on long-term measurements of the thermal regime of a reservoir-coolant, heat-exchange processes and their connection with the efficient operation of a thermal power station. The thermal balance of a reservoir is defined.
A study was made of the effect that the Lithuaniam central power steam station has on atmospheric sediments, the physico-chemical regime of the reservoir-coolant, river drainage, and ground water. A description is given of the chemical composition of the surface bottom deposits, the intensity of modern sedimentation processes and sediment accumulation in the reservoir. Penn State team were stored in a relational database for easy access, storage and maintainability.
The relational database consisted of a Post Gres This same custom application was used to generate Microsoft Excel templates Press Break Forming Equipment 4. Government Research Evaluations and Academic Freedom: A UK and Australian Comparison. Performance management systems have been an inevitable consequence of the development of government research evaluations GREs of university research, and have also inevitably affected the working life of academics. The aim of this paper is to track the development of GREs over the past 25 years, by critically evaluating their adoption in the UK….
A mottled horizon in a laterite cover without any duricrust was studied by microscopy and quantitative chemical microanalysis. Dark red spots consisted of concentrations of Fe-rich particles. These patterns are inherited. On the border of structural or biological voids, where Fe-depletion features are systematic, gray or yellow spots result from dissolution of the Fe-rich particles and impregnation of the plasma by iron, respectively. The present Fe-depletion is the dominant process that explains the mottled differentiation and the absence of lateritic duricrust.
To cite this article: Geoscience De la parcelle au bassin versant: Carrying away and redistribution of radioisotopes on the Peyne catchment basin. Preliminary report; Entrainement et redistribution des radionucleides sur le bassin versant de la Peyne. The transfers of radioisotopes present in soils and sediments are essentially conditioned by the mobilities of the physical vectors which constitute their supports.
The water is the main vector of natural transfer, radioisotopes being associated with it under dissolved or particulate shape. The rainout and the hydrous erosion are responsible in particular for the carrying away and for the redistribution of contaminants following an atmospheric deposit on a catchment basin. However their effect is not the same in any point of the catchment basin. The work begun here aims at elaborating a classification of the grounds sensitivity towards this phenomenon of radioisotopes carrying away.
The different factors of sensitivity have been identified: The Peyne catchment basin, that presents an important variability of these four parameters, constitutes the experimental site for this study. On this catchment basin, we search to identify the areas the most sensitive to the carrying away of radioisotopes, by combining a theoretical predictive approach based on the cartography and a descriptive approach basing on the sampling and the analysis of soils samples.
This PhD thesis develops original fingerprinting methods to track the dispersion of contaminated particles following this accident. International audience; Budgets of mineral elements in small forested catchments in Galicia NW Spain. In order to assess the sustainability of mineral supply to fast growing Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus pinaster stands in Galice NW Spain , we calculated input-output nutrient budgets in three small catchments: In each catchment, the annual drainage output was lower Full Text Available It is noticed that from to ; the curve of water flow height is below that of discharge but there was no flooding.
By cons, from to , this curve is above that of water levels and floods are recorded in this period. It is concluded that of the 60 years, there has been a decrease in river flows and increase in the corresponding water levels. Flooding events recorded during last decades in Malaville and Karimama districts could be explained by a combination of different natural and man-made factors in Niger River watershed and in Malaville and Karimama districts Population growth has caused an expansion of cultivated areas, denudation of the banks with the resultant heavy erosion and filling of the main river bottom.
The consequences of the reduction in the duration of the rainy season without a significant reduction in rainfall totals were amplified by anthropogenic forcing. Full Text Available Drivers of deforestation in the Congo basin tropical forest. Description of the subject. The forests of the Congo Basin are among the best preserved areas on Earth.
Nevertheless, the factors causing deforestation around the world are also present in this subregion.
This document presents a literature review of the direct causes and underlying factors of deforestation in the tropical areas and highlights the drivers of deforestation in the Congo Basin and particularly in Cameroon and Gabon. Direct causes of deforestation, defined as having a direct cause-and-consequence connection with the destruction of forest cover, are underpinned by economic factors, technological developments, pro-deforestation policy measures and demographic pressures. These factors interact in different ways in the various tropical regions worldwide, which explains the differences and similarities of regional deforestation dynamics.
Beside the expansion of infrastructure, the development of mining and timber extraction, agriculture is the main direct cause of deforestation in the Congo Basin. In Cameroon, the current deforestation is primarily driven by agriculture.
The State emergency plan includes the development of infrastructure, the modernization of production, equipment and mining. The lack of strategy for rapidly changing demographics might be the most important underlying cause of deforestation. In Gabon, although the deforestation rate is low, agriculture and the opening of roads are main drivers. The emergency plan includes modernization of infrastructure and the development of agro-industrial agriculture. A mutation of socio-ecosystems is expected in different parts of the Congo Basin.
Future research should now turn to the analysis of socio-ecosystems representative of the various stages of the forest transition and identify drivers of change at different scales. Origin and composition of mineralizing fluids in the Athabasca Basin, Canada; Origine et composition des fluides mineralisateurs dans le Bassin de l'Athabasca, Canada. The authors report studies aimed at understanding mechanisms of concentration of uranium in the geological environment of the Athabasca Basin Saskatchewan, Canada. They describe how two brines, a sodic one and a calcic one, circulated and mixed together while carrying uranium with exceptional and very heterogeneous concentrations.
They show that these brines have a common origin and are formed by sea water evaporation, that the calcic brine formed itself by interaction between the sodic brine and platform rocks, and that the interactions of brines with platform rocks and minerals, water radiolysis, and bitumen synthesis have controlled the isotopic content in oxygen, hydrogen and carbon of these brines. Actual situation and energy perspectives in the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries; Situation actuelle et perspectives energetiques dans les pays du bassin mediterraneen.
An examination of the situation in the Mediterranean countries indicates that the demand for energy will surge to more than million tonnes of petroleum equivalent in , an increase from the million of tonnes of petroleum equivalent in The supply of primary energy is mainly provided by Algeria, Egypt, and Lybia.
The challenge is to ensure the long-term stability of the energy exchanges between producing countries and their customers. In this regard, the Maghreb countries are in a favorable position, where the distribution systems are fairly well developed. The power distribution systems between these countries are interconnected in addition to Morocco-Spain , and there are pipelines connecting Algeria-Tunisia-Italy, and Algeria-Morocco-Spain which reinforce the cooperation efforts. The policies in place in the countries located south of the Mediterranean Sea vary somewhat. In Morocco, an institutional reform of the electricity sector took place in , where electricity production was effected in partnerships rather than being through leases.
Algeria aims at reforming regulations concerning electricity, gas and hydrocarbons distribution in an attempt to introduce competitiveness and favor foreign investments. Lybia is considering a reorganization of its electricity sector towards the implementation of market openness. Egypt implemented a vast program of Independent Energy Producers. South of the Mediterranean Sea, private electricity production is already a reality.
The author briefly described the situation in Algeria in greater detail. The Rharb basin is located in northwestern Morocco. It is a part of one of the most important hydrogeological basins of Morocco, and extends over some km 2. The nature of its Plio-Quaternary sedimentary fill and its structural and palaeoenvironmental contexts are reflected by great variations in aerial and temporal facies distribution.
This distribution, in turn, is a direct cause of the observed complexity in the geometry of potentially water-bearing beds. In the present work, we present an image of potential new hydrogeological reservoirs and define new structures that partially explain their architecture. This study is based on the analysis and the interpretation of the gravity data of the Tadla basin. Its purpose is to increase the knowledge of this basin structure. A residual anomaly map was first calculated from the Bouguer anomaly data witch are strongly affected by a regional gradient. The computed map provides information on the ground density variation but it does not bring enough of new elements.
Data filtering allows us to emphasize the structures affecting the basin. We chose the horizontal gradient coupled to the upward continuation techniques that permit to highlight news structures and to give information on their dip. The elaborated structural map of the study area constitutes a useful document for rationalizing the future groundwater exploration in the Tadla basin.
The Mamora aquifer, in the northern Moroccan Meseta, constitutes the main regional water resource. Its impermeable basement is mostly composed of blue marls. The lithostratigraphy of the basin aquifer is characterised by a sequence of sandstones, sandy limestones, conglomerates and sandy clays.
The structure of the basement of the Mamora aquifer, deduced from electrical resistivity measurements, allowed the hydrogeological behaviour of the reservoir, and the direction of the groundwater flow, to be established. The combination of the lithological, morphological, piezometric, geophysical and structural investigations revealed a northward thickening of the substrate with groundwater flow towards the Rharb to the north and towards the Atlantic Ocean northwest.
This 'multicriteria' approach enabled a structural model to be defined, which correlated well with the aquifer geometry and the groundwater flow. The variability of the hydrogeological units, and the northward thickening of the sedimentary facies, were controlled by northeast-southwest orientated faults, which affect their impermeability.
Various techniques horizontal and vertical derivatives, upward continuation, Euler deconvolution have been applied to the gravity data from the Triffa's plain and the north flank of the Beni-Snassen massif to delineate various major geological structures such as faults and basins. These results allow the production of a structural map showing the fault systems for the survey area. This map forms the basis for planning future hydrogeological research in this region. Full Text Available Reactualisation of floristic and phytosociologic datas in Niayes and Peanut-Basin areas were undertook with village scale approach to better underline resources' conervation.
In Savannah and sub-guinean areas specially in the Peanut-Basin and Niayes, floristic samples were put in place in 6 villages in an stratified way based on ethnic groups, land use systems and topography. Datas were submitted to multivariate analysis. Results showed discrimination of 11 phytosociologic groups: Natural sites groups were progressively invided by disturded area species and the others by ruderals and nitrophyl species.
Overall floristic richness is about species among which from the Niayes sites and from Peanut-Basin ones. References sites are always richer in terms af genera but peul areas are richer in termes of species. Differences were evidenced between actual taxa and Trochain descriptions. This methodological approach might be extended to other ecogeographical zones in Senegal in order to better identify and follow phyotosociologic groups dynamics and facilitate their integration in modern classification.
Senegal, flora, phytosociology groups, dynamics. We propose to make a sociological assessment of the Volumetric Management basing on the notion of proximity with its different meanings. Urban lakes, often artificial, are fully integrated into the urban environment and perform several roles that are important for the sustainable functioning of cities. These ecosystems are strongly affected by human activities such as urbanization, land use changes and surface imperviousness which raise runoff in volume and speed, causing greater carrying capacity and greater pollutant load to aquatic receptors.
Because of these anthropogenic activities, many lakes in the world are eutrophic a Microbial production and consumption of dimethyl sulfide DMS in a sea grass Zostera noltii -dominated marine intertidal sediment ecosystem Bassin d'Arcachon, France. The relation between net dimethyl sulfide DMS production and changes in near surface mm oxygen concentrations in a sea grass Zostera noltii Hornem -covered intertidal sediment ecosystem was examined during a diel cycle.
Sediment covered with Zostera was found to be more oxygenated than. Document du BRGM, , p et p d'annexes. Full Text Available The efficiency of geological storage of CO2 lies in the confinement properties of the caprock. Among these properties, diffusive characteristics play an important, though sometimes underestimated, role. Although diffusion is a slow process, it can play a significant role in the long run. Besides, the desirable properties for a caprock — mainly high entry pressure and low permeability — are by no means contradictory with relatively high diffusion coefficients; the reason is that all these quantities do not depend on the same geometrical properties of the porous matrix pore size in one case, tortuosity in the other.
The model used for interpretation of the experiments is presented; this enables review of various quantities of interest: The pore self-diffusion coefficient for water was measured by two different techniques Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and tritiated water 1H3HO tracing on two samples.
The results are comparable: The radioactive tracer method is then applied with tritiated water and carbontagged bicarbonate ions, H1CO-3, to samples from three depth levels. Reduction of accessible porosity is evidenced for bicarbonate ions, which is attributed to anionic exclusion. Interaction between bicarbonate ions and the solid matrix is also shown. This suggests that additional CO2storage capacity might be offered by carbonated caprocks regardless of the problem of alteration by acidified water, not addressed here.
Lastly, a few simple rules for extending the results presented here to other experimental conditions are proposed. Parmi ces proprietes, les caracteristiques diffusives jouent un role important qui est parfois sous-estime. Dans un premier temps, on presente le modele simple de diffusion utilise pour le depouillement des experiences, ce qui permet de passer en revue les differentes grandeurs utiles: Les resultats obtenus sont comparables: Infusion of water into a coal mass, carried out at the mines of Houilleres du Bassin du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais. This paper reports on research work concerning water infusion in order to reduce dust danger at working face.
It also describes development of the process since ; improvements to various low flow methods; and factors governing the choice of a process. Infusion can be carried out from working face, or from levels. The paper also describes hole drilling equipment and methods used ; fitting out holes equipment, cementing ; inspection; and non-stop infusion. Late production of hydrocarbon gases in sedimentary basins: C leads to the formation of large amounts of late gas, mainly composed by methane.
The work reported in this dissertation aims at understanding and quantifying the mechanisms of late methane generation and isotopic fractionation. Impact of climate change on heavy precipitation events of the Mediterranean basin; Impact du changement climatique sur les evenements de pluie intense du bassin mediterraneen.
A second topic covered by the CYPRIM project aims to characterize the evolution of heavy precipitation events in Mediterranean in the context of climate change. To this end, a continuous climate simulation from to has been run using a regional ocean-atmosphere coupled model under IPCC A2 emission scenario. Various techniques of down-scaling, down to the very fine 2 km scale, and methods to highlight synoptic environments favourable to heavy rain, have been used to estimate the impact of climate change on precipitation and hydrology over South-East France, both for the whole autumn season and the heavy rain events.
Full Text Available Impacts of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources management in the Meuse catchment. This review examines the consequences of climate change on the hydrology of the Meuse catchment and on various water-related socio-economic sectors. It sums up the different modeling approaches in hydrological modeling, placing emphasis on current modeling assumptions and the restrictions inherent within them.
It is useful to consider land use evolution and adapted management within the context of climate change, particularly with reference to agriculture. More specifically, a broader usage of physically-based hydrological models would be useful in order to represent climate change scenarios and possible adaptation tracks at the catchment scale. These physically-based hydrological models are able to represent a wide range of phenomena occurring in the water-soil-plant continuum. They thus allow a refinement of global hydrological solutions at the catchment scale, especially during low flow periods.
Moreover, such models pave the way for the analysis of scenarios aimed at creating adaptation in the use and management of soils. Discrete kinematic modeling of the 3-D deformation of sedimentary basins; Modelisation cinematique discrete de la deformation 3D des bassins sedimentaires. The present work deals with three-dimensional deformation of sedimentary basins. The main goal of the work was to propose new ways to study tectonic deformation and to insert it into basin-modeling environment for hydrocarbon migration applications.
To handle the complexity of the deformation, the model uses kinematic laws, a discrete approach, and the construction of a code that allows the greatest diversity in the deformation mechanisms we can take into account. The 3-D-volume deformation is obtained through the calculation of the behavior of the neutral surface of each basin layer. The main idea is to deform the neutral surface of each layer with the help of geometrical laws and to use the result to rebuild the volume deformation of the basin.
The constitutive algorithm includes three characteristic features. The first one deals with the mathematical operator we use to describe the flexural-slip mechanism which is a combination of the translation of the neutral surface nodes and the rotation of the vertical edges attached to these nodes. This performs the reversibility that was required for the basin modeling. The second one is about. The knowledge of volume variations can become a powerful tool in structural geology analysis and the perfect complement for a field study.
The last one concerns the modularity of the developed code.
Suis-je en danger ?
Indeed, the proposed model uses three main mechanisms of deformation. But the architecture of the code allows the insertion of new mechanisms or a better interaction between them. The model has been validated first with 2-D cases, then with 3-D natural cases. They give good results from a qualitative point of view.
They also show the capacity of the model to provide a deformation path that is geologically acceptable, and its ability to control the volume variations of the basin through the deformation. In this article, the author characterizes the water and agriculture of the islands of Cape Verde andanalyzes the challenges in the water after the dam construction Poilao in the Valley of Ribeira Seca,on the island of Santiago, using the IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management approach. Interms of legislation, it is necessary to propose new laws, decrees and regulations that are consistentwith our reality, as opposed to a large batch of inapplicable legal instruments obsolete and difficult tounderstand.
It is to find a model that fits the reality of Cape Verde and Santiago Island, involvingall partners for the sustainable management of the valley of Ribeira Seca and that can serve as anexample to future to build dams. Study of the Ouarzazate basin structure by seismic reflection: A large number of seismic reflection lines have been carried out in the Ouarzazate basin by the oil industry. The present study is concerned with the interpretation of a part of these data in order to characterize the structure of the Eocene aquifer system.
The reflector corresponding to the base of this system, made up of sandstone and limestone, was first identified then digitized on each time-migrated seismic section. An isochrone map of this reflector was realized. The analysis of this map shows that the area under study is subdivided into two structurally contrasted domains. The first, the northern one, is intensively deformed; while the second, the southern one, is slightly folded. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the deep geological structure of the Ouarzazate basin.
This allows us to better comprehend the functioning of the Eocene aquifer system, and to rationalize the future potential underground water exploration in the Ouarzazate basin. Carboniferous bioconstructions of the Bechar Basin, Algerian Sahara: Sedimentology, diagenesis, and petroleum potential. Les bioconstructions carboniferes du Bassin de Bechar, Sahara algerien: Sedimentologie, diagenese et potentiel petrolifere.
Carbonate massifs which surface on the northwest of the Bechar Basin in the Algerian Sahara are studied, in particular the lithostratigraphic section of the upper Visean of the Grand Erg Occidental. The latter corresponds to a succession of 13 shallowing-upward parasequences. The vertical distribution of the microflora within the facies translates into a zonation as function of depth. An idealized ecological succession formed from seven benthic assemblages is proposed.
Diagenetic analysis of the studied sequences has revealed nine diagenetic phases corresponding to six calcitic cements, two dolomitization phases, and one of silicification. Most of these diagenetic events were produced in medium to deep burial, after m. The stratified oolithic-crinoidal carbonates could have served as reservoir rocks if trapping conditions were present. A hypothesis has been formed according to which the porous strata formed natural conduits on a regional scale and three trapping possibilities are proposed.
These models, which integrate all the parameters which influence the existence of a petroleum deposit, could contribute to the establishment of an exploration strategy for the Bechar Basin Carboniferous carbonate strata. This study, based on the interpretation and integration of seismic profiles, exploration wells and outcrop studies, focus on the deep part of the Gulf of Mexico, where bathymetry varies from to m, thus comprising both the continental slope and the abyssal plain.
The first part of this thesis focus on the description of the sedimentary infill The salt stock of the Jura bassin in Ostholstein. A seismologic re-interpretation; Der Salzstock des ostholsteinischen Juratroges. These measurements enable the interpretation of a structural style with a substantial tectonically compressive component.
Magnetotelluric measurements point to potential natural gas source rocks. The drift of the Permian salt contributes to the contact support of new red sandstone on the pre-salinar layers. Migration ways are opened which contributed to a filling of structurally high new red sandstone reservoirs in small depths. Natural fracturing of rocks: In the Ahnet basin, the production seems to be unrelated to lithological variations in the reservoirs. In these large anticline structures, located in the central Ahnet basin, the presence of gas has been proven, but only a few production wells have been moderately successful.
This inconsistency is probably related to the spatial distribution of fracturing throughout the reservoir. In order to investigate several hypothesis, we used several approach to solve problems posed by the interpreter: This approach combines several methods, including sand box modelling, numerical modelling and Statistics rules, often related with fractal behaviour of faults families, have been used for extrapolating observations from seismic or from wells.
Existe-t-il une culture du risque chez les gais? Ou alors ces gars pensent que la maladie se vit bien de nos jours? Et dans un certain milieu de trippeux, y a pas mal de drogues Nous le savons bien: Selon Pauline Marois, le consensus a plus de valeur que ce que me dicte ma conscience. Aux taux de financement annuel de 1.
Cette offre prend fin le 30 novembre Et son opposition au mariage homosexuel est totale. Je voudrais te demander: Il sera aussi vice-chancelier. Le mode de vie japonais est plus traditionnel et les transsexuels ne sont pas libres. Des centaines de LGBT y participent. Mais on y trouve des tissus plus abordables: Cet artisan concevra et fabriquera pour vous des poufs, poufs coffres, banquettes ou bancs-coffres, coussins pour causeuses et sofas, etc.
Rien que du naturel! Gaudreault au ou sur www. Bar cuir, latex, rubber. World reknown DJ are regularly there as guests. Leather bar where the men are kinky and friendly. Special events all week long. She deejays on weekends and goes wild on Tuesdays. Different shows every day. Bar relaxe et cosy ouvert sur la rue. Neighbourhood bar with karakoke every night. Cosy and fun place to be.
Part of Complexe Bourbon, this calm and cosy bar is an alternative to the disco inside the same complex. Guys show their muscles and the rest on a half circle stage. Ladies Night on Sundays after 9 p. Club Tools offers a dance floor section, a more intimate cruising bar section and a free space for cyber cruising with gay Opened from Friday to Sunday, from Of course, the roof terrace has been completely renovated and one can enjoy the view and relax. Au , rue SteCatherine Est. Open 7 days a week from 2: On the street level, one will find the Sky Pub, an ever so popular spot with different DJs and drag queen shows.
It is open from Monday to Sunday, from 2: On the 2nd floor, the Sky Cabaret welcomes clubbers fans of top 40 music every Fridays and Saturdays, starting at Mixed crowd of Cabaret with a varied clientele. Open from 11 am. Karaoke from Sunday to Thursday. Dance evening with singer Ann St-George; Sunday: Drags shows from 5 pm-9 pm with Michel Dorion. Friendly and relaxed athmosphere, folks from different walks of life.
Open from Wednesday to Sunday nights, this new nude dancers bar caters to a clientele of men and women. Coming from the past A real underground pub. Pour de belles rencontres, voir les spectacles et danser. The place is swarming with a youthful trendy mixed crowd gay, straight and bi dancing to house, electro and hip hop rythms. This place is always crowded with real hot guys. Defenetly the place to see shows, dance and cruise.
Ci-contre, Farrah Summer dans une autre prestation. Le populaire after-hours de Laval. Mixed crowd on the party. Mostly gay on Sundays. Neighborhood bar on the street. Mixed and very relaxed clientele. Videoclips on Demand from Thursday till Saturday, from Friendly staff and cute dancers in a completely renovated and upscale place. Legendary after Stereo is reopening during Labor Day weekend.
Nombreux partys pour les adeptes du genre. Popular all the time. Several partys and themed nights monthly. Pool tables and video poker. A bar with regular customers who prefer young looking guys to muscle men. The oldest gay tavern in town. Very popular during happy hour.
For men only, opened seven days a week from 4: DJs et piste de danse les week-ends. Les mercredis au Parking nightclub sont Pop. Admission gratuite avant 23h. Tous les mardis avec Tiguidou. Des gars en serviette, des gars en lingerie, des travestis… Musique disco.
Des développeurs payés
Gogo dancers sur cube. Bar Tunnel, , rue Amherst, suite Cabaret Mado, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. Avec votre barmaid Dream. Club Campus, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. De la grande visite: Viendra-t-elle y faire un petit tour? En plus des jeunes gais, Electrosexual attire aussi de jeunes lesbiennes. Costa et Robert de la Gauthier. Chaque samedi, dans la salle lounge, Play offrira une ambiance tech house voluptueuse. Parking, , rue Amherst. Au Drugstore, , rue SainteCatherine Est. Club Taboo, , de Maisonneuve Est. Suivi de spectacles de drag queens.
Au Drugstore, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. Au bar de danseurs nus Stock, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. Bar Parking, , rue Amherst. Les autres vendredis du mois, se sera le rendez-vous des Bears. Le Drugstore, , Ste-Catherine Est. Sky Pub, , rue SteCatherine Est. Club Tools, , Ste-Catherine E. Soleil, Franky Dee ou V. Un son house plus classique et happy house.
Tous les vendredis et samedis, musique hip hop. En octobre dernier, V. Cabaret Mado, , Ste-Catherine Est. Au Parking, , rue Amherst. Club Unity, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. Club Tools, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. Au , rue Amherst. Les samedis latinos au Sky Pub: Avec le DJ Mario Bro. Purina ou Tante Gaby. Au Cabaret du Sky, 2e. Bar Cheri Loft, , rue Saint-Antoine. Bar Stud, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. Tous les dimanches soirs.
Au Stud, , rue Ste-Catherine Est. Musique house et funky. Au Parking Nightclub, , rue Amherst, suite Au Bar Tunnel, , rue Amherst. Avec nombreux tirages et surprises. Salle Lounge du Parking Nightclub, , rue Amherst. Au Bar Tunnel, , rue Amherst, suite Le gagnant pourra donner un spectacle et ce, gratuitement puisque le Drugstore offre sa salle. DJ Robert de la Gauthier. DJ Jeremy Khamkeo Toronto.
Avec le DJ G. Voir article principal en page Ils procurent une sensation naturelle aux deux partenaires. B La maison Leduc-Piedimonte nous propose son cidre de glace en format de ml. La bouche est avenante avec ses cerises noires mage, les chips ou les nachos, et son beau tanin bien ample. Il reste longtemps sur les papilles. Les tout ce que vous voulez. Je crois que vous pouvez lui faire de rubis, il sent un peu la confiance. Il sent la pierre. Marquette, Frontenac, Sabrevois, etc. En un mot, mes vignes vous attendent!
Ils ont un vin de glace excellent. Encore plus lourd et plus encombrant.